Javascript Regex - Get All string that has square brackets [] - javascript

I have string data below:
var data = "somestring[a=0]what[b-c=twelve]----[def=one-2]test"
I need to get all strings that contain square brackets []. This is the result that I want.
["[a=0]", "[b-c=twelve]", "[def=one-2]"]
I've tried using regex /\[(.*?)\]/, but what I've got is an only the first array element is correct, the next elements are basically the same value but without the square brackets.
// result => ["[a=0]", "a=0"]
What regexp should I use to achieve the result that I want? Thank you in advance.

You want to use the g (global) modifier to find all matches. Since the brackets are included in the match result you don't need to use a capturing group and I used negation instead to eliminate the amount of backtracking.

In /\[(.*?)\]/, *? means lazy, matching as few content as possible.
What you actually want is all the matches in content. Try modifier g
Try this one, Any match starts with [, ends with ], but doesn't allow[ or ] inbetween.

You should just add the g switch to your regex :
someVar.match(/\[(.*?)\]/); // result => ["[a=0]", "a=0"]
results in
[ "[a=0]", "[b-c=twelve]", "[def=one-2]" ]

Your regex is correct, just suffix g to it to make it global:
Here's more info on it:


How to delete brackets after a special letter in regex

Hi I am having problem while trying to remove these square brackets.
I figured out how to find square brackets but I need to find square brackets only if it starts with # like this,
by the way I am using .replace to remove them in javascript, Not sure if it is going to help to find the answer.
The result must be #john_doe.
I dont want to remove other brackets which is like that,
[something written here]
Here is the link of the regex
You need a regular expression replace solution like
text = text.replace(/#\[([^\][]*)]/g, "#$1")
See the regex demo.
Pattern details
#\[ - a #[ text
([^\][]*) - Group 1 ($1): any zero or more chars other than [ and ] (the ] is special inside character classes (in ECMAScript regex standard, even at the start position) and need escaping)
] - a ] char.
See the JavaScript demo:
let text = '#[john_doe] and [something written here]';
text = text.replace(/#\[([^\][]*)]/g, "#$1");
You can use Regular expression /#\[/g:
const texts = ['#[john_doe]', '[something written here]']
texts.forEach(t => {
// Match the # character followed by an opening square bracket [
const result = t.replace(/#\[/g, '#')
let name = "#[something_here]"
name.replace(/(\[|\])/, "")

How to get the 1st character after a pattern using regex?

I'm trying to get the first character after the pattern.
I want to select:
How do you just get the first character after a selected pattern?
Example Here! :)
To get the t after border-, you usally match with this kind of regex:
You can then extract the submatch:
var characterAfter = str.match(/border-(.)/)[1];
match returns an array with the whole match as first element, and the submatches in the following positions.
To get an array of all the caracters following a dash, use
var charactersAfter = str.match(/-(.)/g).map(function(s){ return s.slice(1) })
Just use a capturing group:
"border-top-color".replace(/-([a-z])/g, "-[$1]")
You can use submatching like dystroy said or simply use lookbehind to match it:

How to get value without brackets using JQuery plugin inputmask?

There is the following code:
As you can see I try to get value from '#ce_clientphone' without brackets. How can I do it? I need to allow user to input valid phone, but to save it in the database I need to remove brackets. Thanks in advance.
You could do regular expressions and replace to remove the brackets
var str="+9(999)9999999";
Try this:
$('#ce_clientphone').unmask().replace(/[()]/g, '');
For example:
"+9(999)9999999".replace(/[()]/g, '');
So, how does this work?
We're using a regex to replace the brackets:
/ // Start of regex
[ // Start of character group
() // match either of these characters in the group (So match `(` OR `)`)
] // End of character group
/ // End of regex
g // `Global` flag. This means the regex won't stop searching after the first replace

Extract specific chars from a string using a regex

I need to split an email address and take out the first character and the first character after the '#'
I can do this as follows:
'bar#foo'.split('#').map(function(a){ return a.charAt(0); }).join('')
--> bf
Now I was wondering if it can be done using a regex match, something like this
--> bar#fbf
Not really what I want, but I'm sure I miss something here! Any suggestions ?
Why use a regex for this? just use indexOf to get the char at any given position:
var addr = 'foo#bar';
console.log(addr[0], addr[addr.indexOf('#')+1])
To ensure your code works on all browsers, you might want to use charAt instead of []:
console.log(addr.charAt(0), addr.charAt(addr.indexOf('#')+1));
Either way, It'll work just fine, and This is undeniably the fastest approach
If you are going to persist, and choose a regex, then you should realize that the match method returns an array containing 3 strings, in your case:
["the whole match",//start of string + first char + .*?# + first string after #
"groupw 1 \w",//first char
"group 2 \w"//first char after #
So addr.match(/^(\w).*?#(\w)/).slice(1).join('') is probably what you want.
If I understand correctly, you are quite close. Just don't join everything returned by match because the first element is the entire matched string.
--> bf
Using regex:
'abc#xyz'.replace(/(?:^|#)(\w)/g, function($0, $1) { matched += $1; return $0; });
// ax
The regex match function returns an array of all matches, where the first one is the 'full text' of the match, followed by every sub-group. In your case, it returns this:
To get rid of the first item (the full match), use slice:
Use String.prototype.replace with regular expression:
'bar#foo'.replace(/^(\w).*#(\w).*$/, '$1$2'); // "bf"
Or using RegEx

Regex thinks I'm nesting, but I'm not

I wrote this regexp to capture the strings below.
All the strings below should match and return an optional string that's inside the first set of square brackets.
The problem is that this string also matches and returns ][ because the regex thinks it's between the first [ and last ].
![][] // Should not match, but does and returns "]["
How do I fix this?
Just remove the ? outside (.*?), that is redundant.
var myArray = ["![abc]","![caption]", "![def]()", "![caption]()","![caption][]"];
myArray.forEach(function(current) {
Check how the RegEx works here
Use this regex:
It means that it expects a "last" ] but makes internal ones invalid.
This should solve your issue.
My preference is this if you want to ignore catching the things like this ![[]]

