javascript array to string conversion - javascript

I have this array in javascript:
[, div.editor, div.inside-1, div.container-2, div.inside-wrapper, div#content, div.whitebgpan, div, div#maindiv, body, html]
How can I convert it into string, so that the output will be: div.editor div.inside-1 div.container-2 div.inside-wrapper div#content div.whitebgpan div div#maindiv body html
here is my code:
jQuery(document).on('click', function(e){
var ClickedParents = jQuery(; //Get all parents of clicked element
var ClickedParents_array = jQuery.makeArray(ClickedParents); //Make array
console.log(ClickedParents_array); //Show output in colsole

You can use a combination of the jQuery each function and JavaScript's Array.Join function to solve this problem.
I've artificially retrieved an array of jQuery objects to show how you can solve this, but the concept is common to your problem.
<div id="parent">
<div id="child1"></div>
<div id="child2"></div>
<div id="child3"></div>
<div id="child4"></div>
<div id="child5"></div>
var arrayOfObjects = $('#parent').children();
var ids = [];
$.each(arrayOfObjects, function(i, val)
var idString = ids.join(' ');
You can read up more on the jQuery each function here.
You can read up more on the JavaScript's Array.Join function

===== Update =====
Ok, the following code is tested, just open a console and paste this. it selects all div tags and convert into selector string.
$.map($('div'),function toSelector(elem){
var jqObj = $(elem)
var tag = jqObj.prop('tagName').toLowerCase()
var classes = jqObj.attr('class') ? '.' + jqObj.attr('class').split(' ').join('.') : ''
var ids = jqObj.attr('id') ? '#' + jqObj.attr('id').split(' ').join('#'): ''
return tag + classes + ids
Supposing they're jquery objects, you have to build the string manually.
For example, do something like following. (not tested)
function toSelector(jqObj){
var tag = jqObj.prop('tagName').toLowerCase()
var classes = jqObj.attr('class') ? '.' + jqObj.attr('class').split(' ').join('.') : ''
var ids = jqObj.attr('id') ? '#' + jqObj.attr('id').split(' ').join('#'): ''
return tag + classes + ids

I think below code is helpful for you.
<script type="text/javascript">
String.prototype.replaceAll = function ( token, newToken, ignoreCase ) {
var _token;
var str = this + "";
var i = -1;
if ( typeof token === "string" ) {
if ( ignoreCase ) {
_token = token.toLowerCase();
while( (
i = str.toLowerCase().indexOf(
token, i >= 0 ? i + newToken.length : 0
) ) !== -1
) {
str = str.substring( 0, i ) +
newToken +
str.substring( i + token.length );
} else {
return this.split( token ).join( newToken );
return str;
var arr = [];
arr.push('', 'div.editor', 'div.inside-1', 'div.container-2', 'div.inside-wrapper', 'div#content', 'div.whitebgpan', 'div', 'div#maindiv', 'body', 'html');
var stringData = arr.toString();
stringData = stringData.replaceAll(",", " ");


How to construct html list by mapping with common id

i'm facing problem to construct html list.
i'm expecting same result as shown by (Expected output(Static) Below:)
Question: comm_id having same value should be constructed 1 time
here is what i'm trying
var list = [
{'com_id':91,'text':'cup cake'},
var dataMap = {}, str = '';
for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++){
if(!dataMap[list[i]['com_id']]) {
dataMap[list[i]['com_id']] = list[i];
str += '<li>com_id:'+list[i]['com_id']+' <span>'+list[i]['text']+'</span><span>'+list[i]['text']+'</span></li>';
<script src=""></script>
<div id="dynamic_const">
<p>Expected output(Static) Below:</p>
<div id="static">
<li>com_id:12 <span>Apple</span><span>Banana</span></li>
<li>com_id:91 <span>cake</span><span>cup cake</span></li>
Please help me thanks in advance!!!
var list = [
{'com_id':91,'text':'cup cake'}
// group the text for each com_id
var reducedList = list.reduce( ( elements, element ) => {
if ( !elements[ element.com_id ] ) {
elements[ element.com_id ] = { com_id: element.com_id, text: [] }
elements[ element.com_id ].text.push( element.text );
return elements;
}, {} );
console.log( reducedList );
// build the html
var newHTML = Object.values( reducedList ).map( element => {
return `<li>com_id:${ element.com_id }<span>${ element.text.join( '</span><span>' ) }</span></li>`;
} );
console.log( newHTML );
If you just want to build your HTML you can use Jquery $.each
var html = '';
$.each(list, function(i, el){
html += '<li>com_id:' + el.com_id + ' <span>' + el.text + '</span></li>';

regex if else statement failing

here's a function that checks if there's a link in text (if so, replaces it with a clickable one)
The actual resolution of this image is 3067x2276, not 4381x3251. See this page for information on how to find out what the resolution of an image is.
function getTopComment(permalink) {
var fullLink = "" + permalink + ".json?sort=top";
$.getJSON(fullLink, function foo(result) {
var rawComment = result[1].data.children[0].data.body;
var regExp = /\[(.*?)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/g;
var matches = regExp.exec(rawComment);
if (matches.length > 2) {
var replace = `${matches[1]}`;
var cleanComment = rawComment.replace(matches[0], replace);
$("#text").append('<p>' + cleanComment + '</p>');
} else {
<div class="container">
<div id="art" class="img column1">
<div id="text" class="comment column2">
I tried running it on chrome's javascript console, replacing $("#text").append... with console.log("hello"), and it works. Why does it not work on jsfiddle?
use try and catch instead
function getTopComment(permalink) {
var fullLink = "" + permalink + ".json?sort=top";
$.getJSON(fullLink, function foo(result) {
var rawComment = result[1].data.children[0].data.body;
try {
var regExp = /\[(.*?)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/g;
var matches = regExp.exec(rawComment);
var replace = `${matches[1]}`;
var cleanComment = rawComment.replace(matches[0], replace);
$("#text").append('<p>' + cleanComment + '</p>');
} catch(err) {
$("#text").append('<p>' + rawComment + '</p>');
exec returns null if regex not matched result. Just check it at first.
if (matches && matches.length > 2) {

Form value not return in Laravel

I have upload my JavaScript code :
function calculate_remain_credit() {
var hour_start = document.getElementById(parseInt('credit_taken'));
var hour_end = document.getElementById(parseInt('course_credit'));
var hour_total = credit_taken - course_credit;
document.getElementById('remain_credit').innerHTML = remain_credit;
And I am uploading also my Laravel form here:
<div class="form-group">
{{Form::label('credit',' Remain Credit ')}}
{!! Form::number('remain_credit', null, array('id'=>'remain_credit','placeholder' => ' Remain Credit ','class' => 'form-control')) !!}
How can I fix this problem?
You should fix three problems in your code :
The click event attachment should look like :
Removing the quotes :
You need to replace innerHTML by value if you want to update the input value, should be :
document.getElementById('remain_credit').value = remain_credit;
You've to parse after getting the value so :
var hour_start = document.getElementById(parseInt('credit_taken'));
var hour_end = document.getElementById(parseInt('course_credit'));
Should be instead like :
var hour_start = parseInt( document.getElementById('credit_taken').value );
var hour_end = parseInt( document.getElementById('course_credit').value );
The full updated code will be :
function calculate_remain_credit() {
var hour_start = parseInt( document.getElementById('credit_taken').value );
var hour_end = parseInt( document.getElementById('course_credit').value );
var hour_total = credit_taken - course_credit;
document.getElementById('remain_credit').value = remain_credit;
parseInt should be first and then document.getElementById:
function calculate_remain_credit() {
// here use parseInt before getElementById
var hour_start = parseInt(document.getElementById('credit_taken').value);
var hour_end = parseInt(document.getElementById('course_credit').value);
var hour_total = credit_taken - course_credit;
document.getElementById('remain_credit').value = hour_total;

Get the implicit lang attribute of an HTML element

Suppose you have an HTML page that contains sections in different languages, like this:
<html lang=en>
<div lang="th">
<p id="test1">ไทย</p>
<p id="test2">Implicitly English</p>
<div lang="en-CA">
<p id="test3">As Canadian as possible under the circumstances</p>
<p lang="en-AU"id="test4">Explictly Aussie</p>
Is there a direct way to discover which particular language code applies to a given HTML element? Something like:
// pseudo-code
var lang = myElement.getLang()
Here's what appears to be a very roundabout solution:
function getLang(element) {
var lang = element.getAttribute("lang")
if (!lang) {
var elements
, languages
, language
, ii
, selector
// Find all elements with an explicit lang attribute
elements = []"*[lang]"))
// Determine which languages are present
languages = []
for (ii in elements) {
lang = elements[ii].getAttribute("lang")
if (languages.indexOf(lang) < 0) {
lang = "" // reset
for (ii in languages) {
language = languages[ii]
selector = ":lang(" + language + ")"
elements = []
if (elements.indexOf(element) > -1) {
if (lang.length < language.length) {
lang = language
return lang
Is there a more obvious way?
I updated your fiddle with the following code, which you can run in this snippet. This simplifies it greatly.
function getLang(elem) {
var lang = "";
if (elem) {
var elements = [];
var queryResult = document.querySelectorAll("[lang]");
try {
//Wrapping in a try catch block to handle unsupported browsers.
elements = [];
} catch (error) {
for (var i = 0, len = queryResult.length; i < len; i++) {
if (elements.length > 0) {
//Find in the NodeList where the element is either itself or the first parent with lang attribute of the given element.
var matches = elements.filter(function(e) {
return e === elem || e.contains(elem);
}); //ES2015 -> elements.filter(e => e === elem || e.contains(elem));
var match = matches.length > 0 ? matches[matches.length - 1] : matches[0];
lang = match.lang ? match.lang : lang;
return lang;
var result = getLang(document.querySelector("#test1")) + " ";
result += getLang(document.querySelector("#test2")) + " ";
result += getLang(document.querySelector("#test3")) + " ";
result += getLang(document.querySelector("#test4"));
<body lang=en>
<div lang="th">
<p id="test1">ไทย</p>
<p id="test2">Implicitly English</p>
<div lang="en-CA">
<p id="test3">As Canadian as possible under the circumstances</p>
<p lang="en-AU" id="test4">Explictly Aussie</p>

Find the string occurence and wrap it with a span

<div id="wrapper">
<div>if(true)<span class="openParen bm1">{</span></div>
<div><span class="closeParen bm1>}</span></div>
I wanted to find cout using regex, something like /cout[^;]*;/ and then wrap it with a span.
<div id="wrapper">
<div>if(true)<span class="openParen bm1">{</span></div>
<div><span id="group">cout<<"hey";</span>cin>>x;</div>
<div><span class="closeParen bm1>}</span></div>
How will i find the regex occurence and the wrap it with a span? Anyone please?
UPDATE: I inserted cin>>x; after cout, cin shouldn't be wrapped.
I want to use something like this
text.replace(/(cout[^;]*;)/g, '<span class="group">$1</span>');
But i dont know how to apply it in DOM. anyone?
BUG for cin>> and cout<<, they cant be wrap until ;
This is how you would apply the regex to your DOM using jQuery:
$('#wrapper div').filter(':contains("cout")').each(function () {
$(this).html($(this).text().replace(/(cout[^;]*;)/g, '<span class="group">$1</span>'));
Demo fiddle
update Regex way
$('#wrapper div').filter(':contains("cout")').each(function () {
var x = $(this);
var txt = x.text();
x.html(txt.replace(/(cout[^;]*;)/g, '<span class="group">$1</span>'));
var x =$('#wrapper div').filter(':contains("cout")');
var txt = x.text();
x.text('').append('<span id="group">'+txt+'</span>');
updated after OP updated question
var x = $('#wrapper div').filter(':contains("cout")');
var txt = x.text();
var cout = txt.split(';');
$.each(cout, function (i, val) {
if (val.indexOf('cout') > -1) {
x.append('<span class="group">' + val + ';</span>');
} else {
x.append(val + ';');
$('#wrapper div').filter(':contains("cout")').each(function () {
var x = $(this);
var txt = x.text();
var cout = txt.split(';');
$.each(cout, function (i, val) {
if (val.indexOf('cout') > -1) {
x.append('<span class="group">' + val + ';</span>');
} else {
x.append(val + ';');
updated after koala-dev comment
$('#wrapper div').filter(':contains("cout")').each(function () {
var x = $(this);
var txt = x.text();
var cout = txt.split(';');
$.each(cout, function (i, val) {
if (val.indexOf('cout') > -1) {
x.append('<span class="group">' + val + ';</span>');
} else if ($.trim(val) != '') {
x.append(val + ';');
This should help
var pattern = /cout[^;]*;/;
var txt = $('#wrapper').find('div:nth-child(2)').text();
var el = $('#wrapper').find('div:nth-child(2)');
$(el).text("").append('<span id="group">' + txt + '</span');

