I want to append two variables to a script tag in react.js. I have created the script tag in the head of the document like so:
const script = document.createElement('script');
However, I wish to append two JS variables inside the <script></script> tags, so it is the following:
var io_install_flash = false;
var io_install_stm = false;
The following code would add the script to head tag:
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.innerHTML = `<script>
var io_install_flash = false;
var io_install_stm = false;
I have a few dynamic values which I get inside the body tag only. Now when I try to push those values using dataLayer object using 'script' tag and prepend it to the head section, it does not work.
Here is the code -
<script type="text/javascript">
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var JS = document.createElement('script');
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
var tagManagerSnippet = '(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({"gtm.start":\n' +
'new Date().getTime(),event:"gtm.js"});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],\n' +
'j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!="dataLayer"?"&l="+l:"";j.async=false;j.src=\n' +
'""+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);\n' +
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
JS.text = tagManagerSnippet;
var code = 'dataLayer = [];\n' +
'dataLayer.push({"eventLabel" : "Interested in Science"});\n' +
'dataLayer.push({"eventLabel" : "Interested in IT"});\n';
JS.text = code;
I can see that the above code properly executes and append the JS in the head section. However, the Tag does not fire. And when I simply put the above code in the head section (not on the fly) it runs as expected.
Hello everyone I'm trying to fetch content inside of script tag.
this is the website.
Also this is script tag which I want to enter inside.
$.Teknosa.ProductDetail = {"ProductComputedIndex":145051447,"ProductName":"SAMSUNG HM1500 BLUETOOTH KULAKLIK","ProductSeoName":"samsung-hm1500-bluetooth-kulaklik","ProductBarcode":"8808993790425","ProductPriceInclTax":79.9,"ProductDiscountedPriceInclTax":null,"ProductStockQuantity":1,"ProductMinStockQuantity":null,"ProductShortDescription":null,"ProductFullDescription":null,"ProductModelName":"HM1500","ProductAdminComment":null,"ProductMetaTitle":null,"ProductMetaKeywords":null,"ProductMetaDescription":null,"ProductBrandId":299,"ProductBrandName":"SAMSUNG","ProductBrandImageName":"//","ProductCommentCout":29,"ProductQuestionAnswerCout":0,"ProductRatingStar":4,"ProductType":1,"ProductOriginalComputedIndex":null,"ProductIsSolo":false,"ProductIsClickCollect":true,"ProductStoreStockAmount":1,"ProductGroupDisplayName":null,"ProductOrigin":"PRC","ProductIsTss":false,"ProductIsKit":false,"AddBasketButtonType":0,"ProductViewType":0,"ProductDetailDefaultPicture":"145051447-1-samsung-hm1500-bluetooth-kulaklik.jpg","ProductRatingStarText":"Çok İyi","ProductPrice":"79,9","IsThereOutletProduct":false,"ProductIsActiveProductOriginal":false,"ProductErpCatalogCode":"_TELEKOM","ProductErpCategoryCode":"_BLUETOOTH_KULAKLIKLAR1636","ProductCategory":{"CategoryName":"Bluetooth Kulaklık ve Kit","CategorySeoName":"bluetooth-kulaklik-ve-kit","CategoryDescription":null,"CategoryParentId":134,"CategoryLevel":2,"CategoryMetaTitle":null,"CategoryMetaKeywords":null,"CategoryMetaDescription":null,"Parent":{"CategoryName":"Telefon Aksesuarları","CategorySeoName":"telefon-aksesuarlari","CategoryDescription":null,"CategoryParentId":108,"CategoryLevel":1,"CategoryMetaTitle":null,"CategoryMetaKeywords":null,"CategoryMetaDescription":null,"Parent":{"CategoryName":"Telefon","CategorySeoName":"telefon","CategoryDescription":null,"CategoryParentId":null,"CategoryLevel":0,"CategoryMetaTitle":null,"CategoryMetaKeywords":null,"CategoryMetaDescription":null,"Parent":null,"DisplayOrder":6,"StatusId":100110,"StartDate":"\/Date(1434351061000)\/","EndDate":null,"Id":108},"DisplayOrder":3,"StatusId":100110,"StartDate":"\/Date(1434351245000)\/","EndDate":null,"Id":134},"DisplayOrder":3,"StatusId":100110,"StartDate":"\/Date(1434351367000)\/","EndDate":null,"Id":173},"ProductDetailPictures":[{"ProductPictureName":"145051447-1-samsung-hm1500-bluetooth-kulaklik.jpg","ProductPictureOrder":1,"ProductPictureIsDefault":true},{"ProductPictureName":"145051447-2-samsung-hm1500-bluetooth-kulaklik.jpg","ProductPictureOrder":2,"ProductPictureIsDefault":false}],"ProductDetailAttributes":[{"Key":"Ağırlık","Value":"18.1","UnitItemName":"gr","ProductAttributeDisplayOrder":0,"DisplayOrder":2,"Description":null},{"Key":"Model","Value":"HM1500","UnitItemName":null,"ProductAttributeDisplayOrder":0,"DisplayOrder":4,"Description":null},{"Key":"Şarj Kullanım Süresi","Value":"2 Saat","UnitItemName":null,"ProductAttributeDisplayOrder":0,"DisplayOrder":80,"Description":null},{"Key":"Bekleme Süresi (Saat)","Value":"250 Saat (Maks.)","UnitItemName":null,"ProductAttributeDisplayOrder":0,"DisplayOrder":116,"Description":null},{"Key":"Kullanım Mesafesi","Value":"10 m. (Maks.)","UnitItemName":null,"ProductAttributeDisplayOrder":0,"DisplayOrder":145,"Description":null},{"Key":"Bluetooth Profili","Value":"HSP (Kulaklık), HFP (Ahizesiz)","UnitItemName":null,"ProductAttributeDisplayOrder":0,"DisplayOrder":149,"Description":null}],"ProductSuggestions":[],"ProductContents":[],"ProductKitItems":[],"ProductVideos":[],"ProductGroups":[],"ProductBadges":[{"BadgeItemBadgeId":7,"BadgeItemApplicationId":1,"BadgeItemText":null,"BadgeItemImageName":"//","BadgeItemDescription":null,"BadgeItemPagePosition":"ImageBottom","BadgeItemImagePosition":null,"BadgeItemDisplayView":"ProductDetail","BadgeItemType":"Image","BadgeItemDynamicType":"WebStock","BadgeItemDynamicTypeText1":null,"BadgeItemDynamicTypeText2":null,"BadgeItemDynamicTypeCalculationType":null,"BadgeItemDynamicTypeDisplayType":null,"BadgeItemEvaluationExpression":null,"BadgeItemClassName":null,"DisplayOrder":0,"StatusId":100110,"StartDate":"\/Date(1474440397000)\/","EndDate":null,"Id":5}],"DisplayOrder":1000,"StatusId":100110,"StartDate":"\/Date(1429000863000)\/","EndDate":null,"Id":4715};
And I tried this.
yield scrapy.Request(response.urljoin(url), callback = self.parseProduct, meta={
'splash': {
'endpoint': 'render.html',
'args': {'wait': 0.09}},
'url': url
def parseProduct(self, response):
data_bundles = {}
script = response.xpath('/html/body/div[1]/div[2]/script[2]/text()').extract_first()
print script
jstree = js2xml.parse(script)
for a in jstree.xpath('//assign[left//property/identifier/#name="$.Teknosa.ProductDetail" and right/object]'):
bundle_prop = a.xpath('./left/bracketaccessor/property/string/text()')
print bundle_prop
if bundle_prop is not None:
curr_prop = bundle_prop[0]
data_bundles[curr_prop] = {}
Thanks for your help.
This should do it:
response.xpath("//script[re:test(text(),'Teknosa.ProductDetail =','i')]").extract()
You can select script tag that contains "Teknosa.ProductDetails =" in it's text.
If you want to load up javascript dictionary from script you need to extract text from the script and you can simply load it up with python's json module.
xp = "//script[re:test(text(),'Teknosa.ProductDetail =','i')]/text()"
data = response.xpath(xp).re(" = (\{.+\})")[0]
import json
data = json.loads(data)
> '8808993790425'
This question already has answers here:
script tag create with innerHTML of a div doesn't work
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'd like to invoke script with <div>, but it doesn't work.
For example, alert(101) was invoked, but alert(201) and alert(202) wasn't invoked.
<div id="abc"></div>
// append script (invoked!!)
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
s.innerHTML = 'alert(101);';
// append div (not works)
var d = document.createElement('div');
// I'm going to try to add a div, script, multi tags.
// This data will be get via Ajax.
d.innerHTML = "<script type='text/javascript'>alert(201);<\/script><script type='text/javascript'>alert(202);<\/script>";
Can you tell me a solution?
This works for me
// append script (invoked!!)
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
s.innerHTML = 'alert(101);';
// append div (not works)
var d = document.createElement('div');
var s2 = document.createElement('script');
s2.innerText = 'alert(201)';
// I'm going to try to add a div, script, multi tags.
// This data will be get via Ajax.
// d.innerHTML = "<script type='text/javascript'>alert(201);<\/script><script type='text/javascript'>alert(202);<\/script>";
I'm trying to create and manipulate the Pin It button after page load. When i change the button properties with js, it should be rerendered to get the functionality of pinning dynamically loaded images. So, does Pinterest have any method like Facebook's B.XFBML.parse() function?
Just add data-pin-build attribute to the SCRIPT tag:
<script defer
That causes pinit.js to expose its internal build function to the global window object as parsePinBtns function.
Then, you can use it to parse links in the implicit element or all of the links on the page:
// parse the whole page
// parse links in #pin-it-buttons element only
Hint: to show zero count just add data-pin-zero="1" to SCRIPT tag.
The best way to do this:
Remove the iframe of the Pin It button you want to manipulate
Append the html for the new button manipulating it as you wish
Realod their script - i.e. using jQuery:
$.ajax({ url: '', dataType: 'script', cache:true});
To render a pin-it button after a page has loaded you can use:
<a href=" it link.." id="mybutton" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="none">
<img border="0" src="//" width="43" height="21" title="Pin It" />
var element = document.getElementById('mybutton');
(function(x){ for (var n in x) if (n.indexOf('PIN_')==0) return x[n]; return null; })(window).f.render.buttonPin(element);
Assuming of course the is already loaded on the page. The render object has some other useful methods like buttonBookmark, buttonFollow, ebmedBoard, embedPin, embedUser.
I built on Derrek's solution (and fixed undeclared variable issue) to make it possible to dynamically load the pinterest button, so it can't possibly slow down load times. Only tangentially related to the original question but I thought I'd share anyway.
at end of document:
<script type="text/javascript">
addPinterestButton = function (url, media, description) {
var js, href, html, pinJs;
pinJs = '//';
//url = escape(url);
url = encodeURIComponent(url);
media = encodeURIComponent(media);
description = encodeURIComponent(description);
href = '' + url + '&media=' + media + '&description=' + description;
html = '<img border="0" src="" title="Pin It" />';
//add pinterest js
js = document.createElement('script');
js.src = pinJs;
js.type = 'text/javascript';
in document ready function:
addPinterestButton('pageURL', 'img', 'description');//replace with actual data
in your document where you want the pinterest button to appear, just add an element with the id pinterestOption, i.e.
<div id="pinterestOption"></div>
hope that helps someone!
Here's what I did.
First I looked at pinit.js, and determined that it replaces specially-marked anchor tags with IFRAMEs. I figured that I could write javascript logic to get the hostname used by the src attribute on the generated iframes.
So, I inserted markup according to the normal recommendations by pinterest, but I put the anchor tag into an invisible div.
<div id='dummy' style='display:none;'>
<a href="
class="pin-it-button" count-layout="horizontal"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//">
Then, immediately after that, I inserted a script to slurp up the hostname for the pinterest CDN, from the injected iframe.
// pint-reverse.js
// logic to reverse-engineer pinterest buttons.
// The standard javascript module from pinterest replaces links to
// with links to some odd-looking
// url based at It also normalizes the URLs.
// Not sure why they went through all the trouble. It does not work for
// a dynamic page where new links get inserted. The pint.js code
// assumes a static page, and is designed to run "once" at page creation
// time.
// This module spelunks the changes made by that script and
// attempts to replicate it for dynamically-generated buttons.
pinterestOptions = {};
function spelunkPinterestIframe() {
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'),
k = [], iframe, i, L1 = iframes.length, src, split, L2;
for (i=0; i<L1; i++) {
do {
iframe = k.pop();
src = iframe.attributes.getNamedItem('src');
if (src !== null) {
split = src.value.split('/');
L2 = split.length; = split[L2 - 2];
obj.script = split[L2 - 1].split('?')[0];
} while (k.length>0);
function getPinMarkup(photoName, description) {
var loc = document.location,
pathParts = loc.pathname.split('/'),
pageUri = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.hostname + loc.pathname,
href = '/' + pathToImages + photoName,
basePath = (pathParts.length == 3)?'/'+pathParts[1]:'',
mediaUri = loc.protocol+'//'+loc.hostname+basePath+href,
description = description || null;
pinMarkup = '<iframe class="pin-it-button" ' + 'scrolling="no" ' +
'src="//' + + '/' + pinterestOptions.script +
'?url=' + encodeURIComponent(pageUri) +
'&media=' + encodeURIComponent(mediaUri);
if (description === null) {
description = 'Insert standard description here';
else {
description = 'My site - ' + description;
pinMarkup += '&description=' + encodeURIComponent(description);
pinMarkup += '&title=' + encodeURIComponent("Pin this " + tagType);
pinMarkup += '&layout=horizontal&count=1">';
pinMarkup += '</iframe>';
return pinMarkup;
And then use it from jQuery like this:
var pinMarkup = getPinMarkup("snap1.jpg", "Something clever here");
$('#pagePin').empty(); // a div...
I rewrote the Pinterest button code to support the parsing of Pinterest tags after loading AJAX content, similar to FB.XFBML.parse() or gapi.plusone.go(). As a bonus, an alternate JavaScript file in the project supports an HTML5-valid syntax.
Check out the PinterestPlus project at GitHub.
The official way to do this is by setting the "data-pin-build" attribute when loading the script:
<script defer="defer" src="//" data-pin-build="parsePins"></script>
Then you can render your buttons dynamically like so:
// render buttons inside a scoped DOM element
// render the whole page
There is also another method on this site which lets you render them in JavaScript without the script tag.
Here is what i did.. A slight modification on #Derrick Grigg to make it work on multiple pinterest buttons on the page after an AJAX reload.
refreshPinterestButton = function () {
var url, media, description, pinJs, href, html, newJS, js;
var pin_url;
var pin_buttons = $(' a');
pin_buttons.each(function( index ) {
pin_url = index.attr('href');
url = escape(getUrlVars(pin_URL)["url"]);
media = escape(getUrlVars(pin_URL)["media"]);
description = escape(getUrlVars(pin_URL)["description"]);
href = '' + url + '&media=' + media + '&description=' + description;
html = '<img border="0" src="" title="Pin It" />';
//remove and add pinterest js
pinJs = '//';
js = $('script[src*=""]');
js = document.createElement('script');
js.src = pinJs;
js.type = 'text/javascript';
function getUrlVars(pin_URL)
var vars = [], hash;
var hashes = pin_URL.slice(pin_URL.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
hash = hashes[i].split('=');
vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
return vars;
Try reading this post it uses a little javascript to replace the pinterest iframe with a new button and then reloads the pinit.js file. Below is the javascript to do the trick
refreshPinterestButton = function (url, media, description) {
var js, href, html, pinJs;
url = escape(url);
media = escape(media);
description = escape(description);
href = '' + url + '&media=' + media + '&description=' + description;
html = '<img border="0" src="" title="Pin It" />';
//remove and add pinterest js
pinJs = $('script[src*=""]');
js = document.createElement('script');
js.src = pinJs.attr('src');
js.type = 'text/javascript';
Their pinit.js file, referenced in their "Pin it" button docs, doesn't expose any globals. It runs once and doesn't leave a trace other than the iframe it creates.
You could inject that file again to "parse" new buttons. Their JS looks at all anchor tags when it is run and replaces ones with class="pin-it-button" with their iframe'd button.
this works fine for me: It picks up all data on click event
I tried to adapt their code to work the same way (drop in, and forget about it), with the addition that you can make a call to Pinterest.init() to have any "new" buttons on the page (eg. ajax'd in, created dynamically, etc.) turned into the proper button.
As of June 2020, Pinterest updated the pin js code to v2. That's why data-pin-build might not work on
<script defer="defer" src="//" data-pin-build="parsePins"></script>
Now it works on pinit_v2.js
<script async defer src="//" data-pin-build="parsePins"></script>