Tab specific cookies without using sessionStorage or any HTML5 features - javascript

I am interested in having users be able to login and logout with multiple user session cookies on my web app. Currently, authentication is done standard and a unique identifier allows me to authenticate a user when they visit our site back if they present an auth token that's available in their cookie. Typical use cases apply in that if the user logs out from one tab, it logs them out of another tab. Right now it requires having the user login from two unique browser instances in order to be able to login to two different accounts.
Is there a non-HTML5 way (using standard javascript cookies) to have tab-specific cookie identifiers? I'm assuming that there is no clear cut way of going about this and it would require some kind of hack + cooperation from the backend. If there is a solution that makes sense without using HTML5, that would be ideal.

You can't.
There are ways to deal with this condition, but none of them are simple.
If you want, you have to tell user to do like this: How to geek
From docs: Data stored using sessionStorage do not persist across browser tabs, even if two tabs both contain webpages from the same domain origin. In other words, data inside sessionStorage is confined to not just the domain and directory of the invoking page, but the browser tab in which the page is contained in. Contrast that to session cookies, which do persist data from tab to tab.

I achieved similar behavior some time back. So, what I do is something like this:
For this to work, you need to carry the sessionId in the url or as part of the page content.
When login page is loaded, delete the sessionId cookie.
When login for is submitted, server gives you login page along with sessionId in the url or as part of html response body.
From now onwards, before every server call, set the session cookie to the one that you have in the url or page content.
So, each tab will set its own cookie before any server call which would make the request land with the right session on the server.

Before anything, this solution works if you use relative URLs only! (for images, links and even Ajax calls)
Use sessions as you would in any ordinary scenario with one small change. Instead of identifying users with each session ID, you will identify a machine (a browser) by each session ID. So when requests arrive at server, it identifies a bunch of users who are using your website on that computer. Each user will have his own sub-identifier (it could be a sequential counter or a random number). Putting it simple, your session data (identified by session ID in the cookies) holds an associative array. Each entry of this array holds session data for one particular user identified by sub-identifier. For instance, in PHP, if your user's sub-identifier is user0, then you can access this user's session data like:
$user_data = $_SESSION['user0'];
Next is how to pass on user's sub-identifier.
You can use webserver's URL rewrite. You need to come up with a pattern which can be considered as an ordinary folder name, while there's no folder named like that. For instance:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^user(\d+)\/(.*)$ $2?sub_id=$1 [QSA,L]
In this example, you are not allowed to have any folders like user0, user1 etc. If some request asks for it will be rewritten to Now in index.php you'll have:
$user_data = $_SESSION[$_REQUEST['sub_id']];
And you should use $user_data instead of $_SESSION from this point forth. The only thing that remains is how to generate sub-identifier for the first time. That's relatively easy, you can:
if (!isset($_REQUEST['sub_id'])) {
$sub_id = 0;
while (isset($_SESSION["user{$sub_id}"])) {
$_SESSION["user{$sub_id}"] = array();
header("Location: /user{$sub_id}".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
else {
$user_data = $_SESSION[$_REQUEST['sub_id']];
At the end, everything will work only if all your URLs are relative! Each absolute URL which does not start with /user0/ will be considered a new user and will lead to a new entry in the session.
The benefit of this approach is that your current code will work with minimum effort, as long as URLs are already addressed relatively.

This is a simple example of how you can create a system in which a user can log in to multiple accounts. This is no safety checks and must be added. This code can be much better to write and optimize.
This file is included into each php script.
This part check which user is logged and which account is active. Here are functions that create the proper path to the php scripts according to the active account
// check which user is logged and which account is active
if(isset($_GET['user'])) $id_user = (int)$_GET['user'];
if($id_user > 0)
$user_name = $_SESSION['user'][$id_user]['name'];
$user_email = $_SESSION['user'][$id_user]['email'];
// If the user id is not specified and there is a user session, finds another id
if($id_user == 0 and isset($_SESSION['user']))
$sess = $_SESSION['user'];
$id_user = (int)key($sess);
$user_name = $_SESSION['user'][$id_user]['name'];
$user_email = $_SESSION['user'][$id_user]['email'];
Simple form to login with post method.
Login user. simulates a query to the database.
$email = $_POST['email'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$id_user = 0;
// simulates a query to the database
if($email === '' and $pass === '111')
$id_user = 1;
$name='John Doe';
if($email === '' and $pass === '222')
$id_user = 2;
$name = 'Doe John';
// login user
if($id_user > 0)
// checks if the user is already logged
if( !isset($_SESSION['user'][$id_user]))
$_SESSION['user'][$id_user] = array('email'=>$email, 'name'=>$name);
//go to main page
$page = ROOT.'user/'.$id_user.'/index.php';
header('Location: '.$page);
Main page of the application.
<h1>Welcome: <?php echo $user_name ?> (<?php echo $user_email ?>) [<?php echo $id_user ?>]</h1>
<p>Choose an account</p>
<p>Login with the another account</p>
<p>Log out</p>
Allows the user to choose the account.
foreach($_SESSION['user'] as $idus => $userA)
echo '<p>'.$userA['name'].' ('.$userA['email'].') ['.$idus.']</p>';
Logout user. Check for active user accounts and redirects them if any.
if(count($_SESSION['user']) == 0)
// checks for active user accounts and redirects them if any
$sess = $_SESSION['user'];
$id_user = (int)key($sess);
$page = ROOT.'user/'.$id_user.'/index.php';
header('Location: '.$page);
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^user\/([0-9]*)\/index.php$ index.php?user=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^user\/([0-9]*)\/logout.php$ logout.php?user=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^user\/([0-9]*)\/login.php$ login.php?user=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^user\/([0-9]*)\/loginform.php$ loginform.php?user=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^user\/([0-9]*)\/swap.php$ swap.php?user=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^user\/$ index.php [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^user$ index.php [NC,L]

You cant
When a cookie is created it is possible to control its visibility by setting its 'root domain'. It will then be accessible to any URL belonging to that root. For example the root could be set to "" and the cookie would then be available to sites in "" or "" or "". This might be used to allow related pages to 'communicate' with each other. It is not possible to set the root domain to 'top level' domains such as '.com' or '' since this would allow widespread access to the cookie.
By default cookies are visible to all paths in their domains, but at the time of creation they can be retricted to a given subpath - for example "".
so any tab which is having same root domain can access that cookie.

The session cookies are server specific AFAIK, so what you could do is set up different DNS names for the same server, e.g. subdomains like:,,

Well #dm4web's answer is kind of correct but you have to pay heed to his security warnings though. The best thing that you can do is take a bi-directional approach.
Direction One
Regular Login.
Create a Unique session ID and pass it via the URL.
Direction Two
Check Session via i) Logged In User and ii) Check Session ID via URL Param
Now, let's take an example:
$usrname: Fool
$psswd: dm4web
PHP Code
//all inputs should be sanitized
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `usrname`='".$usrname."' AND `psswd` = '".$psswd."'":
$dbh = new PDO('odbc:db', 'db2inst1', 'ibmdb2');
$count = $dbh->exec($sql);
if($count > 0){
//Guy is logged in
$a = session_id();
//**Use this $a in every URL parameter under current session**
else {
//Go f**k yourself >> to the user ;)
But you should notice that you can't directly jump into that user/pass match scheme. First you have to ensure that you find out if the user is already logged in or not. Also, based on the SESSION Cookie from PHP, you figure out that
If there is an active log in on the machine
If there is an active login on the URL [vide the $a from the session_id thing]
You match the URL parameter under all circumstances, cross reference with the SESSION cookie and proceed!
Good Luck!
Let me know if you've any more questions!


Destroy / Restart a different session in PHP

I always found solutions to my problems here, but I'm missing something for this one. Here's my problem:
I have a login.php page which redirects people to different pages depending on their status (member, expert, admin). The type of the button is a submit button:
<input type="submit" name="LOGIN" ...
I get all the info (login, password) of the form in my PHP using :
if(isset($_POST['LOGIN'])) { ...
And the user is redirected to its page with certain privileges.
But if the user has the status "member", that means it's his first visit and he has to go to an intermediate page (loginNewMb.php) using Header("Location: loginNewMb.php"); to enter his coordinates (name, company...). Then, he will have the status "registered member" and he will be able to go to his data.php?member=XXX page. But when he enters to the loginNewMb page, he's still in the session coming from the login.php page. So I need to close it and create a new one depending on the info he will provide. Hope you're still with me.
I was just wondering if you could please guide me as the best strategy to do that. How and in which files should I destroy / restart a new sessions? Is there a better way to do that? I don't necessarily need some codes, just some clues to guide me.
Thank you
To be sure, you can put the following at the beginning of your loginNewMn.php file.
/** clear session variable */
/** destroy the session */
/** end the current session and store session data. */
/** clear cookies */
setcookie(session_name(), '', ['expires' => 0, 'path' => '/']);
/** clear old session id */
/** start the (new) session */
You can do a session_destroy() and session_regenerate_id(true) on top of the loginNewMb.php page.
Or you can unset specific $_SESSION variables using $_SESSION["foo"]
Or, you can just do it in the login.php before redirecting.
After you use session_destroy(), you have to use session_start() again to use $_SESSION variables.
Doing that with JS would not be really good, because any user can disable JS. So, using PHP is the best method.

JavaScript, PHP - Using server-sent events with multiple, unique users?

I'm brand-new to SSE. There are plenty of simple/introductory texts on server sent events
But none of them touch on using the same SSE file for multiple different users.
For example:
I have a site, where users log on. While logged on, they can view data that is unique and private to them. I'd like each user to have live updates while they are logged in, which may or may-not contain sensitive information. To do so I am implementing server-sent events:
JS (Straight out of one of the links)
var source;
if (!!window.EventSource) {
source = new EventSource("sse.php");
} else {
source.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
... do stuff ...
}, false);
header("Content-Type: text/event-stream");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Connection: keep-alive");
while (true) {
$data = \\ query DB or any other source
if ($data) {
sendMessage($someID, $data);
function sendMessage($id, $data) {
echo "id: $id\n";
echo "data: $data\n\n";
But using it this way, am I only sending the data to the user who opened the sse.php source (i.e. each EventSource("sse.php") is a new, unique connection)? Or will everyone logged on, who has initialized the connection, receive the same data?
This SO answer touches on multiple users, by using unique events:
echo "event: ping\n";
$msg1="This is first user";
echo 'data: {"msg": "' . $msg1 . '"}';
echo "\n\n";
echo "event: notify\n";
$msg2="This is second user";
echo 'data: {"msg": "' . $msg2 . '"}';
echo "\n\n";
And then only listening for a certain event:
var evtSource = new EventSource("sender.php");
evtSource.addEventListener("ping", function(e) {
var obj = JSON.parse(;
var r_msg = obj.msg;
But that hardly seems reasonable. If each user is supposed to be receiving their own private feed, then this method would require me to hard-code a unique event for each user. AND, as the original answer mentions, it does not prevent a slightly above-average user from intercepting and reading all the other messages too.
And, on top of it all, the sse.php file doesn't know which user it's gathering data for, so it would have to do all users, all the time.
How do I create one sse.php file, that can handle an unlimited number of unique users, and only send the data to the appropriate user? So:
there must be a way to send some initialization data (i.e. unique user ID) to server-side file, and
there must be a way for only that one particular user to receive the information gathered
am I only sending the data to the user who opened the sse.php source
Or will everyone logged on, who has initialized the connection, receive the same data?
If each user is supposed to be receiving their own private feed,
then this method would require me to hard-code a unique event for each user
Luckily no! The SSE "event" is for sending different types of events down a single connection to a single user. A use-case might be Facebook wanting to use one event for sending chat updates, another event for sending friend requests, another for sending ads to show, etc.
In my book (Data Push Apps with HTML5 SSE, - apologies for the plug!) I argue that it is redundant, and better included as part of the json object you are pushing.
And, on top of it all, the sse.php file doesn't know which user ...
Cookies are sent. So the typical approach is to first login the user, create a cookie that authenticates them, then call the sse script. If using a server system with sessions support (e.g. PHP), then the cookies are an implementation detail.
POST data, and custom headers, cannot be sent. So if cookies are not an option you'd have to use GET to post some authentication id (but as you note, that is not the best type of security).
An SSE is an open HTTP connection. So it will only send unique data to a user if that is how you program it. You can make this stateful by using session, cookies, IP addresses, etc. in the same was as any other HTTP request. The main limitation of SSE is that you cannot add any headers to request to connect.

Accessing session in PHP command line?

I understand that command line is no web server, so you can't access $_SESSION. But I don't know what else to do.
I've been following this tutorial to create a chat using websockets:
My problem is that, I do not know how to get the username of the message sender securely. I could include it in the message send function but since it's in Javascript, everyone can just edit their username to someone elses.
How could I securely get the username of the user, which is $_SESSION['username']?
var Server;
Server = new FancyWebSocket('ws://');
send( "test" );
I'm open to all kind of suggestions, like alternatives to websockets. I'm creating a realtime chat for my website.
First alternative is, of course, AJAX requests. AJAX doesn't have the problems of not being able to quickly and easily access the sessions that WebSockets has. Any sufficiently frequent sample rate is indistinguishable from real time.
Now, to my rather long-winded solution implemented in WebSockets:
The HTTP headers are available to the WebSocket server during the handshake, including the cookies. In the server that you're using, PHP-Websockets, the headers are stored in the $headers property.
For instance:
array(14) {
string(8) "/echobot"
string(14) ""
string(100) "PHPSESSID=jan9uknpc06mk4ddghph4870t1; MyCookie=My+Value%21%40%23%24%25; MyNonhttponlyCookie=My+Value"
These cookies were generated from
$_SESSION['Hi!'] = array('Hello!', 'where' => 'world!');
setcookie('MyCookie', 'My Value;!##$%', 0, '/', '', false, true);
setcookie('MyNonhttponlyCookie', 'My Value', 0, '/', '', false, false);
Thus, the value of $user->headers['cookie'] is a semicolon and space (;) delimited collection of key value pairs, where the values are URL encoded and separated from its key with an equal sign. (PHP complains if you put reserved characters in the cookie name. Thus the cookie key can not contain any url encoded values.)
A quick way to extract these are as follows
$cookies = array();
$cookiesParts = explode('; ', $user->headers['cookie']);
foreach ($cookiesParts as $cookieParts) {
$interimCookie = explode('=', $cookieParts);
$cookies[$interimCookie[0]] = urldecode($interimCookie[1]);
array(3) {
string(26) "jan9uknpc06mk4ddghph4870t1"
string(14) "My Value;!##$%"
string(8) "My Value"
We now have the session ID. Double check with session_name(), which will give you the key of the cookie that actually holds the session ID.
We could serialize and unserialize the session file as stored in the server, which is pointed at by session_save_path()... but I want to cheat.
Because the built-in session system locks the session files, we can't just keep the session file open and constantly watch for changes, nor can we lock the file ourselves for long periods of time.
It would be ideal if we could use the __get() and __set() magic methods here in the same way we'd use the $_SESSION superglobal (such as $myUser->_session['key'] = 'value';), but PHP does not allow treating these methods as arrays. Instead, we have to set a more mundanely named method.
class MyUser extends WebSocketUser {
public $session_id; // gets set somewhere. Good place is probably is your implementation of the `connected($user)` abstract method.
public getSession($key) {
$val = $_SESSION[$key];
session_write_close(); // very important!
return $val;
public setSession($key, $value) {
$_SESSION[$key] = value;
session_write_close(); // still very important!
(Note: I'm also pointing my feature request at this question, to base my eventual implementation of cookie parsing and session handling here, so that I can remember my research tonight as I work.)

How to fix whenever I click on a page link within site, I get logged out?

I have an intranet site with multiple page links linking to other pages within the site on each page. The issue is that if I login to my profile for example I have no problem, but if I click on a link to say my index page or recent news page or whatever it takes me to the page but I get logged out and I have to login again. I've found out that linking between pages out works if the user's password is "something"
I have two versions of this site, the only difference is that they connect to different databases. On one domain everything works fine, on the other is when I get this issue.
This is at the top of every page for connections to the database and checking to see if the user has the right credentials and just some functions. I think the issue should be with the code checking the user credentials and or starting the session.
// Connect To Secure Login
$cfgProgDir = 'phpSecurePages/';
include($cfgProgDir . "secure.php");
//These are the includes needed to make the php page run
// this file connects to the database
// This file holds all the custom functions
This is the config file
$cfgIndexpage = '/index.php';
$cfgServerHost = '********************'; // MySQL hostname
$cfgServerPort = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfgServerUser = '*********'; // MySQL user
$cfgServerPassword = '**********'; // MySQL password
$cfgDbDatabase = '******'; // MySQL database name containing phpSecurePages table
$cfgDbTableUsers = 'members'; // MySQL table name containing phpSecurePages user fields
$cfgDbLoginfield = 'firstName'; // MySQL field name containing login word
$cfgDbPasswordfield = 'password'; // MySQL field name containing password
$cfgDbUserLevelfield = 'permission'; // MySQL field name containing user level
// Choose a number which represents the category of this users authorization level.
// Leave empty if authorization levels are not used.
$cfgDbUserIDfield = 'id'; // MySQL field name containing user
/****** Data ******/
/* this data is necessary if no database is used */
$cfgLogin[1] = ''; // login word (username)
$cfgPassword[1] = ''; // password
$cfgUserLevel[1] = '0'; // user level
and the connect file ($connect) just connects the my DB
Any suggestions on what the issue could be? :)
It probably means your session is getting destroyed somewhere or cookies aren't being set.
I didn't dwelve much into the code (It's a bit messy) but... secure.php include checklogin.php on line 67. On checklogin.php file, Line 37, session_start() is called and it is called again on your config file.
It should raise a warning so, if you haven't seen it, you're either using an old version of PHP or you don't have error reporting enabled.
You should enable error reporting and check for any notice or warning.

Selective Framebursting

i would like to implement selective Framebursting for my iframe application.
My iframe is available at www.mywebsite.con/iframe.aspx?lic=1234
When the third party website hosting my iframe is (PayedWebsited1.con OR PayedWebsited2.con) AND the lic=1234 option also exists, display the iframe. For any other cheaters, display bananas!
How can i do it?
The thing is, that licence number won't help in any way - whether you will use server-side solution or in javascript. Cheaters will be able to see that licence number in
As was said, you cannot get the parent frame location, but you can get the referrer - it equals to the parent frame, if your page is loaded in iframe.
if ( !== document.location) { // only if we're in iframe
// we get host of our referrer
var host = document.referrer.match(new RegExp("(http|https)://(.*?)/.*$"))[2];
host = host.toLowerCase(); // convert to lower case
var myHost =;
if (
host !== myHost // so we can click on links in an iframe
&& host !== ''
&& host !== ''
) { = document.location.href;
Be awared, that this technique can be beaten. More info at
For newer browsers, you can send special header:
X-Frame-Options: DENY
The logic keeps the same, only in server-side. Check Referrer, if PayedDomain or your own domain, just keep going. Otherwise, send this header.
If it is possible for your third party users to include a javascript file, or ideally send a request in ASP prior to drawing the page, this is what I would do:
Build a ASP (I do PHP, so my example is in PHP) page on your server that checks the referrer and the license number to match an account in your database. The ASP file should then output javascript functions that will replace or insert into the element your specified iframe with a "one-time-use" key that you generate. The file might look similar to this:
$lic = $_GET['lic']; // Do better validation (short for demo purposes)
if (valid_license($lic, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$one_time_key = get_access_key($lic);
function drawIframe() {
document.getElementById('iframe_target').innerHTML = "<iframe src='mysite.php?key=<?php echo $one_time_key;?>'></iframe>";
else {
echo "You are not authorized to use this service.";
Have your customer include this javascript code as a replacement of your iframe, in a fashion similar to this:
<script src=""></script>
<div id="iframe_target"></div>
On the page that is loaded by the iframe, immediately check the key that you generated against the value passed to the iframe. If it is valid, immediately delete or change the status of the key so that you know it's been used. Then display appropriate application.
This javascript method will be the least painful method for your third party users, although it can be beat (users could change the "referer" that is sent to your server, although it is unlikely.)
If you can get your users to make a request to your url within their server, you will eliminate exposing any risky information like the license to the user. They could call something like $key = file_get_contents(""); Immediately after they can output the iframe with the one time use key that you just generated.
Due to security, your browser will not allow you to use javascript to detect the URL of the parent page (i.e. the page that contains the iframe that displays your page).
The only solutions I can think of are:
Insist that users of your iframe.aspx page, include an additional GET param that states the domain that they are using.
Use the Request.UrlReferrer to get the referrer
On the page which you render, you should have a literal that, should you want to prevent the person from framing your page, you can simply add the javascript required to force the frames.
Unfortunately if Javascript is disabled, this will render your code useless...
Hope this helps?
protected void page_load(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool killFrames = false;
if(Request.QueryString["lic"] == null)
killFrames = true;
if(!killFrames && Request.UrlReferrer != null)
// do some database check against the LIC and Referrer
// and set killFrames accordingly.
literalFrame.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">if(top.location != location) { top.location.href = document.location.href; }</script>";
// or show the bananas
// render the page accordingly.
I will try to point a solution for your general problem and not this particular technical problem, which as far as i know is impossible for security precautions done by all web browsers.
You need some sort of hand-shake between their app and yours and that haves to be done server-side.
Every PayedWebsite should have a password (or if they hava a static IP you could use that). Internally on their server (using CURL may be) they shold send you -via POST- their password; then you return a token that is used in the iframe.
And the token only works once; so the process haves to be repeated every time the iframe needs to be opened. And you refuse every connection that doesn't include a valid token.
I'm not a .NET expert, but it looks like your solution could be easily solved by tracking the referral header that the client sends to your page when loading the iframe content.
You may want to refer to another question regarding refer headers:
how should we validate http header referrer in aspx .net
Basically, you would do the following
Use the referral header to get the domain name
Look up the domain name in your database (to see if there was a license for that site)
Send the real page, or the bananas depending on the result of the match.
Global.asax did the trick!
Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim ref As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
If Not ref.Contains("PayedWebsited1") And Not ref.Contains("PayedWebsited2") Then
Response.Redirect("MYDOMAIN", True)
End If
End Sub
Thanks to all!

