Basic node/mongo/mongoose connection not working - javascript

I'm new to MEAN stack development. I've created a database in MongoDB called 'framework' and a collection called 'users' with some json in. I can see that's all there and happy using mongo commands through Mac terminal.
Now I'm writing some Mongoose in my application and to test everything is working, I just want to get a list of the collection names. I tried this:
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.connection.db.collectionNames(function (err, names) {
if (err) console.log(err);
else console.log(names);
But when I run that file through the command line, it doesn't log anything at all. What am I doing wrong here?

Make it as a callback function after the connection is successfully established. Without it being inside a callback method, it may get executed before the connection to the database is successfully established due to its asynchronous nature.
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.connection.on('connected', function () {
mongoose.connection.db.collectionNames(function (err, names) {
if (err) console.log(err);
else console.log(names);

mongoose.connection.db.collectionNames is deprecated. Use this code to get the list of all collections
const mongoose = require("mongoose")
mongoose.connection.on('open', () => {
console.log('Connected to mongodb server.');
mongoose.connection.db.listCollections().toArray(function (err, names) {

If you are not pretty sure of what should be the URL string for your mongoose.connect method. No worries, go to your command prompt, type mongo.
This starts the application where you can see the connection details like
Then use the same URL with your db-name appended like
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
()=> console.log('connected to db')
(err)=> console.error(err)
Hope this helps !!


Trying to connect node.js to a mongodb, getting successful response but no connection

I have been following online instructions to set up a mongodb database using mongoose on node.js. I have managed to get the mongodb running and listening on port 27017, however when I run my connection code in node.js I get a successful response even when the mongo.db isn't running and I don't see any updates on the mongo.db to say it has received any data.
I have tried quite a few different examples from the internet but can't get any of them to work.
So I have my MongoDB saying:
2019-03-26T12:00:46.039+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
This is the basic code I am trying to get to work as my original API wasn't working:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test', function(err){
if(!err) console.log('Successfully Connected');
I receive this response when I run
node sample.js
Successfully Connected
But I receive this response even when my mongo.db has been shut down, so I think there is some error, I'm not sure how to check if they are connecting properly.
this works for me. try to set some debugging to find out what is happening.
mongoose.set('debug', true);
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/test", {useNewUrlParser: true})
.then(() => {
console.log('connected to the db');
.catch(err => {
console.log('connection failed ' + err);
I think you have to check the API to connect.
Second parameter is option and third is callback - but u seem to have passed callback as second param - also, check what are you getting as response
mongoose.connect(uri, options, function(error) {
// Check error in initial connection. There is no 2nd param to the callback.
// Or using promises
mongoose.connect(uri, options).then(
() => { /** ready to use. The `mongoose.connect()` promise resolves to undefined. */ },
err => { /** handle initial connection error */ }

How to have only one mongodb instance?

Im writting a node app to log some informations in a mongo database.
Below is the snippet code that called each time i need to store log in the mongo database.
const mongo = {}
const mongo_cli = require('mongodb').MongoClient
module.exports = {
log (l) {
mongo_cli.connect(the_mongo_url, (error, client) => {
if (error) throw error;
mongo.cli = client;
mongo.db = client.db(the_database);
//insert and update operations
The code above work for now. I mean, I can insert and update logs already inserted at the price of one (or more) connection (s) that I never close due to my lack of control of callback functions.
So, how can i structure it better so that i can just have only one mongo_cli call to not consume too many ressources ?

How do I use client side JavaScript to find and return data from MongoDB and a Node.js server with no framework?

I have read all the questions on SO that I could find. They all use Express, Mongoose or they leave something out. I understand that Node.js is the server. I understand the MongoDB require is the driver the Node.js server uses to open a connection to the MongoDB. Then, on the server, I can do (from the documentation):
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var assert = require('assert');
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
var url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test';
var findRestaurants = function(db, callback) {
var cursor =db.collection('restaurants').find( );
cursor.each(function(err, doc) {
assert.equal(err, null);
if (doc != null) {
} else {
// Connect to the db
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
assert.equal(null, err);
findRestaurants(db, function() { //I don't want to do this as soon as the server starts
//if I put findRestaurant here,
function findRestaurant(data){
How do I call it from the client?
I do not want to find data as soon as I start the server. I realize those are examples, but what I cannot find is a way where the client requests some data and where the Node.js server returns it.
I have seen close examples using jQuery, Angular on the client, and then Express, Mongoose, Meteor, , etc.
All I want to understand is how I make this request from the client's browser. I can do that with XMLhttpRequest(), so I can put that part together, I believe. But, any example is appreciated.
But what is waiting on the Node.js side of things (how do I set up my function to be called once the server is listening)?
How do I create a function on the server side, maybe "GetRestaurants" and have that return the data it gets using find()?
I cannot find this information, this simple, anywhere. Is it too complicated to do the example without a framework?
I do not wish to copy and paste from something using Express, etc. without understanding what's going on. Most explanations never say, this goes on the Node.js side. This is client. I know I am expected to do my own research, but I am not putting it together, too used to RDBMSes, IIS, Apache, PHP, and so on.
I believe I have a fundamental misunderstanding of what's going on in the paradigm.
Please. No REST API creation, no frameworks of any kind on Node.js other than using the MongoDB library (unless there is an absolute requirement), not even jQuery, Angular, Jade, or anything else for the client side, straight up JavaScript on all sides.
I have seen questions like this,
How to display data from MongoDB to the frontend via Node.js without using a framework
But they do not show what I am asking. They do it all at once, as soon as the database connects. What if I want to do a delete or insert or find? There are many SO questions like this, but I have not hit the one that shows what I am looking for.
This should give the guidance. Once you go to a browser and type http://localhost:5155 the callback function (request, response) { will be called and the request to db will be made. Make sure you get response and then start working on the client side code:
const http = require('http');
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const assert = require('assert');
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test';
const server = http.createServer(function (request, response) {
getData(function (data) {
function getData(callback) {
// Connect to the db
MongoClient.connect(url, function (err, db) {
assert.equal(null, err);
findRestaurants(db, function (data) {
const findRestaurants = function (db, callback) {
const cursor = db.collection('restaurants').find();
const data = [];
cursor.each(function (err, doc) {
assert.equal(err, null);
if (doc === null) {

Blocking Node in Script

I'm using Node.js to write system scripts that run on a server. Due to Node's asynchronous nature, my script is exiting before the database calls have a chance to complete and nothing is ever written to the database.
I'm using Mongoose as an ORM and talking to a MongoDB, if that makes any difference. Node.js offers SYNCHRONOUS method calls for this very reason, for example:
I guess my questions are:
1) Does mongoose offer a way to block so my scripting process can wait for the database call to return?
2) If not, is there another method I should consider other than something like:
(function wait () {
if (!SOME_EXIT_CONDITION) setTimeout(wait, 1000);
3) Is node not the best tool for the job for writing scripts? I love node for web app development, and can write nested callbacks or work with promises all day long. But what about as a scripting language?
EDIT -----------------------------------------------
Below is an quick example of the script to provide more clarity of the situation:
#!/usr/bin/env node
# Please note the above that this is a bash script
var schema = mongoose.Schema({
// ... attributes ...
var model = new (mongoose.model('ModelObject'))();
model['attribute'] = 42;
console.log('This gets printed first'); {
console.log('Nothing in the callback gets printed because callback is never called');
if(err) { // Can't check for errors because this is never reached
console.log('This never gets printed to the screen');
console.log('And consequently nothing is ever saved to mongo');
} else {
console.log('This never gets printed either');
console.log('This gets printed second');
If your model does not get saved, there is a Mongo error. Following MongoDB conventions you have to check for errors:, savedItem) {
if(error) {
// nothing is saved
Otherwise, have you considered using Promises? It useful for chaining events and simpler error handling.
Promise = require('bluebird');
model.saveAsync().then(function(savedItem) {
// saved
.catch(function(error) {
// handle error
I think you are looking for this, check below if this help you.
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
model1 = mongoose.model('model1'),
model2 = mongoose.model('model2');
model1.findOne({"type" : 'Active'}, function err(err, catConfig) {
//This will execute once above DB call is done!
model2.findOne(condition).remove(function(err, gAnalysis) {
//Lines of code that you want to execute after second DB call
I don't see you opening a connection to the database so presumably saving a model instance does nothing, not even call the callback with an error...
I've tested the below example:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var kittySchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String
var Kitten = mongoose.model('Kitten', kittySchema);
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
var silence = new Kitten({ name: 'Silence' }); (err, saved) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Kitty Silence is saved!');
mongoose.disconnect(function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
Running node test.js prints this to the console:
Kitty Silence is saved!
and examining my local test database shows that Silence is indeed saved.

node.js application - how to connect to mongodb and "share" connection via an include?

Background Information
I'm attempting my first node.js API/application. As a learning exercise, I'm trying to create some test cases initially delete all records in a table, insert 3 specific records, and then query for those 3 records.
Here's the code I have cobbled together:
As you can see from the code, I'm trying to put the database connection logic in a dbSession.js file and pass it around.
I am able to start up the http server by doing the following:
dev#devbox:~/nimble_node$ sudo nodejs src/backend/index.js
Server started and listening on port: 8080
Database connection successful
However, when I try to run my jasmine tests, it fails with the following error:
1) The API should respond to a GET request at /api/widgets/
TypeError: Object #<MongoClient> has no method 'collection'
TypeError: Object #<MongoClient> has no method 'collection'
at resetDatabase (/home/dev/nimble_node/spec/resetDatabase.js:6:29)
at /home/dev/nimble_node/spec/e2e/apiSpec.js:23:25
at /home/dev/nimble_node/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:683:13
at iterate (/home/dev/nimble_node/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:260:13)
at async.forEachOfSeries.async.eachOfSeries (/home/dev/nimble_node/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:279:9)
at _parallel (/home/dev/nimble_node/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:682:9)
at Object.async.series (/home/dev/nimble_node/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:704:9)
at null.<anonymous> (/home/dev/nimble_node/spec/e2e/apiSpec.js:19:9)
at null.<anonymous> (/home/dev/nimble_node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/async-callback.js:45:37)
Finished in 0.01 seconds
1 test, 1 assertion, 1 failure, 0 skipped
Database connection successful
Line 6 of resetDatabase is:
var collection = dbSession.collection('widgets');
Given that after the error appears, I get the "Database connection successful" message, I think what's happening is that when the tests request the dbSession library, the database hasn't finished running the code to connect. And therefore, I can't get the collection object.
I'm currently reading through the mongodb online manual to see if I can find some hints as to how to do something like this.
Any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated.
To prove that there is a collection method on the MongoClient object, I changed the dbSession.js code to look like this:
'use strict';
var DBWrapper = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var dbWrapper = new DBWrapper;
dbWrapper.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/test", function(err, db) {
if (!err) {
console.log("Database connection successful");
dbWrapper = db;
var collection = dbWrapper.collection('widgets');
console.log('just created a collection...');
module.exports = dbWrapper;
And now, when I start up the http server (index.js), notice the messages:
dev#devbox:~/nimble_node$ sudo nodejs src/backend/index.js
Server started and listening on port: 8080
Database connection successful
just created a collection...
It could be an async issue.
Your code in dbSessionjs
dbWrapper.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/test", function(err, db) {
if (!err) {
console.log("Database connection successful");
dbWrapper = db;
module.exports = dbWrapper;
Starts the connection at dbWrapper asynchronously, but exports dbWrapper right away, which is then imported in resetDatabase. Thus yes, the connect function may have not yet returned from the async function when you call it in resetDatabase (and is what the log suggests,as the error appears before the success log).
You could add a callback after dbWrapper.connect() returns, in order to actually only be able to use dbWrapper when the connection finished.
(With sqlite, this may not happen as it accesses the DB faster on the commandline).
This may not be your problem but looks like a candidate.
EDIT: Here's a possible example for a callback, but please take note it depends on what you need to do so there are a lot of different solutions. The key is to call a callback function when you are done initializing.
Another solution could be to simply wait, and/or poll (e.g. chcke a variable 'initialized').
'use strict';
var DBWrapper = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var dbWrapper = new DBWrapper;
function doConnect(callback) {
console.log("Initializing DB connection...");
dbWrapper.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/test", function(err, db) {
if (!err) {
console.log("Database connection successful");
dbWrapper = db;
var collection = dbWrapper.collection('widgets');
console.log('just created a collection...');
console.log('calling callback...');
} else {
console.log("Error connectingi: " + err);
doConnect(function(correctDbWrapper) {
//Now you can use the wrapper
console.log("Inside callback, now consuming the dbWrapper");
dbWrapper = correctDbWrapper;
var collection = dbWrapper.collection('widgets');
It's interesting though I never ran into this issue, although I have generally used similar code like yours. I guess because normally I have this DB initialization right at the top, and then have to do lots of initializations on the node app, which gives the app time enough to return from the connect call....

