Cannot read property 'toUpperCase' of null (Google Chrome) - javascript

So I'm trying to run a simple "conditional statement exercise" with a few questions, but in my Google Chrome it keeps giving me an error. Other applications aren't giving me any errors. I also have the most updated version of Google Chrome
Warning the js is going to launch when you go to the link
Check out my js fiddle
var counter = 0;
var questions = 5;
var ready = false;
alert("I have " + questions + " questions to ask you?");
var name = prompt("What is your name?");
alert("Hello " + name + "!");
alert("Here we go!");
var answer1 = prompt(name + "What color is the sky?");
if (answer1.toUpperCase() === 'BLUE') {
counter += 1;
alert('Congrates ' + name + ' you were right!');
} else {
alert('Sorry' + ' ' + name + 'but that was wrong.');

I'm not seeing that error. You can try wrapping that conditional in a value check conditional:
var answer1 = prompt(name + "What color is the sky?");
if (answer1) {
if (answer1.toUpperCase() === 'BLUE') {
counter += 1;
alert('Congrates ' + name + ' you were right!');
} else {
alert('Sorry' + ' ' + name + 'but that was wrong.');


How to toggleClass with SignalR hub.server?

I am currently learning SignalR with .Net MVC and following a tutorial to work on a simple app. Right now it is working alright, but I am having trouble understanding some part and also if possible, want to sort of enhance it.
Plane Seats Tutorial link
Right now the app is working as when a user clicks on a seat, it reserves it. And there is no going back. I want to implement like a toggle, where if the user wants to change seat, he gets to unreserve his selected seat, and then be free to reserve another one. I am not being able to do it with myHub.server.selectSeat(userId, $(this).toggleClass(settings.selectingSeatCss));. Whenever I click on a seat, it gives me this error in the Dev tools
Uncaught: Converting circular structure to JSON
var settings = {
rows: 5,
cols: 15,
rowCssPrefix: 'row-',
colCssPrefix: 'col-',
seatWidth: 35,
seatHeight: 35,
seatCss: 'seat',
selectedSeatCss: 'selectedSeat',
selectingSeatCss: 'selectingSeat'
$(function() {
//// Start the hub
window.hubReady = $.connection.hub.start();
$.connection.hub.start().done(function() {
// Call the server side function AFTER the connection has been started
//invoke for the user data
// Seat selection
$('.' + settings.seatCss).click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass(settings.selectedSeatCss)) {
alert('Sorry, this seat has been already reserved');
} else {
//myHub.server.selectSeat(userId, $(this).toggleClass(settings.selectingSeatCss));
myHub.server.selectSeat(userId, $(this)[0].innerText);
// Client method to broadcast the message
myHub.client.createUser = function(message) {
userId = message;
//get seats data
myHub.client.populateSeatData = function(message) {
var parsedSeatsData = JSON.parse(message);
$.each(parsedSeatsData, function(index, value) {
$("a:contains('" + value.seatnumber + "')").parent("li").toggleClass(settings.selectedSeatCss);
// Client method to broadcast the message as user selected the seat
myHub.client.selectSeat = function(message) {
var parsedSeatData = JSON.parse(message);
$("a:contains('" + parsedSeatData.seatnumber + "')").parent("li").toggleClass(settings.selectedSeatCss);
And can anyone please briefly explain what is str.push doing in this block of code? What is it exactly pushing into the array?
var init = function(reservedSeat) {
var str = [],
seatNo, className;
for (i = 0; i < settings.rows; i++) {
for (j = 2; j < settings.cols; j++) {
seatNo = (i + j * settings.rows + 1);
className = settings.seatCss + ' ' + settings.rowCssPrefix + i.toString() + ' ' + settings.colCssPrefix + j.toString();
if ($.isArray(reservedSeat) && $.inArray(seatNo, reservedSeat) != -1) {
className += ' ' + settings.selectedSeatCss;
str.push('<li class="' + className + '"' + 'style="top:' + (i * settings.seatHeight).toString() + 'px;left:' + (j * settings.seatWidth).toString() + 'px">' + '<a title="' + seatNo + '">' + seatNo + '</a>' + '</li>');
I had to use a toggleSeat() function instead of just using toggleClass.
public void toggleSeat(int userId, int seatNumber)
PlaneSeatArrangment mySeat = allSeats.Where(s => s.SeatNumber == seatNumber).FirstOrDefault();
var retunData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mySeat);
if (mySeat != null && userId == mySeat.UserId)

I can't figure out how to write this "if statement"

I need to have only the multiple gifts outputted by the names of people that gave the gift.
example: multiple toasters by: jack and jill
heres my code: thanks for the help. My loop works but not my ending if statement. confused...
<script type="text/javascript">
var guest = "yes"
var gift, side, yourName, kind, groomNameAccum, brideNameAccum;
var toaster, silverware, stemware, giftType;
var noGift = 0;
var groomCounter = 0;
var brideCounter = 0;
kind = parseInt(kind);
//initalizing loop
weddingGift = "yes"
//start loop
while (guest == "yes") {
side = prompt("Which side are you on? groom or bride?", "")
yourName = prompt("Whats your name?", "");
kind = prompt("What kind of gift?", "");
if (side == "groom") {
groomCounter = groomCounter + 1;
if (groomCounter == 1) {
groomNameAccum = "Groom side: <br>" + groomCounter + ". " + yourName + ": " + kind;
} else {
groomNameAccum = groomNameAccum + "<br>" + groomCounter + ". " + yourName + ": " + kind;
} else
if (side == "bride") {
brideCounter = brideCounter + 1;
if (brideCounter == 1) {
brideNameAccum = "<p>Bride side: <br>" + brideCounter + ". " + yourName + ": " + kind;
} else {
brideNameAccum = brideNameAccum + "<br>" + brideCounter + ". " + yourName + ": " + kind;
if (kind > 1) {
giftType = toaster + silverware + stemware;
} else {
giftType = noGift;
guest = prompt("Are there anymore guests?", "yes");
document.write("<p>Multiples Toasters by:<br>" + giftType + yourName + "<br/>");
document.write("Multiples Silverware by:<br>" + gift + "<br/>");
document.write("Multiples Stemware by:<br>" + gift);
// -->
If kind should be an integer then there should be parseInt before if (kind > 1) {
kind = parseInt(kind);
if (kind > 1) {
giftType = toaster + silverware + stemware;
} else {
giftType = noGift;
Or simply
kind = parseInt(prompt("What kind of gift?", ""));
Because promt returns a string or null.
Here in the popup for "What kind of gift?" we are entering some text for that. If you are doing parseInt(kind) but its value is text only. So in java script you are not able do any operation between two different types like (int and text). So the last if condition for if(kind > 1) is not executing.

Is there something wrong with the way i'm starting my script? trying to get array to output a different response per answer

Ok so I think the problem with my code is related to the actual html page i'm activating the code with, but i can't be sure.
what i'm trying to do is have two questions asked via an array. I want the second question to show "gerp" instead of correct and for it to notify you is you are wrong on question two if you are wrong.
this is what i use on the page to start the "riddles" :
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click Me</button>
<p id="demo"></p>
and this is the code i use in the js file that is separate to the html file (sorry if i sound silly, i'm just trying to be specific):
var i = 0;
var myArray = [{
q: "What was her favorite Color?",
a: "purple" }, {
q: "gymhoaccetpptfe",
a: "rev six nine eleven"}];
function myFunction() {
var x;
var name = prompt(myArray[i].q);
if (name == myArray[i].a) {
x = document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML + " " + "Correct!" + " " + "Listen!"
+ " " +
i= i + 1 ;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
} else if ((name == myArray[i + 1].a)) {
x = document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML + " " + "gerp!";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
} else {
x = document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML + name + " " + "is" + " " + "wrong!";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
I just want "Gerp" to show up when the second question is answered correctly.
it's because in the first if, you do i=i+1, but in the second if, for the gerp, you're checking for i + 1, which would be 2, the third element. unless you need it to be dynamic, just use the corresponding index:
... else if(name == myArray[1].a) { ...
You should really consider fixing your formatting and cleaning up your code. It'll look much nicer and errors will be easier to spot:
var questions = [{
question: 'What was her favorite Color?',
answer: 'purple',
message: 'Correct! Listen:'
}, {
question: 'gymhoaccetpptfe',
answer: 'rev six nine eleven',
message: 'gerp!'
function add_message(text) {
var element = document.createElement('div');
var demo = document.getElementById('demo');
element.innerHTML = text;
function ask_questions(questions) {
for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; ) {
var question = questions[i];
var response = prompt(question.question);
if (response == question.answer) {
} else {
add_message('"' + response + '" is wrong!');
function start_riddles() {

Converting firefox javascript to IE javascript

I've been trying to get some AJAX code that runs fine in FireFox to run in IE.
I'm running into some trouble with updating some tables in the script though. I've seen numerous other people have similar issues, but none of the solutions they've found have worked for me. The problem occurs first on the line
qe3Table.innerHTML =
"<tr>\n" +
" <th>Name</th>\n" +
" <th>Status</th>\n" +
" <th>View Status</th>\n" +
Where I'm getting the error "'null' is null or not an object"
I'm pretty sure that all of my other errors are of the same type as this one, my AJAX script and some accompanying javascript is below.
<script type="text/javascript">
//obtains the box address for a QE3 on the system for the given index
function getQE3BoxAddressHash(index)
var retVal = 0x00000100; //initial value for QE3 boxes
retVal |= (index & 0x000000FF);
return retVal;
//obtains the box address for a QED on the system for the given index
function getQEDBoxAddressHash(index)
var retVal = 0x00001300; //initial value for QED boxes
retVal |= ((index & 0x0000000F) << 4);
retVal |= ((index & 0x000000F0) >> 4);
return retVal;
<script type="text/javascript">
var textSocket;
function fillTables()
if(textSocket.readyState != 4)
var qe3Table = document.getElementById("QE3_TABLE");
var qedTable = document.getElementById("QED_TABLE");
var rawData = textSocket.responseText.split("::::");
var qe3Data = new Array();
var qedData = new Array();
var qe3Index = 0;
var qedIndex = 0;
for(var item in rawData)
if(rawData[item].indexOf("QA") != -1)
qe3Data[qe3Index++] = rawData[item];
else if(rawData[item].indexOf("QED") != -1)
qedData[qedIndex++] = rawData[item];
qe3Table.innerHTML =
"<tr>\n" +
" <th>Name</th>\n" +
" <th>Status</th>\n" +
" <th>View Status</th>\n" +
qedTable.innerHTML =
"<tr>\n" +
" <th>Name</th>\n" +
" <th>Status</th>\n" +
" <th>View Status</th>\n" +
for(var value in qe3Data)
var components = qe3Data[value].split("-");
if(components.length != 3)
qe3Table.innerHTML +=
"<tr>\n" +
" <td>" + components[0] + "-" + components[1] +"</td>\n" +
" <td>" +
((components[2].toUpperCase() === "ONLINE")?
"<font color=\"green\"><b>ONLINE</b></font>":
"<font color=\"red\"><b>OFFLINE</b></font>")+
"</td>\n" +
" <td>\n <input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location='system_status.php?boxAddress=" + getQE3BoxAddressHash(value).toString(16) + "'\" value='View Status for " + components[0] + "-" + components[1] +"'></input> </td>\n" +
for(var value in qedData)
var components = qedData[value].split("-");
if(components.length != 3)
qedTable.innerHTML +=
"<tr>\n" +
" <td>" + components[0] + "-" + components[1] +"</td>\n" +
" <td>" +
((components[2].toUpperCase() === "ONLINE")?
"<font color=\"green\"><b>ONLINE</b></font>":
"<font color=\"red\"><b>OFFLINE</b></font>")+
"</td>\n" +
" <td>\n <input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location='system_status.php?boxAddress=" + getQEDBoxAddressHash(value).toString(16) + "'\" value='View Status for " + components[0] + "-" + components[1] +"'></input> </td>\n" +
function initAjax()
// Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari
textSocket = new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
// Internet Explorer Browsers
textSocket = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
textSocket = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
// Something went wrong
alert("A browser error occurred.");
return false;
function reloadTables()
function init()
The problem is probably with:
var qe3Table = document.getElementById("QE3_TABLE");
If you're running this script before the body is loaded, that won't exist. Check to see if that variable has anything in it.
I Tried both of your guys' fixes but they didn't seem to help. In the end, I converted all calls of the form:
qe3TableNew.innerHTML = ("<tr>\n" +" <th>Name</th>\n" +" <th>Status</th>\n" +" <th>View Status</th>\n" +"</tr>\n");
var row;
var cell;
var text;
var font;
row = document.createElement("tr");
cell = document.createElement("th");
text = document.createTextNode("Name");
cell = document.createElement("th");
text = document.createTextNode("Status");
cell = document.createElement("th");
text = document.createTextNode("View Status");
This seemed to solve it, so I believe it has to do with IE's inability to handle changes to innerHTML.
Thanks for the help guys.
At least one issue (which could produce the above symptoms) is the line:
Hint: the () operator executes the function immediately and evaluates to the return value. This in turn may allow the XHR handler (in certain situations) to fire at a time when the DOM may not be ready.
Happy coding.

Adding javascript loops into SQL database

What i am trying to achieve is adding the javascript loops and the named variables into an sql database, some of them are already added to an external script so work fine however some which i have named in the SQL script at the bottom still need adding, however as the database won't accept a colon ":" they won't enter it and is returning an error, looking at the code at the bottom with replace function im sure you can see what i am trying to achieve but failing miserably, help is much appreciated!
window.status = 'Loading contingency scripts - please wait...';
audit('Loading contingency scripts');
var conting = {
i: 0,
start: function() {
window.status = 'Loading form - please wait...';
var t = '';
t += '<form name="frm_conting" id="frm_conting" onsubmit="return false;">';
t += '<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">';
t += '<tr><td>Date (DD/MM/YY):</td><td><input type="text" size="8" value="' + current_date + '" id="date"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Time Started:</td><td><select id="timefrom"><option></option>';
for (h = 8; h < 23; h++) {
for (m = 0; m < 46; m = m + 15) {
t += '<option value=' + nb[h] + ':' + nb[m] + '>' + nb[h] + ':' + nb[m] + '</option>';
t += '</select></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Time Finished:</td><td><select id="timeto"><option></option>';
for (h = 8; h < 23; h++) {
for (m = 0; m < 46; m = m + 15) {
t += '<option value=' + nb[h] + ':' + nb[m] + '>' + nb[h] + ':' + nb[m] + '</option>';
t += '</select><tr><td>Extension #:</td><td><input type="text" size="5" value="' + my.extension + '" id="staffid"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Desk ID:</td><td><input type="text" size="5" value=' + my.deskid + ' id="desk"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Number of calls:</td><td><input type="text" size="5" id="calls"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Avid ID:</td><td><input type="text" size="5" id="avid"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td><input type="button" value="Submit" onClick=""></td>';
t += '</table>';
t += '</form>';
div_form.innerHTML = t;
window.resizeTo(400, 385);
window.status = '';
save: function() {
var conting_date =;
if (!isdate(conting_date)) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect date.");
return false;
var conting_timefrom = frm_conting.timefrom.value;
var conting_timeto = frm_conting.timeto.value;
if (conting_timefrom == '' || conting_timeto == '') {
alert("You need to enter a starting & finishing time.");
return false;
if (conting_timefrom > conting_timeto) {
alert("The time you have entered is after the finish time.");
return false;
var conting_staffid = frm_conting.staffid.value;
if (conting_staffid.length != 5) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect extension number.");
return false;
var conting_desk = frm_conting.desk.value;
if (conting_desk.length != 5) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect desk ID.");
return false;
var conting_calls = frm_conting.calls.value;
if (isNaN(conting_calls)) {
alert("You have not entered amount of calls.");
return false;
var conting_avid = frm_conting.avid.value;
if (isNaN(conting_avid)) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect avid ID.");
return false;
if (conting_avid.length != 5) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect avid ID.");
return false;
};["contingency"]);"SELECT MAX(prac_id) FROM practice", conn);
var prac_id = rs.fields(0).value + 1;
var prac_timefrom = parseFloat(frm_conting.timefrom.value);
var prac_timeto = parseFloat(frm_conting.timefrom.value);
var prac_calls = frm_conting.calls.value;
var prac_avid = frm_conting.avid.value;
var q = "INSERT INTO practice (prac_id, prac_staffid, prac_date, prac_timefrom, prac_timeto, prac_extension, prac_desk, prac_calls, prac_avid) VALUES (" + prac_id + "," + + ", " + current_date + ", " + prac_timefrom + ", " + prac_timeto + ", " + my.extension + ", " + my.deskid + ", " + prac_calls + ", " + prac_avid + ")";
var q = "UPDATE SELECT practice REPLACE ('isNaN', ':', 'isNull')"
alert(prac_timefrom);, conn);
window.status = '';​
This bit of code looks extremely dubious.
var q = "INSERT INTO practice (prac_id, prac_staffid, prac_date, prac_timefrom, prac_timeto, prac_extension, prac_desk, prac_calls, prac_avid) VALUES (" + prac_id + "," + + ", " + current_date + ", " + prac_timefrom + ", " + prac_timeto + ", " + my.extension + ", " + my.deskid + ", " + prac_calls + ", " + prac_avid + ")";
var q = "UPDATE SELECT practice REPLACE ('isNaN', ':', 'isNull')"
alert(prac_timefrom);, conn);
you should use parameterised queries to avoid SQL injection. Additionally even without any deliberate SQL injection attempts this code will fail if any of the form fields contain the ' character.
You are assigning to the variable q twice and aren't executing the result of the first assignment. (And declaring it twice actually?!)
There is no syntax such as UPDATE SELECT it would need to be something like UPDATE practice SET SomeColumn = REPLACE (SomeColumn, 'isNaN', 'isNull') presumably except see 4 and 5.
I'm not clear what the Replace is meant to be doing anyway. What are the 3 parameters you have given it?
It would be better to do the Replace on the value before inserting into the database rather than inserting it wrong then updating it to the new value.

