retrieve image url from object values - angular js - javascript

Very noob here to Angular JS.
I'm working on a project and I have a solution to this, but I was wondering if theres a better approach
thats a bit more "angular-esque" if you will.
Essentially for each videoid, it performs an ajax request locating that videoid's image
and places that into the src attribute.
In pure javascript this would be no problem, and I've figured out one solution but it sort of deviates away from the angular approach.
I was wondering if it's possible to do something sort of what I have here. (obviously this doesnt work yet)
<ul class="storysContainer">
<li video-on-click ng-repeat="video in videos" id="video{{$index}}" >
<img ng-src="{{getVideoThumb()}}">
$scope.videos = [
'videoid': '1122345'
'videoid': '1134567'
'videoid': '2234456'
$scope.getVideoThumb = function() {
$.get("" + url,function(data){
var urlMain =["media-group"]["media-thumbnail"]["#attributes"].url;
return array;
This is the solution that i came up with..not sure if it's necessarily the best angular-esque appraoch, but it works.
angular.forEach($scope.videos, function(data) {
var dataid = "" + data.videoid;
$.get(dataid, function(img){
var urlMain =["media-group"]["media-thumbnail"]["#attributes"].url;
$('#thumb' + data.videoid).attr('src', urlMain);

I would declare the URL for each object within the videos object array. That way you can just bind the value in your presentation layer.
So maybe something like
$scope.videos = [
'videoid': '1122345'
'videoid': '1134567'
'videoid': '2234456'
//modified this a little. I take it this call accepts the videoID as a parameter
//and returns the url for a single video?
//I wasn't sure what the 'array' variable you were using was.
//I am also using angular $http service to make this ajax call
$scope.getVideoThumb = function(videoID) {
$http.get("" + videoID).success(function(data){
var urlMain =["media-group"]["media-thumbnail"]["#attributes"].url;
return urlMain;
//iterate through each object and assign it a 'URL' property to the result of 'getVideoThumb(videoID)'
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.videos.length; i++){
$scope.videos[i].URL = $scope.getVideoThumb($scope.videos[i].videoid);
and now in our presentation layer we can just bind the value of URL to the ng-src
<li video-on-click ng-repeat="video in videos" id="video{{$index}}" >
<img ng-src="{{video.URL}}">


jQuery text change from HTML range slider

I'm new at jQuery, so I expect there is an easy answer.
I have a JSON file with different text strings for different dates. I also have an html range slider that I uses the <datalist> tag to define specific dates on the slider. I have written a $.getJSON function that nests a $.each() function to pull the strings from the JSON file.
I need to write in the functionality to display different strings based on the slider position.
This is my jQuery:
var location = $('#state-dates')[0];
$(document).on('input', '#state-dates', function() {
if (location === 1911) {
$.getJSON('Arizona.json', function(inputOne){
$.each(inputOne.first, function(i, field){
else if (location === 1943) {
$.getJSON('Arizona.json', function(inputTwo){
$.each(inputTwo.second, function(i, field){
And my HTML:
<input type="range" min="1911" max="2013" class="bar" step=".1" list="date-list" value="1911" id="state-dates">
Is there a different jQuery method that I should be using to detect the change in the slider, and so display the new string? I also realize that I should probably use < or > instead of = since I want the same text to only change when it reaches a new defined position. Thank you!
To help clarify, I'm adding in the relevant JSON and HTML.
"first": [
"legControl": "Not recorded",
"second": [
"leg-control": "Democratic",
And the HTML for entering the text:
<div class="json-text">
<p class="fill-in" id="leg-control"></p>
I was able to work out a solution with a web developer friend of mine, so in case anyone else stumbles across this question, the solution I used:
//call the JSON file and store it as a variable called jdata
$.getJSON('Arizona.json', function(json) {
jdata = json;
var slider = $('#sliderValue')[0];
slider.oninput = function() {
var position = this.value;
var jrows = $(jdata).filter(function (i, n) {
return n.sYear <= position && n.eYear > position;
Essentially this takes the slider input, and runs a return command to check the position. If it is within the bounds of one subsection of the JSON file, then that section is pulled. Hopefully this helps anyone else who comes across it in the future.

Updating Json Data for angular-flexslider breaks on 'removeSlide'

Problem: My json object is updating, but the slider does not update for all resorts. It should be updating as the json object changes but sometimes does not.
For the resorts (image collections) that do not update, it gives me an error: "cannot read property 'element' of undefined and breaks on angular-flexslider.js line 104. I cannot find any relation with the resorts that are giving me this error vs the ones that do not.
Summary of my script: I'm using angular-flexslider with a slider sync. I have a service that grabs image data and sends it to the controller. The controller picks it up and runs reorganize(), which takes the object it is given and reformats it into an array that flexslider supports.
This object needs to be updated as the images are updated. I have a dropdown that allows users to change the resort and I want the slider to reflect those changes.
Here is my code
resortModule.controller('galleryController', ['$scope', 'locaService', function($scope, locaService) {
//object to receive images
//object used for image slider
$scope.imagePaths = [];
//variable that gives me resort ID
//restructures images array to work better with image slider
$scope.reorganize= function(){
$scope.imagePaths.length= 0;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.images.length; i++) {
var obj= {custom: "assets/images/resorts/" + $scope.images[i].resort + "/gallery/" + $scope.images[i].file_name, thumbnail:"assets/images/resorts/" + $scope.images[i].resort + "/thumbnail/" + $scope.images[i].file_name}
//watches factory for updates to objects/ variables
$scope.$on('imagesUpdated', function() {
$scope.images = locaService.images;
$scope.$on('resortUpdated', function() {
$scope.resort = locaService.resort;
<flex-slider slider-id="slider" flex-slide="image in imagePaths track by $index" animation="fade" animation-loop="false" sync="#carousel" slideshow="false" control-nav="false" prev-text="" next-text="" init-delay="100">
<img ng-src="{{image.custom}}" alt="Luxury Resort Rental Image">
<flex-slider class="slides hide-tablet-down" slider-id="carousel" flex-slide="image in imagePaths track by $index" animation="slide" animation-loop="false" item-width="210" item-margin="5" as-nav-for="#slider" slideshow="false" prev-text="" next-text="" control-nav="false">
<img ng-src="{{image.thumbnail}}" alt="Luxury Resort Rental Image">
Does anyone have any insight on this error? Or what I might be doing wrong? I've been researching it all day but have only found this:
and this:
Which did nothing for me, but I might not have understood them entirely. I'm not a seasoned angular developer and I'm learning as I go along. Thanks in advance for your help.
I commented out the following lines in the angular-flexslider.js and it seemed to fix the problem. Let me know if you have a better solution:
if ((toAdd.length === 1 && toRemove.length === 0) || toAdd.length === 0) {
return $scope.$evalAsync(function() { return slider.addSlide(item.element, idx); }); }); } return; }`

Angular dynamic ng-src function results in "10 $digest() iterations reached" error

I recently inherited an project that uses Angular, which is very new to me, so I apologize in advance for any rudimentary questions or assumptions.
The markup / js below results in an endless number of the following error:
10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Angular version 1.2.27
I have the following markup (showing only relevant parts for brevity).
<div id="RecentContentGrid" ng-controller="RecentContentCtrl" ng-cloak>
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class="item.contentType.toLowerCase() && getItemClass(item)" ng-switch on="item.contentType">
<a href="{{item.url}}" class="content clearfix" title="{{item.displayName}}" ng-switch-default>
<img ng-src="{{getThumbUrlBySize(item, 320)}}?mh=320" />
My issue is with the "ng-src="{{getThumbUrlBySize(item, 320)}}" part. This calls a method in the controller, which in turn calls a web service to get a image based on the specified height:
$scope.getThumbUrlBySize = function(item, size){
VideoThumbnail.query({ embedCode : item.embedCode, maxHeight: size }, function (data) {
return data.Content;
The controller also has the following watch methods:
// Watch Methods
$scope.$watch('params.category', function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (typeof(newVal) == 'string') {
$scope.params.perPage = $scope.total_items;
$scope.items = [];
$scope.$watchCollection('params', function () {
var items = [];
$q.all(_.compact([fetchArticles(), fetchVideos()])).then(function (data) {
items = _.flatten(data);
if (items.length == $scope.total_items) {
items = $filter('orderBy')(items, 'CreatedAt').reverse();
if (typeof(ad_content) != 'undefined' && ad_content.length > 0 && $scope.ads_served == false) {
items = injectAds(items);
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i].cssClass = "block-" + (i + 1);
// Append scope items
$scope.items = $scope.items.concat(items);
else {
$scope.messages.push("No more items");
My question is how do I get a dynamic image url based on the specific item property and the passed in value for the size? As I mentioned, Angular is very new to me, so I'd appreciate specific details.
Oh, and I should that that the controller is used for many parts of the site, and that's why the size is passed in on the specific module, rather than at the scope level. The maxHeight variable will change based on where this module is used.
Thank you very much.
There are a couple of issues with your code I can see:
the function getThumbUrlBySize does not return anything. Therefore the markup {{getThumbUrlBySize(item, 320)}}?mh=320 fails to interpolate, leaving img tags with empty src attribute.
VideoThumbnail.query seems to be asynchronous. Even if it returned a Promise object, the markup wouldn't be interpolated with the resolved value.
The VideoThumbnail.query's callback does not actually do anything with the value it's passed (assuming that the method itself doesn't do anything with the value returned from its callback - which is unlikely)
None of these problems seems to cause an infinite $digest loop (from the code you've posted I'd suspect the injectAds function), however they prevent your code from working properly ;)
The easiest way I can imagine right now is to replace the for loop in $watchCollection handler with the following:
angular.forEach(items, function(item, i) {
item.cssClass = "block-" + (i + 1); // this comes from the original for loop
VideoThumbnail.query({ embedCode : item.embedCode, maxHeight: 320 }, function (data) {
item.thumbnail = data.Content + "?mh=320";
VideoThumbnail.query accepts a callback instead of returning a Promise,
so we have to tell AngularJS to "refresh" when the asynchronous
job is done:
and the img markup:
<img ng-src="{{item.thumbnail}}" />
I wouldn't call this solution perfect, but it should work :)

Unable to get Quicksand.js working

I'm trying to filter collections of data using quicksand.js. However, I'm having problems getting my data to appear. I have been able to get the data to disappear. Yet, it won't re-appear. I've created a jsfiddle, which is available here. Basically, my JavaScript looks like this:
var $content = $('#stage');
var $data = $content.clone();
function filterData(tag) {
var data = [];
if (tag === null) {
data = $data.find('li');
} else {
data = $data.find('li[data-tags=' + tag + ']');
$content.quicksand(data, {
duration: 800,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad'
return false;
Everything looks correct to me. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
First, your fiddle is broken. One, you link quicksand 1.3 and pair it with a recent jquery version it doesn't support. Two, you call out the easeInOutQuad without linking the jquery.easing.1.3.js. Three, you have scope issues, the filterData function is not defined globally.
Your real problem, though, is this line in the documentation:
attribute – attribute containing unique value able to identify same item within source and destination collection, default: 'data-id'
None of your "stage" data lis have this attribute so it won't filter them properly. Add it and all seems to work:
<ul id="stage">
<li data-tags="A" data-id="1">Item A-1</li>
<li data-tags="A" data-id="2">Item A-2</li>
<li data-tags="B" data-id="3">Item B-1</li>
<li data-tags="B" data-id="4">Item B-2</li>
Updated fiddle.

Creating Bootstrap tabs using Knockout.js foreach

I'm trying to create some tabs, one per profile the user chooses to save. Each profile is a ViewModel. So I thought I'd just create another ViewModel that contains an observableArray of objects of type: {name: profile_name, model: model_converted_to_json}.
I followed this example to create my code - but I get nothing bound, for some reason.
Here's my code:
-ViewModel (I use Requirejs, that explains the external wrapper):
"use strict";
// profiles viewmodel class
define(["knockout"], function(ko) {
return function() {
var self = this;
this.profilesArray = ko.observableArray();
this.selected = ko.observable();
this.addProfile = function(profile) {
var found = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < self.profilesArray().length; i++) {
if(self.profilesArray()[i].name == {
self.profilesArray()[i].model = profile.model;
found = i;
if(found == -1) {
-The JS code (excerpt of larger file):
var profiles = new profilesViewMode();
ko.applyBindings(profiles, $("#profileTabs")[0]);
$("#keepProfile").on("click", function() {
var profile = {
name: $("#firstName").text(),
model: ko.toJSON(model)
-The HTML (Thanks Sara for correcting my HTML markup)
<section id="profileTabs">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-bind="foreach: profilesArray">
<li data-bind="css: { active: $root.selected() === $data }">
I have verified that the observableArray does get new, correct value on button click - it just doesn't get rendered. I hope it's a small thing that I'm missing in my Knockout data-bind syntax.
Thanks for your time!
You will want to call push directly on the observableArray, which will both push to the underlying array and notify any subscribers. So:
You are setting name using name: $('#firstName').text(); you may need to change that to .val() if this is referencing an input field (which I assumed here).
You are using .push() on the underlying array which bypasses ko's subscribers (the binding in this case)
Here is a working jsfiddle based on your code. I took some liberties with model since that wasn't included.

