browser does not render fadeIn and fadeOut until animation is completed - javascript

I've some basic code to fadeIn() and fadeOut texts continuously:
function animateDonors(timeBetweenAnimation) {
var donors = $('.donor div.comm');
var donorsLength = donors.length;
if(donorsLength < 2)
return false;
var donorsIndex = -1;
function showNextDonor() {
donors.eq(donorsIndex % donorsLength)
.fadeOut(1500, showNextDonor);
For some reason, when I view the result in the browser, I can't see the fades but I can see the text changes.
So for example if I have 2 fading texts I will see Text1 and then Text2 with no transition at-all.
When I viewed the elements in Chrome with dev-tools, it seems like the opacity property is indeed being changed but the browser simply doesn't show it. Why is that?

If the below jsfiddle gives you the same problem, then the issue is you don't have enough RAM/GPU.
This does a simple:


Assigning string to div value from javascript function across pages

I have a web app that outputs the results of a function as a double. The function compares two text documents and returns the percentage indicating the percentage of similarity between the two documents. When the user clicks a Compare button, the function runs and takes the user from the compare.jsp page to the results.jsp page, and displays a loading-bar that is filled in like so:
<div id="levenshtein-distance"
class="ldBar label-center levenshtein-distance"
This works fine, the fan bar gets the correct percentage. However, I am also trying to color the fan bar using the data-stroke value based on this percentage. I have a simple javascript function to do this, but can't figure out how to pass the value. I've tried running the function in the body tag of the results.jsp page using "onload", but this doesn't work. Here is my JavaScript function:
function barSetLD(percent) {
var red = "red";
var green = "green";
var orange = "orange";
var elem = document.getElementById("levenshtein-distance");
if (percent <= 40.00) {
elem.setAttribute("data-stroke", green);
} else if (percent > 40.00 && percent <= 70.00) {
elem.setAttribute("data-stroke", orange);
} else {
elem.setAttribute("data-stroke", red);
I've done quite a bit of searching and can't seem to find an example that helped me solve this. Any help is very much appreciated.
Trinh, that worked to change the color, thanks! My problem now is that I do, in fact, have multiple 'levenshtein-distance' ids and I am looping through them. So currently everything is being set to the same color. I should have mentioned this initially, sorry. I am comparing multiple pairs of files and outputting the loading-bar for each pair. If you have some idea about how to resolve the looping issue, that would be great, but thanks for the original solution either way! I updated my javascript function as follows:
function barSetLD(percent) {
var red = "red";
var green = "green";
var orange = "orange";
var elem = document.querySelectorAll("[id^=levenshtein-distance]");
for (var i in elem) {
if (percent <= 40.00) {
elem[i].setAttribute("data-stroke", green);
} else if (percent > 40.00 && percent <= 70.00) {
elem[i].setAttribute("data-stroke", orange);
} else {
elem[i].setAttribute("data-stroke", red);
And the full bit of code with the html loop is, and I am now calling the barSetLD(percent) at the very bottom of the page as you suggested:
<c:forEach items="${studentResults}" var="result" varStatus="loop">
<div id="levenshtein-distance"
class="ldBar label-center levenshtein-distance"
<script type="text/javascript">
Put your code at the very bottom of the page where all DOM has been loaded. Or at least make sure <div id="levenshtein-distance"/> exist and fully loaded before calling this document.getElementById("levenshtein-distance");. Also double check if you have multiple levenshtein-distance id...

Jquery fadeIn in callback for fadeOut not lasting

Hope someone can shed some light on this issue for me.... I'm using a setInterval to alternate displaying headlines on a webpage. it fades out the previous one, then in the callback function fades in the new one. it used to work fine, however I separated the callback function from the fadeOut because I wanted to run it initially without a delay, and now I'm getting the initial headline, however when it comes time to change, they fade in for a split second and disappear again.
function processSidebar(data) {
var headlines = $.parseJSON(data);
var sIndex = 0;
function newSidebar(surl, sIndex) {
$(".sidebar").html(headlines[sIndex].date + '<br>' + headlines[sIndex].line + '');
newSidebar("getme.php?blog=1&headline=1", sIndex);
setInterval(function() {
if (sIndex == headlines.length) {sIndex = 0}
var surl="getme.php?blog=1&headline=" + headlines[sIndex].index;
}, 10000); // end setInterval
}; // end processSidebar
jQuery's fadeOut wants a function as the complete argument.
You're giving newSidebar(surl,sIndex), which gets evaluated immediately and returns nothing (but does the whole fadeIn stuff).
You want to use an anonymous function:
$(".sidebar").fadeOut(400,function() { newSidebar(surl,sIndex) });

JavaScript append gone crazy

I am trying to build a simple 3 grid gallery, the images inside it are all with different heights and I was after a tiled gallery... So I have made one that works with a bit of JavaScript.
However, when I tried to add another gallery in the same page, something weird happened, live preview here:
The HTML, CSS and JS can be found fully placed in this jsfiddle:
As you can see in the live preview, all the gridElemetns in grid3 are appending to grid3 in all the threeGrid galleries! After trying to debug, I have concluded that the problem is from the JS:
//Three Grids System
var gridElement = $(".gridElement", ".grid3");
GalleryGrid(); $(window).resize(GalleryGrid);
function GalleryGrid() {
var grid3 = $('.threeGrids .grid3');
var width = $(window).width();
if (width < 1024 && width > 770) {
var grid1 = $('.threeGrids .grid1');
var grid2 = $('.threeGrids .grid2');
for (var i = 0; i < gridElement.length; i++) {
if (i < gridElement.length / 2) {
} else {
} else {
What is going wrong? I can't seem to be able to go figure out what is wrong from there.
That's because .threeGrids and .grid1... appear more than one time on your page. Therefore jquery automatically appends things to all of them.
Try selecting by something like:
var grids = $(this).find('.threeGrids');
( manipulation with grids...)
This way you enter each .wrapper separately and deal with only elements that are inside it.

How can i loop through bootstrap tooltips forever using jQuery?

I have some thumbnails on my site, that use Twitters Bootstrap tooltips to display the name of each thumbnail, what i'm trying to do is loop through each one, with a delay of say 2 seconds showing the tooltip, then hiding it as the next one pops up. I tried to do this a few ways but nothing was working.
I got as far as something like this, but that wasn't working.
$("[rel=tooltip]").each(function (i) {
Here's a JSFiddle of my layout:
Any ideas?
Try the following:
var ttid = 0, tooltipIds = [];
var iid = setInterval(function(){
if (ttid) $('#'+tooltipIds[ttid-1]).tooltip("hide");
if (ttid === tooltipIds.length) ttid = 0;
}, 2000);
You can stop the tooltips from showing with: clearInterval(iid);
Following should hide current open tooltip, then show the next. Uses current index vs length of cached elements to determine when to start back at beginning
/* cache elements*/
var $els=$("a[rel=tooltip]").tooltip(), index=-1;
var tipLoop=setInterval(function(){
index = index < $els.length ? index : 0;
$els.tooltip("hide").eq( index).tooltip('show');

Help with JQuery Callback

As per my previous question, I have a working animation which fades in and out each element within the div slideshow. The problem is that I want this animation to continue from the beginning once it has reached the last element. I figured that was easy and that I'd just place an infinite loop inside my JQuery function, but for some reason if I insert an infinite loop, no animation displays and the page hangs. I also cannot find anything in the documentation about how properly place a callback. How can I get this code to restart from the beginning of the animation once it finishes iterating over each object and why is an infinite loop not the right way to go about this?
<div id="slideshow">
$(document).ready(function() {
var delay = 0;
$('#slideshow p').each(
function (index, item)
delay += 2200;
You could do something like this:
$(function() {
var d = 2200;
function loopMe() {
var c = $('#slideshow p').each(function (i) {
setTimeout(loopMe, c * d);
You can give it a try here.
Instead of keeping up with a delay, you can just multiple it by the current index in the loop...since the first index is 0, the first one won't be delayed at all, then 2200ms times the amount of elements later, do the loop again. In the above code d is the delay, so it's easily adjustable, and c is the count of elements.
This solution is in my opinion more elegant, also more natural, it is easier to control, to correctly edit values of delays etc. I hope you'll like it.
$(document).ready(function () {
var elementsList = $('#slideshow p');
function animationFactory(i) {
var element = $(elementsList[i % elementsList.length]);
return function () {
element.delay(200).fadeIn('slow').delay(800).fadeOut('slow', animationFactory(i + 1));

