Set background colour to Input box in SAPUI5 - javascript

I'm trying to change the colour entire input of sap.m.Input.
Since it is having place holder & inner only border colour is changing.
document.getElementById("loginuser-placeholder").style.backgroundColor = "#232055 !important";
document.getElementById("loginuser-inner").style.backgroundColor = "#232055 !important";
This is how I tried forcing the elements to change its colour.
I also tried this:
var loginuser = new sap.m.Input("loginuser",{placeholder:"Username"});
loginuser.addStyleClass(".loginuser{background-color:#232055 !important }");

When setting multiple values with JavaScript, it is not possible to do it in one, you need to call document.getElementById multiple times, like this:
function myFunction(){
document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundColor = "blue"
document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundColor = "!important"
function myFunction(){
document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundColor = "blue !important"

If you want to use a class, all you need to do is
and in your css file you will add the style
.sapMInput.loginInput {
color: blue;


How to change the background of a row in an HTML table using toggle classlist

I want to change the background color of a row if the value in the table cell goes above a certain value.
I have tried implementing the toggle class as well as adding and removing classes with no luck. When I manually implemented the background color it worked.
I know I am trying to toggle a class vs a style, but is there any way I can toggle a style to change the background color?
var mq2 = 5;
if (mq2 >= 5) {
} else {
.change1 {
background-color: #FF6347;
.change2 {
background-color: #90EE90;
<tr id="row1">
Your code should work. You could improve it by creating a variable referencing the element
const row = document.getElementById("row1");
if(someCondition) {
} else {
The approach you are taking is fine, just make sure you capitalize classList correctly.

Append two different types of div's to a single container

I have two different div with classes called "red" and "blue". By default these are hidden. I want to clone and display them into a single container called "cont". Red button appends red div's blue button appends blue div's.
function redCreator(word){
var red =document.getElementsByClassName('red')[redPos];
var redClone = red.cloneNode(true);
document.getElementById('cont').appendChild(redClone); = 'inline';
function blueCreator(word){
//same as red
Right now the red divs appear separately from blue div. Ignoring the time and order I clicked them
How do I allow the divs to display in the order I clicked them? Regardless of the class.
One solution I came up with was to use a common class name and add the red/blue class later.
function redCreator(word){
var item =document.getElementsByClassName('input-item')[itemPos];
var itemClone = item.cloneNode(true);
itemClone.className += " red";
document.getElementById('cont').appendChild(itemClone); = 'inline';
However this doesn't work as expected. CSS is messed up
In Case you are looking for a pure JS solution :
<div class="red input">red</div>
<div class="blue input">blue</div>
<div id="cont">
<button onclick="redCreator('red');">RED</button>
<button onclick="blueCreator('blue');">blue</button>
.input {
display: none;
.red {
.blue {
function redCreator(word){
var red =document.getElementsByClassName('red')[0];
var redClone = red.cloneNode(true);
document.getElementById('cont').appendChild(redClone); = 'inline-block';
function blueCreator(word){
var blue =document.getElementsByClassName('blue')[0];
var blueClone = blue.cloneNode(true);
document.getElementById('cont').appendChild(blueClone); = 'inline-block';
Just add some lines to get the numbering and you will be fine.
Happy coding.
So using jQuery (the fiddle is using 1.9.1 - but it should be forward compatible) I have put together a fiddle:
In this - it takes contents of hidden divs and appending them in the order you click them into the "cont" container ... using CSS, you could change the display of the divs, etc. It uses a very basic chain of jQuery commands:
$("#reddiv").clone().show().appendTo( "#cont" )
This code is what I came up with using your description, as there is no HTML or CSS example stating exactly what you may need.
Hope this helps!
Happy coding!

Change colour of td in dynamic table generated in php

I'm creating a PHP script that will dynamically generate tr and td elements for a table. When the user clicks in a specific cell in the first column, an AJAX function executes to display additional content. This is working as it should, however, I'm having trouble with what should be simple styling. When the user clicks on a given cell, I want that row to change colour (works) until they click on another cell (doesn't work).
Since my PHP file is rather large, I'm only posting the relevant parts.
$myFiles = showMyAttrs();
foreach($myFiles as $myFile) {
echo("<tr class = 'gradeC' onClick = 'changeColour(this)' onchange = 'restoreColour(this)' >");
echo("<td onClick = 'sendCell(this)' ><img src = $msEx /></td>");
I've also tried using onblur instead of onchange but that gave the same result.
The Javascript functions:
function changeColour(z) { = "#FFFFFF";
function restoreColour(y) { = "#00FF00";
Before I also tried:
function changeColour(z) {
document.getElementsByTagName("tr").style.backgroundColor = "#00FF00"; = "#FFFFFF";
<!-- document.getElementsByTagName("td").style.backgroundColor = "#00FF00"; -->
function changeColour(z) { = "#FFFFFF";
document.getElementsByTagName("tr").style.backgroundColor = "#00FF00";
$('tr').click(function() {
$('tr').css('backgroundColor', '#0F0');
$(this).css('backgroundColor', '#FFF');
With each of them (except the last), the colour does change to white, however, when the user clicks on any other row, the previous row doesn't return to green. I don't mind if this works with Javascript or JQuery, as long as it is compatible across browsers. Even a fancy CSS trick I'm fine with using.
You're on the right track. I think adding/removing a class would be a good way to go. You could try this:
$('tr').on('click', function() {
.active { background-color: yellow; }
See jsFiddle
Try using a css class to assign the background color:
$('.gradeC td').on('click',function(e){
See demo here

Checking color value in javascript

So I set the color of the <body> with:
within the <head> and <style> tags,
and then I've got various elements in the body, for which if I click them, they call a function. i.e.
<p id="CSE1020" onclick="prereq(this)">CSE1020</p>
The prereq function is as follows:
function prereq(code) {
if ( != "black") { = "black"; = "normal";
And otherwise, if the element is already black, I change the color.
The problem/question is: I have to click the element twice before it changes color.
In other words, its not 'black' initially. The if statement is executed, even though the default color, before it is clicked should be black. How do I get it to recognize that when I first click the element, that it's 'black'?
Is jQuery an option? If it is you could do this:
$('#CSE1020').on('click', function(){
Try searching in CSSRules:
function prereq(code) {
var cssRules = window.getMatchedCSSRules(code);
So, it works when I add the style to the element itself, i.e.
<p id="CSE1020" style="color:black" onclick="prereq(this)">CSE1020</p>

jQuery animate issue

My function looks like that
$.fn.animateHighlight = function(highlightColor, originalColor, type, duration) {
var highlightBg = highlightColor || "#FFFF9C";
var animateMs = 500;
var animateVal1 = {};
animateVal1[type] = highlightColor;
var animateVal2 = {};
animateVal2[type] = originalColor;
this.stop().animate(animateVal1, animateMs).delay(duration).animate(animateVal2, animateMs);
Calling this like that
$("#variants").animateHighlight("red", "#9c9c9c", "borderColor", 3000);
The problem is,
This is default border color of fieldset
And this is after animation color
I know that animate adds extra style attribute to element. What I wanna do is, return back original fieldset border color (removing style attribute will return back original border color).
Tried to change last line of function to this
this.stop().animate(animateVal1, animateMs).delay(duration).animate(animateVal2, animateMs).removeAttribute('style');
Animate didn't even start.
How can I animate and reset back to original version after flashing?
this.stop().animate(animateVal1, animateMs).delay(duration).animate(animateVal2, animateMs, function() {
I think the two method for this.
1.If you used border color in stye attribute for VariantDiv.Default Styles will be lost in style when you remove style attribute. So you should hold first border color.
For Example :
2.if when you don't use style you can do this way.
You can call this code when animate completed.
For example:

