Protecting raw JSON data from being copied - javascript

I'm creating an application with Node.js and Mongo DB, rendering the views with Swig.
I have a database of business names, addresses and geo location data that is being plotted onto a Google map with pins.
I'd like to stop users from easily copying the raw JSON data using view source, Firebug, Chrome Dev tools etc.
I'm not after bank grade security, just want to make it hard enough for most users to give up.
I have two routes of delivering the JSON package to the browser:
1) Using Swig, passing the JSON package directly to the view. Problem is that a simple view source will show the JSON.
2) Requesting the data with an AJAX call. In this scenario the data is easily accessible with Chrome Dev tools.
What are my options?

Base-64 encode the string.
Then you can just base64-decode it in JavaScript.
That should make it sufficiently unreadable, no real security though - of course.
Plus it's fast.
You need to take care with UTF-8 characters (e.g. German äöüÄÖÜ, or French èéàâôû)
e.g. like this in JavaScript:
var str = "äöüÄÖÜçéèñ";
var b64 = window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)))
var str2 = decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(b64)));
var imgsrc = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(markup)));
var img = new Image(1, 1); // width, height values are optional params
img.src = imgsrc;
More secure variant:
Return encrypted base64 encoded JSON, plus the decryption algorithm, base64 encode them server-side, bit-shift it a few bits, return via ajax, then de-bitshift the string on the webpage, pass it to eval, which will give you the decrypt function, then decrypt the encrypted base64 string, then base-64 decode that string.
But that takes only a few seconds more on the chrome debug console to decrypt, i did decrypt such a thing once, I think on codecanyon to get to a "Tabs" script for free; (don't bother for the tabs, they're bloatware, better invest the time to do it yourself) ;)
I think you find that nowadays here, but I don't know if the "encryption" method is still in there.
Additionally, you can also escape the string in JavaScript, that then looks like this:
var _0xe91d=["\x28\x35\x28\x24\x29\x7B\x24\x2E\x32\x77\x2E
;eval(function (_0x173cx1,_0x173cx2,_0x173cx3,_0x173cx4,_0x173cx5,_0x173cx6){_0x173cx5=function (_0x173cx3){return (_0x173cx3<_0x173cx2?_0xe91d[4]:_0x173cx5(parseInt(_0x173cx3/_0x173cx2)))+((_0x173cx3=_0x173cx3%_0x173cx2)>35?String[_0xe91d[5]](_0x173cx3+29):_0x173cx3.toString(36));} ;if(!_0xe91d[4][_0xe91d[6]](/^/,String)){while(_0x173cx3--){_0x173cx6[_0x173cx5(_0x173cx3)]=_0x173cx4[_0x173cx3]||_0x173cx5(_0x173cx3);} ;_0x173cx4=[function (_0x173cx5){return _0x173cx6[_0x173cx5];} ];_0x173cx5=function (){return _0xe91d[7];} ;_0x173cx3=1;} ;while(_0x173cx3--){if(_0x173cx4[_0x173cx3]){_0x173cx1=_0x173cx1[_0xe91d[6]]( new RegExp(_0xe91d[8]+_0x173cx5(_0x173cx3)+_0xe91d[8],_0xe91d[9]),_0x173cx4[_0x173cx3]);} ;} ;return _0x173cx1;} (_0xe91d[0],62,284,_0xe91d[3][_0xe91d[2]](_0xe91d[1]),0,{}));
You can then bring the string back like:
But for a moderate coder (like me), to figure out the system and decrypt the data of all this combined will take only appx. 15-30 minutes, (experimential find, from the codecanyon-try).
It's questionable if such a thing is worth the expense of your time, because it takes somebody like me less time to reverse-engineer your "encryption" than it takes you to "code" it.
Note that if you put a string like "\x66\x72\x6F\x6D\x43\x68\x61\x72\x43\x6F\x64\x65" into your appllication, you may trigger false alarms on certain virus scanners (McAffee, TrendMicro, Norton, etc., the usual suspects).
You can also partition the JSON string into an array of JSON-string chunks, makes it harder to decrypt it (maybe rotating the sequence in the array according to a certain system might help as well).
You can also break the string into an array of char:
var x = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
You can then bring it back like
You can also reverse the string, and put that into an array (amCharts does that).
Then you bring it back with
The last one might be tricky for utf-8, as you need to correctly reverse strings like "Les misérables" (see also this and this)

Since the data will go on your client's computer, there is no other way to fully protect that data than... not sending it.
So, you could render some views on the server side and send them to the client but it may not be doable in your case.
Other way, would be to send data, but to make it difficult for an unauthorized user to access to it.
If your application is using an user database, you could generate a fixed key per user and encrypt sensible data before sending it to the client, and then the client would decrypt it with the same key calculated on the client side.
In addition, you can fine tune which data you want to send or not send to each user.
If you want to protect the data betweeen the moment the client's receive it and the moment it goes in your map, I'm afraid it is not possible as the map component you're using is probably waiting for standard JSON data.
Anyway, it makes no sense to protect your data as it will be displayed on your map.

Everything that is passed to client is not safe, you can try obfuscating data, but in the end the place where you put in the map will be accessible by just adding a line of console.log()
Another option, I'm just speculating as I'm not really sure how google maps work, but you might firstly send only the geolocation to the map, this way you will have pins on the map, the only after clicking on the ping you could fetch other data from api (name, address). Google maps should support something like onclick.

Annoy a potential scraper/hacker with all the tricks everyone talks about on this thread and others. But as it's been said many times, once the data is sent to the client, it's basically unprotected.
Perhaps your thinking should involve these things too:
-How to identify when someone is scraping (e.g. monitoring IPs, thresholds, user activity, etc) and do something about it or at least identify the culprit.
-Put copyrights and other identification on any thing you can, to help other users see and understand that it's your data, not the scrapers'. Look at what artists have been doing already, for a long time.
-Lay hidden traps in your data to help identify it as unique; that only you know about and the scraper wouldn't bother to look for or too lazy to check. If the scraper uses your data publicly too, then maybe this can be used in a legal case, or at least you could publicly shame the offender.


Storing and sending raw file data within a JSON object

I'm looking for a way to transfer the raw file data of any file-type with any possible content (By that I mean files and file-content are all user generated) both ways using xhr/ajax calls in a Backbone front-end against a Django back-end.
EDIT: Maybe the question is still unclear...
If you open a file in an IDE (such as Sublime), you can view and edit the actual code that comprises that file. I'm trying to put THAT raw content into a JSON so I can send to the browser, it can be modified, and then sent back.
I posted this question because I was under the impression that because the contents of these files can effectively be in ANY coding language that just stringify-ing the contents and sending it seems like a brittle solution that would be easy to break or exploit. Content could contain any number of ', ", { and } chars that would seem to break JSON formatting, and escaping those characters would leave artifacts within the code that would effectively break them (wouldn't it?).
If that assumption is wrong, THAT would also be an acceptable answer (so long as you could point out whatever it is I'm overlooking).
The project I'm working on is a browser-based IDE that will receive a complete file-structure from the server. Users can add/remove files, edit the content of those files, then save their changes back to the server. The sending/receiving all has to be handled via ajax/xhr calls.
Within Backbone, each "file" is instantiated as a model and stored in a Collection. The contents of the file would be stored as an attribute on the model.
Ideally, file content would still reliably throw all the appropriate events when changes are made.
Fetching contents should not be broken out into a separate call from the rest of the file model. I'd like to just use a single save/fetch call for sending/receiving files including the raw content.
Solutions that require Underscore/jQuery are fine, and I am able to bring in additional libraries if there is something available that specializes in managing that raw file data.
Interesting question. The code required to implement this would be quite involved, sorry that I'm not providing examples, but you seem like a decent programmer and should be able to implement what's mentioned below.
Regarding the sending of raw data through JSON, all you would need to do to make it JSON-safe and not break your code is to escape the special characters by stringyfying using Python's json.dumps & JavaScript's JSON.stringyfy. [1]
If you are concerned about some form of basic tamper-proofing, then light encoding of your data will fit the purpose, in addition to having the client and server pass a per-session token back and forth with JSON transfers to ensure that the JSON isn't forged from a malicious address.
If you want to check the end-to-end integrity of the data, then generate an md5 checksum and send it inside your JSON and then generate another md5 on arrival and compare with the one inside your JSON.
Base64 encoding: The size of your data would grow by 33% as it encodes four characters to represent three bytes of data.
Base85: Encodes four bytes as five characters and will grow your data by 25%, but uses much more processing overhead than Base64 in Python. That's a 8% improvement in data size, but at the expense of processing overhead. Also it's not string safe as double & single quotation marks, angle brackets, and ampersands cannot be used unescaped inside JSON, as it uses all 95 printable ASCII characters. Needs to be stringyfied before JSON transport. [2]
yEnc has as little as 2-3% overhead (depending on the frequency of identical bytes in the data), but is ruled out by impractical flaws (see [3]).
ZeroMQ Base-85, aka Z85. It's a string-safe variant of Base85, with a data overhead of 25%, which is better than Base64. No stringyfying necessary for sticking it into JSON. I highly recommended this encoding algorithm. [4] [5] [6]
If you're sending only small files (say a few KB), then the overhead of binary-to-text conversion will be acceptable. With files as large as a few Mbs, it might not be acceptable to have them grow by 25-33%. In this case you can try to compress them before sending. [7]
You can also send data to the server using multipart/form-data, but I can't see how this will work bi-directionally.
In conclusion, here's my solution's algorithm:
Sending data
Generate a session token and store it for the associated user upon
login (server), or retrieve from the session cookie (client)
Generate MD5 hash for the data for integrity checking during transport.
Encode the raw data with Z85 to add some basic tamper-proofing and JSON-friendliness.
Place the above inside a JSON and send POST when requested.
Grab JSON from POST
Retrieve session token from storage for the associated user (server), or retrieve from the session cookie (client).
Generate MD5 hash for the received data and test against MD5 in received JSON, reject or accept conditionally.
Z85-decode the data in received JSON to get raw data and store in file or DB (server) or process/display in GUI/IDE (client) as required.
[1] How to escape special characters in building a JSON string?
[2] Binary Data in JSON String. Something better than Base64
[5] Z85 implementation in C/C++
[6] Z85 Python implementation of
[7] JavaScript zip library
[8] JavaScript Gzip SO JavaScript implementation of Gzip
AFAI am concerned a simple Base64 conversion will do it. Stringify, convert to base64, then pass it to the server and decode it there. Then you won't have the raw file transfer and you will still maintain your code simple.
I know this solution could seem a bit too simple, but think about it: many cryptographics algorithms can be broken given the right hardware. One of the most secure means would be through a digital certificate and then encrypt data with the private key and then send it over to the server. But, to reach this level of security every user of your application would have to have a digital certificate, which I think would be an excessive demand to your users.
So ask yourself, if implementing a really safe solution adds a lot of hassle to your users, why do you need a safe transfer at all? Based on that I reaffirm what I said before. A simple Base64 conversion will do. You can also use some other algotithms like SHA256 ou something to make it a litter bit safer.
If the only concern here is that the raw content of your code files (the "data" your model is storing), will cause some type of issue when stored in JSON, this is easily availed by escaping your data.
Stringifying your raw code file contents can cause issues as anything resembling JavaScript or JSON will be parsed into an actual JSON object. Your code file data can and should be stored simply as an esacaped string. Your fear here is that said string may contain characters that could break being stored in JavaScript inside a string, this is alleviated by escaping the entire string, and thus double, triple, quadruple, etc. escaping anything already escaped in the code file.
In essence it is important to remember here that raw code in a file is nothing but a glorified string when stored in a database, unless you are adding in-line metadata dynamically. It's just text, and doing standard escaping will make it safe to store in whatever format as a string (inside "" or '') in JSON.
I recommend reading this SO answer, as I also referenced it to verify what I already thought was correct:
How To Escape a JSON string containing newline characters using JavaScript

How to properly process base64 to stored server image

I'm working on an add-item page for a basic webshop, the shop owner can add item images via drag/drop or browsing directly. When images are selected i'm storing the base64 in an array. I'm now not too sure how best to deal with sending/storing of these item images for proper use. After giving Google a bit of love i'm thinking the image data could be sent as base64 and saved back to an image via something like file_put_contents('/item-images/randomNumber.jpg', base64_decode($base64)); then adding the item's image paths to its database data for later retrieval. Below is an untested example of how i currently imagine sending the image data, is something like this right?
$("#addItem").click(function() {
var imgData = "";
$.each(previewImagesArray, function(index, value) {
imgData += previewImagesArray[index].value;
"&category="+$("#add-item-category :selected").text()+
return false;
Really appreciate any help, i'm relatively new to web development.
As you are doing, so do I essentially: get the base64 from the browser, then post back, and store. A few comments...
First, HTML POST has no mandatory size limitation, but practically your backend will limit the size of posted data. (eg, 2M max_post_size in PHP.) Since you are sending base64, you are significantly reducing the effective payload you can send. That is, if every one byte of image equals three bytes of base64, you will get far less image transfered per byte of network. Either send multiple posts or increase your post size to fit your needs.
Second, as #popnoodles mentioned, using a randomNumber will likely not be sufficient in the long term. Use either a database primary key or the tempnam family of functions to generate a unique identifier. I disagree with #popnoodleson implementation, however: it's quite possible to upload the same file b/w two different people. For example, my c2013 Winter Bash avatar on SO was taken from an online internet library. Someone else could use that same icon. We would collide, so the MD5 is not sufficient in general, but in your use case could be.
Finally, you probably will want to base64 decode, but give some thought to whether you need it. You can use a data/url and inline the base64 image data. This has the same network issue as before: significantly more transfer is required to send it. But, a data URL works very well for lots of very small images (eg avatars) or pages that will be cached for a very long time (esp if your users have reasonable data connections). Summary: consider the use case before presuming you need to base64 decode.

Most efficient way to send ascii characters to mailto without reaching URL limit

I have a form which is submitted via mailto to a email server.
As you most know, there is a limitation to the mailto content over which it won't work because it exceeds URL characters limit.
I developed some custom data compression that are domain specific, but it is still not enough (In case all fields are filled, it will bust the limit, this is rare... but rare is bad enough for the client. Never is better.).
I found the Lempel–Ziv–Welch algorithm ( and concluded it would allow me to save 40% of the length average.
Unfortunately, I need of course to call encodeURIComponent to send it to mailto, and as LSW algorightm will return many URL unsupported characters this will in fact make it worse once URL encoded.
Before you tell me it would be easier to make a post to a server using server-side language, let me tell you this is a really unique situation where the form has to be submitted via email via a client-side application, because emails are the only way to connect with the outside world for the end users...
So, do you know any way to compress data efficiently without encodeURIComponent ruining it all ?
Or is there a way to send content to mailto without going through browser ?
I've seen some ways to open Outlook with ActiveX and stuff, but this is pretty browser/email client specific.
Also I checked for options where I save form info in a file using javascript... but the application users are, well let's just say they are not experts at all, and from what I've been told, they could fail to attach the email. (yes, they are that bad)
So I look for the simplest option, where user involvment is almost 0 and where the result is an email sent with the form data, all of that without server-side languages, with a compression algorithm if applicable.
Thanks a lot for your help !
You'll have a hard time getting to "never" with compression, since there will always be strings that a compressor expands instead of compresses. (Basic mathematical property of compression.)
Having said that, there are much better compressors than LZW, depending on the length of your input. You should try zlib and lzma. The binary output of those would then need to be coded using only the allowed URL characters.

What is the most efficient way of sending data for a very large playlist over http?

I'm currently working on developing a web-based music player. The issue that I'm having is pulling a list of all the songs from the database and sending it to the client. The client has the ability to dynamically create playlists, and therefore they must have access to a list of the entire library. This library can range upwards of 20,000 unique songs. I'm preparing the data on the server-side using django and this tentative scheme:
id: "1",
cover: "",
name: "Track Name",
time: "3:15",
album: "Album Name",
disc: (1, 2),
year: "1969",
mp3: ""
id: "2",
What is the best method of DYNAMICALLY sending this information to the client? Should I be using jSON? Could jSON effectively send this text file consisting of 20,000 entries? Is it possible to cache this playlist on the client side so this huge request doesn't have to happen every time the user logs-in, instead only when there was a change in database?
Basically, what I need at this point is a dependable method of transmitting a text-based playlist consisting of around 20,000 objects, each with their own attributes (name, size, etc...), in a timely manor. Sort of like Google Music. When you log-in, you are presented with all the songs in your library. How are they sending this list?
Another minor question that comes to mind is, can the browser (mainly Chrome) handle this amount of data without sacrificing usability?
Thank you so much for all your help!
I just took a look at the network traffic for Google Play, and they will transmit the initial library screen (around 50 tracks) via JSON, with the bare minimum for metadata (name, track ID, and album art ID). When you load the main library page, it makes a request to an extremely basic HTML page, that appears to insert items from an inline JS object Gist Sample. The total file was around 6MB, but it was cached and nothing needed to be transferred.
I would suggest doing a paginated JSON request to pull down the data, and using ETags and caching to ensure it isn't retransmitted unless it absolutely needs to be. And instead of a normal pagination of ?page=5&count=1000, try ?from=1&to=1000, so that deleting 995 will purge ?from=1&to=1000 from the cache, but not ?from=1001&to=2000 (whereas ?page=2&count=1000 would).
Google Play Music does not appear to use Local Storage, IndexedDB, or Web SQL, and loads everything from the cached file and parses it into a JS object.
Have you seen this ?
I've been using this array system myself lately (for 35K objects) and it is fast (assuming you dont want to render them all on screen).
Basically the server builds a long string in the form
Which is sent as a single string to an http request. Take the responseText field and conver it to an array using
Var arr = request.responseText.split('$');
Var ids = arr[0].split('|');
Var names = arr[1].split('|');
Clearly, you end up with arrays of strings at the end, not objects, but arrays are fast for many operations. I've used $ and | as delimiters in this example, but for live use I use something more obscure. My 35k objects are completly handled in less than 0.5sec (iPad client).
You can save the strings to localstorage, but watch the 5Mb limit, or use a shim such as lawnchair. (nb I also like SpenserJ answer, which may be easier to implement depending on your environment)
This method doesn't easily work for all JSON datatypes, they need to be quite flat. I've also found these big arrays to behave well for performance, even on smartphones, ipod touch etc ( see for several tests around string.split and array searching)
You could implement a file-like object that wraps the json file and spits out proper chunks.
For instance, you know that your json file is a single array of music objects, you could create a generator that wraps the json file and returns chunks of the array.
You would have to do some string content parsing to get the chunking of the json file right.
I don't know what generates your json content. If possible, I would consider generating a number of managable files, instead of one huge file.
I would test performance of sending the complete JSON in a single request. Chances are that the slowest part will be rendering the UI and not the response time of the JSON request. I recommend storing the JSON in a JavaScript object on the page, and only render UI dynamically as needed based on scrolling. The JavaScript object can serve as a data source for the client side scrolling. Should the JSON be too large, you may want to consider server backed scrolling.
This solution will also be browser agnostic (HTML < 5 )

Safest way to update game score from client to server database? Javascript

So I have this game that is completely run on the client. No server interaction what so ever apart from downloading the initial scripts to play the game. Anyway at the end of the game I would like for the client to send me back the scores which should be updated in the server database. Now I have come to accept the fact that there is no way on earth I can hide this from a hacker and send the scores unaltered. But I would like to know till what level can I modify the whole process that it virtually becomes pretty infeasible for the hacker manipulate the data which is being sent. For sure I would not like the score to be sent as plain text from client machine and I don't want my server to perform complex decryption algorithm. What is the best way hence to achieve considerable amount of security that every tom dick and harry doesn't hack the scores... I hope someone could provide a nice little way that I could work on... :) Thanks
So my ideal result should be -> have trusted result from a calculation (of score) made by an untrusted party (the player)!
Someone told me something about hiding the data in a picture get request. Like, I am implementing this game on canvas (html5). So he asked me at the end of the game to fetch a game over image from my server, and they request should contain the hashed score. I did not exactly understand the complete process but if you could explain it, would be really glad! :)
coda^ so you can mask the requests nicely
shouvik how do I do it!?
coda^ you can compose the checksum you want to submit. like 12312312a12313a232 is your md5 which contains the score. bring in an asset into the canvas like
coda^ which you can rewrite server side via htaccess
You seem to know this already, but just to stress; you cannot stop someone doing this; you can only make it as hard as possible!
Assume you currently submit the score as:
Someone watching in Firebug can easily distinguish where the score is submitted, and to alter it. submit_score.php gives it away, as does the name of the parameter. The score is a easily distinguishable integer.
Change the end point: /interaction.php?score=5
Change the parameter name: /interaction.php?a=5
It's getting harder for the user to work out what is going on.
Now you can make the score harder (again, harder, not impossible), to change. First, you can encrypt it (obviously you'll need to be able to decrpt it later).
Base 64 encode it.
Numbers -> Letters (1=a, 2=b, etc).
Reverse the order of the score representation.
You name it, you do it. So you now have interaction.php?a=e.
The next thing you can do is hash the score with something else. Send the hash with the score, and recalculate it on the server. For example, md5() the score with a random string, and send the score (encoded), the string, and the hash in the request:
When the request hits the server, do:
if (md5($_GET['a'] . $_GET['str']) !== $_GET['hash']) exit;
Obviously people can (relatively) easily go through your JavaScript code and see what's going on; so make it harder for them there. Minify and Obfuscate the code.
If you make it hard enough for someone, they're going to try understand your JavaScript, try using Firebug, not understand what's going on, and not bother; for the sake of getting a few extra points on your game.
Use something like OAuth to authorize the request from client to server.
The header contains a token which matches to the body of the request. if these two doesn't match, then discard the request. Don't need to decrypt at server side, instead encrypt the body and check if the result obtained at server side and the token matches the same to find if the body was modified
"Now I have come to accept the fact that there is no way on earth I can hide this from a hacker and send the scores unaltered."
Oh yes, there is!
You can use RSA or any other public key encryption method (also called assymetric cryptography).
Create a set of (public and private) keys for the server.
Have your client code include your server's public key.
At the end of the game, the client code, encrypts the score (with this key) and sends both (plain score and encrypted score) to server.
Server decrypts and checks if plain score and decrypted one are same.
If yes, accept score.
If not, reject (there's a hacker or network error in the middle).
As Ambrosia, pointed out, my approach fails completely with this kind of attack.
What you actually want is to have a trusted result from a calculation (of score) made by an untrusted party (the player). No easy way to achieve this.
See this:
Also this one:
And this (which needs a subscription to the ACM digital library):
Can you use ajax to send the score (and any identifiers) to the server? Unless they have something like firebug open they won't see it happening.
var url = '/savescores.asp?userID=fredsmith&score=1098';
createRequest();'GET', url, true);
Make the client send you the credentials (or some sort of session information in case you don't have logon credentials) and do that over SSL (https). This way you have both authentication and integrity control. Very easy and extremely lightweight for both server and client.

