Button change after page reload - javascript

So I have a button that I want to control a process. The process can be run/pause/stop.
<button class="buttonAction" id="run" onclick = "sendData()" >Run</button>
<button class="buttonAction" id="pause" onclick = "sendData1()" >Pause</button>
So the buttons are in the same position and what I want is when the the run button is clicked the pause button appears and visa versa.
function sendData(){
//some values
window.location.href = '${createLink(controller:'run', action:'run')}' + '?dbvalue=' + db + '&fsvalue=' + fs;
Whats happens is it appears for a second but then reverts back to run because of the page reload window.location.href which I am using to send values back to my controller.
Dos anyone know a way to fix this or a better way of implementing it.
Thanks in advance

Reloading the page is like erasing a whiteboard and starting over again. The next page is not going to remember the state of the JavaScript you run after it. Setting of the buttons needs to take place on the next page load. Ideally your serverside code should be setting the state of the buttons.

Try below code:
function sendData(){
//your implementation
function sendData1(){
//your implementation

You will need to use cookies or sessions to keep the changes after a page reload.

By clicking on run, sendData function will be called in that run will be displayed and pause will not displayed, as I kept style.display="none" in the same way if we click on pause, run button will not display as we are using style.display="none"
function sendData(){
function sendData1(){

So i solved the problem. A few of the answers didnt take into account that the page reloaded.
When the user clicked run I send this back to the controller
window.location.href = '${createLink(controller:'run', action:'run')}' + '?dbvalue=' + db+ '&buttonValue=' + "hideRun"
Then in the controller I took the hideRun and send it back to the page
String button = params.buttonValue
render view:'run.gsp', model:[button:button]
Then I had a a function that gets called on each page load
window.onload = function()
Which checked the value of
Then if it ssaid "hideRun" it would hide the urn button which would display the pause button.
And visa versa...


php - prevent back button

This is a part of my payment.php code.
$f=1 when the values got stored in database correctly.
echo "<script>alert('Rooms Successfully Reserved')</script>";
echo "<script>window.location.replace('home.php')</script>";
Now we all know window.location.replace() replaces the current page, removing the previous one from the back button history.
But the back button is working.
I do not want the user to press the back button and enter the payment.php again.
So, what should i do with it?
Same goes for my login.php page, it redirects to home.php but again one can press back button and get to login.php.
How should i prevent it?
I even tried this:
But even it isn't working.
Please help
I think you can work with the Unload Event and the History Function.
<script type="text/javascript">
function back() {
// Force Client to forward to last (current) Page.
setTimeout("back()", 0);
window.onunload = function () { null };
Add this before your Body Tag gets closed.

Javascript code to Click a Button on a Webpage for every 5 Minutes

I have a webpage and it has a Refresh Button. I need to click the button every 5 minutes. The Normal Refresh or Reload or F5 doesn't work in this situation. Is there a way that Javascript can do this task.
Like, I will save the javascript as Bookmark and once I click the bookmark. Then, the javascript event has to click the refresh button every 5 minutes.
I googled it and I found the below code. But, it doesn't work. When I click on it, it just showing a random number in a blank page.
javascript:if(window.autoRefreshInterval) { clearInterval(window.autoRefreshInterval); };
window.autoRefreshInterval = setInterval(function() { jQuery(".refresh").click(); },60000)
thank you in advance,
"I have a webpage and it has a Refresh Button. I need to click the
button every 5 minutes. The Normal Refresh or Reload or F5 doesn't
work in this situation. Is there a way that Javascript can do this
It's not very clear to me, but every time you refresh a webpage, javascript is loaded again. So if you have intervals or variables they are reset at each refresh. If you want to keep some value among refreshs you can store values using localStorage or cookies for example.
If you want refresh automatically page you can use setInterval or metatag "refresh".
"Like, I will save the javascript as Bookmark and once I click the
bookmark. Then, the javascript event has to click the refresh button
every 5 minutes."
Look at this: Add a bookmark that is only javascript, not a URL
you can call your refresh code function or button click event in
Try below code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onload="f1()">
<script language ="javascript" >
var tmp;
function f1() {
tmp = setInterval(() => f2(), 2000); // replace this with 5 min timer
function f2() {
function f3() {
console.log("Hello World");
<button id="Button1" onclick="f3()">click me</button>
<div id="demo"></div>
There are two versions for you to try, one uses javascript to click the button the other automates running the function that they have tied to the button.
Non jQuery:
javascript:(function(){if(window.autoRefreshInterval) {clearInterval(window.autoRefreshInterval);}window.autoRefreshInterval = setInterval(function(){document.getElementsByClassName("refresh")[0].addEventListener('click');},60000);})()
Or with jQuery (OP's comment on original thread):
javascript:(function(){if(window.autoRefreshInterval) {clearInterval(window.autoRefreshInterval);}window.autoRefreshInterval = setInterval(function(){$ctrl.refresh();},60000);})()
Delayed post, but hopefully it helps someone :-).
The trick for me was locating the element by css document.querySelector('.pbi-glyph-refresh').click();
You can combine this with the original code like so, it correctly clicks the PowerBI refresh button on a 60 second timer (the var is in ms).
javascript:if(window.autoRefreshInterval) { clearInterval(window.autoRefreshInterval); };
window.autoRefreshInterval = setInterval(function() {document.querySelector('.pbi-glyph-refresh').click(); },60000)

Fire a Javascript function after submitting a Gravity Form

I have a multi-page form where the url remains the same when moving between pages.
I am trying to change some HTML after the submit button has been clicked.
I can run this in the console and the result is as I want it.
How can I get this run after submit?
I've tried window.onload and document.onload functions but they are not working. I've also tried an onclick function but it seems moving to the next page stops this working?
var confirm = document.getElementById('gform_confirmation_message_14');
if(confirm) {
document.getElementsByClassName("entry-title")[0].innerHTML = "PAYE Worker";
Perhaps the gform_page_loaded event? From the documentation it:
Fires on multi-page forms when changing pages (i.e. going to the next or previous page).
$(document).on('gform_page_loaded', function(event, form_id, current_page) {
// do stuff
There are a bunch of javascript events available, and if not this one, maybe another serves your purpose, e.g. gform_post_render.
I removed the Javascript completely and created a confirmation in Gravity Forms that redirects to a new page upon submission.
Created a title for this new page "PAYE worker"
Problem solved

Click same button to refresh current page and navigate to a new page

I am working on a jquermobile template (only one HTML page with 10 DIVs as data-role=page) and I have a scenario where I have one button which when clicked should perform two activities at the same time -
Refresh the forms (that means.. reset the form fields)
Navigate to home screen
For this I am doing two things -
An onClick function that calls location.reload() - to refresh the page
For the same button, added an anchor tag referring to a screen (which is a DIV tag in jquerymobile template).
The problem here is, only the location.reload() works and the anchor tag fails to navigate to the given link (e.g. a href="index.html/#myDiv" - this doesn't do anything)
Can anyone suggest me an approach or provide me a working example for the above scenario, in which both the functionalities work for the same button?
The reason is when you do a reload it lost the track and never redirect you, so you can manually clean the entries and then reload to other page
First clear all the values
then navigate away to other page
these both step will be perform sequentially
function SomeName()
document.getElementById('elementid').value = "";
Hope it helps
You can use the following
In the script
function clickEvent(){
navigate to home();
in html
<input type="button" value="Dont show this again! " onClick="clickEvent();" />

javascript createElement/append child -- new text dissapears after click

I have a javascript method that creates a bunch of elements on click. When I call it from a button, it only stays on the screen for the duration of that click. when I enter the exact same code into the console, however, it stays on the page until I reload or navigate away (which is exactly what I want).
JavaScript code: (it's the only method in the js file)
function post() {
var postTitle = document.createElement('h3');
var nodeTitle = document.createTextNode('Immigration is good.');
Where I'm calling it in the html:
<input type="submit" id="post-button" value="Post" onclick="post()">
The script tag is in the header of the html page.
How do I get it to stay on the page past the duration of the click? Any ideas why it's being immediately obliterated?
You still need to cancel the form's submission. A return false; from post, if it exists, won't work because the onclick attribute is calling post() but not returning anything.
You could change it to onclick="return post();", but it would be better to attach the handler directly, and to the submit event of the form and not the click event of the button (people do use Enter sometimes!):
document.getElementById('some-form').onclick = post;
Look at what the button does. It is posting!
When you click the button it is redirecting you back to the page you are currently on! It seems like it is showing up and disappearing what is actually happening though is that the page is refreshing.
There are a couple of options to do what you want. Submitting via Ajax or having your server respond with a hashbang/cookie set to direct the page to do as you wish.

