Javascript SVG clipto with clip rule (fabricjs) - javascript

There is the exemple in img
I have a background where i put an image (phone case).
After that i put a rectangle on the top side (50% top). (canvas)
On that i put an svg that is an another mask (that follow the case curves).
The svg is the same as the entire background in size. So to only have the top of the SVG i "clip" a rectangle on to it.
var clipTo = function(ctx) {
var w = mask.width, h = mask.height;
var x = -w/2, y = -h/2;
var rx = 0, ry = 0;
ctx.moveTo(x+rx, y);
ctx.lineTo(x+w-rx, y);
ctx.lineTo(x+w, y+(h/2)-ry);
And it works fine. But when i put a dragable image on it the image is mask by the SVG but not the clip rectangle, as if the clip is still there. (in the image, the content of the red rectangle should be invisible)
I have found that there is a clip-rule :
that could maybe with luck enventually should do it, but i have no idea how to apply it in javascript (i use fabricjs)
So if someone has an idea... :)
Thank you


C# Generate Canvas Image with Bitmap like Javascript does

I'm trying to make an image like I'm doing it in javascript with BITMAP but I'm having some issues. First the font looks thicker than javascript and positioning it doesn't work well
The Javascript looks like:
var el = document.createElement("canvas");
el.width = 32, el.height = 32;
var cnt = el.getContext("2d");
cnt.font = "12pt Arial";
cnt.fillText("Hey", 2, 24);
el.toDataURL();//Data image so u can see the javascript image
The C# I made looks like:
Bitmap objBmpImage = new Bitmap(32, 32);
Font objFont = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point);
Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(objBmpImage);
Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
objGraphics.DrawString("Hey", objFont, textBrush, 1, 12);//This doesnt position it right I think
objBmpImage.Save("test.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);//This image is thicker font
So problems I got is
1) Text doesn't position in right place
2) Image font looks Thicker than javascript one
3) Want also to have same data:image url as the javascript in c#

Drawing image on a canvas with toDataURL

I have toDataURL which I want drawn on a new canvas, which is 300 by 300 in size. The image doesn't stretch over the full space provided. I want it to be stretched over the canvas fully. Even appending to a div is okay which I tried but didn't work out, it also didn't fully occupy the space.The orginal image is anyway less than 300 and 300.Also when I remove the alert code doesn't function at all.
var c4 = document.getElementById("area_c4");
var ctx4 = c4.getContext("2d");
var dataURL = c2.toDataURL();
var myImg = new Image;
myImg.src = dataURL;
myImg.width = c4.width; // c4.width is 300px
myImg.height = c4.height; //c4.height is 300px
alert(c4.width); // when I remove this alert code doesn't work
ctx4.drawImage(myImg,0, 0 ,c4.width,c4.height); // the image doesnt strtch over 300px 300px region. It is displayed in its original size
To resize the image you will have to use the following version of CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage()
void ctx.drawImage(image, sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight)
image: An element to draw into the context.
sx: The x-axis coordinate of the top left corner of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context.
sy: The y-axis coordinate of the top left corner of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context.
sWidth: The width of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context. If not specified, the entire rectangle from the coordinates specified by sx and sy to the bottom-right corner of the image is used.
sHeight: The height of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context.
dx: The x-axis coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image.
dy: The y-axis coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image.
dWidth: The width to draw the image in the destination canvas. This allows scaling of the drawn image. If not specified, the image is not scaled in width when drawn.
dHeight: The height to draw the image in the destination canvas. This allows scaling of the drawn image. If not specified, the image is not scaled in height when drawn.
Also you will have to wait for the image to process the data uri before you can draw it onto the canvas. For this you can use the load event:
myImg.onload = function() {
// here you can draw the image on the canvas
The input image in the example is 10x10 pixels wide and will be stretched to 300x300 pixels.
const c4 = document.getElementById("area_c4");
var ctx4 = c4.getContext("2d");
var myImg = new Image();
// wait until the data uri has been processed
myImg.onload = function() {
// draw the image and scale it to the size of the canvas
0, 0, this.width, this.height, /* source */
0, 0, c4.width, c4.height); /* destination */
myImg.src = dataURL;
/* not necessary for the solution, just to show the size of the input image */
document.getElementById("showcase").src = dataURL;
canvas {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
<!-- not necessary for the solution, just to show the size of the input image -->
Input:<br /><img id="showcase" />
Output:<br /><canvas id="area_c4" width="300px" height="300px"></canvas>

Replace a color on canvas

I'm using html5 canvas to make a game. I made a spritefont system to be able to draw text from a texture. Namely
Now I'd like to be able to change the white part of the text to any color I want. My guess is that I'll need to render the texture to a temporary canvas change the color and get the new texture and draw that instead.
However, I don't know how I can replace a color using the canvas's functions.
And I don't even know if this is the best way to do this. What should I do?
Since your spritefont is monochrome, you can use CanvasRenderingContext2D's 'multiply' globalCompositeOperation to apply color to the white part. But multiplying by a solid rectangle of color will wipe out the transparency, so you'll need to redraw the transparent parts with 'destination-atop'.
const FONT_COLOR = '#39f';
// Load up your spritefont
const spritefont = new Image();
spritefont.src = '';
// While waiting for the image to load,
// create a canvas to do the coloring work on
const fontCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const fontContext = fontCanvas.getContext('2d');
// Once the spritefont is loaded,
spritefont.addEventListener('load', function () {
// Resize the canvas to match the image's dimensions
fontCanvas.width = spritefont.width;
fontCanvas.height = spritefont.height;
// Draw your image on the canvas with a black background
// Without the background, you'll get tinting at the partially-transparent edges
fontContext.fillStyle = 'black';
fontContext.fillRect(0, 0, fontCanvas.width, fontCanvas.height);
fontContext.drawImage(spritefont, 0, 0);
// Multiply by the font color
// white * color = color, black * color = black
fontContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'multiply';
fontContext.fillStyle = FONT_COLOR;
fontContext.fillRect(0, 0, fontCanvas.width, fontCanvas.height);
// Restore the transparency
fontContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-atop';
fontContext.drawImage(spritefont, 0, 0);
// Display the canvas in the snippet
/* just to prove that alpha is preserved */
canvas {background:0 0/32px 32px linear-gradient(45deg,#ccc 25%,transparent 25%,transparent 75%,#ccc 75%,#ccc),16px 16px/32px 32px linear-gradient(45deg,#ccc 25%,#999 25%,#999 75%,#ccc 75%,#ccc);}
If you plan to put the color-changing functionality in a function and reuse the canvas (which you should), make sure to set the context's globalCompositeOperation back to the default, 'source-over'.
HTML5 canvases follows draw and forget strategy. If you want any change (be it font color or change of shapes or text or lines etc) in what had been drawn earlier, you need to re-draw everything.
Mostly upto to my use of canvases, the whole re-drawing process is pretty fast and works without any lag or delay.
context.fillStyle = 'red';
context.strokeStyle = 'black';
context.font = '20pt Verdana';
context.fillText('Some text', 50, 50);
context.strokeText('Some text', 50, 50);

Drawing an SVG dynamically using javascript

I'm trying to draw an isoceles triangle with it's top vertex in the middle of the screen.
I want to use JavaScript as screen sizes of different users can be different and hence, center of the screen must first be found out.
Here is my code:
function drawRect(){
var w = $(document).width();
var h = $(window).height();
var halfh = h/2;
var halfw = w/2;
var svg = document.createElement("svg");
var poly = document.createElement("polygon");
svg.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed;");
svg.setAttribute("height", ""+h);
svg.setAttribute("width", ""+w);
poly.setAttribute("points", ""+halfw+","+halfh+" 0,"+h+" "+w+","+h);
poly.setAttribute("style", "fill:lime;stroke:purple;stroke-width:1");
var svgplace = document.getElementById("carpet");
No triangle appears on the screen. But, if I open the 'Inspect Element' console on chrome, and I modify the created html element slightly, it appears! (Any kind of small mod. Like adding a space in the middle somewhere)
Please help!
Thanks in advance
You need to be using
document.createElementNS("", "polygon");
SVG is in its own namespace aside from HTML. Therefore, you need to create elements that are in the SVG namespace using createElementNS.
Consider the following example that works in Chrome and Firefox
var newItem = document.createElementNS("", "circle");
newItem.setAttribute("cx", ((16 * 1) + 8));
newItem.setAttribute("cy", "50%");
newItem.setAttribute("r", 4);
newItem.setAttribute("fill", "#333333");
<svg id="target">

give motion to grass field in canvas

i have created a grass field which is a combination of several small 60x36 images.a grass object is introduced and then drawn on the i want to give it motion .the continuous scrolling effect .i made a code for it and it isn't working( the images (the grass field)are not scrolling along the width of the canvas which is the goal of this script).i haven't work much with oop in js. a little discussion on the mistakes i have done will be great
(the image i have used is added to the post)
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
function makeit(){
var canvas=document.getElementById("mycanvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext('2d');
var height=500-36;
var xpos=[];
var img=new Image();
function drawcanvas(){
canvas.height=500;"1px solid black";
var grass=function(x,y){
var grass1=new grass(xpos[i],height);
var m=setTimeout(function(){
actual canvas after drawing all the images
In essence, all you need is to create an image pattern then translate and draw it to screen.
An example assuming image has been loaded:
var ph = img.height; // pattern height
var w = canvas.width; // width of canvas/scoll area
var h = canvas.height; // used to calculate y pos.
var x = 0; // scroll position
ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat-x'); // pattern
Then in the loop scrolling the grass:
function scroll() {
ctx.translate(x, h - ph); // translate to next position
ctx.fillRect(-x, 0, w, ph); // fill rectangle (fillstyle = pattern)
ctx.translate(-x, -(h -ph)); // translate back for other operations
x--; // scroll speed (here 1 pixel / frame)
requestAnimationFrame(scroll); // loop
Pattern fills are anchored to the coordinate system which is why the translate is necessary. As we translate we also compensate for it using draw position in the opposite direction. This will make the pattern be filled into the same position but at a variable offset which creates the animation effect.
Just note that if you change fillStyle you need to store the pattern in a variable and reinitialize the fill style. If the loop is long-running also limit x so it doesn't overflow. This can be done using w as a condition (or modulo) to reset x to 0.

