jQuery - on load of element with ajax - javascript

I searched for some time but could not find a working solution for my problem (sorry if I searched wrongly)...
I would like to have the equivalent of the following function for an element loaded with ajax:
$(document).ready(function() {
Therefore I am using the following code:
$('#parent_id').on('action', '#id or class to be born', function to be performed() );
In my example the parent-child structure is: #projectModals (div whose content is dynamically loaded)>...>.div-project-description>.div-modal-text
This translates into the following code in my example:
$('#projectModals').on('load', '.div-project-description', function() {
$(this).find('.div-modal-text').each(function() {
I know 'load' does not work with .on(), but I tried different alternatives and I could not find anything working.
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: Here is my (simplified) HTML code:
<div id="projectModals"></div>
content loaded in #projectModals with Ajax:
<div class="row">
<div class="div-project-idcard">
column 1, don't bother too much about this column
<div class="div-project-description">
<div id="summary" class="div-modal-text">
Column2, text 1
<div id="purpose" class="div-modal-text"">
Column2, text 2
<div id="reforestation" class="div-modal-text">
Column2, text 3
<div id="certification" class="div-modal-text">
Column2, text 4

If you're waiting for it to be loaded via ajax, consider using $(window).ajaxSuccess() instead:
$('#projectModals .div-project-description .div-modal-text').each(function() {

for what I understand, you want to change some background color after an ajax has been executed.
I think it's best to make the operation in the ajax success
url: "some url",
data: {some data},
success: onAjaxSuccess,
and then;
function onAjaxSuccess(data){
//.. do things with data
var toExecute = $('#projectModals .div-project-description');
toExecute.find('.div-modal-text').each(function() {


Add class/text to a jQuery element

I'm trying to clone the following HTML template and add class/text to it.
<template id="result">
<div class="alert">
<p class="someText"></p>
So the user first submits a question:
<div id="answer"></div>
<section class="row">
<form id="form" action="/" method="GET">
<input id="question" />
Then the script executes:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#form').on('submit', function (event) {
data: {...},
type: 'GET',
url: '/result'
And finally it clones the template (ID #result), add a class to the element containing a class alert and add some text to the element containing a class someText, and appends it to the element containing ID #answer.
function myFunction(result) {
clone = $('#result').clone();
$('.alert', clone).addClass('myClass');
$('.someText', clone).text('myText');
The function executes (I added a console.log() to the end of it to be sure) but nothing is appending.
Consider the following.
function create_message(result) {
var section = $("#result").children().clone();
$('.alert', section).addClass(result.status);
$('.address', section).text(result.address);
$('.extract', section).text(result.extract);
$('.question', section).text(result.question);
This creates a clone of all the HTML Elements inside the Template with ID result. It then finds specific classes inside the Object section and makes changes.
You can also do the following.
See more: https://api.jquery.com/clone/
Use <template> to hold some content that will be hidden...
So if you Clone the Template and append it, it will still be hidden.
Try the following:
function myFunction(result) {
clone = $('#result > section').clone();
$('.alert', clone).addClass('myClass');
$('.someText', clone).text('myText');
Update 2
I don't use <template>, so I had to re-read some stuff. It has a content portion, so it has an HTML Fragment contained within and is not like other HTML Elements, more like an iFrame. So we need to collect the content versus cloning it.
See: How to use HTML template tag with jQuery?
Here is a working example: https://jsfiddle.net/Twisty/rpd9h0mf/20/
Your code will be something more like the following.
$(function() {
function showResults(results) {
var clone = $($('#result').html());
$('.alert', clone).addClass(results.class);
$('.someText', clone).text(results.answer);
$('#question-form').submit(function(event) {
data: {
q: $("#question").val()
type: 'GET',
url: '/result',
success: showResults
This creates a new jQuery Object based on the HTML Content of the Template. Now you can properly edit it and append it.

Add a javascript result to an image url

So what im trying to do is query a Minecraft server with javascript, and with the response i get back with the api, i want to grab the .playerlist and put the response in this url (https://cravatar.eu/avatar/ {name} /100.png) for each person connected
If someone knows a better way to achieve this, i would very much appreciate your input!
Im also pretty new to javascript, so not fully know what im doing :/
Heres the HTML that i have (i know it may be messy, its also not fully my code)
<div class="card"> <div class="icon"><img src="https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/minecraft-1.svg"></div><div class="header">
<div class="image"> <img src="https://res.cloudinary.com/lmn/image/upload/e_sharpen:100/f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto/v1/gameskinnyc/u/n/t/untitled-a5150.jpg" alt="" /> </div>
<h2>Server Status</h2>
<div id="rest">Loading...</div>
<img src="https://cravatar.eu/avatar/" $face "/>
And here is the javascript
//Query api at this address
var url = "https://api.minetools.eu/query/play.aydaacraft.online/25565";
$.getJSON(url, function(r) {
//data is the JSON string
$('#rest').html('Server Offline.');
return false;
var p1 = '';
if(r.Players > 0 ){ p1 = '<br>'+r.Playerlist; }
// Text to display below
$('#rest').html('Total Online: '+r.Players+p1);
// Trying to add playerlist to html url
Since you've pasted jQuery code, I'll submit my answer in jQuery. However, I do recommend you learn primitive JavaScript and not focus your attention just on jQuery... it's become something of a meme on StackOverflow.
Starting off, you really should be wrapping your code in $(document).ready this'll only run the code when the page has loaded.
$(document).ready(() => {
// The document is ready, let's run some code!
Then add your AJAX request as normal inside this bracket.
$(document).ready(() => {
let url = "https://api.minetools.eu/query/play.aydaacraft.online/25565";
$.getJSON(url, response => {
Okay, whilst writing this, I checked the URL provided by OP and saw that it was timing out so I've grabbed a sample response from the Minetools' documentation.
"MaxPlayers": 200,
"Motd": "A Minecraft Server",
"Playerlist": [
"Players": 3,
"Plugins": [],
"Software": "CraftBukkit on Bukkit 1.8.8-R0.2-SNAPSHOT",
"Version": "1.8.8",
"status": "OK"
So in your JSON response, you can see that Playerlist is a array which can contain multiple things in one variable. You can also iterate through an array, which is what we'll be doing to build the image URLs.
We iterate through an array using forEach.
$(document).ready(() => {
let url = "https://api.minetools.eu/query/play.aydaacraft.online/25565";
$.getJSON(url, response => {
response.Playerlist.forEach(playerName => {
Now that we're iterating through the player list we can start assembling the URLs for these images and adding them to your document's body.
I've cleaned up your HTML, take note of the new div#user-images I've added. This'll be the place where jQuery will add your images from the forEach loop.
<div class="card">
<div class="icon">
<img src="https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/minecraft-1.svg">
<div class="header">
<div class="image">
<img src="https://res.cloudinary.com/lmn/image/upload/e_sharpen:100/f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto/v1/gameskinnyc/u/n/t/untitled-a5150.jpg" alt="" />
<h2>Server Status</h2>
<!-- This div tag will need to hide when there is no error, or say when there is. -->
<div id="rest">Loading...</div>
<!-- The user images will be added inside this div. -->
<div id="user-images"></div>
Now we have our HTML ready we can start using the jQuery function appendTo to add elements into our div#user-images.
$(document).ready(() => {
let url = "https://api.minetools.eu/query/play.aydaacraft.online/25565";
$.getJSON(url, response => {
response.Playerlist.forEach(playerName => {
$(`<img src="https://cravatar.eu/avatar/${playerName}" />`).appendTo("#user-images");
Your div#user-images should start filling up with the images of players from the Playerlist array.
I noticed you added a simple way of showing whether or not there's an error with the API. We can interact with div#rest to show/hide or change text depending on the success of the response.
$(document).ready(() => {
let url = "https://api.minetools.eu/query/play.aydaacraft.online/25565";
$.getJSON(url, response => {
$("#rest").html("The server is offline!");
//There is no error, hide the div#rest
response.Playerlist.forEach(playerName => {
$(`<img src="https://cravatar.eu/avatar/${playerName}" />`).appendTo("#user-images");
And that's it really. I hope this gives you some understanding of arrays, and iterating through them, as well as some DOM functions from jQuery.

How do i loop through an ajax response and display it in html

I'm a PHP developer and i'm looking for something like a foreach loop for an ajax response
I have a card design in html and i would like the response of the ajax request make a new card for each object in the ajax response
This is my code for far
url:"http//url_to_api.com/projects/v1" ,
dataType: "json",
var result = '';
$.each(mdata, function (index, element) {
result += + element.project_name ;
console.log(element.project_name); // alert the values
html that i want my ajax response to populate for each object in the response data
<div class="card-row">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-img">
<img src="">
<div class="card-title">
// title.of.ajax.responce
<div class="card-description">
// title.of.ajax.description
<div class="select-card">
currently the code loops through the response and displays everything in one card how do I get every response in its own card.
You can create and append elements inside the .each statement.
This is untested, but something like this might work:
$.each(mdata, function (index, element) {
var div = $('<div />') // Create the div
.addClass('cho-card-title') // Add the class name
.html(element.project_name); // Insert the html
// Append the new div to whatever your container is

jquery clone() for dynamic data not working properly

So I am stuck with a rather weird problem here. My idea is simple enough. I have a social media website where my users make 'postings' just like on facebook. Now in order to output all the posts on the home page, I created a simple php page which echos JSON encoded data. The Json Data looks like this:
{ "posts" : [
{"post_id" : "1", "user_id" : "1", "post_text" : "Hello World 1"},
{"post_id" : "2", "user_id" : "2", "post_text" : "Hello World 2"}
I have created a simple html code to output my JSON data
<div class="clone_container">
<div class="clone_div">
<p class="post_text"></p>
The <div class="clone_container"></div> will contain all the postings and the <div class="clone_div"></div> will be the div that will be cloned with JSON data.
In order to clone the <div class="clone_div"></div> with JSON data, I have created this simple Jquery code:
type : 'GET',
url : 'jsonPHP.php',
dataType: 'json',
success : function(data)
$.each(data.posts, function(i,data){
$('.clone_div').clone().attr('id', ('postId' + data.post_id))
Now using the above code, I want to clone the <div class="clone_div"></div> and add an id to each of the cloned divs by giving the value of the unique post ids. Also I want to output the post text inside each of the '<p class="post_text"></p>' tags. The trouble is, instead of cloning the <div class="clone_div"></div>, the <p class="post_text"></p> is being cloned and appended to the <div class="clone_container"></div>. Here's the output I am getting:
<div class="clone_container">
<div class="clone_div">
<p class="post_text"></p>
<p class="post_text">Hello World 1</p>
<p class="post_text">Hello World 2</p>
How do I solve this issue?
You are switching from cloned div to p-tag when using find method. To switch back to the div itself you can use .end method. Docs.
$('.clone_div:first') //clone only the first div
.attr('id', ('postId' + data.post_id))
.end() //sic!
This has to do with the way you're chaining commands:
See this line:
.find('.post_text').html(data.post_text) is returning your <p class='post_text'> element, which you are then calling appendTo on. You want to instead create a variable of the object returned by this chain: $('.clone_div').clone().attr('id', ('postId' + data.post_id)) and call appendTo on that.

How do you apply an item, from a list of results, to the parent Div tag for the current object?

I am trying to build a function for inserting the number of Facebook Likes into a Div tag. So far, I have a script that can get the URL from a Div tag which is inside of another Div tag called 'entry' and then have the .getJSON() method retrieve the number of Facebook likes for each entry.However, I can't get each retrieved value of Facebook Likes to insert into a Div tag for each entry. Please note, I simplified my code to where it alerts each Facebook Like value. This is what I have so far:
<div class="entry">
<div class="fburl">https://graph.facebook.com/zombies</div>
<div class="facebook-likes"></div>
<div class="entry">
<div class="fburl">https://graph.facebook.com/starwars</div>
<div class="facebook-likes"></div>
And here's my jQuery:
$(".entry").each(function() {
var fbURL = $(this).find(".fburl").html();
$.getJSON(fbURL, function(fbData) {
var fbArr = fbData['likes'];
​So what I am trying to do is iterate through each entry, get the Open Graph URL for it, retrieve the Likes value, and then insert it into the appropriate Div tag, so the code should render as:
<div class="entry">
<div class="fburl">https://graph.facebook.com/zombies</div>
<div class="facebook-likes">2,586 Likes</div>
<div class="entry">
<div class="fburl">https://graph.facebook.com/starwars</div>
<div class="facebook-likes">8,905,721 Likes</div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.entry').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
fbURL = $this.children('.fburl').html();
$.getJSON(fbURL, function(fbData) {
$this.children('.facebook-likes').html(fbData['likes'] + ' Likes')
See: http://api.jquery.com/children
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/9EALz/2/
Note: Using children() is going to be marginally more efficient than using find() as it limits the DOM traversal to a single level ( http://jsperf.com/find-vs-children/13 ). Cashing the jQuery object $(this) via var $this = $(this) is also slightly more efficient as it prevents unnecessary selector interpretation ( http://jsperf.com/jquery-cache-vs-no-chace ).
You may want this
$(".entry").each(function() {
var entry=$(this), fbURL=$(".fburl", entry).html(),
el=$('.facebook-likes', entry);
$.getJSON(fbURL, function(fbData) {
el.html(numberWithCommas(fbData['likes'])+" Likes");
A thousand separator function from here
function numberWithCommas(x) {
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
Alternatively you can use this too (using data-attribute) without an extra div for fburl, i.e.
<div class="entry">
<div data-fburl="https://graph.facebook.com/zombies" class="facebook-likes"></div>
$(".entry").each(function() {
var entry=$(this), fbURL = $(".facebook-likes", entry).attr('data-fburl'),
el=$('.facebook-likes', entry);
$.getJSON(fbURL, function(fbData) {
el.html(numberWithCommas(fbData['likes'])+" Likes");

