combine jQuery click handler with php header on same button - javascript

I have a button that is now inside a little form:
<form name="picSubmit" method="post">
<button class="btn btn-block btn-default" id="upload"><?php echo $lrow[10]; ?> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-forward"></span></button>
then my code on top of the page:
<script language="JavaScript" src="js/cameraUserScript.js"></script>
header('Location: view-subscribe');
This is some javascript/jQuery ajax code to send the content inside a <div> and a picture that i have taken to a php page where i use this content to get some data out of my database and to rename and save that picture into a folder
document.getElementById("upload").addEventListener("click", function(){
var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL();
var idVal = $('.hiddenId').html();
type: "POST",
url: "incl/camsave.php",
data: {
imgBase64: dataUrl,
idVal: idVal
}).done(function(msg) {
I added a click event on that submit button ID so that when i click this script has to run. It works in Chrome, but because in Chrome you allways have to click the trust button if you use mediahandling i want to use Mozilla but there it isn't working... Does it has something to do with the combination of the submit button and the click event?
Thanks for the help!

I'm not sure why you're mixing vanilla JS and jQuery here, but you can likely solve this by changing your code to this -
$('#upload').click(function() { // you can use jQuery here too
var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL();
var idVal = $('.hiddenId').html();
type: "POST",
url: "incl/camsave.php",
data: {
imgBase64: dataUrl,
idVal: idVal
}).done(function(msg) {


Delete Field in Datatable with ajax in Codeiginiter without refreshing page

I want to delete some field in datatable using 'a' tag as a button. If that button is pressed, it will delete field in my database using ajax without refreshing page but if i click the button, it doesn't do anything. I am weak in JS or jQuery, I hope you guys will help me, thanks.
This is my JS
$('#delete-agenda').click(function(e) {
var data = {};
data['id_itenerary'] = $(this).attr('value');
url: 'http://localhost/pandansari/admin/single_trip/delete_agenda',
type: 'post',
data: data
This is my 'a' tag
<a id="delete-agenda" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" value="<?php echo $agenda['id_itenerary'] ?>">Delete</a>
This is my controller function
public function delete_agenda() {
$id_itenerary = $this->input->post('id_itenerary');
This is my model function
public function delete_agenda($id_itenerary) {
$this->db->where('id_itenerary', $id_itenerary);
Try this
<a id="delete-agenda" href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" data-id="<?php echo $agenda['id_itenerary'] ?>">Delete</a>
$(document).ready(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
url: 'http://localhost/pandansari/admin/single_trip/delete_agenda',
type: 'post',
data: { 'id_itenerary' : id }
You will still have to remove the datatable entry from the table; otherwise the change will only be apparent on refresh/reload.
//write your remaining code here

Ajax function call not working

I am trying to learn Ajax function calls in jquery. But I could not get the expected output. My code is below
The HTML and Script File is stored in the file 'addevent.php'
HTML Code:
<form id="addinfo">
Year: <div class="styled-select">
<select id="year">
Team:<div class="styled-select">
<select id="team">
<button class=btn name="add_event" id="add_event" />Add Event
<span id="result"></span>
Script Part:
var y= $("#year option:selected").text();
var t= $("#team option:selected").text();
url: 'checkevent.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {year:y , team: t},
success: function(result) {
var val=result['result'];
error: function(exception) {
The code in the file checkevent.php is below
header("Content-Type: application/json", true);
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=register;charset=utf8mb4', 'root', '', array(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
$year =$_POST['year'];
$team =$_POST['team'];
if ($db->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $table . "'")->rowCount() > 0)
$r=array("result"=>"already stored");
echo json_encode($r);
echo json_encode($r);
}//end of try
catch(PDOException $e)
echo json_encode($r);
}//end of catch
Please Note: I have stored the file 'addevent.php' (HTML+Script) in the location 'registration/view/'
The checkevent.php file is stored in the location 'registration'
I tried to check if the button click function for add_event button is working by placing an alert inside it. But it doesn't work.
My expected output is if the table exist the span should display 'already stored' else it should say 'continue'
P.S: I am new to using these ajax call,so sorry if this seems silly. Please help to understand these concepts clearly.
Thanks in advance
You change this line :
url: 'checkevent.php',
By this :
url: '../checkevent.php',
Type F12 and inspect your ajax Call in the console to see if everything is OK
OK got it. You missed a comma between success and error callbacks, which broke your Javascript...
Please change script to this and it should work:
var y= $("#year option:selected").text();
var t= $("#team option:selected").text();
url: '/registration/checkevent.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {year:y , team: t},
success: function(result) {
var val=result['result'];
error: function(exception) {
You have a <button> element inside a form. The default type of a button is type="submit" and therefore the form is submitted before the button onclick listener works. Also you need to close a button element with </button>
Try to change it from
<button class=btn name="add_event" id="add_event" />Add Event
<button type="button" class=btn name="add_event" id="add_event" >Add Event</button>
As for the ajax URL, if you are running it from a page located in 'registration/view' and you're calling a page located in 'registration', you need to change the url to something like: url: '/registration/checkevent.php'
because the php file isn't located in the same place as the script that's calling it.
Good luck

Jquery Ajax is not working with Codeigniter

I am a ajax beginner, Here I am trying to show a text box value in same page using Ajax.
My Controller code:
class Merchant extends CI_Controller
public function ajaxtest()
$fullname = $this->input->post("fullname");
echo $fullname;
Here is my view code:
<script src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo base_url(); ?>merchant/ajaxtest",
data: {textbox: $("#fullname").val()},
dataType: "text",
return false;
<form method="post">
<input type="text" id="fullname"/>
<input type="button" value="getinfo" id="getinfo"/>
<span id="mytext"></span>
When I click on the button getinfo, I want to show the text inside the text box as span text. But now it shows nothing..
After experts' opinion, I edited some text(see my edit note), Now When i click on the button, it shows again a textbox and a button.. !!
Did you set the base_url variable with a link on the Javascript?
Because your post url contains this variable and you need set this to make it work. So initialize the variable with the base_url link.
See the corrected example below . Set your domain instead of the
<script type="text/javascript">
var base_url='';
type: "POST",
url: base_url + "merchant/ajaxtest",
data: {textbox: $("#fullname").val()},
dataType: "text",
return false;
Your base_url variable seems to be undefined in your JavaScript.
One simple approach to get the base URL is to echo it out in a hidden input, and then grab the value of that input in your JS code:
<input type='hidden' id="baseUrl" value="<?php echo base_url(); ?>" />
var base_url = $('#baseUrl').val();
type: "POST",
url: base_url + "/merchant/ajaxtest",
data: {textbox: $("#fullname").val()},
dataType: "text",
// ...
you are passing in textbox as parameter from your ajax to controller and trying to get POST data with name fullname. That wont work, since you passed in the name of parameter as textbox, access that in your post, as :
class Merchant extends CI_Controller
public function ajaxtest()
//you dont need to load view so comment it
$fullname = $this->input->post("textbox"); //not fullname
echo $fullname;
<script type="text/javascript">
var base_url='';
$("#getinfo").click(function() {
var fullname = $("#fullname").val();
alert("Fullname:" + fullname); //do you get this alert
type: "POST",
url: base_url + "merchant/ajaxtest",
data: {textbox: fullname},
alert("Response:" + data); //do you get this alert
return false;
Try using this:
<base href="<?=base_url();?>">
<script src="assets/js/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
And this in ajaxtest:
And also Comment out this:
// $this->load->view('ajaxtest');
Might be a little late with this response - but someone might find this while searching for a solution.
I was having the same issues with Codeigniter and JQuery ajax/post response. I could not get this to work no matter what I tried.
In the end, it turned out to be php_error that was causing the problem. Once I removed it, everything worked fine with my post/response.

codeigniter sending a variable from ajax to controller

I'm currently doing an ajax add,update and delete. And I think I'll just start with the delete since it is the easiest and hope that it might help me in the others.
In jquery (this is inside $doc.ready and the event is triggered properly)
if ($a == "Delete")
var postid = $(this).next('.postid').val();
type: "POST",
dataType: 'json',
url: "<?=base_url()?>.index.php/classes/deletepost",
data: {postid: postid},
async: false,
in html
<form method="post">
<button class="btn" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure to delete this item?')">Delete</button>
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" name="postid">
In controller
public function deletepost(){
$id = $this->input->post('postid');
$data = array('active' => 0);
This is already working but then I am planning on making the crud to ajax. I'm trying to pass the postid from ajax to controller to delete this post. The fadeout already works but only the ajax does not. I'm very new to ajax so I do not know where I am going wrong and I might also ask questions again regarding the other parts of crud.
The problem was the url inside the $.ajax. It returns a garbage.
So I added a script in the header
<script type="text/javascript">
var BASE_URL = "<?php echo base_url();?>";
And just use BASE_URL in the url: like so url: BASE_URL+'classes/deletepost',
Please Try to follow this:
In Codeigniters View:
<!-- Store ID and baseurl as attributes . this would help you to fetch data -->
<button class="btn" postId="5" baseUrl="<?php echo base_url();?>" id="button">Delete</button>
<!-- Store ID and baseurl as attributes . this would help you to fetch data -->
<button class="btn" postId="5" baseUrl="<?php echo base_url();?>" id="button">Delete</button>
<!-- reading jquery file .. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/jquery/js_search/jquery.js"></script>
<!--you can write file in extra js file .. it depends on you -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// ask for confirmation
var result = confirm("Want to delete?");
// if it is confirmed
if (result) {
// get baseURL and ID using attributes
var base_url = $('#button').attr('baseUrl');
var postid = $('#button').attr('postId');
// make a ajax request
url: base_url,
type: "POST",
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
// Fade out the content id
in controller:
// You just need to delete the post and return a status code of "200"
public function deletepost(){
$id = $this->input->post('postid');
$data = array('active' => 0);

Post variables to php file and load result on same page with ajax

I have tried searching quite a bit but can't seem to make anything work.
I am trying to make a form that sends info to a PHP file and displays the output of the PHP file on the same page.
What I have so far:
<form id="form">
<input id="info" type="text" />
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="Check" />
<div id="result"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var info= $('#info').val();
var dataString = "info="+info;
$('#submit').click(function (){
type: "POST",
url: "/api.php",
data: dataString,
success: function(res) {
$url = '/api.php?&info='.$_POST['info'];
$reply = file_get_contents($url);
echo $reply;
When I set the form action to api.php, I get the result I am looking for. Basically what I want is to see the same thing in the "result" div as I would see when the api.php is loaded.
I cannot get any solutions to work.
Your click event is not stopping the actual transaction of the page request to the server. To do so, simply add "return false;" to the end of your click function:
$('#submit').click(function (){
type: "POST",
url: "/api.php",
data: dataString,
success: function(res) {
return false;
Additionally, you should update the type="submit" from the submit button to type="button" or (but not both) change .click( to .submit(
Thanks everyone for your help, I have it working now.
I was doing a few things wrong:
I was using single quotes in my php file for the URL and also for the $_POST[''] variables.
I needed to add return false; as Steve pointed out.
I did not have a "name" for the input elements, only an ID.
I think Your code evaluate dataString before it is filled with anything. Try to put this into function of $.ajax. The code below.
/* ... */
$('#submit').click(function (){
var info= $('#info').val();
var dataString = "info="+info;
/* ... */

