onclick="location.href='link.html'" is not working - javascript

trying to figure out how to add onclick="location.href='link.html'". so that when the user clicks on image it will take the user to a url.
Just not sure how to include this in the code below. Here is my code...
<a class="thumbnail even"
onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'holiday', 'logo', 'jcpenney']);"
<img src="../images/JCPenney_logo_150x110.png"/></a>
Been looking at this for a minute and any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

You already have it wrapped in a link. Just set the href:
<img src="../images/JCPenney_logo_150x110.png"/>
Please separate your UI from your functionality. It iwll make your code a lot more readable and easier to maintain. That said, you could stick the link in a data attribute inside the img - something like this:
<img class="RedirectImage" data-url="www.google.com" src="blah.jpg"/>
document.location.href = $(this).data("url");

You should just add an href="link.html" to the a tag as others have suggested.
If you can't do that and you can't add another handler with JavaScript, you just need to add another statement within the onclick attribute
<a class="thumbnail even"
onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'holiday', 'logo', 'jcpenney']);
onmouseout="document.getElementById('partnerHoverImg').src =
<img src="../images/JCPenney_logo_150x110.png"/>


Google Tag Manager - CSS selector challenge

I am trying to get the URL of a link in the source code. The challenge is that the URL is hidden behind a image, and thus only letting me fetch the image-url.
I've been trying to figure a way to solve this issue by using the new CSS selector in the trigger system and also made a DOM variable that should get the URL when the image is clicked. There can also be multiple downloads.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:
<div class="download">
<a href="example.com/The-URL-I-Want-to-get-if-top-image-is-clicked.pdf" target="_blank">
<img src="some-download-image.png"/></a>
<div class="download">
<a href="example.com/Another-URL-I-Want-to-get-if-middle-image-is-clicked.pdf" target="_blank">
<img src="some-download-image.png"/></a>
<div class="download">
<a href="example.com/Last-URL-I-Want-to-get-if-bottom-image-is-clicked.pdf" target="_blank">
<img src="some-download-image.png"/></a>
There are much code above and below this snippet, but with the selector it should be fairly easy to get the information I want. Only that I don't.
If anyone have met this wall and solved it, I really would like to know how. :)
This is one possible solution. So as I understand it, you would like to grab the anchor element's href attribute when you click the "download" image.
A Custom Javascript variable would need to be created so that you can manipulate the click element object:
var ec = {{Click Element}};
var href = $(ec).closest('a').attr('href');
return href;
So you will need to do your due diligence and add in your error checking and stuff, but basically this should return to you the href, and then you will need to parse the string to extract the portion that you need.

HTML Javascript Combine SRC, Link, ALT tags

I am wondering if anyone knows a way to combine the "a href", "img src", and "alt" tags. We deal with a large amount of images and it is pretty tedious copying and pasting the same thing for all three fields for each picture in dreamweaver. Doing it once would be ideal. From what I have seen there is probably not much of a chance in doing this. I am using either HTML or Javascript.
<a href="../../0_Images/CRG_UnitType.jpg" target="_blank">
<img src="../../0_Images/CRG_UnitType.jpg" alt="CRG_UnitType.jpg" width="775" height="617" border="2" class="picture">
AngularJS can also solve this problem. Source it in your HTML and set up a controller that includes your image data, and then you can use ng-repeat. The result is something like this.
<div ng-repeat="image in images">
<a href ="{{image.href}}" target="_blank">
<img SRC="{{image.src}}" width="{{image.width}}" height="{{image.height}}" border="2" class="picture">
First of all, your alt attributes should not contain your image file name, they should be used to describe the content of images in case they don't load, or in case someone visually impaired navigate through your website.
To answer the question, you definitivly need to use some server-side language to save time.
You could for instance display all your images quite easily with PHP by looping through an array of files and titles.
You need some basic understanding of this language (or any other server-side language) before doing so but the time you'll spend doing so won't be lost.
It's possible,
you can use jquery to do what you want, and if the src is the same of the href as in your example the way is:
In HTML use only image, and place an additional class:
<img src="../../0_Images/CRG_UnitType.jpg" alt="CRG_UnitType.jpg" width="775" height="617" border="2" class="picture auto_add_link">
Now add jquery function:
$( ".auto_add_link" ).wrap(function() {
return '';
Not so pretty, but it works
Demo on jsfiddle

How to edit text for a link that does not have an ID using Javascript

I want to change the text of a link using javascript. The problem is this particular link does not have an id. I am unable to change the html, as this is a SharePoint page, and this particular link is created by a page layout, which I do not have access to. Using IE Developer Tools, I see that the HTML surrounding the link is this:
<span id="DeltaPlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea">
<a href="#ctl00_PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea_ctl00_SkipLink">
<img width="0" height="0" style="border-width: 0px;" alt="Skip Navigation Links" src="" /></a>
<a title="State-Compliance" href="/sites/tax/Compliance/SitePages/State-Compliance.aspx">State-Compliance</a>
<a id="ctl00_PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea_ctl00_SkipLink"></a>
The link I wish to change is the second one, the one with "State-Compliance" for the tooltip.
I looked at jQuery, and found I could use $('#DeltaPlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea').find("a").text("Test"); to change the text, but it changes the text of all three links. How can I change just the one? Do I need to iterate through the three, or is there an easier way of getting the link I wish to change?
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm a c# developer, and this is my first experience using javascript.
Let me know if you need more information.
Use .eq():
jsFiddle example
How about this, using the attribute equals selector:
$('#DeltaPlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea a[title="State-Compliance"]')

Disable an anchor or hyperlink if image not found

I have an image tag enclosed in an anchor element like this:
<a href='$image'><img alt='No Image' src='$image'></a>
I find that if the image is absent, I can still click on the link. I want to disable the link if the image is absent. What is the best way to do this?
I have tried mplungjan's solution below but it didn't work. I am willing to try jquery if javascript can't do the job.
This version works:
<a href='$image'>
<img alt='No Image' src='$image' onError="this.parentNode.onclick=function() {return(false);}">
You can see it in action here: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/2jb4G/
Or, using a common function that you can use in multiple places:
function blockParentLink() {
this.parentNode.onclick = function() {return(false);}
<a href='$image'>
<img alt='No Image' src='$image' onError="blockParentLink()">
Personally, I think it might just make sense to hide it if it doesn't display rather than block clicks:
<a href='$image'>
<img alt='No Image' src='$image' onError="this.parentNode.style.display = 'none';">
You can see the hide version here: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/KVUUM/
Disable=true did not work for me
These did (using parentNode ! )
InnerHTML and onclick:
<a href='#'><img alt='No Image' src='$image'
onError="this.parentNode.onclick=function(){return false};
this.parentNode.innerHTML='Image not available'"></a>
Or remove it:
<a href='$image'><img alt='No Image' src='$image'
onError="var lnk= this.parentNode; lnk.parentNode.removeChild(lnk)"></a>
Or replace it:
<a href='$image'><img alt='No Image' src='$image'
onError="var lnk= this.parentNode;
lnk.parentNode.replaceChild(document.createTextNode('No image'), lnk)"></a>
This is a small piece of code I found that may be useful to you
<img src="http://www.someurl.com/image.gif" height="100" width="100" onerror="alert('Image missing')">
instead of ALERT you can call a jquery function to remove the hyperlink. Do let me know if you need help with the Jquery function!

How to populate href value from src value of an image?

I know this is super simple, but I can't work it out (I'm a designer).
I want to simply populate the href attribute value of the <a> tag, with the value of the src attribute of the <img> tag. So the image links to itself basically.
the image src will be updated through a super simple CMS and I want the link to dynamically update, instead of the user having to update the URL also.
I tried something like this, but it didn't work.
<a rel="lightbox[job1]" href="()document.getElementById("gal1_img1").src">
<img id="gal1_img1" src="images/gallery/job1/image-1.jpg">`enter code here`
You cannot inline JavaScript inside attributes the way you have currently. You can add a script to the page to do this:
<a id="link" rel="lightbox[job1]" href="#">
<img id="gal1_img1" src="images/gallery/job1/image-1.jpg">`enter code here`
document.getElementById("link").href = document.getElementById("gal1_img1").src;
try this as your <a>'s href:
Assuming there's only ever one image inside these <a> tags, this should work for anyone who's NOT running with javascript disabled.
try this.
var att = $('#gal1_img1').attr('src');

