HighChart table with tooltip - javascript

Here we have code jsfiddle.net/zvgnq84v
Is it possible to add Highchart tooltip(for example). I mean not to implement myself, but just call internal ready HighChart functions.

I am not sure why you put up this question. But if you go through http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#tooltip there is in-built functionality available for tooltip in highchart
May be I am missing something.


Show multiple line graphs in one Label using echarts js

Currently i have following output
But i want this output as follows in which multiple line graphs in different Label. Also double legend and label names.
I tried many ways but didnt worked. Referred document from official website. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
Plugin used apache echarts js.
Change series.type to line and remove stack. Also maybe you need to place each series to own yAxis but it's hard to say without code.

how to make same chart with lightweight chart with javascript

I am use https://github.com/tradingview/lightweight-charts javascript package.
As you can see in the picture, orders are shown in green boxes on the bitmex exchange. I want to learn how I can do this in my own table. I could not find a similar example in the document. Can you help me ?
I'm afraid it couldn't be done with lightweight-charts. If you'd like to add them and want to use TradingView's charts, I'd suggest you take charting library instead.

AmCharts serial chart trend-line click

I am using javascript amcharts v3 to generate trend like interface element. I use trendline class to create trend lines that mark certain events. I would like to handle trendline click event but there seems to be no way of doing it.
Has anyone come across this type of problem or do you have any idea how to work around this?
For trend line example I use this page. There is jsfiddle link in it.
Thank you for the time you spend reading my question.
Edit: JSfiddle example - > here
Not the most elegant solution (i.e. it uses the generated content rather than hooking neatly into the framework), but I have done the following to catch a click event.
$('#chartdiv').on('click', 'svg path[fill="#00CC00"]', function(){alert('hello');})
Which will bind a click to the chartdiv and then filter on all svg path objects that are the colour of the trendline, triggering the code if it matches.

jquery .html() and javascript tags

I am trying to export the content of a div with jQuery but it has a jqplot graph inside of it.
When I try to re-render it, all the elements of the graph like the name and values appear, but not the bar charts. I am currently using:
Here is the thing, if I include the javascript that is used to execute the chart, it duplicates all the data and overlaps itself.
If I don't, the graph won't appear, just the values.
I would post the code but there really isn't much to look at. I've been trying to experiment and googling for the past few hours. Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing. Anything would help.
Thanks a lot!
Instead of attempting to clone the chart, why not create another chart with the same data? See this for an example:
Note that the "clone" button simply calls newPlot with the same data that was passed into the initial call, it doesn't attempt anything fancy, or look at the original contents of the plot.

Graph/chart that supports dynamic pie charts?

Does anyone know of a good charting/graphing tool that supports dynamic pie charts, i.e. where a user could change the values by dragging, etc? It would need an event API so I could get access to the changed values.
And, jQuery > vanilla JS > Flash.
jqplot : jquery, charts, easy to use. Almost fulfill all of your requirements. Details here. Only one problem : not sure that you can change values dynamically or it might be tricky
HighCharts : very good quality, higly configurable, vanilla JS. Check this demo for dynamically adding values (even graphically) : http://www.highcharts.com/demo/?example=dynamic-click-to-add&theme=gray
I gave up searching/tweaking and implemented my own using Raphael. It's still very buggy, but I think it's a good proof of concept. Forks welcome :)

