AngularJS Weird Behavior, NG-INCLUDE Causes Whole Page to Re-Load - javascript

A simple ng-include causes the page to recursively print out the whole site over and over in an area of the page, this causes the browser to crash. If I change the path the same thing happens so apparently it's not even looking at the path. If i use ng-include anywhere on the page the same weird behavior will happen.
The template (list.html) is in a sub-folder to where the angularjs scripts are.
<div ng-if="comments_data">
<div ng-include="'templates/list.html'"></div>
<li ng-repeat="comment in comments_data">
{{ print_some_stuff }}

Can you please try:
<div ng-if="comments_data">
<div ng-include="'/templates/list.html'"></div>
The slash at the beginning of the path was the issue for me. Check your router and see how templates are loaded (should be the same way with a leading slash).

Can you check if this will be useful.
<div ng-include="'templates/list.html'" ng-controller="CommentsController" ng-show="isCommentAvailable()"></div>
.controller('CommentsController', function() {
$scope.isCommentAvailable = function() {
if ($scope.comments_data)
return true;
return false;


Can I use a JQuery plugin from within an angularjs directive?

I'm quite new to javascript in general. I've spent the past couple of weeks building a front end with Angular.js.
I have a number of directives I've defined that sit on my page, Angular has been great for this.
Here's what my main page looks like:
<body class="body" ng-controller="OverviewController as overview" font-size:1em>
<sidebar-menu ng-controller="PanelController as panel"></sidebar-menu>
<div id="content" >
<div class="list-group">
<div class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="site in overview.sites" ng-click="">
<div class="item-heading">
<p>Address: {{site.address}}</p>
Click Here
<installationsite-panels ng-controller="PanelController as panel"></installationsite-panels>
Note the javascript function to call a modal box at the bottom, using this tutorial.
I've spent the past few days trying different tutorials to get modals to work in my webapp, but with no success. I think it's down to my lack of understanding of Angular and Javascript in general.
In any case, I've managed to get this tutorial to work using JQuery, and when I click on the link, the modal opens as expected.
However, I don't want to call this modal from here. I want to call it from a directive that's embedded within the <installationsite-panels> directive in the above code, which looks like this (just a single section shown here):
Device Statuses
<div class="device-icon-group">
<div class="device-type1-icons" ng-click="panel.showDevices(3)" ng-show="showtype1Red"><img src="img/type1red.png" style="width:50%; height:50%;"/></div>
<div class="device-type2-icons" ng-click="panel.showDevices(3)" ng-show="showType2Red"><img src="img/type2red.png" style="width:50%; height:50%;" /></div>
<div class="service" ng-click="panel.showDevices(3)" ng-show="showService">
<b>{{panel.getServiceDeviceCount()}} device needs servicing</b>
<div ng-show="showServiceList">
The directive <device-list-service> shows a list of items like so:
<div ng-controller="DevicesController as deviceList" font-size:1em >
<div id="device-list-group">
<div id="device-list-group-item" ng-click="" ng-repeat="device in deviceList.devicesService">
<div ng-class="device.status"><img src="{{(device.type == 'type1') ? 'img/type1white.png' : 'img/type2white.png'}}"> </div>
<div class="device-params">
<b>ID: </b> {{}}<br />
<b>Type: </b> {{device.type}}
<div class="device-params">
<b>Location: </b> {{device.location}}<br />
<b>Action: </b> {{device.action}} <br />
I want to show the modal when the user clicks on one of the list-group-item 's, and display some data relating to that item.
The modal works fine from the top level in the main app, but I cannot call it from within any of the directives. How can I do this?
Is it possible, or do I need to scrap my JQuery modal and do it the Angular way, which hasn't worked for me for the past few attempts.
Don't use jquery modals. You can, but you shouldn't.
Instead, I recommend using Angular UI, which has a pretty usable modal implementation:
Second alternative: if you don't like Angular UI, then use AngularJS + Bootstrap, and create your own custom directives
Third alternative: Use jQuery.
If you still want to go with the 3rd alternative, despite my advice against it, then here is how you do it:
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('modal', function($http, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
$timeout(function() {
}, 0, false);
<div modal></div>
Some explanation is needed here.
Why is the $timeout service necessary? jQuery plugins often require the DOM to be fully loaded in order to work properly. That is why most jQuery plugins are wrapped inside of a $(document).ready block. In AngularJS there is no concept of DOM ready, and there is no easy way in AngularJS to hook into the event. However, there is a well-known hack, which is to use the $timeout service. In Angular there are three phases:
1. compile - Angular walks the DOM tree looking for directives
2. Link - Angular calls the link function for each directive to setup watch handlers.
3. Render - Angular updates the views
Using $timeout within the Link function queues the $timeout function to be executed until after the current closure is done executing. It just so happens that the Render phase is within the current closure's scope of execution. Hence, the $timeout function will execute after the render phase, when the DOM has been loaded.
Mixing JQuery and Angular in that way is maybe a little messy, but sometimes you do want to use a well-built component. You could try to find a similar modal in Angular - angular-modal - or you could try and build the component into your Angular directive itself - jQuery Plugins in AngularJS

AngularJS controller executes twice (not because of router)

From what I read, the most common cause of this problem is when the controller is included in the template and in the route provider. In my case, only the parent template containing this html is being included in the router, and has its own controller. The sub-templates are being included as a result of a menu selection
So, whenever the menu item is selected, the template gets loaded in, and everything in the controller executes twice. Can it be a product of the the ng-switch or ng-include?
<span ng-switch on="selection">
<div ng-switch-when="0">
<div ng-include="'partials/one.html'" ng-controller="oneController"></div>
<div ng-switch-when="1">
<div ng-include="'partials/two.html'" ng-controller="twoController"></div>
<div ng-switch-when="2">
<div ng-include="'partials/three.html'" ng-controller="threeController"></div>
The included partials do not include the controller again. I've triple checked that these controllers are not mentioned anywhere other than this piece of code. The contents of the one/two/three partials look like this, and the controller still runs twice.
<div>Nothing to see here.</div>
I am making an educated guess here... but does your "'partials/one.html'" also have a ng-controller="oneController" in it? If so, you either need to remove the ng-controller declaration from your include div or from your partial.

Multiple layouts with Angular

I am building an Angular app and hitting a bit of a snag in how to handle the home page. The home page is 90% different - only the header stays the same - in there I have directives that show user login state for ex.
To make use of routing/templates etc I'd ideally like to have my ngview in the white area of sample shown - that all works fine - just not sure how to build the home page. It doesn't need an ngview area persay since it's the only one of it's kind. I don't want to make it as a second apps however as that seems wasteful and would reload everything.
Googling this brings up suggestions of replacing the white area with a directive but then I think I would lose the whole routing/template benefit.
Alternatives I have seen have code to determine if on home and load a body CSS class etc but that is not ideal either as the content is so different.
UI Router is a possibility but I'd like to avoid prebeta stuff if possible.
You could have this:
<div ng-if="isHomePage()">
<div ui-view></div>
<div ng-if="!isHomePage()">
<div ng-include="'shell.html'"></div>
home.html (with route '/')
...your home page html...
shell.html (any route different than '/')
<div ui-view></div>
finally, add isHomePage() to your root scope
$rootScope.isHomePage = function() {
return $location.path() == '/';

ng-include dont work on ng-show

I have a simple angular app but the template is growing. I want to split it and use the ng-include directive but I can't get it to include correctly.
current template.html
<div class="edit-object-form" ng-show="editable">
<!-- ... -->
<div class="list-objects" ng-show="!editable">
<!-- ... -->
desired template.html
<div class="edit-object-form" ng-show="editable">
<div ng-include="/partials/edit_objet_form.html"></div
<div class="list-objects" ng-show="!editable">
<!-- ... -->
The default value of editable is false, but when I switch to true the include directive doesn't work.
Note: I'm using Angular-1.0.7
I'm not able to recreate this issue. Take a look at this plunker that loads two different templates. (The both look odd, since they're templates stolen from other plunkers to allow for xss).
Maybe this issue is caused by the two incomplete div ending tags, that are .

AngularJS 1.2 ngInclude inside ngIf

I'm running into some odd behavior when putting an ngInclude inside an ngIf or ngSwitch.
For example, take the following:
<button ng-click="showIncTemplate = !showIncTemplate">Toggle Included Template</button>
<button ng-click="showInlineTemplate = !showInlineTemplate">Toggle Inline Template</button>
<div ng-if="showIncTemplate">
<p>Included template:</p>
<div ng-include="'template.html'"></div>
<div ng-if="showInlineTemplate">
<h1>Inline Template</h1>
The buttons toggle an options to render the divs that follow. The inline example behaves as expected, with the content appearing or disappearing on click.
The div with the child include seems not to include the template when first drawn, but then includes it repeatedly on every subsequent redraw.
What's going on here? I do see some breaking changes around ngInclude, is there some other way I should be doing this? Or is this a bug in Angular?
It looks like this is already in the angularjs github issue tracker:
They've fixed it in this snapshot:

