How can I implement the lodash _.remove function in modern browsers? - javascript

I have this code using lodash:
_.remove(, function (currentObject) {
return currentObject.subTopicId === subTopicToDelete;
Can someone give me advice as to how I could do the same using modern browser functions without lodash?
Note it would be okay for the output of the remove to go into another variable.

You could use Array#filter() and negate the filter clause: (currentObject) {
return currentObject.subTopicId !== subTopicToDelete;
This will return an array where subTopicId does not equal subTopicToDelete. It's then up to you to save it in a variable or wherever.
Or, if you want to create a method out of it, you could do:
function remove(array, filterMethod) {
return array.filter(function(){
return !filterMethod.apply(this, arguments);

Why not have a look at lodash's source code for _.remove?
function remove(array, predicate, thisArg) {
var index = -1,
length = array ? array.length : 0,
result = [];
predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);
while (++index < length) {
var value = array[index];
if (predicate(value, index, array)) {
result.push(value);, index--, 1);
return result;
(The getCallback call is not really interesting here, just replace it with a predicate function that returns a boolean value for the given arguments: value, index, array. Not all of them need to be supplied obviously, this is JavaScript after all!)
Lodash uses Array.prototype.splice at the appropriate position, pushing the removed element onto the result array. Then it decreases the current loop index and the saved length by 1 using --, because every time you use .splice, you modify the array directly, for instance:
var arr = ['a', 'b'];
arr.splice(0, 1);
arr[1] // undefined
splice in this context really just the same as Array.prototype.splice. You can as well do array.splice(index--, 1).
A maybe more simple/understandable way is to (for-)loop through the array from the right, starting at array.length - 1 and ending at 0. Then splice every element at the current index, if it passes the predicate function, and push the result value of that operation onto the result array. Return the result array after the loop.
This works the same, because if you start removing elements from the right side, the index of the rest of the looped elements doesn't change. Maybe there are performance advantages to lo-dash's code, but I couldn't tell you that.

You could adapt Array.prototype to suit your needs. Some people don't like this approach, but it can be useful sometimes. In this example I pass in the key and the value I want to amend the array by:
if (!Array.prototype.remove) {
Array.prototype.remove = function (key, value) {
return this.filter(function (el) {
return el[key] !== value;
data.remove('name', 'dan');


Starting lodash map from index 1

I am currently using lodash map to map over an array of objects.
I always need index 0 in the array to do something different.
Is there a way to make map start at index 1, without mutating or messing with the array?
I know that I can use slice(1). Just wondering if there was another way to start from index 1 rather than 0. So I didn't have to join them back together afterwards.
The second parameter of map accepts a function which has 3 arguments (value, index|key, collection).
So you can skip the first value using index and play with the rest of your data using value.
Something like this:
let data = [0, 1, 2];
let result =, (value, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
return value;
} else {
return value * 2;
<script src=""></script>

Write a function that rotates an array using .pop and .splice

I need to write a function that takes two arguments. It will modify the array(are) by popping an element and splicing it at the start of the array. It should be repeated num times. My attempt so far:
function rotate(arr, num) {
var i = 0;
while (i<num){
arr.splice(0, 0, arr.pop());
return arr;
Array::pop() removes and returns the removed element. You need to use it only once.
As #Xufox correctly mentions
Usually this is done with arr.unshift(arr.pop()); I’m not sure why OP needs to use splice here…
function rotate(arr, num) {
var i = 0;
while (i<num){
return arr;
popwill remove the last entry of your array and return it. When doing it twice, you loose an entry
function rotate(arr, num) {
var i = 0;
while (i<num){
var x = arr.pop();
arr.splice(0, 0, x);
return arr;
Instead of telling us what the function does right now, would you explain in general terms what the function should do? Or what result do you expect from the array in the example?
I see a couple of things:
In line 4 you are using arr.pop(). This is removing one item from the array and not placing it anywhere. Therefore, your array has one less item.
You are calling arr.pop() one more time so you are removing yet one more item from the array.
Instead of splice(0,0...) you could use unshift(). This will add an item to the beginning of the array. (Oposite of push())
Do you really need to pass and argument that tells how many times should the array rotate? Could you use for your purposes the lenght of the array?
To achieve what you want, why you need pop() and loop, simply twice splice() is enough.
arr.splice(0,0, ...arr.splice(arr.length-num));
function rotate(arr, num) {
arr.splice(0,0, ...arr.splice(arr.length-num));
return arr;
var arr =["Harry","Sarah","Oscar","Tina"];
rotate(arr, 2);

Get first element in array with index not starting from 0

I'm using a javascript library which returns arrays not starting from zero like starting from 26 or 1500, what i want to do is a method to get the first element in that array regardless of the index number starting with 0 or any other number.
Are they any method to do this in javascript ?
I suggest to use Array#some. You get the first nonsparse element and the index. The iteration stops immediately if you return true in the callback:
var a = [, , 22, 33],
a.some(function (v, i) {
value = v;
index = i;
return true;
console.log(index, value);
The information below is generally useful, but for the problem the OP listed, Nina's answer is by far a better solution.
Those are called sparse arrays and they're one of the few situations where you may want to use for-in on an array.
Remember that arrays are objects in JavaScript, and array entries are properties keyed by names (array indexes) that meet certain criteria. So we can use the features that let us discover the properties on an object to find the indexes on your sparse array.
for-in example:
for (var n in theArray) {
if (theArray.hasOwnProperty(n) && isArrayIndex(n)) {
// Use theArray[n]
This answer shows how you can determine that n is an array index as opposed to being some other property. A very technical definition would be
function isArrayIndex(n) {
return /^0$|^[1-9]\d*$/.test(n) &&
n <= 4294967294;
...but a definition that's good enough for most of us would be
function isArrayIndex(n) {
return !isNaN(parseInt(n, 10));
Similarly, you can use Object.keys; since it only looks at own enumerable properties, you don't need the hasOwnProperty check:
Object.keys(theArray).forEach(function(n) {
if (isArrayIndex(n)) {
// ...
Note that officially, neither of those is in any particular order, not even in ES2015 ("ES6"). So in theory, you could see the indexes out of numeric order. In the real world, I've never seen an even vaguely-modern JavaScript engine that returned array indexes out of order. They're not required to, but every one I've tried does.
So officially, you would need to get a full list and then find the minimum value in it:
var min = Object.keys(theArray).reduce(function(min, n) {
var i = parseInt(n, 10);
return isNaN(i) || (min !== undefined && min > i) ? min : i;
}, undefined);
That'll given you undefined if the array is empty, or the min index if it isn't. But if you want to make the assumption you'll get the keys in numeric order:
// Makes an assumption that may not be true
var min = +Object.keys(theArray).filter(isArrayIndex)[0];
If you're using a JavaScript engine that's entirely up-to-date, you can rely on the order returned by Object.getOwnPropertyNames, which is required to list the array indexes in order.
var min = +Object.getOwnPropertyNames(theArray).filter(isArrayIndex)[0];
It may be useful to use a filter function on the array to get back a normalised array.
var fullArray = array.filter(function(n){
return n != undefined;
The answers here may help you decide Remove empty elements from an array in Javascript
I guess one alternative to Array.prototype.some() is the Array.prototype.findIndex() method. These are much faster than filter alone and will keep your array and indices untouched.
var arr = new Array(1000),
fi = -1;
arr[777] = 1453; // now we have a nice sparse array
fi = arr.findIndex(f => f !== void 0); // void 0 is the perfect undefined
With this piece of code you can find first assigned value index and then get the value from your array:
var a = [, , 22, 33];
var value = a.find((v, i) => i in a);
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
var i = 0
while (!(i in a) && i < a.length) i++; // If i === a.length then the array is emtpy, a[i]);
First implementation uses Array.prototype.find which makes less variable usage so this is cleaner but to find the index you should call indexOf over the array.
But the second one is a little bit old fashioned but give the chance of having index without extra efforts.
BTW Nina's seems better. (can make it shorter?)
const arr = [0,1,2]
// using destructuring to get the first element
let [first] = arr
// plus: using destructuring to get the last element
let [first] = [...arr].reverse()

What is the in-place alternative to Array.prototype.filter()

I've got an array that I would like to remove some elements from. I can't use Array.prototype.filter(), because I want to modify the array in place (because it saves a memory allocation and, more important for me, makes the code more simple in my use case). Is there an in-place alternative to filter that I can use, maybe analogously to how Array.prototype.forEach() can be used as an in-place variant to
Edit: Minimum example upon request:
function someCallback(array) {
// do some stuff
array.filterInPlace(function(elem) {
var result = /* some logic */
return result;
// do some more stuff
Is there an in-place alternative to filter
No, but it's not hard to write your own. Here is an approach which squeezes out all the values which fail a condition.
function filterInPlace(a, condition) {
let i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < a.length) {
const val = a[i];
if (condition(val, i, a)) a[j++] = val;
a.length = j;
return a;
condition is designed to have the same signature as the callback passed to Array#filter, namely (value, index, array). For complete compatibility with Array#filter, you could also accept a fourth thisArg parameter.
Using forEach
Using forEach has the minor advantage that it will skip empty slots. This version:
Compacts arrays with empty slots
Implements thisArg
Skipps the assignment, if we have not yet encountered a failing element
function filterInPlace(a, condition, thisArg) {
let j = 0;
a.forEach((e, i) => {
if (, e, i, a)) {
if (i!==j) a[j] = e;
a.length = j;
return a;
a = [ 1,, 3 ];
filterInPlace(a, x=>true);
document.write('<br>[',a,'] compaction when nothing changed');
b = [ 1,,3,,5 ];
filterInPlace(b, x=>x!==5);
document.write('<br>[',b,'] with 5 removed');
You could use the following:
array.splice(0, array.length,...array.filter(/*YOUR FUNCTION HERE*/))
Splice acts in place
First argument means we start at the start of the array
Second means we delete the entire array
Third means we replace it with its filtered copy
The ... is the spread operator (ES6 only) and changes each member of the array into a separate argument
What you could use
Array#filter returns an array with the same elements, but not necesserily all.
Array#map returns something for each loop, the result is an array with the same length as the source array.
Array#forEach returns nothing, but every element is processed, like above.
Array#reduce returns what ever you want.
Array#some/Array#every returns a boolean value.
But nothing from above is mutating the original array in question of length in situ.
I suggest to use a while loop, beginning from the last element and apply splice to the element, you want to remove.
This keeps the index valid and allows to decrement for every loop.
var array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
i = array.length;
while (i--) {
if (array[i] % 2) {
array.splice(i, 1);
If you are able to add a third-party library, have a look at lodash.remove:
predicate = function(element) {
return element == "to remove"
lodash.remove(array, predicate)
The currently selected answer works perfectly fine. However, I wanted this function to be a part of the Array prototype.
Array.prototype.filterInPlace = function(condition, thisArg) {
let j = 0;
this.forEach((el, index) => {
if (, el, index, this)) {
if (index !== j) {
this[j] = el;
this.length = j;
return this;
With this I can just call the function like so:
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
arr.filterInPlace(x => x > 2);
// [1, 2]
I just keep this in a file called Array.js and require it when needed.
A slightly simplified TypeScript variant of user663031's answer:
function filter_in_place<T>(array: Array<T>, condition: (value: T) => boolean)
let next_place = 0;
for (let value of array)
if (condition(value))
array[next_place++] = value;
Using splice() instead of setting the length results in a 1.2x speedup for 1400000 iterations on Chrome 76.

Return the index and array after reduced

I am playing with reduce method provided by mozilla. Underscore provides its own version which seems very similar. Reducing an array is very simple.
ArrayName.reduce(function(a,b) {
return a +b;
I use a very similar approach when sorting arrays as well. However, what I do not understand is how to return a list of calls. Provides a really cool table that shows how their method works. I set my array pretty much the same
var array = [1,2,3,100,55,88,2];
var sortArray= function(a,b) {
return a -b;
var sorted = array.sort(sortArray);
var reduced = sorted.reduce(function(previousValue,currentValue, index,array){
return previousValue + currentValue;
What I wanted to set up though was each call that was made. I figured that I could simply reference the index in the return value with a , at the end.
return previousValue + currentValue, index;
However, that only returns the index. I am trying to figure a way to get the value of each call. Does this approach allow you to get each call?
You don't need to use reduce for what you are doing. Try
function running_total(array) {
var sum = 0;
return {
return sum += elt;
Reduce is about "boiling down" an array to a "single thing". In contrast, map is about "transforming" elements of the array. Your problem (as I understand it) is to transform each element of the array into the sum of itself and all the preceding elements. Therefore, conceptually, it's a map, not a reduce.
Using the , in the return statement will only return index due to the comma operator rule
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4].reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array) {
return previousValue + currentValue;
this will do want you want
You can create another array and store its value for each progress.
var array = [1,2,3,100,55,88,2];
var sortArray= function(a,b) {
return a -b;
var sorted = array.sort(sortArray);
var progress = [];
var reduced = sorted.reduce(function(previousValue,currentValue, index,array){
progress[index] = previousValue + currentValue;
return progress[index];
}, 0);
// ^^^^^
// give it a init value so it starts at first element.
However, as torazaburo says, as you expect to get an array, you should use .map which returns an array instead of .reduce.

