Full page slider with native scrollbar - javascript

I am building a full page slider that keeps the native scrollbar and allows the user to either free scroll, use the mouse wheel or navigation dots (on the left) to switch to a slide.
Once the user is on the last slide and tries to scroll down further, the whole slider moves up to reveal a simple scrollable section. If the user scrolls down and then tries to go back up, then this new section moves out of the way again and returns the slider back into view.
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/3odc8zmx/
The parts I'm struggling with:
Only the first two navigation dots work. The third one DOES WORK if you area looking at the first slide. But doesn't do anything, if you are on slide 2. Note: the purple one is a short-cut to the second section of the page and not related to the slider.
When moving to the last slide (via the dots, if you're on the first slide) it causes the code to make the whole slider move upwards as it sees this as the user has slid past the last slide as per the description above. I have tried to combat this using a variable called listen to stop the scroll event listening when using the showSlide method... but it seems to be true even though I set it to false, and only reset it to true again after the animation...
When scrolling down using the mouse wheel, I can get to the second section and back up, but not to the first third section. I'm wondering if I could use the showSlide method to better handle this instead of the current dirty next and prev functions I have implemented.
Note: If the user has free-scrolled, when they use the mouse-wheel, I want the slider to snap to the nearest slide to correct itself... Any suggestions for how I could do this?
Can anyone offer some help?
Here's the JS:
var listen = true;
function nextSlide()
scrollTop: $('#section1').scrollTop() + $(window).height()
function prevSlide()
scrollTop: -$('#section1').scrollTop() + $(window).height()
function showSlide(index)
var offset = $('#section1 div').eq(index).offset();
offset = offset.top;
listen = false;
scrollTop: offset
}, 500, function(){
listen = true;
} else {
var fullHeight = 0;
$('#section1 div').each(function(){
fullHeight = fullHeight + $(this).height();
var lastScrollTop1 = 0;
$('#section1').on('scroll', function(e){
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if (st > lastScrollTop1){
if( $('#section1').scrollTop() + $(window).height() == fullHeight) {
lastScrollTop1 = st;
$('#section1').on('mousewheel', function(e){
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if (st > lastScrollTop1){
} else {
var lastScrollTop2 = 0;
$('#section2').on('scroll', function(e){
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if (st > lastScrollTop1){
} else {
if( st == 0 ){
lastScrollTop1 = st;
$('.slide-dots').css({'margin-top':-$('.slide-dots').height() / 2});
$(document).on('click', '.slide-dot', function(e){
showSlide( $(this).index() );
$(document).on('click', '.slide-dot-fake', function(e){
And for those wondering why I'm not using something like fullPage.js, it's because it can't handle the way I want to transition between the two areas and have two scrollbars (one for each area).

You can use:
instead of:
st > lastScrollTop1
in the mousewheel event for your third problem to check if the user has scrolled up or down. And also change the +/- in prevSlide. I used dm4web's fiddle for your first problem. And I used:
scrollTop: offset - 1
instead of:
scrollTop: offset
for your second problem, because when the scroll reaches to the last pixel of the third element, it automatically goes to the next section, so 1 pixel is enough for it not to.
Here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/3odc8zmx/3/

As suggested by #chdltest, you could do it by using fullPage.js.
Here's an example. Go to the last section.
Code used for the example:
sectionsColor: ['yellow', 'orange', '#C0C0C0', '#ADD8E6'],
scrollOverflow: true,
scrollBar: true,
afterLoad: function (anchor, index) {
//hiding the main scroll bar
if (index == 4) {
$('body, html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
//showing the main scroll bar
if (index == 3) {
$('body, html').css('overflow', 'visible');
CSS (in case you prefer to use the normal style for it)
/* Normal style scroll bar
* --------------------------------------- */
.slimScrollBar {
display: none !important;
.fp-scrollable {
overflow: auto !important;
Advantages of using fullPage.js instead to your own code:
Strongly tested in different devices and browsers. (IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Firefox..)
Prevent problems with trackpads, Apple laptops trackpads or Apple Magic Mouse.
Old browser's compatibility, such as IE 8, Opera 12...
Touch devices compatibility (IE Windows Phone, Android, Apple iOS, touch desktops...)
It provides many other useful options and callbacks.


jQuery scroll fade-in crash

This code works well, but when I scroll up and down after 4-5 times it crashes and all the elements disappear. Why does this happen and how do I fix it?
$(window).on("load",function() {
$(window).scroll(function() {
var winheight = $(window).innerHeight();
$(".fade").each(function() {
/* Check the location of each desired element */
var objectBottom = $(this).offset().top + $(this).outerHeight();
var windowBottom = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).innerHeight();
/* If the element is completely within bounds of the window, fade it in */
if ( windowBottom > (objectBottom - (winheight*0.65))) { //object comes into view (scrolling down)
if ($(this).css("opacity")==0) {$(this).fadeTo(500,1);}
} else { //object goes out of view (scrolling up)
if ($(this).css("opacity")==1) {$(this).fadeTo(500,0);}
}); $(window).scroll(); //invoke scroll-handler on page-load
Ok, I supposed that your html is something like this: https://jsfiddle.net/szdwwdac/
Sometimes, if you are scrolling fast up and down, when the element is fading out, your if doesn't work well.
if ( windowBottom >= (objectBottom - (winheight*0.65))) {
if ($(this).css("opacity")==0) {$(this).fadeTo(300,1);}
} else { //object goes out of view (scrolling up)
if ($(this).css("opacity")==1) {$(this).fadeTo(300,0);}
It's because of the 500ms of animation.
One of the solutions can be the eneble/disable for 500ms of the scroll page.
You can check this solution: How to disable scrolling temporarily?
Another solution can be: add a class "fading" when you are inside your if. Then, in the if, eval if the element hasClass "fading". If not, you can go inside and make the animation.

Start animation on progress bar when its visible on screen

I want to create a webpage that contains several sections. In one of those sections are something like progress bars. These progress bars are 'animated' so that the user sees them loading on the screen as shown in the example.
Example here
Now this is working as it is but my problem is this:
I want the progress bars to start loading when the bars become visible on the screen.
Once the user scrolls down and gets them in the middle of the screen, the 'animation' should start. The way it is now the animation starts on page load, but the bars are not yet visible as in the following fiddle:
A little extra would be that each bar starts loading after the previous is finished.
I found some similar questions on stack but the answer does not suffice to my needs:
Animate progress bar on scroll & Run animation when element is visible on screen
I tried stuff like (it's not the actual code but it's what I remember of it):
var target = $("#third").offset().top;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= target) {
//start loading progress bar
}, 250);
But without any good results.
Can anyone help me on this matter?
Thanks in advance!
Here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/rAQev/4/
I've used a comparison of scroll offset and your special section offset to detect a moment when this section becomes visible.
Animations are queued to be processed one after another using jQuery queue function, you can read about it in jQuery docs (http://api.jquery.com/queue/).
Also scroll event is unbinded when the first 'loading' happens, not to run 'loading' again and again on scroll event when section is visible.
Here is an updated fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/9ybUv/
This one allows for all the progress bars to run at the same time. If you were like me and had 5 or more it takes a long time to do one, then the next, then the next.
$(function() {
var $section = $('#third');
function loadDaBars() {
$(".meter > span").each(function() {
.data("origWidth", $(this).width())
width: $(this).data("origWidth")
}, 1200);
$(document).bind('scroll', function(ev) {
var scrollOffset = $(document).scrollTop();
var containerOffset = $section.offset().top - window.innerHeight;
if (scrollOffset > containerOffset) {
// unbind event not to load scrolsl again
Let me try something
function startProgressBar() {
$(".meter > span").each(function() {
.data("origWidth", $(this).width())
width: $(this).data("origWidth")
}, 1200);
$(window).scroll(function() {
var target = $('#third');
var targetPosTop = target.position().top; // Position in page
var targetHeight = target.height(); // target's height
var $target = targetHeight + targetPosTop; // the whole target position
var $windowst = $(window).scrollTop()-($(window).height()/2); // yes divided by 2 to get middle screen view.
if (($windowst >= $targetPosTop) && ($windowst < $target)){
// start progressbar I guess
Give it a try, let me know.

Making nav bar effects using scroll AND click in jQuery

I want a nav to highlight (or something similar) once a user clicks on it AND when a user scrolls to the corresponding section.
However, on my computer when one clicks on any of the nav events after3, only nav event 3 changes. I'm guessing this is because after one clicks on 4 or 5, the scroll bar is already at the bottom of the page, so 4 and 5 never reach the top. The only div at the top is post 3, so my code highlights nav event 3 and ignores the click.
Is there any way I can fix this? Ive tried if statements (only highlight nav event if it's at the top AND the scrollbar isn't at the bottom or the top isn't the last item).
Here is a more accurate fiddle, using a fix below showing what I am talking about. The fix now highlights on scroll, but if you click option 5, it will not highlight.
$('.option').children('a').click(function() {
$('.option').css('background-color', '#CCCCCC;');
$(this).css('background-color', 'red');
var postId = $($(this).attr('href'));
var postLocation = postId.offset().top;
$(window).scroll(function() {
var scrollBar = $(this).scrollTop();
var allPosts = [];
var post = $('.content').offset();
var lastPost = allPosts.legnth-1
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var bottomScroll = windowHeight-scrollBar;
i = 0;
for(i in allPosts){
var currentPost = "#"+allPosts[i];
var postPosition = $(currentPost).offset().top;
if (scrollBar >= postPosition){
$('.option').css('background-color', '#CCCCCC');
$('#nav'+allPosts[i]).css('background-color', 'red');
I think you've overdone your scroll() handler, to keep it simple you just needs to check if the scrollbar/scrollTop reaches the '.contents' offset top value but should not be greater than its offset().top plus its height().
$(window).scroll(function () {
var scrollBar = $(this).scrollTop();
$(".content").each(function (index) {
var elTop = $(this).offset().top;
var elHeight = $(this).height();
if (scrollBar >= elTop - 5 && scrollBar < elTop + elHeight) {
/* $(this) '.content' is the active on the vewport,
get its index to target the corresponding navigation '.option',
like this - $('.Nav li').eq(index)
And you actually don't need to set $(window).scrollTop(postLocation); because of the default <a> tag anchoring on click, you can omit that one and it will work fine. However if you are looking to animate you need first to prevent this default behavior:
$('.option').children('a').click(function (e) {
var postId = $($(this).attr('href'));
var postLocation = postId.offset().top;
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:postLocation},'slow');
See the demo.
What you are trying to implement from scratch, although commendable, has already been done by the nice folks at Bootstrap. It is called a Scrollspy and all you need to do to implement it is include Bootstrap js and css (you also need jquery but you already have that) and make some minor changes to your html.
Scrollspy implementation steps.
And here is a demonstration. Notice only one line of js. :D
$('body').scrollspy({ target: '.navbar-example' });

Smooth scroll + offset on function goToNext

I am wanting to add an offset from the top and smooth scroll to the following function,
The functionality is on one button thats fixed and follows the user down the page. This button has to be able to scroll through numerous anchors and then go back to the first one, with an offset ideally of 105px from the top. trawled the net for hours for help and dont have the jquery know how myself to fix this, any help??
Similar example here - http://www.google.com/nexus/7/ (button in bottom right)
var max = 6;
function goToNext() {
var hash = String(document.location.hash);
if (hash && hash.indexOf(/anchor/)) {
var newh = Number(hash.replace("#anchor",""));
(newh > max-1) ? newh = 0 : void(null);
document.location.hash = "#anchor" + String(newh+1);
} else {
document.location.hash = "#anchor1";
<div id="anchor1"></div>
<div id="anchor2"></div>
<div id="anchor3"></div>
<div id="anchor4"></div>
<div id="anchor5"></div>
<div id="anchor6"></div>
You can make it scroll smoothly to the element using animate({scrollTop:value},delay).
$('document').ready(function () {
//on DOM ready change location.hash to 'anchor1'
window.location.hash = 'anchor1';
//GO TO NEXT click event:
$('a').click(function (e) {
//preventing the default <a> click (href="#")
//get the current hash to determine the current <div> id
var hash = window.location.hash,
//find the (next) immediate following sibling of the current <div>
$next = $(hash).next('div');
//check if this next <div> sibling exist
if ($next.length) {
var id = $next.attr('id'),
nextOffsetTop = $next.offset().top;
//animate scrolling and set the new hash
$('body, html').animate({scrollTop: nextOffsetTop}, 'slow');
window.location.hash = id;
//else if the next <div> sibling does not exist move to the first anchor
var first = '#anchor1';
$('body, html').animate({scrollTop: $(first).offset().top},'slow');
window.location.hash = first;
See this jsfiddle.
Then comes the flickering. Actually it does not flicker but somewhat jerky, if you look closely into the code above. I am setting the animate(scrollTop) first, then changing the hash window.location.hash = id. Now when the animate starts scrolling and suddenly we are changing the hash it tends to jump directly to the next <div> (this is the default haschange event) but pulled back by the animate() and that causes the scrolling to be jerky.
We cannot just stop the default propagation of the haschange event, there may be a solution to do that but cannot guarantee that it would work on all browsers, each browser has different behaviour when it comes to the haschange event. But thanks to #Andy E solution on that SO post you've provided, we don't need to stop the haschange propagation. We can just simply change the hash first, reset it to last scrollTop() position then animate scrolling at will!
//get the current scrollTop value
var st = $(window).scrollTop();
//change the hash
window.location.hash = id;
//reset the scrollTop
//animate scrolling
$('body, html').animate({scrollTop: nextOffsetTop}, 'slow');
Check this updated jsfiddle.
Now let's talk about HTML5 History API. The reason I didn't introduced this at first because it is implemented differently across HTML5 (especially IE) browsers and has no fallback for HTML4 browsers, making this method somehow inconsistent. But you can get this done properly using a plugin I guess.
Here's how you can do it using history.pushState():
if ($next.length) {
var id = $next.attr('id'),
nextOffsetTop = $next.offset().top;
history.pushState({state:id}, id, '#'+id);
$('body, html').animate({scrollTop: nextOffsetTop - 105}, 'slow');
See this jsfiddle.
That's it. Cheers!

jQuery - stop autoscrolling div when hovered

This is a follow-up post to a previous question: jQuery - scroll down every x seconds, then scroll to the top
I have refined the scrip a little further, but am having a little trouble with the last step.
I have a div that automatically 50px at a time until it reaches the bottom, at which point it scrolls to the top and starts again. I have this working perfectly thanks to the above question and with a little add work.
I need to make all scrolling stop when the div is hovered. I have done part of this already (there is no incremental scrolling down on hover) but I cannot get the full picture. The div will still scroll to the top even when hovered.
Here is my jQuery and a fiddle to go along with it: http://jsfiddle.net/wR5FY/1/
var scrollingUp = 0;
var dontScroll = 0;
window.setInterval(scrollit, 3000);
function scrollit() {
if(scrollingUp == 0 && dontScroll == 0) {
$('#scroller').animate({ scrollTop: $("#scroller").scrollTop() + 50 }, 'slow');
$('#scroller').bind('scroll', function () {
if (dontScroll == 0) {
if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight) {
scrollingUp = 1;
$('#scroller').delay(2000).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1000, function() {
scrollingUp = 0;
$('#scroller').bind('mouseenter', function() {
dontScroll = 1;
$('#scroller').bind('mouseleave', function() {
dontScroll = 0;
In the fiddle, try hovering the scroller div when the yellow square is visible. You will see that it scrolls to the top.
A couple of notes:
You will notice I have used mouseenter and mouseleave rather than hover and mouseout. This was the best way I could find to ensure all child elements within the div didn't have an adverse affect.
A potential problem area is the fact that I have binded to the scroll event for my function that scrolls to the top. I think this might cause some additional problems when a user is manually scrolling through the items, with my jQuery trying to scroll against the user.
I did a little experimenting with killing setInterval, but I didn't find this to be very helpful as the function that triggers isn't the problem area.
My overall goal here is to lock down all automatic scrolling when a user is hovering or manually scrolling through the list. This is 90% there. If they happen to scroll to the bottom, NOTHING should happen until they move the mouse elsewhere - this is the problem.
Keep it easier ;)
The problem was that you first evaluate wheter dontScroll is zero, then start the timer.
When the timer has ended, it doesnt evaluate anymore, whether dontScroll STILL is zero.
Just pulled that into your scrollIt function:
var scrollingUp = 0;
var dontScroll = 0;
window.setInterval(scrollit, 2000);
function scrollit() {
if(dontScroll == 0){
if ($('#scroller').scrollTop() + $('#scroller').innerHeight() >= $('#scroller')[0].scrollHeight) {
scrollingUp = 1;
$('#scroller').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1000, function() {
scrollingUp = 0;
} else if(scrollingUp == 0) {
$('#scroller').animate({ scrollTop: $("#scroller").scrollTop() + 50 }, 'slow');
$('#scroller').bind('mouseenter', function() {
dontScroll = 1;
$('#scroller').bind('mouseleave', function() {
dontScroll = 0;

