get and evaluate javascript -- why not working? - javascript

I have a page where I load some content from a different page on click. This content needs some extra javascript to work, so I want to also load this and execute it via eval(). This is my approach but it is not working:
$.get('jsfile.js', function(jsfile) {
$('#content').load('otherpage.php #thiscontent');
I don't understand why it's not working. I know inline javascript normally won't execute, but shouldn't eval() be taking care of that?

This is because when you specify a page fragment when calling jQuery.load, the script tags are stripped.
See Loading Page Fragments on the jQuery.load documentation.
The .load() method, unlike $.get(), allows us to specify a portion of
the remote document to be inserted. This is achieved with a special
syntax for the url parameter. If one or more space characters are
included in the string, the portion of the string following the first
space is assumed to be a jQuery selector that determines the content
to be loaded.
You will need to use another feature to achieve your desired result.


why jQuery attr('href', '#') set an empty value rather than #

I'm using jQuery version 1.8.3
The HTML turns out with
<a id="edit_param_apppmStyleImage" href="">Edit</a>
It sets an empty value rather than "#". And it is 100% surely caused by my site's special script written by others.
Any specialist can provide some suggestions about what may cause such weird behavior? Btw, it sets other values like '##' normally.
It sets an empty value rather than "#". And it is 100% surely caused
by my site's special script written by others.
You did not provide any details regarding the special script running on your site. But I'd try running the script after everything (including images) is loaded. In that case, this is what comes to my mind;
The load event is sent to an element when it and all sub-elements have
been completely loaded.
Since it's a bit different than $(document).ready() function, it could make a difference if some other script is overriding your script's intended behaviour.
Try the following
jQuery(window).bind("load", function() {
What we're doing here is that we're delaying the execution of the script until the entire window is loaded. And since anything in $(document).ready() function executes before the code in $(window).load() function, we are reducing the chance of your script to be overridden.
Not sure that will work, but give it a try.
Replace attr() with prop():

When using CasperJS, is it possible to interact with the DOM of a loaded page before any inline or external Javascript is executed?

The situation I have is that I'm opening a page using CasperJS.
The page in question has some Javascript (a combination of both inline and external) that removes several HTML elements from the document.
However, I want to be able to retrieve those elements using something like getElementsByXPath() within CasperJS before they are removed. Is this possible?
When I dump out the value of getPageContent(), the elements are not in there. However, if I set = false; before calling the page, getPageContent() now shows the raw HTML before any Javascript is executed, and the missing HTML tags are there. The problem now, though, is that disabling Javascript prevents any usage of evaluate(), so I still can't retrieve the elements. I could probably do it using a regex of some sort on the raw content, but I was hoping there could be a cleaner method of doing it.
Any suggestions welcome!
I've never heard of anyone doing this. I wouldn't say using regex is a bad idea. I usually scrape with a combination of casperjs xpath and python regex it works extremely well and I personally don't think it's any messier than trying to intercept JavaScript before the page is loaded.
That being said, casperjs allows you to inject JavaScript which you could use jquery if it's available on the page you're requesting. The below code fires before anything is loaded. You actually have to go out of your way to add code to prevent this from firing before the page loads.
<script type='text/javascript'>
alert("Stop that parsing!");

Parsing HTML Response in jQuery

My page needs to grab a specific div from another page to display within a div on the current page. It's a perfect job for $.load, except that the HTML source I'm pulling from is not necessarily well-formed, and seems to have occasional tag errors, and IE just plain won't use it in that case. So I've changed it to a $.get to grab the HTML source of the page as a string. Passing it to $ to parse it as a DOM has the same problem in IE as $.load, so I can't do that. I need a way to parse the HTML string to find the contents of my div#information, but not the rest of the page after its </div>. (PS My div#information contains various other div's and elements.)
EDIT: Also if anyone has a fix for jQuery's $.load not being able to parse response HTML in IE, I'd love to hear that too.
If the resource you are trying to load is under your control, your implementation spec is poorly optimized. You don't want to ask your server for an entire page of content when you only really need a small piece of that content.
What you'll want to do is isolate the content you want, and have the server return only what you need.
As a side note, since you are aware that you have malformed HTML, you should probably bite the bullet and validate your markup. That will save you some trouble (like this) in the future.
Finally, if you truly cannot optimize this process, my guess is that you are creating an inconsistency because some element in the parsed HTML has the same ID as an element on your current page. Identical ID's are invalid and lead to many cross-browser JavaScript problems.
Strictly with strings you could use a regular expression to find the id="information" tag contents. Never parse it as html.
I'd try the $.load parameter that accepts a html selector as well
$('#results').load('/MySite/Url #Information');

Disable JavaScript in iframe/div

I am making a small HTML page editor. The editor loads a file into an iframe. From there, it could add, modify, or delete the elements on the page with new attributes, styles, etc. The problem with this, is that JavaScript (and/or other programming languages) can completely modify the page when it loads, before you start editing the elements. So when you save, it won't save the original markup, but the modified page + your changes.
So, I need some way to disable the JavaScript on the iframe, or somehow remove all the JavaScript before the JavaScript starts modifying the page. (I figure I'll have to end up parsing the file for PHP, but that shouldn't be too hard) I considered writing a script to loop through all the elements, removing any tags, onclick's, onfocus's, onmouseover's, etc. But that would be a real pain.
Does anyone know of an easier way to get rid of JavaScript from running inside an iframe?
UPDATE: unless I've missed something, I believe there is no way to simply 'disable JavaScript.' Please correct me if I'm wrong. But, I guess the only way to do it would be to parse out any script tags and JavaScript events (click, mouseover, etc) from a requested page string.
HTML5 introduces the sandbox attribute on the iframe that, if empty, disables JavaScript loading and execution.
Yes, your update is correct. You must assume that any input you receive from the user may contain malicious elements. Thus, you must validate on the server before accepting their input.
You can try the same solution adopted by CKEditor, of which you have a demo here.
By switching from RTE mode to view source mode, you can enter some JavaScript and see the result, which is a replacement of the JS node in a safely encoded string.
If you are in view source mode, by entering some JS line like:
<script type="text/javascript">
// comment
you will see it rendered this way when going back to rich text editor mode:
I think it is one of the easiest and effective way, since the RegExp to parse JS nodes is not complex.
An example:
var pattern = /<script(\s+(\w+\s*=\s*("|').*?\3)\s*)*\s*(\/>|>.*?<\/script\s*>)/;
var match = HTMLString.match(pattern); // array containing the occurrences found
(Of course, to replace the script node you should use the replace() method).
You can set Content Security Policy as script-src 'self' in header. CSP will block any scripts other than from our own website. This way we can prevent any scripts from iframe changing the elements in our page.
You can get more information from here

How to dynamically add a Javascript function (and invoke)

Based on a click event on the page, via ajax I fetch a block of html and script, I am able to take the script element and append it to the head element, however WebKit based browsers are not treating it as script (ie. I cannot invoke a function declared in the appended script).
Using the Chrome Developer Tools I can see that my script node is indeed there, but it shows up differently then a script block that is not added dynamically, a non-dynamic script has a text child element and I cannot figure out a way to duplicate this for the dynamic script.
Any ideas or better ways to be doing this? The driving force is there is potentially a lot of html and script that would never be needed unless a user clicks on a particular tab, in which case the relevant content (and script) would be loaded. Thanks!
You could try using jQuery... it provides a method called .getScript that will load the JavaScript dynamically in the proper way. And it works fine in all well known browsers.
How about calling eval() on the content you receive from the server? Of course, you have to cut off the <script> and </script> parts.
If you're using a library like jQuery just use the built-in methods for doing this.
Otherwise you'd need to append it to the document rather than the head like this:
document.write("<scr" + "ipt type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></scr" + "ipt>");
In all honesty, I have no idea why the script tag is cut like that, but a lot of examples do that so there's probably a good reason.
You'll also need to account for the fact that loading the script might take quite a while, so after you've appended this to the body you should set up a timer that checks if the script is loaded. This can be achieved with a simple typeof check on any global variable the script exports.
Or you could just do an eval() on the actual javascript body, but there might be some caveats.
Generally speaking though, I'd leave this kind of thing up to the browser cache and just load the javascript on the page that your tabs are on. Just try not to use any onload events, but rather call whatever initializers you need when the tab is displayed.

