creating object of js which is in iframe - javascript

Suppose i have a web page ( and that web page has some js(javascript1.js, javascript2.js) files.
Now i created another web page (called "") and loaded in an iFrame.
Now iwant to use those methods in javascript1.js and javascript2.js in my, so that don't have create another js file for the, i use those methods directly.
I tried "document.getElementById('yourIFrame').contentWindow.yourFunction();" but didn't find it working.

Its hard to achieve this, since your two websites don't come from the same origin.
"The essence of the Same Origin policy can be formulated as: windows can work in contexts of each other only if they are from same protocol://domain:port, or, shortly, from same origin."
There are workarounds, namely the cross-window messaging, but you need to be in control of both domains. In essence, you would be fighting browsers that actively prohibit this, as it is considered a security flaw.


How to Load an external web page inside my one and hide some content (avoiding cross site problems)

I need to incorporate in my web application some content from an external dynamic web page on which I have no control.
Then I need to filter some of the content of this page or to hide it for presenting only the relevant part that is interesting for my use.
I need also that the scripts on the external page are still working on the source site of the loaded content without cross-site protection.
Is all that possible? How can I do it? Any code example, please?
I suppose that this can be made with JS on client side .
I work on back side and these themes are quite extraneous to me, please don't blame me.
No, it is not possible.
Browser same-origin policy is designed to prevent malicious websites from doing evil.
Same-origin Policy restricts JavaScript network access to prevent evil.
Same-origin Policy also restricts script API Access to prevent evil.
From the Docs:
JavaScript APIs like iframe.contentWindow, window.parent,, and window.opener allow documents to directly reference each other. When two documents do not have the same origin, these references provide very limited access to Window and Location objects.
To communicate between documents from different origins, use window.postMessage.
— MDN Web Security Reference - Cross-origin script API access
One can not use <iframe> elements as a way to "avoid cross site problems". The Same Origin Policy was created to protect users from evil web pages.

Can I change the 'window.location' property inside a Bookmarklet and then continue doing things on the new document?

I want know if you can guide to users for a series of steps that imply visit different web pages using actions inside a Bookmarklet. What I want is a kind of Wizard or automated actions cross web pages.
Afraid not. What you're describing would actually be very dangerous. If there were any malicious code in the bookmarklet, it would have access to every site you are logged into, email, amazon etc. Some pseudocode for an attack could look like this:
window.location = "";"");
window.location = "";"");
You partially can, if you open the new pages inside an iframe. However, you won't be able to modifying the content of the webpages anymore, but just modifying the url of the iframe, and going through different websites (like a kind of slideshow).
Notice that if you're the owner of the pages, you can use postMessage to interact with them, even if they're in different domains.
Or, you could do a "tunneling" on server side, and inject each team you got the page back with the JS you need.
But probably the cleanest approach if you're not the owner of the pages is just create a simple restartless add-on for the browsers you want to support.

Java script in IFRAME security issues

On the website the typewriter is inside of an IFAME . Everything works correctly on all browsers when you go to the site directly but when viewing the version embeded in an IFRAME it does not work on IE and throws errors in Chrome.
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.
This is the source code for the embedded IFRAME
I understand that this is a security problem but I don`t know how to fix it and can not find any material that would help me solve the issue.
The easiest method is to set a PHP (or any server language) proxy that just gets the content of the page from the other domain and outputs it. The only real drawback is that the cookies of the client for the remote domain aren't sent.
Take a look at This is a jquery plugin that sends message between the two frames. The two frames do not need to be on the same domain. But you do need to access both pages to be able modify them. I also wrote a post here that answers communication between iframes. How to capture clicks from iframe on another domain?
Your only chance is something like easyXDM. (or do it manually using the hash, but would prefer easyXDM)
See the SO answer: Cross-domain hash change communication
eg. if you wanna call a method:
If I try your demo in firefox I don't get the "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access" error at all. But in Chrome it's thrown many times.
You have so much other code in your example that I'm not even sure that your code causes the problem. You should do a very limited/basic test to see if your flash-communication works, without all those other javascripts.
I have had similar issues with this before. Basically if you have an iframe that contains a page from a domain that differs from the main page's domain, javascript will not be able to cross the boundaries between them. Javascript within the iframe will be able to talk within the iframe, javascript in the main page will be able to talk within the main page, but they will not be able to talk to each other.
This is a security issue that aims to stop cross-site scripting attacks. There are a number of hacks that you can put in place to get around this problem but they are all (or at least the ones I know of) rather hairy.
Here are some questions that you should answer before trying to go further:
1) What exactly are you trying to do between the pages using javascript?
2) Do you have access to the source of both pages?
It may be waaay simpler than the above answers. It looks like this function:
function playSound(){
Is written in the DOM timeline before swf is actually assigned to the swfObject in the function below it.
I would recommend moving that function down further and then retest.

accessing variable in parent page from iframe

I have a page with an iframe that contains a html page. I want to access a Javascript variable in the parent page from within the iframe. The name of the variable in the main page is observer.
I have tried this = 'aadasds';
but I am getting the following error:
Permission denied for to get property
Exchanging values between iframes (and parent) is only allowed if both sites come from the same domain. If they do, your example should just work. If they don't, browsers inhibit the communication.
However there are a number of hacks to circumvent this: e.g the Yahoo.CrossFrame library described in Julien le Comte's blog using a third iframe to enable one way communication, or the "resize an iframe around the iframe"-idea described in Adam Fortuna's blog enabling two way communication.
Edit (as people still seem to read this old answer):
In modern Browsers you can use postMessage to exchange Data between iframes. There are many javascript libraries that try to emulate that functionality in older browsers, too. E.g. by mis-using the location.hash, like the jquery-postmessage-plugin does.
It sounds as though your iframes are using different domains. All major browsers block access to parent iframes if they are not using the same domain. IE if you have the domain and you embedded a page from and try to access/modify anything from google's website, you will be denied access.
The other answer to this question explains the implemented API post message. This can also be used to send/receive data from different frames from different domains. However, the things you can do with that are limited compared to if you had two frames using the same domain.
That being said, here is the answer if your iframes are using the same domain.;
Hope this helps someone :)

Enabling cross domain scripting in the intranet

I'm having a few problems with an application that integrates sharepoint, SQL reporting services and a bunch of custom forms that are built using ASP.NET MVC.
Assuming my servers are as follows;
Custom forms
In MOSS, my portal has need on occassion to popup a custom form to capture user input. I've done this by using a jQuery dialog (using Boxy), which iframes the custom form in and passes the url of the portal into it. When the custom form is finished, it navigates the parent window (the MOSS portal) to the URL passed in, which effectively refreshes the page.
This was working fine until we threw in the complexity of SSRS.
Now in MOSS, I have a report that lists some data, but the SSRS report viewer web part seems to iframe it's report content in, which means the hyperlinks from the report can't ask the parent to overlay the same dialogs (as it's cross domain) and if it were to perform the overlay itself, it would just overlay the iframe.
Sorry for the long post, getting to the point - this is an internal intranet application only. Is it possible to allow cross domain scripting somehow so that the popup dialogs can all be controlled from javascript within the sharepoint portal and SSRS and my custom forms can just invoke javascript methods on the parent?
Preferably I wouldn't want to have to do configuration in the client browser to allow this to happen, as I'd have to roll that change out to all the machines within the estate - which is a significant number.
Thanks in advance, beer available to anyone who can solve my woes ;)
IE8, Firefox 3, recent Opera and Safari/Chrome support postMessage which allows cooperating pages on different domains to talk to each other:
If you are stuck with older browsers, you have few options. The cleanest is to send everything that needs to communicate with each other through the same proxy, although in the OP's situation it looks like this isn't possible.
The next cleanest is to use Flash's cross-domain facility.
Another option is xssinterface, which wraps postMessage where available and uses some voodoo involving cookies and polling where it isn't.
The only other option is to use hidden iframes - to send a message to a page, change the iframe's location to one on the destination page's domain and poll in the destination page - but again I think the proxying in the OP's case makes this unworkable.
There is another option in addition to those Andrew provides. You can dynamically inject script tags into the DOM, wherein the src attribute can point to a javascript file on any domain.
In jQuery you accomplish this by specifying "jsonp" as the datatype for the ajax request. You can read more about this approach here:
I finally got around these issues by using hidden iframes as suggested. I posted an article on my blog with more details and pushed the code onto codeplex:

