ngInfiniteScroll Triggers On All Scroll Events - javascript

I am using ngInfiniteScroll to enable infinite scrolling on my website. In order to get it to work I have had to set the height of the outer div to a value as shown below. If I don't do this the Infinite Scroll feature is triggered
<div style="height: 1px">
<post post-item="item" feed-items="items.feed" feed-name="feedName" ng-repeat="item in items.feed"></post>
<a style="bottom-padding 7%" infinite-scroll="nextPosts()" infinite-scroll-distance="1" href ng-click="nextPosts()" class="show-more">No more posts to show </a>
However, setting the height:1px kind of screws up my css styling and I feel like it is technically cheating, especially since I have to do the bottom-padding on the
Does anybody know a way I can get the Infinite Scroll to not be triggered on all scrolling events without using the style="height: 1px
I have already looked at this post but it has not really helped. How do you keep parents of floated elements from collapsing?
Typically, you will use the infiniteScroll directive on an element
that contains another element that uses ngRepeat to show a series of
elements based on an array (or object); the expression you pass in to
the infinite-scroll attribute will generally add additional elements
to the array, expanding the ngRepeat.
maybe you could try the base example:
<div infinite-scroll="nextPosts()">
<post post-item="item" feed-items="items.feed" feed-name="feedName" ng-repeat="item in items.feed"></post>


$swipe on child elements conflict with scroll and scroll stops working in AngularJS

I have a parent element to which I applied ng-swipe-right and ng-swipe-left. The swipe functionality works well. One of the element's child element has some content that overflows hence scroll gets automatically applied to it. BUT now, this scroll has stopped working after I had applied the swipe functionality. When I remove the swipe, the scroll works.
Can you please advice, how I can have the parent element to have the swipe functionality but its child element which has overflowing content to also retain its scroll functionality.
NOTE: I've not used any plugin for applying scroll functionality, it automatically takes scroll.
Your case requires both the scroll and swipe event to be available, which I couldn't figure out how to do. Also see this question: Cancel ng-swipe-right on child
If anyone else who doesn't need both events sees this: in my use case the user can either swipe or scroll, depending on whether they tapped a gallery image or not. So I could do the following:
<!-- Fit image to page -->
<div class="gallery-content fit-to-page" ng-if="vm.fitToPage"
ng-swipe-right="vm.showPreviousSlide()" ng-swipe-left="vm.showNextSlide()">
<img ng-src="{{vm.currentSlide.url}}" ng-click="vm.fitToPage = false" />
<!-- Natural image size -->
<div class="gallery-content natural-size" ng-if="!vm.fitToPage">
<img ng-src="{{vm.currentSlide.url}}" ng-click="vm.fitToPage = true" />
So using the ng-swipe directives on the element I need swipe for, but not on the one I need to scroll.

ng-show together with ng-if and css animations

I have css animations working based on the ng-show directive in Angular.
I'm trying to add ng-if directives to help me reduce the number of DOM elements in my page by removing hidden parts of it.
<div class="some classes" ng-show="isActive()" ng-if="isActive()">
<div class="other elements">
The problem is that the ng-if removes the element before it gets the chance to disappear "nicely".
The animation is a rollingUp/Down sort of animation and the outer div has a variable height dependent on the content of the inner div. I tried moving the ng-if down, but the problem stays the same as the height suddenly becomes 0 once the ng-if is true.
What would be the (best) strategy to achieve this? My main goal is to reduce the number of elements without sacrificing the animations.
(I'm using angular 1.2.0)

isotope image onclick to reveal new content in top div Wordpress

I'm trying really hard to replicate what happens here angular theme on Wordpress.
I've been able to get isotope to filter the post_thumbnails display them and it animate great but what I'm stuck on is when clicking an image or link the content of that post/portfolio gets displayed in a new div. Ideally in place and pushing boxes out the way so if you're on a mobile you don't have to scroll to the top.
Any pointers to get me started would be great, just can't find anything like this anywhere and think it would be very useful to others :)
Actually that can be achieved quite easily. Basically you'll merely have to add a click handler to all Isotope items. The handler has to figure out which element has been clicked (e.g. by checking class names of the clicked item, but of course there are numerous ways) and then add the respective content to your div element.
If the content has to be shown in place, it's even easier. You can simply add the preview and the full content to the same Isotope item, but hide the full content by default:
<div class="item">
<div class="preview">...</div>
<div class="full">...</div> <!-- hidden with CSS -->
Then add a click handler to all Isotope items:
By calling .isotope("reLayout") the other items are pushed out of the way when the clicked one expands.
Finally you need some basic CSS rules making div elements with .big bigger, hiding .full by default, but showing it when .big is set in the parent div. In that case .preview has to be hidden of course; this can all be done with CSS, no JavaScript/jQuery required.
Ok, it's a bit cumbersome to explain - I guess an example says more than a thousand words: JSFiddle
Of course that's just a very basic example, but hopefully it explains what I meant. ;)

Creating CSS/JavaScript tab panels -- with each nav item in the same div as its corresponding content

I need to create a set of CSS/JavaScript tab panels.
However, most the examples I have seen put the navigation in a separate DIV from the content. For example:
Is there an CSS tab example where each tab navigation item is in the same div as its corresponding content?
Something like this:
<div id="tab-item=1">
<div id="tab-item-1-nav"> ... </div>
<div id="tab-item-1-content"> ... </div>
<div id="tab-item=2">
<div id="tab-item-2-nav"> ... </div>
<div id="tab-item-2-content"> ... </div>
<div id="tab-item=3">
<div id="tab-item-3-nav"> ... </div>
<div id="tab-item-3-content"> ... </div>
This is possible but, as is, pretty certainly isn't advisable (it's a work in progress and worked like a charm in IE7 yesterday and is broken today in this same browser ...).
The principle is to stick your tab-nav together so you have to remove from the flow your tab-content with position: absolute; (EDIT: you can't float them after the next tab-content).
Thus many problems arise: you can't have other content below your tab-content as you don't know anymore its height (except in JS of course or with max-height/height and a scrollbar created with overflow property). You can have content on the right pretty easily as you control the width of your content.
Here is a functional demo: (using jQuery and jQueryTools, tested successfully in Fx 3.6.4, Saf 4.0.x, Op 10.54)
I'll update today the results of my IE7 debugging, whether successful or not.
The navigation isn't separated from the content here and is functional out of the box so a body.js class is used not to disrupt display when JS isn't functional.
Links in headings and the .js class shouldn't be hardcoded as in this already too long example but should be added via JS.
Now, though this example work at least in modern browsers with a few constraints (footer?), I'd reorganise the content when JS is functional in order to avoid the absolute positioning. It's pretty fast in jQuery to create a container before the first .tab-item container and then move every h1 in it. I believe it's far more robust ;)

jQuery animation

I'm having some minor problems with some animations I'm trying to set up. I have a couple divs stacked on top of each other kind of like this.
<div id="div1">
<div id="div2">
More Stuff...
Each of these divs has a drop shadow applied to it via jQuery plugin (jquery.dropshadow.js).
The problem occurs when I expand one of the divs using some kind of animation. The shadow does not update with the size of the div. I can redraw the shadow in the callback of the animation but still looks pretty joggy.
Is there a way that I can update the status of my shadows periodically throughout the course of the animation or can anyone recommend a better drop shadow library that would fix the problem? It doesn't have to be jQuery plugin.
I think the only way to do this (at least with that particular drop shadow plugin) would be targeting both the element you want and all the drop-shadow "phantom" elements, in your animation. So, for example:
<style type="text/css">
#div1 { width: 50px; }
<div id="div1">
<p>Here is a lot of stuff. Stuff stuff stuff.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#div1").click(function() {
$("#div1, #div1 + .dropShadow .dropShadow").animate({ width: "400px" }, 1500);
This is based on the structure of the rendered code that the drop-shadow plugin produces... all the fuzzy copies of your original element get a class of .dropShadow and get grouped into a container element which also has a class of .dropShadow and gets stuck into the document right after the original element (thus the + selector).
As long as you apply whatever animation you're doing to all of these shadow elements, they all get animated (however, it is a bit jerky from all that processing... uffda).
I would suggest using CSS for your drop shadows, and not JS.
I have dealt with this exact problem in the past and I have completely stopped using JS for drop shadows. I have never seen animations with JS shadows look as smooth as pure CSS. Also, using too much JS to alter the page elements can cause performance issues.
Try to apply the same animation effects to the shadow element(s).
I don't know the exact technique used in jquery.dropshadow.js, but I suspect it creates copies of your shadow casting elements and styles them to achieve shadow like appearance. It is possible that these copies are siblings of their source elements, thus don't "follow" animation (as child elements would).
Ok, I still don't know how you animate, but I give you another example:
So, instead of slideToggle, just use whatever animation thingy you got.
Hope that helps.

