can cloud9 debug html/javascript? - javascript

Is it possible to use debug in cloud9 for javascript in HTML? I know it's possible to debug node.js, but what if the javascript is in a <script> block in the HTML, or is being loaded from an external script?
This works in Webstorm, but you have to have a browser plugin, and the IDE and the browser (via the plugin) talk to each other.

Cloud9 not provide a great visualization for debug but even so it doesn't a big problem.
You need open your application in another tab of the browser.
You have two ways:
If you use a "preview" mode for run an application, Cloud9 provide a URL that you can write in your bar browser.
If you use a server and this have the config for that it send your static files, when you run the server Cloud9 provide a URL in the console so you can write in your bar browser too. You need to consider the different routes in your server if it has not a single page application.
Once you will open the application in your browser, you can make your debugging.


How to build VSCode to be used in the browser?

I found many projects that required a server. My question how do I start Visual Studio Code like any other jQuery/React/Angular library? How do I start it from the browser without using a server?
I know that I will need to provide the files using a script.
I don't need the extension marketplace, terminal and similar. I only need the files tab on the left, the search tab, and the editor itself. The editor is Monaco, I found out. But I didn't find something that also contains the files panel and the tabs switcher (The list of opened files).
There are projects like code-server, but it requires a server. It also should be executed by our clients, so I don't want resources or security risks on the server.
So how do I compile and embed Visual Studio Code into a Web page to be served by a static HTML server?

Javascript access desktop application

I'd like you to give a tip for my issue. I'm pretty new to javascript so I don't have such overview.
I have a desktop application - it's basically a storega for data (+ some GUI). And there's a set of Javascript files, which are ment to get data from desktop application.
These javascript files runs in every browser - for each browser I've made a extension wrapper. There is also a testing java-webkit browser, which injects these files directly (so no extension's API).
So I need to create communication API between Javascript and desktop application, which is able to run in every environment (browser-specific implementation would be too "expensive" to maintain).
So I was thinking of sockets. But there is only Websocket protocol support in javascript. Client looks simple, but I'm afraid that server-side would require too much work and dependecies.
Could you give me a tip, for other technologies, which compatible with my requirments?
And second question - to the sockets - would it be even possible to access socket on "localhost:port" from these's javascript files, when they are Content scripts running in page's context?
Thank you for advice.
Sockets is the way to do it. #Luckyrat has provided some code on how to do it from a Firefox Addon:

Visual Studio project type for client-side javascript

Could somebody advise me on which project type should I use to develop client side of web-based app (HTML + JavaScript) for Visual Studio 2013?
I tried to create New, Web Site, ASP.NET Empty Web site, then manually added all .js files to the project, but this is not exactly what I need, because I am working on a client-side code only, and the Web server is not IIS.
Of course, when a script error occurs, I can select “Debug using selected debugger”, manually choose my project and jump into debugging. However, this is only a half-solution.
First, I cannot start debugger with F5 – it launches web page connected to local IIS instead.
Second, I have duplicate source trees in solution explorer- the debugger does not match my source files with files loaded with web pages.
I have also tried New, Other project types, Visual Studio solution, Add existing Web site, and played with Start Options, but without much success too. It launches page in IE, but with script debugging disabled (???), and it does not start the debugger anyway.
Is there an appropriate project type to write and debug JavaScript for IE?
PS: When installing VS, I selected C++ development, as my primary settings, which might hide some useful Web development features. And I would prefer not to change this.
UPDATE: Problem #1 (starting with F5) was solved by setting IE as default Web browser (I have used Firefox). After specifying “Specific page” in Start options F5 starts the page under debugger.
Is it possible to debug scripts under IE, leaving my favorite browser as default? If I specify “Start External program” and set “iexplore.exe” with page url, it launches the page but does not allow me to debug it.
you have a bunch of questions in here, but let me try answer them.
To develop client-side of web-based app, Create an ASP.NET Empty Web site and manually add HTML + JavaScript
If the Web Server is not IIS, then you can change, right-click on your project in VS-2013, and in properties,check Web properties.
To Debug your HTML and JavaScript in IE, then follow this:
you have to enable Script debugging in IE as follow:
let, if you have a function named FirstFunction() in your HTML page then
<script type="script/javascript">
function FirstFunction()
alert("Debugging now");

Webpage create / edit file

I'm working on a webpage that has to work offline when it's finished. No XAMPP or other services available, so PHP is no option.
It has to create a new file, edit a filename (which would be the best solution) or move a file into another directory. This action has to be called from a function in jQuery.
I've read that Python could to this but as long as I read Python needs a web framework and a configured Apache as well, so if it's right Python is no possibility for me as well.
Is there any way to do this with JavaScript / jQuery or anything else which works offline?
No. It won't work by Design. Imagine, you visit a Website and it would install virus.exe into your Windows Directory (For example Autostart).
Html Pages are for Displaying Informationen to the User. Javascript is supporting it with dynamic Features. The Browser grant Rights for Loading other Information and nothing else. Everything which would affect the System, could not handled by Script.
If it should run from Web, you need a Plugin (Like Java). In your case (Offline Use) consider to write a Desktop Client (C#, VB.NET, Java, C++).

Eclipse EE + Webstorm development: enable automatic update of static web files on server

I'm working on a servlet/web services website, deployed in Tomcat 7.
The website is a single page application. Html/Css/JavaScript files are served as static content by the server, and then all the ajax calls are managed by Java webservices.
I'm using Eclipse for coding in Java, and WebStorm for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
My problem is that changes made with WebStorm are not immediately reflected on the server, making it difficult to debug (changes made with Eclipse are immediately updated in the deployed site, however). WebStorm works on exactly the same files and folders as Eclipse, not on a copy.
Is it possible to configure the projects so that changes made with WebStorm are reflected in the server, without having to touch Eclipse?
refresh your project in eclipse, or edit your static files with eclipse.
this is because the tomcat in eclipse publish the project in a temp folder to deploy it in tomcat.
you can also try to: open the tomcat server in the eclipse view "servers" by double clicking on it, and select the option "Serve modules without publishing"
Window-Preferenc-Workspac, check Refresh using native hooks or polling.
But you still need to wait 2-3seconds,and need to refresh your browser.
I am looking for a tool that can help me refresh broswer after code change.

