underscore js - finding a nested object - javascript

I have an underscore filter which is returning the parent object which contains a child object I am looking for. But I want it to return just the child object. Since it is already doing the work of locating the child object in order to return the parent, I'm wondering how to simplify my code to return just the child. Here's the example:
var filterObj = _.filter(filtersPath, function(obj) {
return _.where(obj.filters, {id: prefilterCat}).length > 0;
So here, that nested object inside obj.filters, with the id of prefilterCat, is the object I want returned, not its parent. So currently I would have to do another find inside of filterObject to get what I need. Any ideas?

Underscore's filter method will return the "parent" object but will filter out the ones that don't match the conditional statement. That being the case, if there is only 1 result, then you can just access it similarly to how you would access an array. For instance:
var filterObj = _.filter(filtersPath, function(obj) {
return _.where(obj.filters, {id: prefilterCat}).length > 0;
The above example would get the first child that is returned from the filter method.

From your question and code, I'm assuming a data structure like this:
var filtersPath = [
filters: [
{id: 0},
{id: 1}
filters: [
{id: 5},
{id: 42}
Now you can get an array of all "parent objects" (which you already have done) that have a filters array containing a object with matching ID:
_.filter(filtersPath, function(obj) {
return _.find(obj.filters, { id: 5 });
The advantage of doing it this way is that it will stop searching for a value once it's found one, and not always traverse the entire list.
If you want to actually get an array as result, it's a simple map operation:
.filter(function(obj) {
return _.find(obj.filters, { id: 5 });
.map(function(obj) {
return obj.filters;
If you only want to get the first matching object, you don't even need to use a filter or map:
_.find(filtersPath, function(obj) {
return _.find(obj.filters, { id: 5 });
With lo-dash, this operation will be a little easier:
_.find(filtersPath, { filters: [{ id: 5 }] }).filters


Access and extract values from doubly nested array of objects in JavaScript

I have an array of objects and within those objects is another object which contains a particular property which I want to get the value from and store in a separate array.
How do I access and store the value from the name property from the data structure below:
How would I return and display the values in the name property as a nice string like
blaze, solar-power ?
I tried doing something like this but I still get an array and I don't want to do a 3rd loop since that is not performant.
let pokemonAbilities = [];
let test = pokemon.abilities.map((poke) =>
Object.entries(poke).map(([a, b]) => [a, Object.values(b)[0]])
test.map((t) => pokemonAbilities.push(t.ability));
Sample Data:
"pokemon": {
"abilities": [
"ability": {
"name": "friend-guard",
"url": "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ability/132/"
"ability": {
"name": "Solar-flare",
"url": "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ability/132/"
Then I am doing a join on the returned array from above to get a formatted string.
It just seems like the multiple map() loops can be optimized but I am unsure how to make it more efficient.
Thank you.
There is no need for a loop within loop. Try this:
const pokemon = {
abilities: [{
ability: {
name: 'friend-guard',
url: 'https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ability/132/'
}, {
ability: {
name: 'Solar-flare',
url: 'https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ability/132/'
const pokemonAbilities = pokemon.abilities.map(item => item.ability.name).join(', ');

What is the best way to delete objects from Array

I am wondering if what is the best way to find all Indexes of objects in an Array and then delete them from the Array.
Currently, my code looks like as below;
var data = _.find(group.value, function(valueItem){ return valueItem.value == filter.value });
var index =_.indexOf(group.value,data);
This works great, but only gets me the first index if the index is more than once. So, I am looking for a method that will get me all indexes in my Array, so I can loop through in remove all
Use filter to create a new array of objects.
Based on your example this code creates new arrays based on the value (name) of each value property. I've wrapped the filter code in a function (getData) that you can call with the original array and the name you want to check as arguments.
If there is no match the function will return an empty array.
const arr = [
{ id: 1, value: 'bob' },
{ id: 2, value: 'dave' },
{ id: 3, value: 'bob' },
{ id: 4, value: 'bob' }
function getData(arr, name) {
return arr.filter(obj => obj.value === name);
console.log(getData(arr, 'bob'));
console.log(getData(arr, 'dave'));
console.log(getData(arr, 'mary'));

Why call Object.create inside an array.push returns a list of empty objects?

I need to create an array of objects which value of the properties is set dinamically based on an existent array of objects that contains server response.
The flow in this code seems correct to me (also according to some articles on the web) but all I receive as result is an array of n empty objects (neither id: null is displayed).
infoForecasts = [];
buildWidget() {
this.listForecasts.map( (i) => {
const ser = this.utilitiesService;
return this.infoForecasts.push(
id: null,
time: ser.getCurrTime(ser.getDateTime(i.dt))
I also tried to:
time: Object.values(ser.getCurrTime(ser.getDateTime(i.dt))
but anything changed.
What am I doing wrong?
The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
It should not be use to loop an array, use forEach() instead.
What i suggest you to do is using reduce() like this :
(acc, cur) => [
id: null,
time: this.utilitiesService.getCurrTime(
however if you're only trying to push something then Array.push({ id: '', time: '' }) should be perfectly fine !

Filter a javascript tree without mutating the original array

I'm working on a react project where I need to filter an array of objects without mutating the original array
const array = [{
name: 'bar',
children: [{
name: 'foo',
children: [{
name: 'baz123',
}, {
name: 'baz',
}, {
name: 'shallowKey'
}, {
name: 'abc'
For example, I want to only filter the concerned object and its children.
This is the jsfiddle
function filterData(data) {
var r = data.filter(function(o) {
if (o.children) o.children = filterData(o.children);
return o.name.length === 3;
return r;
I tried that function from a stackoverflow question, but is there a way to use that same functionality without mutating the data. Thanks
If you don't have any prototypes or functions involved within the objects a simple way to copy is to stringify original and parse it back to object
var r= JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)).filter(...
Array .filter() already creates a new array, you just need to fix the part where the o.children is mutated. To do that you could use .map() and simply copy all fields using Object.assign() or object spread and just assign children as the result passed through the same filter function:
function filterData(data) {
return data
.filter(obj => obj.name.length === 3) // filter array first
.map(obj => ({ // then re-map to new objects
...obj, // copy shallow fields
children: obj.children && filterData(obj.children) // filter children
You can create a copy of your original array using a spread operator or Object.assign() function.
const arrayCopy= [...array] //spread operator
const arrayCopy = Object.assign({}, array);
Otherwise as Aaron suggested, using filter(), map(), reduce() function always returns a new array without mutating your original array.

How to update the value of a single property within a state object in React.js?

So I have the following object structure:
const SamplePalette = {
id: 1,
name: "Sample Palette",
description: "this is a short description",
swatches: [
val: "#FF6245",
tints: ["#FFE0DB", "#FFA797"],
shades: ["#751408", "#C33F27"]
val: "#FFFDA4",
tints: ["#FFFFE1"],
shades: ["#CCCB83"]
val: "#BFE8A3",
tints: ["#E7FFD7"],
shades: ["#95B77E"]
Let's imagine that this object is managed by the state of my app like this:
this.state = {
currentPalette: SamplePalette,
My question is how would I go about updating the val property of a given swatch object in the swatches array? Or more generally - how do I only update pieces of this object?
I tried using the update helper as well as to figure out how Object.assign() works, however I've been unsuccessful and frankly can't really grasp the syntax by just looking at examples.
Also, since I'm going to be modifying this object quite a lot, should I look into maybe using Redux?
I tried #maxim.sh suggestion but with no success:
{ currentPalette: {...this.state.currentPalette,
swatches[0].val: newValue}
Consider you have new new_swatches
I think the clearer way is to get array, update it and put back as:
let new_swatches = this.state.currentPalette.swatches;
new_swatches[0].val = newValue;
{ currentPalette:
{ ...this.state.currentPalette, swatches: new_swatches }
Also you have : Immutability Helpers or https://github.com/kolodny/immutability-helper
Available Commands
{$push: array} push() all the items in array on the target.
{$unshift: array} unshift() all the items in array on the target.
{$splice: array of arrays} for each item in arrays call splice() on the target with the parameters provided by the item.
{$set: any} replace the target entirely.
{$merge: object} merge the keys of object with the target.
{$apply: function} passes in the current value to the function and updates it with the new returned value.

