Regular expression in javascript - javascript

I have two strings
http://dfdkdlkdkldkldkldl.jpg (it is image src which is staring with http and ending with image)
now i want to replace http:// with sometext only on those url which having image
what i tried (http(s?):)|([/|.|\w|\s])*.(:jpg|gif|png)
it replacing http of both string.
Any body can help

Here is a valid regex:
That will only match the "image" url. You can play around with it online here:
Basically, your Regex was not only invalid, but too convoluted. You had a sub-group for the "s" on "https", which wasn't needed according to the problem you proposed. Also, you had the OR operand trying to separate the http part and the rest of the url, which made no sense..., lastly, you were grouping the text between ":" and the dot ".", which again, according to your problem description it wasn't needed.
Hope that helps
Edit 2
Ok, so I don't know how exactly the replacement is being done, you're not using your code, you're using a page for that, but here is how you should be doing it:
"http://dfdkdlkdkldkldkldl.jpg".replace(/(https?:)(\/\/.*)(jpg|gif|png)/, "lalala$2$3")
Note that the RegEx changed to: (https?:)(\/\/.*)(jpg|gif|png)
If you try it with the other url: "http://fflffllkfl".replace(/(https?:)(\/\/.*)(jpg|gif|png)/, "lala$2$3") it won't replace anything.

Try this:
myString.replace(/(https?:\/\/)(.*\.jpg|gif|png)/, "some string $2");


search match beetwen three conditions [duplicate]

I am using the following regex for validating youtube video share url's.
var valid = /^(http\:\/\/)?(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)+$/;
return false;
I want the regex to support the following URL formats:
I tried different regex but I am not getting a suitable one for share links. Can anyone help me to solve this.
Here's a regex I use to match and capture the important bits of YouTube URLs with video codes:
Works with the following URLs:
The captured groups are:
video code
query string
You're missing www in your regex
The second \. should optional if you want to match both and youtube (but I didn't change this since just youtube isn't actually a valid domain - see note below)
+ in your regex allows for one or more of (youtube\.com|youtu\.be), not one or more wild-cards.
You need to use a . to indicate a wild-card, and + to indicate you want one or more of them.
Live demo.
If you want it to match URLs with or without the www., just make it optional:
Live demo.
Invalid alternatives:
If you want to also match (at the time of writing, this doesn't appear to be a valid URL format), put the optional www. outside the brackets:
youtube/cCnrX1w5luM (with or without http://) isn't a valid URL, but the question explicitly mentions that the regex should support that. To include this, replace youtu\.be with youtu\.?be in any regex above. Live demo.
I know I'm like 2 years late to the party, but I was needing to write something up anyway, and seems to fit every test case that I can throw at it. Should be able to reference the first match ($1) to get the ID. Matches the http, https, www and non-www,,, /watch? and /watch.php? on ( does not use these), and it supports matching even when there are other variables in the URL string (?t= for time, ?list= for playlists, etc).
Format for YouTube videos has changed. This regex works for all cases:
Tests here.
Based on so many other regex; this is the best I have got:
Try this:
I took one of the answers from here and added support for a few edge cases that I noticed in my dataset. This should work for pretty much any valid url.
I tried this one and it works fine for me.
(?:http(?:s)?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/(?:(?:watch)?\?(?:.*&)?v(?:i)?=|(?:embed|v|vi|user)\/))([^\?&\"'<> #]+)
You can check here
Check this pattern instead:

How to use if condition in Javascript RegEx?

I am trying to add some rules to Imagus Firefox Extension. I want to capture image parameter from Google Image Search and if it contains the string th_ remove it and redirect. Otherwise just redirect.
This is my RegEx:
It works fine for URL's which contain string th_ but for other links it breaks.
Here's the link to my work Have a look and help. PS: Please note there are two links in the example.
I found the answer after a fight. And the regex works fine in the Extension.
Here is th link with answer:
Add a * after (?:th_), like:
Matches your urls with th_ and replaces it or takes the whole url with the additional |(.+) (+ ^(?: ... ) around your regex). You need to replace it with $1$2$3 then

Only match regex if it doesnt start with a pattern in javascript

I have a bit of a strange one here, I basically have a large chunk of text which may or may not contain links to images.
So lets say it does I have a pattern which will extract the image url fine, however once a match is found it is replaced with a element with the link as the src. Now the problem is there may be multiple matches within the text and this is where it gets tricky. As the url pattern will now match the src tags url, which will basically just enter an infinite loop.
So is there a way to ONLY match in regex if it doesnt start with a pattern like ="|=' ? as then it would match the url in something like:
some image
but not
some image <img src="">
I am not sure if it is possible, but if it is could someone point me in the right direction? A replace by itself will not suffice in this scenario as the url matched needs to be used elsewhere too so it needs to be used like a capture.
The main scenarios I need to account for are:
Many links in one block of varied text
A single link without any other text
A single link with other varied text
== edit ==
Here is the current regex I am using to match urls:
== edit 2 ==
Just so everyone understands why I cannot use the /g command here is an answer which explains the issue, if I could use this /g like I originally tried then it would make things a lot simpler.
Javascript regex multiple captures again
What you are looking for is a negative look behind, but Javascript doesn't support any kind of look behinds, so you will either have to use a callback function to check what was matched and make sure it is not preceded by a ' or ", or you can use the following regex:
which has a single problem, that is in the case of a successful match it will catch one more character, the one right before the (\b(https?|ftp|file) pattern in the input, but I think you can deal with this easily.
Regex101 Demo
Using the /ig command at the end should work... the g is for global replace and the i is for case-insensitivity, which is necessary as you've only got A-Z instead of a-zA-Z.
Using the following vanilla JS appears to work for me (see jsfiddle)...
var test="some image some image some image";
var re = new RegExp(/(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*(?:png|jpeg|jpg|gif|bmp))/ig);
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = test.replace(re,"<img src=\"$1\"/>");
Although, what it does highlight is that the query string part of the URL (the ?v=6 is not being picked up with your RegEx).
For jQuery, it would be (see jsfiddle)...
var test="some image some image some image";
var re = new RegExp(/(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*(?:png|jpeg|jpg|gif|bmp))/ig);
$("#output").html(test.replace(re,"<img src=\"$1\"/>"));
Just in case my example of using the same image URL in the example doesn't convince you - it also works with different URLs... see this jsfiddle update
var test="";
var re = new RegExp(/(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*(?:png|jpeg|jpg|gif|bmp))/ig);
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = test.replace(re,"<img src=\"$1\"/>");
Couldn't you just see if there is a whitespace in front of the url, instead of that word-boundary? seems to work, although you will have to remove the matched whitespace later.
Edit: Damn, too slow :) I'll still leave this here as my regex is shorter ;)
as was said by freefaller, you might use /g flag to just find all matches in one go, if exec is not a must.
otherwise: you can add (="|=')? to the beginning of your regex, and check if $1 is undefined. if it is undefined, then it was not started with a ="|=' pattern

Capture every URL in text [duplicate]

I have to find the first url in the text with a regular expression:
for example:
I love this website: it's fantastic
[ es.] text
I looked into this issue last year and developed a solution that you may want to look at - See: URL Linkification (HTTP/FTP) This link is a test page for the Javascript solution with many examples of difficult-to-linkify URLs.
My regex solution, written for both PHP and Javascript - is not simple (but neither is the problem as it turns out.) For more information I would recommend also reading:
The Problem With URLs by Jeff Atwood, and
An Improved Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching URLs by John Gruber
The comments following Jeff's blog post are a must read if you want to do this right...
Note that this question gets asked a lot. Maybe do a search next time :)
You can't do this perfectly with a regular expression. You may be interested in this blog post. There is a bit more information on Regex Guru, but even those look very fragile. You will need to have additional checks outside of your regular expression to catch the edge cases.
Identifying URLs is tricky because they are often surrounded by punctuation marks and because users frequently do not use the full form of the URL. Many JavaScript functions exist for replacing URLs with hyperlinks, but I was unable to find one that works as well as the urlize filter in the Python-based web framework Django. I therefore ported Django's urlize function to JavaScript:
It actually would not pick up the URL in your example because there is a colon right before the URL. But if we modify the example a little:
urlize("I love this website: it's fantastic", true, true)
=> 'I love this website: it's fantastic"'
Note the second argument which, if true, inserts rel="nofollow" and the third argument which, if true, quotes characters that have special meaning in HTML.
This might work->
Found it somewhere
Will find links ->
(Something like
Hope this works....
i am using this regex : :) ( its translated ABNF )
You can use the following regex expression for extracting any type of url coming in message.
String regex = "(http(s)?:\/\/.)?(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9#:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9#:%_\+.~#?&/=]*)";
This works for me:
const regExpressionUrl = new RegExp(/(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g); //detect URL

Regular expression for detecting hyperlinks

I've got this regex pattern from WMD showdown.js file.
and the code is:
text = text.replace(/<((https?|ftp|dict):[^'">\s]+)>/gi,"$1");
But when I set text to, it does not anchor it, it returns the original text value as is (
P.S: I've tested it with RegexPal and it does not match.
Your code is searching for a url wrapped in <> like: <>: RegexPal.
Just change it to /((https?|ftp|dict):[^'">\s]+)/gi if you don't want it to search for the <>: RegexPal
As long as you know your url's start with http:// or https:// or whatever you can use:
The expression will match till it encounters a character not allowed in the URL i.e. is not A-Za-z\.\-. It will not however detect anything of the form or anything that comes after the domain name like parameters or sub directory paths etc. If that is your requirement that you can simply choose to terminate the terminating condition as you have above in your regex.
I know it seems pointless but it may be useful if you want the display name to be something abbreviated rather than the whole url in case of complex urls.
You could use:
var re = /(http|https|ftp|dict)(:\/\/\S+?)(\.?\s|\.?$)/gi;
el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace(re, '<a href=\'$1$2\'>$1$2<\/a>$3');
to also match URLs at the end of sentences.
But you need to be very careful with this technique, make sure the content of the element is more or less plain text and not complex markup. Regular expressions are not meant for, nor are they good at, processing or parsing HTML.

