How can i add a php variable into javascript? - javascript

here is my code:
<script src=""></script>
$url = "".$area.".json";
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
url : ,
dataType : "jsonp",
success : function(parsed_json) {
var location = parsed_json['location']['city'];
var temp_f = parsed_json['current_observation']['temp_f'];
alert("This is an example of a web service outputting using Json. The current temperature in " + location + " is: " + temp_f);
How can i add the "$url" variable into the javascript code at the location " url : "here",

You just need to put it like that:
url : "<?=$url?>",
OR (best way):
url : "<?php echo $url; ?>",

<script src=""></script>
$url = "".$area.".json";
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
url : "<?=$url?>",
dataType : "jsonp",
success : function(parsed_json) {
var location = parsed_json['location']['city'];
var temp_f = parsed_json['current_observation']['temp_f'];
alert("This is an example of a web service outputting using Json. The current temperature in " + location + " is: " + temp_f);

url : "<?php print $url ?>",

Use json_encode():
var jsVar = <?=json_encode($phpVar)?>;
or in your case:
url: <?=json_encode($url)?>,
dataType: "jsonp"
// ...
This is the safest way, and works with any data (arrays etc.).


php variable to javascript (via json)

I know this has been discussed before but I can't seem to make anything work. I'm trying to pass the variable $thedate from PHP file mainclass.php to the variable datestr in a JS function from the file footer_script.php
function getsched(str)
//some code
type: 'POST',
url: 'mainclass.php',
data: 'date=' + str + '&form=getsched',
success: function(data) {
var datestr = <?php echo json_encode($thedate); ?>;
$("#" + str).html(data);
}).error(function() {
case "getsched":
//some code
//some query
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
//more code
$thedate = $_POST['date'];
//other code here
When I alert datestr, I get undefined. How to fix this?
You can't use PHP like this. You should obtain the response from PHP and use it. In your PHP, you should output a response similar to this (just an example of JSON response):
echo json_encode(array('thedate', '2018-4-3'));
and you can obtain the value of 2018-4-3 in your JS with:
function getsched(str)
//some code
type: 'POST',
url: 'mainclass.php',
data: 'date=' + str + '&form=getsched',
success: function(data) {
var datestr = data.thedate;
$("#" + str).html(datastr);
}).error(function() {
You need to replace the line:
var datestr = <?php echo json_encode($thedate); ?>;
var datestr = JSON.stringify(date);
It will convert the server response to a JSON encoded string. The encoded string is then displayed in the alert. See
Assign a global variable in HTML/PHP file before includeing JS file.
var datestr = <?php echo $thedate; ?>;
Then you can access the datestr variable from your JS file.

Opencart Ajax filter For products

The filter contained Refine search button and the page loads the product according to search.But I want when i check the checkbox the product should display.This can be acheived by ajax..
Original script Of opencart product filter
`<script type="text/javascript"><!--
$('#button-filter').on('click', function() {
filter = [];
$('input[name^=\'filter\']:checked').each(function(element) {
location = '<?php echo $action; ?>&filter=' + filter.join(',');
And I tried using ajax
filter = [];
$('input[name^=\'filter\']:checked').each(function(element) {
location = '<?php echo $action; ?>&filter=' + filter.join(',');
type: "POST",
location: location,
success: function(data)
return false;
I am getting the desired result .But It loads the whole page. And how can i use any loader if possible.
location is global and changes the browser url. To avoid using global location you need to define location using var
filter = [];
$('input[name^=\'filter\']:checked').each(function(element) {
var location = '<?php echo $action; ?>&filter=' + filter.join(',');
type: "POST",
location: location,
success: function(data)
return false;
It was just little change in code.In success function i removed the specific id and its working fine
<script type="text/javascript">
filter = [];
$('input[name^=\'filter\']:checked').each(function(element) {
location = '<?php echo $action; ?>&filter=' + filter.join(',');
type: "POST",
location: location,
success: function(data)
return false;

How to append the JSON data to HTML in JavaScript?

I get some data using JSON array. I want to append each data in a div. But I don't get what's wrong in that?
function get_performers()
$id = $this->input->post('id');
$exam = $this->input->post('exam');
$out['student_details'] = $datas;
echo json_encode($out);
function get_performers(id,exam)
url:"<? echo base_url();?>class_analysis/get_performers",
dataType: 'json',
type: "POST",
data: {id:id,exam:exam},
success:function(result) {
// alert("haii");
result = JSON.parse(result);
var tab= "<div class='col-xs-2 blk-ht'> <span class='hd'>Names</span> </div>";
for(var i=0;i<result.student_details.length;i++)
tab=tab+"<div class='col-ds-1'><span class='subjNames'>" + result.student_details[i]["subject_name"]+ "</span></div> ";
Any problem in this?
Try html not append
Also if jQuery("#subjectNames") equal with null in your console this mean that you don't have element with id="subjectNames" in html not id="#subjectNames" or other. May be you use classes then try $(".subjectNames") with . not #
The Loop should work... Seems to be another problem with your result.
var tab= "<div class='col-xs-2 blk-ht'><span class='hd'>Names</span> </div>";
for(var i=0;i<20;i++)
tab=tab+"<div class='col-ds-1'><span class='subjNames'>" + "test: " + i + "</span></div> ";
<script src=""></script>
<div id="subjectNames"><div>
dataType: 'json' in $.ajax options - automaticaly parse your json
and USE JQUERY )))
$.each( result.student_details, function( key, value ) {
alert( key + ": " + value );
function get_performers()
$id = $this->input->post('id');
$exam = $this->input->post('exam');
$out['student_details'] = $datas;
echo json_encode($out);
url:"<? echo base_url();?>class_analysis/get_performers",
dataType: 'json',
type: "POST",
data: {id:id,exam:exam},
success:function(result) {
$.each(response.student_details, function(key,value){
function appendHtml(key,value)
var tab= "<div class='col-xs-2 blk-ht'> <span class='hd'>Names</span> </div>";
tab = tab+"<div class='col-ds-1'><span class='subjNames'>" +value+ "</span></div> ";

Send value from controller with ajax Codeigniter

i have javascript like this
var menu_id = this.value;
if(this.checked) var statusvalue = "On";
else var statusvalue = "Off";
type : "POST",
url : "admin/menu/editstatus",
data : "id=" + menu_id + "&value=" + statusvalue,
success : function(data){
and my controller named menu and have function editstatus()
public function editstatus()
$data = "asd";
echo $data;
but textbox with id testing not writen anything
change ajax function like below
var menu_id = this.value;
var statusvalue = "On";
var statusvalue = "Off";
type : "POST",
url : "<?php echo base_url()?>admin/menu/editstatus",
data :{
success : function(data){
I think your url did not found.Try using base url
<?php echo base_url()?>admin/menu/editstatus
You need to use .val() instead of .html()
Corrected code:
public function editstatus()
$data = "asd";
echo json_encode($data);
if $data is an array form e.g $data=array('name'=>'abd','id'=>'12') then ,
in Java script access like , or

append(add) a text in url using jQuery

below code working fine but I need to append option1 in href,
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#head_drop .dd-option").click(function () {
var option = $('.dd-option-value',this).attr('value');
var option1 = $('.dd-option-text',this).text();
// alert(option1);
type: 'get',
url: '<?php echo $this->getBaseUrl();?>categories/index/city/',
data: {option: option},
success: function(data) {
$(location).attr('href',"<?php echo $this->getBaseUrl()?>");
now its return
I want like
I tried $(location).attr('href',"<?php echo $this->getBaseUrl()?>"option1); but failed to get, Thanks...
If option1 is a variable all you need is to concatenate with a + -
$(location).attr('href',"<?php echo $this->getBaseUrl()?>" + option1)
You have your " at the wrong place, it should read:
$(location).attr('href',"<?php echo $this->getBaseUrl()?>option1");

