JavaScript: Subsititute ForEach and callback in anonymous function - javascript

function to_json(workbook) {
var result = {};
workbook.SheetNames.forEach(function(sheetName) {
var roa = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_row_object_array(workbook.Sheets[sheetName]);
if(roa.length > 0){
result[sheetName] = roa;
return result;
I have above code. How to alter it, in order to let the anonymous function run only over the first element in SheetNames? (or alternatively alter sth else in order to achieve the same result).
I got this so far, I am not sure it is correct.
var tmpArray = workbook.SheetNames.slice(0);
tmpArray.forEach(function(sheetName) {

One way is what you've mentioned, but .slice(0) returns the whole array, so use .slice(0,1) for only the first item:
var tmpArray = workbook.SheetNames.slice(0, 1);
tmpArray.forEach(function(sheetName) { /* ... */ })
But if you only want to process the first item you can cancel the forEach() and the anonymous()
function to_json(workbook) {
var result = {},
sheetName = workbook.SheetNames[0],
roa = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_row_object_array(workbook.Sheets[sheetName]);
if(roa.length > 0) result[sheetName] = roa;
return result;


Use arrays' position as function parameters

I'm trying to pass positions of a list of arrays in a function, but I'm definitely missing something.
This is my script :
// function to display the results
function display(array){
var source = SpreadsheetApp.openById("x");
var sheet = source.getSheetByName('x')
var value = sheet.getRange("G4:I4").setValue(array[x][y]) //sets the range to the value
// function that creates or searches for the array
function recherche() {
var source = SpreadsheetApp.openById("x");
var sheet = source.getSheetByName('x')
var arrays = [
display(arrays[0][0]) // first time it is executed it should display arrays[0][0] or 1
return arrays
// function to display the next value
function next(){
var source = SpreadsheetApp.openById("x");
var sheet = source.getSheetByName('x')
display(recherche()[x+1][0]) // should display arrays[1][0] or 6
Am I doing something stupid or did I just miss something?
There are so many ways to do this:
function myTest() {
let i = 0;
let arrays = rechershe(); // will display arrays[0][0]
function next(arrays,i) {
function myTest() {
let i = 0;
let arrays = rechershe(); // will display arrays[0][0]
function next(value) {
function myTest() {
let i = 0;
let arrays = recherche(); // will display arrays[0][0]
function next() {
next(); // will display arrays[1][0]
And still another:
function myTest() {
let i = 0;
let arrays = recherche();
next = () => display(arrays[0][i]);
8:15:58 AM Notice Execution started
8:16:00 AM Info 1
8:16:00 AM Info 2
8:16:00 AM Info 3
8:15:59 AM Notice Execution completed

arguments.length run the function if 3 arguments are passed, otherwise throw an error object

TasksI need to modify the displaySortedTaskList function so that it runs if there are 3 arguments passed, and throws an error object with a message if there aren't 3 arguments passed. My attempt:
"use strict";
var sortTaskList = function(tasks) {
var isArray = Array.isArray(tasks);
if (isArray) {
return isArray;
var displaySortedTaskList = function(tasks, div, handler) {
if(arguments.length = Function.length){
var html = "";
var isArray = sortTaskList(tasks);
if (isArray) {
//create and load html string from sorted array
for (var i in tasks) {
html = html.concat("<p>");
html = html.concat("<a href='#' id='", i, "'>Delete</a>");
html = html.concat(tasks[i]);
html = html.concat("</p>");
div.innerHTML = html;
// get links, loop and add onclick event handler
var links = div.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
links[i].onclick = handler;
} else {document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "The displaySortedTaskList function of the tasklist library requires three arguments"}
var deleteTask = function(tasks, i) {
var isArray = sortTaskList(tasks);
if (isArray) { tasks.splice(i, 1); }
var capitalizeTask = function(task) {
var first = task.substring(0,1);
return first.toUpperCase() + task.substring(1);
You might use rest parameters and check whether the length of the array is 3:
var displaySortedTaskList = function(...args) {
if (args.length !== 3) {
document.getElementById("message").textContent = "The displaySortedTaskList function of the tasklist library requires three arguments";
// or `throw new Error('not enough args')` ?
const [tasks, div, handler] = args;
// rest of your code
(note that you should assign to .textContent when inserting text - .innerHTML is appropriate when inserting HTML markup, which is not the case here)
Live snippet:
var displaySortedTaskList = function(...args) {
if (args.length !== 3) {
return console.log('error');
console.log('rest of the code');
displaySortedTaskList('foo', 'bar');
displaySortedTaskList('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
displaySortedTaskList('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'buzz');

Javascript Callback in for Loop

My problem is that I'm having a Function A which calls at one point another function, let's call it Function B (getChildContent) and needs the return value of Function B in order to proceed. I know that it's because of Javascripts Asynchronous Nature, and i tried to solve it with a callback. But i can't get it work properly.
//some Code.....
else {
for(i in clustertitles) {
if(S(text).contains(clustertitles[i])) {
var parent = {};
parent.ClusterName = clustertitles[i];
parent.Functions = [];
var str = '== ' + clustertitles[i] + ' ==\n* ';
str = S(text).between(str,'.').s;
var caps = parseFunctions(str);
for(y in caps) {
//var content = getChildContent(caps[y]);
getChildContent(caps[y], function(content) { //Function call
var child = {};
child.FunctionName = caps[y];
child.Content = [];
function getChildContent (capname, callback) {
t = capname.replace(' ', '_'); (title, text, date) {
var str = S(text).between('== Kurzbeschreibung ==\n* ', '.').s;
if(str === undefined || str === null || str === '') {
throw new Error('Undefined, Null or Empty!');
else {
var content = {};
str = parseTitles(str);
content.Owner = str[0];
content.Aim = str[1];
content.What = str[2];
content.Who = str[3];
content.Steps = str[4];
content.Page = 'some URL';
So in Function A I'm trying to call getChildContent from a for-Loop and pass the current string from caps-array. For each String in caps-array getChildContent() makes a http request over a node.js module and retrieves a string. With this string i'm building an object (content) which is needed in Function A to continue. However the 'console.log(content)' in Function A just prints out the object which is created with the last string in caps-array, but for many times. E.G. if caps-array has 5 entries, i get 5 times the object which is created with the last entry of caps-array.
How can i manage the loop/callback to get every time the right object on my console?
Your loop should call another function that preserves the value of y, something like this:
//some Code.....
else {
for(i in clustertitles) {
if(S(text).contains(clustertitles[i])) {
var parent = {};
parent.ClusterName = clustertitles[i];
parent.Functions = [];
var str = '== ' + clustertitles[i] + ' ==\n* ';
str = S(text).between(str,'.').s;
var caps = parseFunctions(str);
for(y in caps) {
yourNewFunction (y, caps, parent);
function yourNewFunction (y, caps, parent) {
getChildContent(caps[y], function(content) { //Function call
var child = {};
child.FunctionName = caps[y];
child.Content = [];
function getChildContent (capname, callback) {
t = capname.replace(' ', '_'); (title, text, date) {
var str = S(text).between('== Kurzbeschreibung ==\n* ', '.').s;
if(str === undefined || str === null || str === '') {
throw new Error('Undefined, Null or Empty!');
else {
var content = {};
str = parseTitles(str);
content.Owner = str[0];
content.Aim = str[1];
content.What = str[2];
content.Who = str[3];
content.Steps = str[4];
content.Page = 'some URL';
There are 2 ways to do so.
Put the loop inside a function, execute your callback after the loop is done. (Problematic if you are doing async call inside the loop.
function doLoopdiloopStuff() {
for() {
The other way, the way i prefer looks like this:
for(var i = 0; i < stuff || function(){ /* here's the callback */ }(), false; i++) {
/* do your loop-di-loop */
In another example:
for (var index = 0; index < caps.length || function(){ callbackFunction(); /* This is the callback you are calling */ return false;}(); index++) {
var element = caps[index];
// here comes the code of what you want to do with a single element

Rxjs observing object updates and changes

I am currently trying to observe any changes to a given object including all of it's elements.
The following code only fires when an object[x] is updates, but not if individually updating object[x]'s elements such as object[x][y]
var elem = document.getElementById("test1");
var log = function(x) {
elem.innerHTML += x + "<br/><br/><br/>";
var a = [{a:1,b:2},
var source = Rx.Observable
.map(function(x) {
return JSON.stringify(x);
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {log(x);},
function (err) {log(err);},
function () {log('Completed');}
a[0] = a[1];
This code runs and fires correctly.
however. if I instead to this
a[0]['a'] = 3;
Then nothing happens.
A better way to phrase this, how can I observe changes from an array of objects?
If you want only the nested object changes:
var source = rx.Observable.from(a).flatMap(function(item) {
return rx.Observable.ofObjectChanges(item);
If you also want changes like a[0] = a[1]:
var source = rx.Observable.merge(
rx.Observable.from(a).flatMap(function(item) {
return rx.Observable.ofObjectChanges(item);
The flatMap or selectMany (they are the same function) will allow you to iterate over a value and execute a function that returns an Observable. The values from all these Observables are "flattened" onto a new stream that is returned.
Perhaps something like this by merging two Observables (one for the array and the other observing the elements of the array):
var a = [
var source1 = Rx.Observable.ofArrayChanges(a).map(function(x) {
return JSON.stringify(x);
var source2 = Rx.Observable
.fromArray(, i) { return [o, i]; }))
.flatMap(function(oi) {
return Rx.Observable.ofObjectChanges(oi[0])
.map(function(x) {
var y = {
type: x.type,
object: x.object,
oldValue: x.oldValue,
arrayIndex: oi[1] // pass the index of the member that changed
return JSON.stringify(y);
source = source1.merge(source2)
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {log(x);},
function (err) {log(err);},
function () {log('Completed');}
a[0] = a[1]
a[1]['b'] = 7
Thanks to #electrichead here we're not using concatMap because the sources that we made by ofObjectChanges and ofArrayChanges never complete.
Here's a working example of Rx.Observable.ofNestedObjectChanges simple implementation, you can get the gist of it and implement you own.,console
Rx.Observable.ofNestedObjectChanges = function(obj) {
if (obj == null) { throw new TypeError('object must not be null or undefined.'); }
if (typeof Object.observe !== 'function' && typeof Object.unobserve !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Object.observe is not supported on your platform') }
return new Rx.AnonymousObservable(function(observer) {
function observerFn(changes) {
for(var i = 0, len = changes.length; i < len; i++) {
Object.observe(obj, observerFn);
//Recursive observers hooks - same observerFn
traverseObjectTree(obj, observerFn);
function traverseObjectTree(element, observerFn){
for(var i=0;i<Object.keys(element).length;i++){
var myObj = element[Object.keys(element)[i]];
if(typeof myObj === "object"){
Object.observe(myObj, observerFn);
return function () {
Object.unobserve(obj, observerFn);
var json = {
element : {
name : "Yocto",
job : {
title: "Designer"
element1: {
name : "Mokto"
json.element.job.title = "A Great Designer";
var source = Rx.Observable.ofNestedObjectChanges(json);
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {
function (err) {
console.log('Error: %s', err);
function () {
}); = "Candy Joe";

get specific text from value with javascript

I have a json.json file like this
And this script im using to read the file
<script type='text/javascript'>
$.getJSON("json.json", function(person){
This script is made to point out all of the data from "name3" but i need only "dr3" value from "name3" to be stored to be written.
How to do that?
You can store it like this using combination of split() calls.
var dr3val = person.name3.split("&")[2].split("=")[1];
console.log(dr3val); // "Sting3"
The above will work if the order is same. Else you can use the below
var dr3val = person.name3.replace(/.*?dr3=(.+)?&.*/,"$1");
console.log(dr3val); // "Sting3"
You should change your json to this:
"ts1" : "Hallo",
"ts2" : "Hillarry",
"ts3" : "Sting",
"ts4" : "Storm"
this way it makes your jsonstring much easier to use.
Get the data from it like this:
var json = {
var name3 = json.name3.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < name3.length; i++) {
if (name3[i].indexOf("dr3=") > -1) {
var value = name3[i].replace("dr3=", "");
Implement this jQuery plugin i made for a similar case i had to solve some time ago. This plugin has the benefit that it handles multiple occurring variables and gathers them within an array, simulating a webserver behaviour.
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function($) {
$.StringParams = function(string) {
if (string == "") return {};
var result = {},
matches = string.split('&');
for(var i = 0, pair, key, value; i < matches.length; i++) {
pair = matches[i].split('=');
key = pair[0];
if(pair.length == 2) {
value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
} else {
value = null;
switch($.type(result[key])) {
case 'undefined':
result[key] = value;
case 'array':
result[key] = [result[key], value];
return result;
Then in your code do:
<script type='text/javascript'>
var attributes3;
$.getJSON("json.json", function(person){
attributes3 = $.StringParams(person.name3)
Underscore solution:, function(query) { //map the value of each property in json object
return _.object( //to an object created from array
query.split('&') //resulting from splitting the query at &
.map(function(keyval) { //and turning each of the key=value parts
return keyval.split('='); //into a 2-element array split at the equals.
The result of the query.split... part is
[ [ 'ts1', 'Hallo'], ['ts2', 'Hillarry'], ... ]
Underscore's _.object function turns that into
{ ts1: 'Hallo', ts2: 'Hillarry', ... }
The end result is
name1: { ts1: 'hHallo', ts2: 'Hillarry, ...},
name2: { ...
Now result can be obtained with object.name3.dr3.
Avoiding Underscore
However, if you hate Underscore or don't want to use it, what it's doing with and _.object is not hard to replicate, and could be a useful learning exercise. Both use the useful Array#reduce function.
function object_map(object, fn) {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function(result, key) {
result[key] = fn(object[key]);
return result;
}, {});
function object_from_keyvals(keyvals) {
return keyvals.reduce(function(result, v) {
result[v[0]] = v[1];
return result;
}, {});
var person={
var pN = person.name3;
var toSearch = 'dr3';
var ar = pN.split('&');
var result = '';
for(var i=0; i< ar.length; i++)
if(ar[i].indexOf(toSearch) >= 0 )

