Creating simple text tweening with CreateJS - javascript

I've started to learn how to use CreateJS. I'm trying to make a simple text tweening. So I have this code:
<script src=""></script>
function init() {
var c = createjs;
var stage = new c.Stage("myCanvas");
var txt = new c.Text("Hola!", "bold 16px Arial");
txt.alpha = 0.2;
.to({alpha:1}, 1500)
.to({text:"Ciao!"}, 800)
.to({rotation:360, text:"Hello"}, 1300)
.to({y:380}, 2000, c.Ease.bounceOut)
.call(alert, ["Done animating!"], window);
<body onLoad="init();">
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="400">Canvas not supported</canvas>
I see my text on the canvas, it has alpha 0.2, it even pops up the alert in the end, but I don't see any motion on the canvas. What am I doing wrong?

stage.update(); needs to be called repeatedly in order to correctly render animations, the most common way is to call it on every tick.
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", function() {
Add this to your code and then it should work properly.


my images wont load at the first time click [duplicate]

This is my easel js function, it draws a red circle and an image, however the circle is showing but the image isn't.
function Start() {
var stage = new createjs.Stage("DogeCanvas");
var dog = new createjs.Bitmap("doge.jpg");
var circle = new createjs.Shape();"red").drawCircle(0, 0, 50);
circle.x = 100;
circle.y = 100;
stage.addChild(circle, dog);
And this is the html file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="Doge.js"></script>
<body bgcolor="#C7C7C7" onload="Start();">
<canvas id="DogeCanvas" width="480" height="320"></canvas>
Why? help please, seems like in everyones else code this works but why this isn't working for me?
The image is likely not loaded yet.
You can add a Ticker to the stage to constantly update it (which most applications do, since there is other things changing over time)
createjs.Ticker.on("tick", stage);
// OR
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
// OR
createjs.Ticker.on("tick", tick);
function tick(event) {
// Other stuff
Listen for the onload of the image, and update the stage again
var bmp = new createjs.Bitmap("path/to/image.jpg");
bmp.image.onload = function() {
Preload the image with something like PreloadJS before you draw it to the stage. This is a better solution for a larger app with more assets.
var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue();
queue.on("complete", function(event) {
var image = queue.getResult("image");
var bmp = new createjs.Bitmap(image);
// Do stuff with bitmap
queue.loadFile({src:"path/to/img.jpg", id:"image"});

Functions With Easel JS

I am trying (and failing) miserably with Easel JS and Canvas. I'm a bit new to canvas in general and learning JS as well. I am basically trying to make a canvas that I can update with colors, that are passed through a button click.
I have made a Fiddle to show my work so far.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src=""></script>
var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
var circle = new createjs.Shape();
function drawRectangle(){
var rect = new createjs.Shape();"#000").drawRect(10, 10, 80, 80);
function drawShapes(){
<body onload="drawShapes()">
<canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="300"></canvas>
<button onclick="drawRectangle('#ff0000')">Click me for red</button>
Your demo likely doesn't work because you are defining your stage before the body onload, and passing it the ID of your canvas (which uses a document.getElementById under the hood). The canvas element won't be available until it is created in the body.
I recommend moving your code that isn't in a function to an init(), or even put it into the drawShapes method.
var stage, circle; // Keep them global
function drawRectangle(){
var rect = new createjs.Shape();"#000").drawRect(10, 10, 80, 80);
//stage.update(); // Unnecessary, since it is called in drawShapes.
function drawShapes(){
stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
circle = new createjs.Shape();
You can also define your scripts in the body, after the canvas element, so that they initialize after the element is ready.
Note that your fiddle doesn't have the createjs libraries in it, and that JSFiddle will fire the code part of the fiddle during the onload event, so you may not see the issue you are having locally.

How can I remove a background image or color from Flash-exported HTML and JS

I've done some animation using Adobe Flash CC, and then I exported it in HTML and JS, but I can't find the way to remove the background.
I see the function and all, but I don't know how to remove it.
Here is the html:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="Anime_V3.js"></script>
var canvas, stage, exportRoot;
function init() {
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
images = images||{};
ss = ss||{};
var loader = new createjs.LoadQueue(false);
loader.addEventListener("fileload", handleFileLoad);
loader.addEventListener("complete", handleComplete);
loader.loadFile({src:"images/Anime_V3_atlas_.json", type:"spritesheet", id:"Anime_V3_atlas_"}, true);
function handleFileLoad(evt) {
if (evt.item.type == "image") { images[] = evt.result; }
function handleComplete(evt) {
var queue =;
ss["Anime_V3_atlas_"] = queue.getResult("Anime_V3_atlas_");
exportRoot = new lib.Anime_V3();
stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
<body onload="init();" style="background-color:#D4D4D4">
<canvas id="canvas" width="1340" height="605" style="background-color:#FFFFFF"></canvas>
And I'm sorry for this, but the JS is just to big to fit in here, so I put it on pastebin, here is the link:
I found a work around that allows you to make your canvas export with a transparent background. You can add this little piece of code to frame one in your actual flash file:
document.getElementById("canvas").style.backgroundColor = "rgba(255,255,255,0)";
What this does is target the canvas element when the piece is loaded by your user, and then change the background of the canvas piece from what ever your stage colour was to a fully transparent white. This should work properly in all browsers that support canvas, with the added bonus of not needing to change your file every time you export.
The background is added to the canvas as an inline style, based on the background color of your FLA. You can just remove the attribute.
<canvas id="canvas" width="1340" height="605" style="background-color:#FFFFFF"></canvas>
<canvas id="canvas" width="1340" height="605"></canvas>
Note that if you re-publish/export the content, it will overwrite your html, so you might want to turn that off in the publish settings.

Canvas Clear in Paper.js

Does anyone know the best way to clear a canvas using paper.js
I tried the regular canvas clearing methods but they do not seem to work with paper.js
<canvas id="myCanvas" style="background:url(images/graphpaper.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat" height="400px" width="400px;"></canvas>
<button class="btn btn-default button" id="clearcanvas" onClick="clearcanvas();" type="button">Clear</button>
<script type="text/paperscript" canvas="myCanvas">
// Create a Paper.js Path to draw a line into it:
tool.minDistance = 5;
var path;
var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
function onMouseDown(event) {
// Create a new path and give it a stroke color:
path = new Path();
path.strokeColor = 'red';
path.strokeWidth= 3;
// Add a segment to the path where
// you clicked:
path.add(event.point, event.point);
function onMouseDrag(event) {
// Every drag event, add a segment
// to the path at the position of the mouse:
path.add(event.point, event.point);
Regular clearing does not work because paper.js maintains a scene graph and takes care of drawing it for you. If you want to clear all items that you have created in a project, you need to delete the actual items:
project.activeLayer.removeChildren(); works as long as all your items are inside one layer. There is also project.clear() which removes everything, including the layer.
In case someone comes looking for an answer with little experience in Javascript, I made a simple example :
1) As Jürg Lehni mentioned project.activeLayer.removeChildren(); can be used to remove all items inside active layer.
2) To reflect the cleaning you have to call paper.view.draw();.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="paper-full.js"></script>
<script type="text/paperscript" canvas="canvas">
function onMouseUp(event) {
var circle = new Path.Circle({
center: event.middlePoint,
radius: / 2
circle.strokeColor = 'black';
circle.fillColor = 'white';
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
document.getElementById('reset').onclick = function(){
<canvas style="background-color: #eeeeed" id="canvas" resize></canvas>
<input id="reset" type="button" value="Reset"/>
body {
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
height: 100%;
/* Scale canvas with resize attribute to full size */
canvas[resize] {
width: 58%;
height: 100%;
you can use project.activeLayer.removeChildren(); for clear entire layer,
or you can add your new paths to group and remove all childrens in group
var myPath;
var group = new Group();
function onMouseDown(event) {
myPath = new Path();
function onMouseDrag(event) {
function onMouseUp(event) {
var myCircle = new Path.Circle({
center: event.point,
radius: 10
myCircle.strokeColor = 'black';
myCircle.fillColor = 'red';
// connect your undo function and button
document.getElementById('clearbutton').onclick = btnClear;
function btnClear(){
c.width = c.width; ctx.clearRect(0,0,c.width,c.height); should be a good catchall if you've not tried it.
Beware however - setting canvas width will reset the canvas state including any applied transforms.
A quick google took me to!topic/paperjs/orL7YwBdZq4 which specifies another (more paper.js specific) solution:

Bind event to shape on canvas

How can I bind an event to a shape drawn on a canvas? I presumed this would work but I get an error.
<script type="application/javascript">
function draw() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(200,0,0)";
var rec = ctx.fillRect (0, 0, 55, 50);
rec.onclick = function(){
<body onLoad="draw()">
<canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
Put the event handlers on the canvas element, and then use the mouse position to decide which conceptual part of the canvas the event is occurring on.
I haven't played with canvas all that much, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were already some libraries that help you manage event delegation to such imaginary elements.
Using Kineticsjs, you can handle shape events in a canvas as follows:
shape.on('mousedown mouseover' function(evt) {
// do something
Sounds like you should be using svg instead since it allows you to add event listeners on shapes. I'd recommend checking out for a start.

