THREE.js : 2xMeshes using same vector as position - javascript

Just did an update from r67 - r69 in ThreeJS and ends up having problems referring their positions to one (same) vector.
Before I did this which worked:
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(50, 50, 50);
_Mesh1.position = vector;
_Mesh2.position = vector;
which made it possible that when I moved one of the meshes it moved the other one as well.
In r69 the position vector remains the same (aka 0, 0, 0) which means that I have to manually set the X, Y and Z coords for each mesh whenever I mode another one.
Am I missing some change here? Or what should I do to fix this?

Object3D's position, rotation, quaternion and scale properties are now immutable.
See the source code file Object3D.js.
You can no longer use the following pattern:
object.position = vector;
Instead, you must use either
object.position.set( x, y, z );
object.position.copy( vector );
three.js r.69


ThreeJS camera facing point

In ThreeJS, if the camera is rotated at any given angle, how can I determine the coordinate of the point exactly 1 unit in the direction that the camera is facing.
If you are unfamiliar with ThreeJS camera rotation angles, the rotations are very very weird.
For example, if all of my rotation variable are 0, then the function would return (0, 0, -1).
If the rotation x is Pi / 2 (90 degrees), then the function would return (1, 0, 0)
How could I create a function to do this? I don't need everything, primarily just the math.
You want to get the world position of a point that is one unit in front of the camera.
One way to do that is to add an object in front of, and as a child of, the camera. Then you just need to query the world position of the object.
By default, when a camera's rotation is ( 0, 0, 0 ), the camera is looking down its negative z-axis. So here is the pattern to follow:
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
object.position.set( 0, 0, - 1 );
scene.add( camera ); // this is required when the camera has children
camera.add( object );
Now, you can get the point you need like so:
var worldPos = new THREE.Vector3(); // create once and reuse it
camera.updateMatrixWorld(); // this is called in the render loop, so you may not have to call it again. Experiment.
worldPos.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld );
three.js r.71

Rotate object around the world axis

I found several different supposedly working ways to rotate an object around the world axis but all of them kept rotating the object around it's own axis instead of rotating it around the world's. So, what's the proper way to rotate an object around the world's axis?
If I wasn't clear about the problem here's a drawing that represents my problem
Edit: Sorry I should have specificated in the question as well that I'm using Three.js
//camera is the object I want to rotate
//I also found a method that uses Euler but the result was far from the expected
/**Method 1**/
//Found this somewhere here in so
var rotateAroundWorldAxis = function(object, axis, radians) {
var rotWorldMatrix;
rotWorldMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
rotWorldMatrix.makeRotationAxis(axis.normalize(), radians);
object.matrix = rotWorldMatrix;
//this is how I call the method
rotateAroundWorldAxis(camera, new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0), movementX*-0.001);
rotateAroundWorldAxis(camera, new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0), movementY*-0.001);
/**Method 1**/
/**Method 2**/
//I've also tried this method
var q = new THREE.Quaternion();
q.setFromAxisAngle( new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0), movementX*-0.001 ); // axis must be normalized, angle in radians
camera.quaternion.multiplyQuaternions( q, camera.quaternion );
/**Method 2**/
//movementX and movementY are values provided by the mouse movement using the pointerlock.
//These values works as I've tried them using rotateOnAxis
Use quaternions.
var rotateAroundWorldAxis = function(object, axis, radians) {
var rotation = new THREE.Quaternion();
rotation.setFromAxisAngle ( axis, radians );
rotateAroundWorldAxis(myObject, THREE.Vector3(0,1,0), movementX*-0.001);
I believe your problem before with the quaternion method is multiplying the quaternions in the wrong order so you rotate around global the Y axis, then perform the local rotation, which ultimately rotates in the local Y axis.
I ended up using the FirstPersonControls class. I had to make a few changes to the class though

Issue aligning faces in Three.JS from two seperate objects

I'm having an issue in my three.js code.
I am trying to align two objects by selecting two faces and have the second face (and object) rotate to match the normal vector of the first object's selected face.
So far I have:
var normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( object.matrixWorld );
var worldNormal = face.normal.clone().applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();
var normalMatrixRef = new THREE.Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( objectRef.matrixWorld );
var worldNormalRef = faceRef.normal.clone().applyMatrix3( normalMatrixRef).normalize();
where: object is my object that will be rotated, face is the selected face of that object, objectRef is the stationary object reference and faceRef is the normal of the object I want to match.
Prior to doing
, I am trying either
object.up = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1);
object.up = worldNormal;
object.up = face.normal;
and neither work.
Either object.up cases are not working as they should. When I do the action, the target object (the one to be rotated) does rotate, but does not align the faces correctly. It is arbitrary but somehow is linked to objects current rotation (ie: sometimes it rotates along (0,1,0) or simliar, othertimes if I pre-rotate the object it just rotates a slight bit.
In theory lookAt uses a world vector which my faceRef is, and as long as I set the 'up' correctly, it should work but it dosen't.
Any ideas?
I found the issue in my code, I hope it can help somebody in the future.
needs instead to be modified to add the new face normals to the current object's postition for the lookAt to function correctly:
//create a point to lookAt
var newPoint = new THREE.Vector3(
object.position.x + worldNormalRef.x,
object.position.y + worldNormalRef.y,
object.position.z + worldNormalRef.z
object.up = face.normal;//Z axis up
object.lookAt(newPoint );
Also note that the object.up should be set as above to the face.normal (the face I want to align to the reference object's face), and not to the worldNormal set above (I will delete this part of my code).

How to strech(scale) mesh on the world axis

There is an online 3d editor where you can edit individual meshes (move, scale, rotate). Ability to edit meshes implemented using custom transform controls which based on threejs's TransformControls code. This is fragment from mousemove event:
var intersect = intersectObjects(pointer, [xzPlane]); // intersect mouse's pointer with horizontal plane
var point = new THREE.Vector3();
point.sub(offset); // coords from mousedown event (from start stretching)
// some code for 'scale' value calculating base on 'point' variable
// var scale = ...;
mesh.scale.x = scale;
This code works well if the mesh does not rotate.
Requires scaling always happened to the world coordinate system. This is programming question
For example, from this:
To this:
P.S. I think that custom mesh matrix must be created, but I have very little experience with matrices
Instead of setting the rotation, like so:
mesh.rotation.set( Math.PI/4, 0, 0 );
apply the identical rotation to the geometry, instead:
var euler = new THREE.Euler( Math.PI / 4, 0, 0 );
mesh.geometry.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler( euler ) );
Now, you can set the scale and get the result you want.
mesh.scale.z = 2;
three.js r.67

Three.js Rotate camera around object (which may move)

I have a camera that moves in a few different ways in the scene. The camera should rotate around a target position. In my case, this is a point on a mesh that the user has targeted. Because the camera usually doesn't require moving relative to this point, I was not able to use the pivot idea here: My current solution uses the following code:
var rotationY = new THREE.Matrix4();
var rotationX = new THREE.Matrix4();
var translation = new THREE.Matrix4();
var translationInverse = new THREE.Matrix4();
var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
function rotateCameraAroundObject(dx, dy, target) {
// collect up and right vectors from camera perspective
camComponents.up = rotateVectorForObject(new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0), camera.matrixWorld);
camComponents.right = rotateVectorForObject(new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0), camera.matrixWorld);
rotationX.makeRotationAxis(camComponents.right, -dx);
rotationY.makeRotationAxis(camComponents.up, -dy);
target.position.x - camera.position.x,
target.position.y - camera.position.y,
target.position.z - camera.position.z);
The issue is that we do not want to use lookAt, because of the reorientation. We want to be able to remove that line.
If we use the code above without lookAt, we rotate around the point but we do not look at the point. My understanding is that my method should rotate the camera's view as much as the camera itself is rotate, but instead the camera is rotated only a small amount. Could anyone help me understand what's wrong?
EDIT: Cleaned up the original post and code to hopefully clarify my question.
My thinking is that I can translate to the origin (my target position), rotate my desired amount, and then translate back to the beginning position. Because of the rotation, I expect to be in a new position looking at the origin.
In fact, I'm testing it now without the translation matrices being used, so the matrix multiplication line is:
and it seems to be behaving the same. Thanks for all the help so far!
ONE MORE THING! A part of the problem is that when the camera behaves badly close to the north or south poles. I am looking for a 'free roaming' sort of feel.
Put the following in your render loop:
camera.position.x = target.position.x + radius * Math.cos( constant * elapsedTime );
camera.position.z = target.position.z + radius * Math.sin( constant * elapsedTime );
camera.lookAt( target.position );
renderer.render( scene, camera );
Alternatively, you can use THREE.OrbitControls or THREE.TrackballControls. See the three.js examples.
The Gimbal lock that you are referring to (reorientation) is because of the use of Euler angles in the default implementation of the camera lookat. If you set
camera.useQuaternion = true;
before your call to lookat, then euler angles will not be used. Would this solve your problem ?

