Bootstrap popover not staying attached to button when scrolled/Positioning is wrong - javascript

I have a scrollable table with buttons that generate popovers. The problem is that it's positioned in the center of the button and not outside of it.
Here's my JSFiddle.
I read on the Bootstrap site that when attaching a popover to a btn-group I need to use
container: "body" attribute, but when I used that then it doesn't scroll with the table since it's not relative to the table anymore as seen in this fiddle:
Is there a way to get the position correct along with the scrolling functionality?

If you remove the button from the button group then the popover shows up in the correct location.
Remove this
<div class ="btn-group btn-broup-sm">


jQuery Autocomplete list hidden under the div underneath

I have a <section> tag containing two main divs. The upper div wraps an input to which a jQuery autocomplete widget is assigned. However, the autocomplete list shows under the lower div, making it useless.
I have already tried setting the z-index of both the input and the div to the value that would make it visible, applying the !important annotation, but nothing seems to work. What could be the reason?
Is this really an issue with the z-index? Note that the bottom div contains a widget with animations (drop down menu), if it has any relevance to the problem.
These are the solutions that I tried:
autocomplete suggestion list wrong z-index, how can i change?
jQuery autocomplete suggestion box hidden behind Bootstrap Nav bar
jQuery AutoComplete displaying behind elements after first use
Here's a code that use to fix it, to no avail:
//top div
z-index: 4000 !important;
//bottom div
z-index: 3000;

Stop Dynamic Table Resizing

I have a table using:
<script src="/js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jquery.tablesorter.widgets.min.js"></script>
The layout of the table looks like this:
When you click the blue edit button on the right the button should disappear and a green check and red X should appear. This allows the row to be edited. It enables the input fields for that row which are originally disabled:
The problem is that whenever I click the buttons that shows or hides the other buttons my table resizes to the left. The Modify row increases in width. Is there a way to stop the dynamic resizing of this Javascript table? I tried using Javascripts show/hide for the buttons and also using a CSS class called hiddenButtons which has display none and hiding the buttons that way but both attempts resized the table.
If you give each td in your final column that has the header "modify" a class and then give that class a defined width of your choice. This should stop happening.
The HTML/Browser is automatically stretching the TDs out to what it believes is even for the content within them. Adding or removing content from a td without a defined width will do this.

jquery droppable add css after drop

I am using jquery droppable to add divs inside a larger div. I am working on building a layout page.
see fiddle:
What I am trying to do is when the newRow or panel is dropped, add some css to it? i.e. make it draggable, change its color and so can i do that?
i have tried.
$('#panel').append("<div id='"+id+i+" class='subPanel draggable'>"+id+"</div>").addClass('subPanel draggable');
but that adds the css to the #panel div...
You simply forgot to close the single quote:
$('#panel').append("<div id='"+id+i+"' class='subPanel draggable'>"+id+"</div>");
See result

click events and css attributes not attaching to divs, possibly because divs are "mostly padding"

I'm trying to attach click events to a couple of divs. One of which has no height or width, just borders. Maybe it's just the browser, but the clicks are being triggered very unreliably. Even the css parameters .class:hover{} isn't really working.
$("body").on("click", "._tlh_dropdown, ._tlh_dropdown *", function (event) {
isn't working when the a div contained by ._tlh_dropdown is clicked. And the div ._tlh_dropdown_close_button is not removing it's parent div when clicked, nor turning a darker shade of gray when it is hovered over. What am I doing wrong here? I assume it has to do with the click event not being applied to the areas of the divs that are "just padding". Is this the case? How can I overcome this?
This is happening because the underline element that is a div element overlaps the elements in question . As you know div is a block level element.
One work around is to to set the 2 divs to inline-block
._tlh_dropdown_input_container, ._tlh_dropdown{
display: inline-block;
Check Fiddle for hover
If you want the div to be block level as it is then you can also play around with the z-index
z-index: 1;
This will make sure the close div is always on top of the underlying container
2 events fire for every click event on the page..
So the content is not shown when u click on the image because of this condition
if ($targ.hasClass('_tlh_dropdown')
|| $targ.closest('._tlh_dropdown_content').length)
This happens because the when you click on the arrow image will be the arrow and not the tlh_dropdown .. So it fails on this condition and moves to the next statement where the content is removed.
Change it
if ($targ.hasClass('_tlh_dropdown')
|| $targ.closest('._tlh_dropdown').length
|| $targ.closest('._tlh_dropdown_content').length)
It should work..
Check Fiddle
Also I feel the same can be accomplished with a lot less code. You can always have the HTML already built and then hide or show based on the condition.
Regarding the close button, if you hover "_tlh_dropdown_input_container" in the inspector, you can see that it overlaps the bottom part of the X button. That's why the hover/click event on the X is not caught below the middle of it.
Regarding the down arrow, just wrap it with another DIV on which you'll add the events. You can achieve minimal HTML by using a single DIV and adding the arrow to it using CSS :before or :after.

isotope image onclick to reveal new content in top div Wordpress

I'm trying really hard to replicate what happens here angular theme on Wordpress.
I've been able to get isotope to filter the post_thumbnails display them and it animate great but what I'm stuck on is when clicking an image or link the content of that post/portfolio gets displayed in a new div. Ideally in place and pushing boxes out the way so if you're on a mobile you don't have to scroll to the top.
Any pointers to get me started would be great, just can't find anything like this anywhere and think it would be very useful to others :)
Actually that can be achieved quite easily. Basically you'll merely have to add a click handler to all Isotope items. The handler has to figure out which element has been clicked (e.g. by checking class names of the clicked item, but of course there are numerous ways) and then add the respective content to your div element.
If the content has to be shown in place, it's even easier. You can simply add the preview and the full content to the same Isotope item, but hide the full content by default:
<div class="item">
<div class="preview">...</div>
<div class="full">...</div> <!-- hidden with CSS -->
Then add a click handler to all Isotope items:
By calling .isotope("reLayout") the other items are pushed out of the way when the clicked one expands.
Finally you need some basic CSS rules making div elements with .big bigger, hiding .full by default, but showing it when .big is set in the parent div. In that case .preview has to be hidden of course; this can all be done with CSS, no JavaScript/jQuery required.
Ok, it's a bit cumbersome to explain - I guess an example says more than a thousand words: JSFiddle
Of course that's just a very basic example, but hopefully it explains what I meant. ;)

