Ember data: Rollback createRecord on error - javascript

I'm trying to find the best way to avoid adding a record when there's an error using Ember Data:
This is my code:
createUser: function() {
// Create the new User model
var user = this.store.createRecord('user', {
firstName: this.get('firstName'),
lastName: this.get('lastName'),
email: this.get('email')
user.save().then(function() {
console.log("User saved.");
}, function(response) {
I'm validating the schema on backend and returning a 422 Error in case it fails.
If I don't handle the error, the record is added to the site and I also get a console error.
So I did this:
user.save().then(function() {
console.log("User saved.");
}, function(response) {
Which kind of works deleting the record after reading the server response but:
1) I see the record appearing and dissapearing (like a visual glitch to say it somehow).
2) The console error still appears.
Is there a way to better handle this? I mean, is there a way to avoid adding the record when the server returns an error? Is there a way to avoid showing the console error?
Thanks in advance

You'll need to catch the error in the controller and then use deleteRecord() to remove it from the store:
actions: {
createContent() {
let record = this.store.createRecord('post', {
title: ''
.then(rec => {
// do stuff on success
.catch(err => {
// do other stuff on error


Apollo Client is not refreshing data after mutation in NextJS?

Here is the page to create a User
const [createType, { loading, data }] = useMutation(CREATE_USER_CLASS) //mutation query
const createUserClass = async (event) => {
try {
const { data } = await createType({
variables: {
refetchQueries: [{ query: STACKINFO }],
options: {
awaitRefetchQueries: true,
message: 'User class created successfully',
code: 200,
} catch (e) {
setNotification({ message: e.message, code: 400 });
The thing is I can see inside the network tab the API is calling twice, which is not a good way, but I can see the newly added data , but the page is not refreshing. Kindly help me
I was also struggling with a similar problem and I stepped into your question. I don't know which version of Apollo Client you are using, but I think that instead of using refetchQueries() method, you can try to use update() to clear the cache. This way you will notify UI of the change. Something like this:
variables: {
update(cache) {
fields: {
// Field you want to udpate
This is a link for reference from official documentation's page:
I hope it helps!

React Admin parseResponse doesn't trigger when query returns error

I'm using React Admin and ra-data-graphQl, when I update something in my UserEdit component all works perfect, BUT, when I need to handle the error message from the API, I don't know where catch it.
This is my Update query:
case 'UPDATE': {
const updateParams = { ...params };
return {
query: gql`mutation updateUser($id: ID!, $data: UpdateUser!) {
data: updateUser(id: $id,input:$data) {
variables: {
id: updateParams.data.uuid,
data: {
parseResponse: (response) => {
console.log('tr response: ', response);
When the API returns an error, it never reach the console.log.
I was searching a list with options here (https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin/tree/master/packages/ra-data-graphql#options) searching something like "parseError", but I did not find nothing similar.
I need to catch the error and show a message in the UserEdit form.
Reading the link that I share in this post, it say this:
but must return an object matching the options of the ApolloClient query method with an additional parseResponse function.
I understand that I should go to the link in the word "query" and check if there is something like "parserError", but the link is broken:
Any help?
Ok, its easier. By adding the onFailure function I can handle the error.

Parse Server Cloud Code Update User

I am attempting to update a parse user field and the function stops in the middle of it:
Parse.Cloud.define("modifyAdminStatus", function(request, response) {
var userQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
var isAdmin = request.params.adminStatus;
console.log("isAdmin:" + isAdmin);
userQuery.equalTo("username", request.params.username);
userQuery.find({ useMasterKey: true,
success: function(user) {
console.log("Got User")
user.set("isAdmin", isAdmin);
console.log("Set Status");
user.save(null, {useMasterKey: true,
success: function(user) {
error: function(error) {
error: function(error) {
I dont get any syntax errors, when i run the code i get:
Got User
[ ParseUser { _objCount: 2, className: '_User', id: '2vigcitsl6' } ]
in my console. However, it seems to stop the code after i attempt to set the admin status. I have tried running it using useMasterKey but that didnt do anything so maybe I'm missing something and where the useMasterKey should go?
The answer is:
... code here
Returns an array, using query.first (or selecting one object from the array) instead will get one object and allow you to set things on it.
When you're trying to save the user, parse expects two parameters. The first should be an object containing any changes, and the second should be the save options.
So in your case, simply change your save to user.save (null, {useMasterKey:true, success...})
The way you have it now would create a column on Parse.User entitled useMasterKey, if permissions allow.

Catching errors in AngularJS when using $resource

Searching product is working fine when product is found, but if user search with letters, or bad criteria, nothing happens. I can see the error message in JavaScript-console and in Header there is Status Code 204, no Content. I think that Angular is just working badly, when empty object is coming back. How can I tell an user that there is no products with his/her criteria, cause I can't catch the error message at all at the moment. What is the correct and best solution to handle this? Catching errors or solving that result was empty and showing an error message in HTML-page?
return $resource(
get: { method: 'GET',isArray:false, params: {id: '#serial'} },
update: { method: 'PUT', params: {id: '#serial'} }
//Searching product with serial number/LOTN
$scope.searchProduct = function () {
$scope.serials = lotnSvc.get({id: $scope.serial}).$promise.then(
function (data) {
var litm = data.litm;
productSvc.get({id: litm}, function (product) {
$scope.product = product;
alert('ERROR when searching product');
console.log("error---->" + error);
alert('ERROR when searching product');
console.log("error---->" + error);
Error message in javaScript console
Error: [$resource:badcfg] Error in resource configuration for action `get`. Expected response to contain an object but got an array
Status code in Header
Just try to send the success and the error handlers as second and third parameters to "get" function instead of using promises. There was the same problem: How to handle $resource service errors in AngularJS

Server side validation in Express compatible with a single page Angular application

I would like to perform server side validation, preferably with expressValidator. When saving a resource, I check to see if it is valid. If it's not valid what should I return?
There are examples:
Unfortunately, I can't figure out my answer from that.
In Angular, I am using the $resource service. When I do a save, and there is a validation error, how should the server send this back? Note, this is a single page application.
Also, how should I handle this on the client side? Is this technically a success call?
Please, I am not looking for any instant, ajax, check per field solution. I want to submit save, if there is a problem, I would like to return the errors so that Angular can handle them. This does not need to be the perfect solution, just something to set me on the right track.
I am not handing the Angular code in an special way at the moment:
$scope.saveTransaction = function (transaction) {
saveTransaction: function(transaction) {
return resource.save(transaction);
The server side code looks as follows:
app.post('/api/transactions', function (req, res) {
var transaction;
req.assert('amount', 'Enter an amount (numbers only with 2 decimal places, e.g. 25.50)').regex(/^\d+(\.\d{2})?$/);
var errors = req.validationErrors();
var mapped = req.validationErrors(true);
if (mapped) {console.log("MAPPED")};
if(!errors) {
transaction = new TransactionModel({
date: req.body.date,
description: req.body.description,
amount: req.body.amount
transaction.save(function (err) {
if (!err) {
return console.log("created");
} else {
return console.log("err");
return res.send(transaction);
else {
// res.render('Transaction', {
// title: 'Invalid Transaction',
// message: '',
// errors: errors
// });
You could send and handle "better" errors:
res.json(500, errors)
//it worked
function(response) {
//it did not work...
//see response.data

