Is this recursion or not - javascript

function x(){
My concern being unbounded stack growth. I think this is not recursion since the x() call in the timer results in a brand new set of stack frames based on a new dispatch in the JS engine.
But reading the code as an old-fashioned non JS guy it makes me feel uneasy
One extra side question, what happens if I scheduled something (based on math rather than a literal) that resulted in no delay. Would that execute in place or would it be in immediately executed async, or is that implementation defined

It's not - I call it "pseudo-recursion".
The rationale is that it kind of looks like recursion, except that the function always correctly terminates immediately, hence unwinding the stack. It's then the JS event loop that triggers the next invocation.

It is recusive in a sense that it is a function that calls itself but I believe you are right about the stack trace being gone. Under normal execution the stack will just show that it was invoked by setTimeout. The chrome debugger for example will allow you to keep stack traces on async execution, I am not sure how they are doing it but the engine can keep track of the stack somehow.
No matter how the literal is calculated the execution will still be async.
setTimeout(function(){console.log('timeout');}, 0);console.log('executing');
will output:

One extra side question, what happens if I scheduled something (based on math rather than a literal) that resulted in no delay. Would that execute in place or would it be in immediately executed async, or is that implementation defined
Still asynchronous. It's just that the timer will be processed immediately once the function returns and the JavaScript engine can process events on the event loop.

Recursion has many different definitions, but if we define it as the willful (as opposed to bug-induced) use of a function that calls itself repeatedly in order to solve a programming problem (which seems to be a common one in a Javascript context), it absolutely is.
The real question is whether or not this could crash the browser. The answer is no in my least not on Firefox or Chrome. Whether good practice or not, what you've got there is a pretty common Javascript pattern, used in a lot of semi-real-time web applications. Notably, Twitter used to do something very similar to provide users with semi-real-time feed updates (I doubt they still do it now that they're using a Node server).
Also, out of curiously I ran your script with the schedule reset to run every 50ms, and have experienced no slowdowns.


When creating a function to run only one time, should the redefinition happen before or after the function?

I want a function to only run one time. I found this question here on SO and the highest voted examples redefine the function and then execute the code that is supposed to run once. I'm sure there is a good reason for doing that instead of running the code and then redefining the function but I can't figure out what that would be. My first instinct would be to only redefine the function after the code is run since that seems "safer" because the code would have to have run before being redefined.
Can someone explain why convention seems to be to redefine first?
Basically if you want to avoid that the function is "called" twice, disabling the function immediately after the first call is the safest thing to do. When nothing else can happen between the call and the disabler, then nothing unexpected can happen either. If you were to run the code that should be executed only once first, various things might happen:
the code calls the function recursively, or through a callback - you should consider reentrancy
the code does throw an exception
the code returns early
In any of these cases, and possibly more, the disabling code is not reached and a second call could be made.
Notice also that replacing the function is not enough. A caller could easily have created an alias variable that still holds the original function, unaffected by setting some other variable to a noop function. You always need to combine this solution with the "static boolean variable" approach from the accepted answer, unless you control the calling code and know what it does.
Looks like the main reason is for multi-threaded languages. If a function is supposed to run only once and it gets called a second time before the first instance is complete, that would result in being called more than once. Redefining it first means that the function can't run twice.

Are JavaScript List Operations Synchronous?

So I've been doing some research into how JavaScript is actually single threaded even though it appears to be multithreaded (or at least that's how I understand it), and I was wondering if the following function would be guaranteed to complete before some other function is called.
I'm fairly certain that it is, but the call to push() makes me worry that when it is called, some other function may execute first. That being said, I can't think of any sort of long running code that would be ran in push().
// adds a new node to children, after checking if its UID is not in childrenAdded
this.addChild = function(newChild) {
if (!_this._childrenAdded[newChild.uid]) {
_this._childrenAdded[newChild.uid] = true;
All Array methods, including push, are synchronous. That's pretty much the default for all operations in JS, asynchronous is the exception and documented in every such function.
If a function is asynchronous, it will usually take a callback function as parameter, or return a Promise or something of that kind.
That way you'll always be able to make sure, your code executes after the function has terminated, if that is what you want.
So to answer your question: push is synchronous! :)
Everything in Javascript is synchronous. It might behave and look asynchronous, but that's because everything in javascript is put in an execution stack. Once something is finished, it's popped off the stack.
If you have an event, it's pushed into an event loop. Once everything is popped off the execution stack, it searches the event loop to see if it has anything to run. If it does, then it will run that event. It might look asynchronous, but it's really not.
So, in conclusion. Javascript is synchronous.
The Array push method is synchronous. I highly recommend watching this video on the javascript event loop to understand what goes on behind the scenes.
If you watch it enough times, it should clarify how the "single threaded even though it appears to be multithreaded" part of javascript works. Or maybe it might confuse you more, but hey that's javascript for you!

"Uncaught Type" error with requestAnimationFrame

So I have written a working application (actually half of it) with requestAnimationFrame. Before the project gets too complex I'm rushing to rewrite it in an object-oriented style so we can implement plugins better (and also fix modules without changing the whole app). In fact the first version of the app was really messed up and made up from a lot of test code.
So I have the following:
Aventura.prototype.update = function() {
var av = this;
/* ... frame code ... */
And I get "Uncaught TypeError: Type error " in the console log, right in the requestAnimationFrame line. I know my browser has a proper requestAnimationFrame implementation since I used the messed up version of my app perfectly well.
I've reached the conclusion that it raises an exception because I'm calling a method that is a member of the caller's own parent object (I know it's exactly the same method, but the problem clearly isn't on self-calling since that's what RAF is supposed to do). Any clues of what's wrong?
This has nothing to do with requestAnimationFrame. It is a basic JavaScript issue related to passing functions in general, and the meaning of this.
People tend to think that a function-valued property inside an object, such as myFn in the below
var myObj = {
myFn: function() {console.log(this);}
somehow has myObj "baked in" as this. Wrong. this is assigned only at the time the function is called. If I say myObj.myFn(), this becomes myObj, but I could just as easily say to have this be something else.
This becomes important when passing functions around as parameters to setTimeout, promises, or requestAnimationFrame. Just passing myObj.myFn passes the function, but it has no associated this. requestAnimationFrame has no idea where this function came from and what this to call it with, so it calls it with a this of window, or null, or 0, or undefined, or who knows what. This causes the error.
The simplest way to fix the problem is to simply say
requestAnimationFrame(function() {av.update(); });
Now update is called with the correct this.
A more sophisticated, equivalent way, would be
Other note
I don't think the way you're passing the function itself to requestAnimationFrame is going to work well. You're essentially setting up a chain of recursive calls, and eventually the stack will overflow. You need to separate the logic to be executed on the requestAnimationFrame callback from the logic to request the frame.
I've ended up finding the answer on another question here. I don't think it classifies as a duplicate though, since both questions were asked in different ways and someone could find one but not the other question (I myself seeked for a similar problem all over the web and didn't ever run into this potential duplicate).
How to call requestAnimFrame on an object method?

Call setTimeout without delay

Quite often see in JavaScript libraries code like this:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
I would like to know why use such a wrapper code.
Very simplified:
Browsers are single threaded and this single thread (The UI thread) is shared between the rendering engine and the js engine.
If the thing you want to do takes alot of time (we talking cycles here but still) it could halt (paus) the rendering (flow and paint).
In browsers there also exists "The bucket" where all events are first put in wait for the UI thread to be done with whatever it´s doing. As soon as the thread is done it looks in the bucket and picks the task first in line.
Using setTimeout you create a new task in the bucket after the delay and let the thread deal with it as soon as it´s available for more work.
A story:
After 0 ms delay create a new task of the function
and put it in the bucket. At that exact moment the UI thread is busy
doing something else, and there is another tasks in the bucket
already. After 6ms the thread is available and gets the task infront
of yours, good, you´re next. But what? That was one huge thing! It has
been like foreeeeeever (30ms)!!
At last, now the thread is done with that and comes and gets your
Most browsers have a minimum delay that is more then 0 so putting 0 as delay means: Put this task in the basket ASAP. But telling the UA to put it in the bucket ASAP is no guarantee it will execute at that moment. The bucket is like the post office, it could be that there is a long queue of other tasks. Post offices are also single threaded with only one person helping all the task... sorry customers with their tasks. Your task has to get in the line as everyone else.
If the browser doesn´t implement its own ticker, it uses the tick cycles of the OS. Older browsers had minimum delays between 10-15ms. HTML5 specifies that if delay is less then 4ms the UA should increase it to 4ms. This is said to be consistent across browsers released in 2010 and onward.
See How JavaScript Timers Work by John Resig for more detail.
Edit: Also see What the heck is the event loop anyway? by Philip Roberts from JSConf EU 2014. This is mandatory viewing for all people touching front-end code.
There are a couple of reasons why you would do this
There is an action you don't want to run immediately but do want to run at some near future time period.
You want to allow other previously registered handlers from a setTimeout or setInterval to run
When you want to execute rest of your code without waiting previous one to finish you need to add it in anonymous method passed to setTimeout function. Otherwise your code will wait until previous is done
function callMe()
for(var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
document.title = i;
var x = 10;
setTimeout(callMe, 0);
var el = document.getElementById('test-id');
el.innerHTML = 'Im done before callMe method';
That is the reason I use it.
Apart from previous answers I'd like to add another useful scenario I can think of: to "escape" from a try-catch block. A setTimeout-delay from within a try-catch block will be executed outside the block and any exception will propagate in the global scope instead.
Perhaps best example scenario: In today's JavaScript, with the more common use of so called Deferreds/Promises for asynchronous callbacks you are (often) actually running inside a try-catch.
Deferreds/Promises wrap the callback in a try-catch to be able to detect and propagate an exception as an error in the async-chain. This is all good for functions that need to be in the chain, but sooner or later you're "done" (i.e fetched all your ajax) and want to run plain non-async code where you Don't want exceptions to be "hidden" anymore.
AFAIK Dojo, Kris Kowal's Q, MochiKit and Google Closure lib use try-catch wrapping (Not jQuery though).
(On couple of odd occasions I've also used the technique to restart singleton-style code without causing recursion. I.e doing a teardown-restart in same loop).
To allow any previously set timeouts to execute.

JavaScript and single-threadedness

I always hear that JavaScript is single-threaded; that when JavaScript is executed, it's all run in the same global mosh pit, all in a single thread.
While that may be true, that single execution thread may spawn new threads, asynchronousy reqeiving data back to the main thread, correct? For example, when an XMLHttpRequest is sent, doesn't the browser create a new thread that performs the HTTP transaction, then invoke callbacks back in the main thread when the XMLHttpRequest returns?
What about timers--setTimeout and setInterval? How do those work?
Is this single-threadedness the result of the language? What has stopped JavaScript from having multi-threaded execution before the new Web Workers draft?
XMLHttpRequest, notably, does not block the current thread. However, its specifics within the runtime are not outlined in any specification. It may run in a separate thread or within the current thread, making use of non-blocking I/O.
setTimeout and setInterval set timers that, when run down to zero, add an item for execution, either a line of code of a function/callback, to the execution stack, starting the JavaScript engine if code execution has stopped. In other words, they tell the JavaScript engine to do something after it has finished doing whatever it's doing currently. To see this in action, set multiple setTimeout(s) within one method and call it.
Your JavaScript itself is single-threaded. It may, however, interact with other threads in the browser (which is frequently written with something like C and C++). This is how asynchronous XHR's work. The browser may create a new thread (or it may re-use an existing one with an event loop.)
Timers and intervals will try to make your JavaScript run later, but if you have a while(1){ ; } running don't expect a timer or interval to interrupt it.
(edit: left something out.)
The single-threadedness is largely a result of the ECMA specification. There's really no language constructs for dealing with multiple threads. It wouldn't be impossible to write a JavaScript interpreter with multiple threads and the tools to interact with them, but no one really does that. Certainly no one will do it in a web browser; it would mess everything up. (If you're doing something server-side like Node.js, you'll see that they have eschewed multithreading in the JavaScript proper in favor of a snazzy event loop, and optional multi-processing.)
See this post for a description of how the javascript event queue works, including how it's related to ajax calls.
The browser certainly uses at least one native OS thread/process to handle the actual interface to the OS to retrieve system events (mouse, keyboard, timers, network events, etc...). Whether there is more than one native OS-level thread is dependent upon the browser implementation and isn't really relevant to Javascript behavior. All events from the outside world go through the javascript event queue and no event is processed until a previous javascript thread of execution is completed and the next event is then pulled from the queue given to the javascript engine.
Browser may have other threads to do the job but your Javascript code will still be executed in one thread. Here is how it would work in practice.
In case of time out, browser will create a separate thread to wait for time out to expire or use some other mechanism to implement actual timing logic. Then timeout expires, the message will be placed on main event queue that tells the runtime to execute your handler. and that will happen as soon as message is picked up by main thread.
AJAX request would work similarly. Some browser internal thread may actually connect to server and wait for the response and once response is available place appropriate message on main event queue so main thread executes the handler.
In all cases your code will get executed by main thread. This is not different from most other UI system except that browser hides that logic from you. On other platforms you may need to deal with separate threads and ensure execution of handlers on UI thread.
Putting it more simply than talking in terms of threads, in general (for the browsers I'm aware of) there will only be one block of JavaScript executing at any given time.
When you make an asynchronous Ajax request or call setTimeout or setInterval the browser may manage them in another thread, but the actual JS code in the callbacks will not execute until some point after the currently executing block of code finishes. It just gets queued up.
A simple test to demonstrate this is if you put a piece of relatively long running code after a setTimeout but in the same block:
setTimeout("alert('Timeout!');", 5);
alert("After setTimeout; before loop");
for (var i=0, x=0; i < 2000000; i++) { x += i };
alert("After loop");
If you run the above you'll see the "After setTimeout" alert, then there'll be a pause while the loop runs, then you'll see "After loop", and only after that will you see "Timeout!" - even though clearly much longer than 5ms has passed (especially if you take a while to close the first alert).
An often-quoted reason for the single-thread is that it simplifies the browser's job of rendering the page, because you don't get the situation of lots of different threads of JavaScript all trying to update the DOM at the same time.
Javascript is a language designed to be embedded. It can and has been used in programs that execute javascript concurrently on different operating threads. There isn't much demand for an embedded language to explicitly control the creation of new threads of execution, but it could certainly be done by providing a host object with the required capabilities. The WHATWG actually includes a justification for their decision not to push a standard concurrent execution capability for browsers.

