how to show gridlines on hAxis in google chart tool AngularJS? - javascript

I want to show the gridlines on hAxis in google chart tool AngularJS.
This is my code:
$scope.donneesGraphe = {};
$scope.dataGraphe.type = 'LineChart';
$ = {
"cols": myCols,
"rows": myRows
$scope.dataGraphe.options = {
title: "",
pointSize: 6,
pointShape: 'round',
hAxis: {
title: 'Tiempo (hora)',
gridlines: {
color: '#F00'
vAxis: {
title: 'Distancia (km)',
gridlines: {
color: '#F00'
I only see the gridlines on vAxis.
I use the version: 0.0.8
Thanks in advance.

I found the answer:
hAxis.gridlines : This option is only supported for a continuous axis.
For a discrete axis, set the data column type to string.
For a continuous axis, set the data column type to one of: number, date, datetime or timeofday.


How to change bar width of a specific series while in different axis target - Angular google charts

I am developing a layered column chart using ComboChart on Angular google charts. Although I've separated two series of bar charts in two different axis, being able to find a bar in front of the other, like needed, I can't change the width of one of the series only. I want a result like the amCharts Layered Column Chart:
Layered Column Chart example
Right now, the chart looks like:
Current chart - Angular google charts
Also, if there is a way to share the same y axis while keeping one bar in front of the other, instead of staking then, it would be great.
The code I've been using for options of the angular google chart:
this.options =
colors: ['#1E90FF', '#f39800'],
hAxis: {
title: 'haxisTitle',
type: 'category'
title: 'Value',
minValue: 0,
format: this.numberFormat
seriesType: 'bars',
bar: {1: {groupWidth: "30"}},
0: {
targetAxisIndex: 0
1: {
targetAxisIndex: 1,
vAxes: {
0: {
title: 'Altered Value',
label:'Altered Value',
viewWindow: { // <-- set view window
min: 0,
max: this.maxValue + 0.1*this.maxValue, // Sets the maximun value of altered or real value to the window size (both axis)
format: this.numberFormat,
type: 'bars'
1: {
title: 'Real Value',
label:'Real Value',
viewWindow: { // <-- set view window
min: 0,
max: this.maxValue + 0.1*this.maxValue,
format: this.numberFormat,
type: 'bars'
aggregationTarget: 'auto',
stackSeries: true,
isStacked : true,
explorer: {
actions: ['dragToZoom', 'rightClickToReset'],
keepInBounds: true,
maxZoomIn: 4.0
The chart shows the data correctly, the only problem is the layout.
Some reference that might help:
Google Developers - Visualization: Combo Chart
amCharts Layered Column chart
Overlapped bars - Stack overflow quote - Here the result was a stacked bar chart (something I don't want)

Share tooltip between all series types

Working with tooltips in Highcharts I can see that not all type of series are included in the same tooltip. In the definition of my Highcharts object the property of tooltip look like:
tooltip: {
positioner : function (boxWidth, boxHeight, point) {
return {
x : point.plotX - 100,
y : point.plotY
shared : true
And how I am setting the tooltip property for each series is:
public getDefaultTooltip() {
return {
pointFormat : '<span style="font-weight: bold; color: {series.color}">{}</span>: <b>{point.y} </b><br/>'
After read the documentation of tooltip I can see that shared property is not valid for series of type 'scatter', what is exactly the type of series that is not working for me. So, is there some workaround in order to make available all the data in the same shared tooltip?
in the example bellow I want to show all the series data in the same tooltip but the scatter serie is using a different popover.
The ScatterSeries is defined in highcharts with noSharedTooltip = true. I think this is because the scatter series show both the x and y in their tooltips.
var ScatterSeries = extendClass(Series, {
type: 'scatter',
sorted: false,
requireSorting: false,
noSharedTooltip: true,
trackerGroups: ['group', 'markerGroup', 'dataLabelsGroup'],
takeOrdinalPosition: false, // #2342
kdDimensions: 2,
kdComparer: 'distR',
drawGraph: function () {
if (this.options.lineWidth) {;
To get around this, you can use a line series instead of the scatter series with the lineWidth = 0. You also need to turn off the hover state for the series to avoid the line showing up on hover.
, {
type: 'line',
name: 'Average',
lineWidth: 0,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: false
data: [3, 2.67, 3, 6.33, 3.33],
marker: {
lineWidth: 2,
lineColor: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[3],
fillColor: 'white'

Google Chart : Remove repetitive y axis

I am using google chart which is working absolutely fine except one thing the issue is when I select custom date filter and choose only single date from it then it will show only 1 record with little dot which is also fine no issue with that but its y axis shows repetitive values in it.
Please check example :
it shows 0, 1, 1, 2, 2
it should show 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or just 0, 1, 2
var options = {
vAxis: {
format: '#',
minValue: 0,
gridlines: {
color: 'transparent'
viewWindowMode: "explicit",
viewWindow:{ min: 0 }
hAxis: { textPosition: 'none' },
legend: { position: 'none' },
colors:[{color:'#A8D1FF', darker:'#97B9D8'}]
var chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document.getElementById('PostChart'));
chart.draw(PostChartData, options);
That may be cause of small range of values for Y axis. Try using Ticks for vAxis commonly referred as vAxis.ticks
vAxis: { ticks: [5,10,15,20] } //array
vAxis: { ticks: [{v:32, f:'thirty two'}, {v:64, f:'sixty four'}] } // A valid value as V
vAxis: { ticks: [new Date(2014,3,15), new Date(2013,5,15)] } // Dates
Click Here for Ref.
Edit1: In case your record values belongs to smaller range and and you have set the Max Value of vAxis to a higher value, It can also result in Repeated values in vAxis.

Multiple axis does not work on Highcharts 4

I have a function that adds another axis and serie to chart dynamically. It used to work well in Highcharts 3. Then i upgraded to Highcharts 4, but it adds axis but does not add serie.
chart.addAxis({ // Secondary yAxis
id: tempId,
title: {
text: tempName
lineWidth: 2,
lineColor: serie.color,
opposite: opposition
var lbl = getLabelStatus_<?=$id?>(id);
name: tempName,
type: serie.type,
color: serie.color,
yAxis: tempId,
dashStyle: serie.options.dashStyle,
dataLabels: {
enabled: lbl,
rotation: serie.options.dataLabels.rotation
Did they change something about axis in v4? How can i solve this problem?
Try ;
data :,

Changing Google Stacked Bar Chart colors (Material Bar Chart)

var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(stats_data);
var options = {
width: 1400,
height: 400,
legend: { position: 'top', maxLines: 3 },
bar: { groupWidth: '75%' },
isStacked: true,
bars: 'vertical',
colors:['#999','#346ac9', '#279423', '#fc9826'],
var chart = new google.charts.Bar(document.getElementById('chart-recent'));
chart.draw(data, google.charts.Bar.convertOptions(options));
I've got a stacked bar chart and I want each of the colors to be different (grey, blue, green, orange). However, the colors of the sections just take the first color (grey) in multiple brightnesses.
I also tried this in my options:
series: [
{color: '#999'},
{color: '#346ac9'},
{color: '#279423'},
{color: '#fc9826'}
How do I get each of the series to have a different color?
At the time of the original question, the Material Bar Chart probably did not yet support custom colors for stacked bar charts.
Today, the series configuration option as an array of color objects seems to work fine. See the colors variable in the example below.
Example code:
const data = [
['Sector', 'High', 'Medium', 'Low' ],
['Agriculture', 18, 9, 29],
['Education', 2, 14, 10],
['Healthcare', 4, 6, 41],
['Manufacturing', 36, 10, 3]
const colors = [
{ color: 'indianred' }, //high
{ color: 'khaki' }, //medium
{ color: 'seagreen' }, //low
const drawChart = () => {
const options = {
chart: { title: 'Risk by sector' },
legend: { position: 'top' }, //not yet supported
bars: 'horizontal',
stacked: true,
series: colors
const chartData = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(data);
const elem = $('figure#health-chart')[0];
const chart = new google.charts.Bar(elem);
chart.draw(chartData, options);
google.charts.load('current', { packages: ['bar'] });
Resulting chart:
Fiddle with the code:
Configuration options
An array of objects, each describing the format of the corresponding series in the chart. To use default values for a series, specify an empty object {}. If a series or a value is not specified, the global value will be used.
I was able to get the colors working here
When generating the graph I had to use: new google.visualization.ColumnChart(...) instead of new google.charts.Bar(...) otherwise it would not stack properly.
You may also want to make sure you are using the latest version of Google Charts. In the fiddle above, I used samples from the developer docs which were using: to autoload all the things.

