Ajax Function not collecting data from URL - javascript

I am using this ajax function to call a html page but it showing the following error:
OPTIONS file:///D:/My%20Web%20Sites/bbbb/flair/demos/url
singlePageCallback: function (url, element) {
var t = this;
url: 'url',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'html',
timeout: 5000
.done(function (result) {
.fail(function () {
t.updateSinglePage("Error! Please refresh the page!");
<li class="cbp-item graphic">
<div class="cbp-caption">
<div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
<img src="img/gallery/thumb/1.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
<div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
<div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
<a href="ajax/project1.html"
class="cbp-singlePage cbp-l-caption-buttonLeft">
<i class="fa fa-link"></i>
<a href="img/gallery/1big.jpg"
class="cbp-lightbox cbp-l-caption-buttonRight"
data-title="Project Title">
<i class="fa fa-eye"></i>


Understanding Ajax and adding cart count

website: https://www.fermento24.com
If you add a product to the cart, it'll show you the recently added product, total and possibility to go to cart. What I wanted to add was a count of the sort, like: There are currently another 5 products in the cart.
I tried to use {{ cart.item_count }}, but since the popup works on Ajax it doesn't seem to update on time, only showing me at the first time how many products were in the cart (thus, incorrect informations).
How do I go and implement something like this? What follows under is a test I did based on other answers I found here, but that still didn't work.
<div class="loading-modal modal">{{ 'general.search.loading' | t }}</div>
<div class="newsletter-success-modal">
<div class="modal-overlay"></div>
<div class="ajax-modal-content">
<a class="close close-window btn" title="{{ 'general.password_page.close' | t }}">
<i class="fa fa-times"></i>
<i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span>{{ 'general.newsletter_form.mailing_list_success_message' | t }}</span>
<div class="ajax-error-modal modal">
<div class="modal-inner">
<div class="ajax-error-title">{{ 'general.search.error' | t }}</div>
<div class="ajax-error-message"></div>
<div class="ajax-success-modal modal">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<div class="content">
<div class="ajax-left">
<p class="added-to-cart info">{{ 'cart.general.added_to_cart' | t }}</p>
<p class="added-to-wishlist info">{{ 'products.wishlist.added_to_wishlist' | t }}</p>
<img class="ajax-product-image" alt="modal window" src="/" />
<div class="ajax-cart-desc">
<h3 class="ajax-product-title"></h3>
<span class="ajax_price"></span>
<p>{{ 'cart.general.qty' | t }}: <span class="ajax_qty"></span></p>
<div class="ajax-right">
<div>Totale nel carrello: <span class="ajax_cartTotal"></span><br>
<span class="cart-item-count"> </span>
<button class="btn continue-shopping" onclick="javascript:void(0)">{{ 'cart.general.continue_shopping' | t }}</button>
<div class="success-message added-to-cart"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>{{ 'cart.general.view_cart' | t }} </div>
<i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i>
<script type="text/javascript">
var cartCount = {{ cart.item_count }};
$('.varients-item').on('click', function(){
var obj = $(this);
type: 'POST',
url: '/cart/add.js',
data: {
quantity: 1,
id: $(this).attr("data-variant")
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
url: '/cart.json',
success: function(cart){
You need to update the code and your JS code is looks like similar to demo code below:
$('.varients-item').on('click', function(){
var obj = $(this);
type: 'POST',
url: '/cart/add.js',
data: {
quantity: 1,
id: $(this).attr("data-variant")
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
url: '/cart.js',
success: function(cart){
// once you get the data from AJAX API you need to get the latest count
let total = cart.item_count;
Here is the reference for the cart.js over Shopify documentation.

Laravel 5.8 : Why $request->hasFile returns false

I sent a file from HTML to my controller and var_dump my file in the controller but the return result is false.
If I use HTML to execute it the results will it be true? If I use Ajax the results are false. Here is a simple file input:
<section class="section bg-img" id="section-contact" style="background-image: url({{ asset('front/img/bg-cup.jpg') }})" data-overlay="8">
<div class="container">
<div class="row gap-y">
<div class="col-12 col-md-6 offset-md-3 form-section">
{!! Form::open(['id'=>'confirmation','class'=>'row', 'method'=>'POST', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']) !!}
<div class="col-12 col-md-10 bg-white px-30 py-45 rounded">
<p id="alert"></p>
<div id="form-box">
<span class="btn btn-info btn-file">
<input type="file" name="logo" id="logo"> </span>
<div class="col-md-12">
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-primary" type="button" id="save-form">SignUp</button>
{{!! Form::close() !!}
and here is my Ajax
$('#save-form').click(function () {
url: '{{route('front.confirmation',$confirm->billing_number)}}',
container: '.form-section',
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
type: "POST",
data: $('#confirmation').serialize(),
messagePosition: "inline",
success: function (response) {
if(response.status == 'success'){
and this my controller :
public function update(Request $request, $billing){
$confirm = PaymentConfirmation::where('billing_number',$billing)->first();
var_dump($request->hasFile('logo')); //Here is return false
if ($request->hasFile('logo')) {
$confirm->invoice =$request->logo->hashName();
return Reply::success('Thank you for upload.') }
Thanks for advance ^-^
Data from file inputs is not serialized by the jquery .serialize() method, so the file is truly not getting sent back to the server
To upload files, use FormData() instead
$('#save-form').click(function() {
url: '{{route('front.confirmation ',$confirm->billing_number)}}',
container: '.form-section',
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
type: "POST",
data: new FormData($('#confirmation')),
messagePosition: "inline",
success: function(response) {
if (response.status == 'success') {

Can I combine load() and append() in JQuery/Ajax

Good day guys, can I combine load() and append() in JQuery/Ajax?
can I combine load() and prepend()? ex.
$('#notify').load(' #notify',function(){
The original code was like this.
function notif(){
url: `/iaccs-hook-notifications`,
method: 'GET',
success: function(data){
// if (data.success){
// $("#notify").load(" #notify");
// }
if (data.length > 0) {
<div class="an-info-single unread">
<a href="{{url('iaccs-hook-list')}}">
<span class="icon-container important">
<i class="icon-setting"></i>
<div class="info-content">
<h5 class="user-name">Update Client</h5>
<p class="content"><i class="icon-clock"></i>${data[0].created_at}</p>
error: function(err){
swal('Error!','Please report this issue.', 'error');
$(document).ready(function(e) {
// let refreshNotification = () => {
// $('#notify').load(location.href + ' #notify');
// $(this).unwrap()
// }
var socket = io('http://www.iaccs-admin-console.test' + ':8080');
socket.on("message", function(message){
// $('.unread').on('click',function(){
// $.get('/markAsRead');
// });
and here is the view.
<div class="dropdown-menu" id="notify">
<p class="an-info-count">Notifications <span>{{count(auth()->user()->unreadNotifications)}}</span></p>
<div class="an-info-content notifications-info notifications-content">
<ul class="nav" id="notif-list">
</div> <!-- end .AN-INFO-CONTENT -->
<div class="an-info-show-all-btn">
<a class="an-btn an-btn-transparent fluid rounded uppercase small-font" href="#">Show all</a>
The problem with the code above is that you need to refresh the page first for the whole drop down menu will notify the user and display the count of the notifications.

Viima JQuery Comments - GetUsers(Pinged users) displaying incorrectly in partialview

jquery comments
The jquery comments documentation
this issue in github
comments-data.js is test data : Download here
jquery-comments.js creates the whole comments system: Download here
jquery-comments.min.js if you require it: Download here
I have a view with a list of "articles" with a "read more" button on each "article" in the list. When I click on the read more button a modal opens up with a partial view with the jquery comments in it. However, when I search for the pinged users (using the # sign), the list of users don't show by the textarea, but instead higher up in the modal (far from the textarea).
Below is an image, then below that is my code. You will see at the bottom of the image I have put the '#' sign and the list of users is displayed on the top, it should be by the textarea. It also seems that when I click on the articles lower in the list, the higher the list of users display when I push the '#' sign:
MVC View
Below is the part populating the "Articles" from where the Modal is being called from:
int iGroupNameId = 0;
int iTotalArticles = 0;
foreach (var groupItems in Model.ArticleGroups)
iTotalArticles = Model.ArticlesList.Where(x => x.fkiGroupNameId == groupItems.pkiKnowledgeSharingCenterGroupsId).Count();
if (iTotalArticles > 0)
<div style="background: linear-gradient(#B5012E, darkred); margin: 10px; padding: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: white; text-transform: uppercase;">#groupItems.GroupName</div><div class="container" style="width:100%">
#if (groupItems.pkiKnowledgeSharingCenterGroupsId != iGroupNameId)
foreach (var item in Model.ArticlesList.Where(x => x.fkiGroupNameId == groupItems.pkiKnowledgeSharingCenterGroupsId))
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
#if (User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
<div class="pull-right">
<div class="btn-group">
<button class="btn dropdown-toggle btn-xs btn-info" data-toggle="dropdown">
<i class="fa fa-gear"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i>
<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right">
<li class="divider"></li>
<img src="#item.ArticleImage" class="img-responsive" alt="img" style="width:350px;height:200px">
<ul class="list-inline padding-10">
<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>
<i class="fa fa-comments"></i>
<i class="fa fa-eye"></i>
<div class="col-md-8 padding-left-0">
<h6 class="margin-top-0"> <span style="font-size:large">#item.Title</span><br><small class="font-xs"><i>Published by #item.User_FullName</i></small></h6>
#*<a class="btn btn-danger" href="#Url.Action("ShowArticleDetails", "ILearn", new { id = item.KnowledgeSharingArticlesId })">Read more</a>*#
<button type="button" onclick="showArticle('#item.KnowledgeSharingArticlesId')" class="btn btn-danger" data-target="#show-details-modal" data-toggle="modal">
Read more
This is placed at the top of the page(Under the #model appname.ViewModels.VM):
<!--Loading Panel-->
<div id="loadingPanel" style="display: none;">
<div class="progress progress-striped active">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width: 100%">...LOADING...</div>
<!-- Show details modal-->
<div id="show-details-modal" class="modal fade" style="width:100%">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-xl">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
<h4 class="modal-title"></h4>
<div id="loadingPanelShowDetails" class="col-md-12 text-center" style="display: none;">
<br />
<div class="progress progress-striped active">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width: 100%">...LOADING...</div>
<div id="target-show-details">
Jquery Code
function showArticle(id) {
type: 'get',
url: '#Url.Action("ShowArticleDetails", "ILearn")',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'html',
data: { "id": id },
success: function (result) {
var saveComment = function (data) {
$(data.pings).each(function (index, id) {
var user = usersArray.filter(function (user) { return user.id == id })[0];
data.content = data.content.replace('##' + id, '##' + user.fullname);
return data;
profilePictureURL: 'https://viima-app.s3.amazonaws.com/media/public/defaults/user-icon.png',
currentUserId: 1,
roundProfilePictures: true,
textareaRows: 1,
enableAttachments: true,
enableHashtags: true,
enablePinging: true,
getUsers: function (success, error) {
type: 'get',
traditional: true,
url: '#Url.Action("GetPinnedUsers", "ILearn")',
success: function (usersArray) {
error: error
getComments: function (success, error) {
type: 'get',
traditional: true,
data: { "id": id },
url: '#Url.Action("GetArticleComments", "ILearn")',
success: function (commentsArray) {
error: error
postComment: function (data, success, error) {
type: 'post',
dataType: "json",
url: '#Url.Action("PostArticleComment", "ILearn")',
data: { "CVM": data, "articleId": id },
success: function (comment) {
error: error
putComment: function (data, success, error) {
type: 'post',
dataType: "json",
url: '#Url.Action("PutArticleComment", "ILearn")',
data: { "CVM": data, "articleId": id },
success: function (comment) {
error: error
deleteComment: function (data, success, error) {
title: "Deleting Comment?",
content: "Are you sure that you want to delete this comment?",
buttons: '[No][Yes]'
}, function (ButtonPressed) {
if (ButtonPressed === "Yes") {
type: 'post',
dataType: "json",
url: '#Url.Action("DeleteArticleComment", "ILearn")',
data: { "CVM": data, "articleId": id },
success: function (data) {
if (data.status === "usersuccess") {
title: "<strong>Comment Deleted</strong>",
content: "<i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <i>Comment was successfully deleted! <strong</strong></i>",
color: "#659265",
iconSmall: "fa fa-check fa-2x fadeInRight animated",
timeout: 4000
} else {
if (ButtonPressed === "No") {
title: "<strong>Comment not deleted</strong>",
content: "<i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <i>This comment has not been deleted.</i>",
color: "#C46A69",
iconSmall: "fa fa-times fa-2x fadeInRight animated",
timeout: 4000
upvoteComment: function (data, success, error) {
if (data.user_has_upvoted) {
type: 'post',
dataType: "json",
url: '#Url.Action("UpVoteArticleComment", "ILearn")',
data: { "CVM": data, "articleId": id },
success: function () {
error: error
} else {
type: 'post',
url: '#Url.Action("DeleteArticleCommentUpvote", "ILearn")',
data: { "commentId": data.id },
success: function () {
error: error
uploadAttachments: function (commentArray, success, error) {
var responses = 0;
var successfulUploads = [];
var serverResponded = function () {
// Check if all requests have finished
if (responses == commentArray.length) {
// Case: all failed
if (successfulUploads.length == 0) {
// Case: some succeeded
} else {
$(commentArray).each(function (index, commentJSON) {
// Create form data
var formData = new FormData();
$(Object.keys(commentJSON)).each(function (index, key) {
var value = commentJSON[key];
if (value) formData.append(key, value);
formData.append('fkiKnowledgeSharingArticlesId', id);
url: '#Url.Action("UploadToArticleComments", "ILearn")',
type: 'POST',
data: formData,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
success: function (commentJSON) {
error: function (data) {
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
MVC Partial View
#model Innovation_Cafe.Models.KnowledgeSharingArticles
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div class="margin-top-10">
<div style="text-align:center;border:solid;border-style:solid">
<img src="#Model.ArticleImage" class="img-responsive" alt="img" style="width:100%;">
<ul class="list-inline padding-10">
<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>
<i class="fa fa-comments"></i>
<i class="fa fa-eye"></i>
<div class="col-lg-12">
<h6 class="margin-top-0"> #Model.Title<br><small class="font-xs"><i>Published by #Model.User_FullName</i></small></h6>
<br />
#if (Model.FileType == ".mp4")
<div style="text-align:center;border-style:solid">
<video controls width="100%">
<source src="#Model.FilePath" type="video/mp4" />
if (Model.FilePath !=null)
<p>Click here to view file: Click here</p>
<div class="col-md-12">
<p> </p>
<hr style="border:solid" />
<div class="row col-md-12">
<div class="col-md-12" id="articlecomments-container">
At the bottom of the partial view is this div where it is populated:
<div class="row col-md-12">
<div class="col-md-12" id="articlecomments-container">
After spending quite some time running through the jquery-comments.js file, I found that displaying of the pinged users its happening here:
// ========================================================================================================================================================================================
// Adjust vertical position
var top = parseInt(this.$el.css('top')) + self.options.scrollContainer.scrollTop();
this.$el.css('top', top);
This seems to be taking the css('top') of View, which causes the problem on the pinging of the users on the partialview.
The issue takes place rather because of your wrong bootstrap layout: you have to include all col into row, whereas in your example you use raw and col-md-12 for the same container.
After I included columns into row elements correctly everything started working the right way. In other words, just write the last section this way:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12" id="articlecomments-container">
Please, take a look at an example of nesting in Bootstrap 4.
I've managed to reproduce the mistake thanks to your tip to draw numerous articles on the page. The issue is indeed because of scrolling, though the reason seems to be deeper in jquery.textcomplete.js in a function _fitToBottom (it takes into account the main window scroll but not of the embeded modal container). However, a faster approach I use instead of rectifying that elaborate peice of logic is exactly at the spot which you pointed to (instead of the last 2 rows you showed):
var topPoint = self.options.scrollContainer[0].offsetTop;
var scrolledWindow = self.options.scrollContainer.parents().filter(function () {
return this.scrollTop > 0;
var spaceAvailable = $(window).height() - (topPoint - scrolledWindow.scrollTop);
var elHeight = this.$el.height();
this.$el.css('top', spaceAvailable > elHeight ? topPoint: topPoint - elHeight);
The logic is based on looking for the closest parent with scroll and then it measures whether the rest of the space is enough to render the dropdown to figure out its final position. It might slightly miss the pointer, but still works fine in spite of scrolling. I've tried it out in Chrome and Firefox. Hopefully, it will lead you to your own approach.

jquery on click no working on EDIT button

I'm developing CMS. Issue is that jquery on click no working on EDIT Button. Code seems fine to me but I did not understand why it is not working. It is working on Add Button.
var loading_message = "<div class='row'><div class='col-md-4 col-md-offset-4'><img src='<?=site_url()?>assets/_admin/images/loading.gif'/></div></div>";
function list()
var form_data = {
ajax : '1',
actioncall : 'show_all',
url : "<?=site_url()?>itadmin/ajaxBanners",
type : 'POST',
data : form_data,
success : function(data){
function add()
var form_data = {
ajax : '1',
actioncall : 'add_form',
url : "<?=site_url()?>itadmin/ajaxBanners",
type : 'POST',
data : form_data,
success : function(data){
var id = this.id;
var form_data = {
ajax : '1',
actioncall : 'edit',
id : id,
url : "<?=site_url()?>itadmin/ajaxBanners",
type : 'POST',
data : form_data,
success : function(data){
var id = this.id;
$(document).on('submit','form#process-data',function(e) {
var form_data = {
ajax : '1',
link_togo : $('#link_togo').val(),
title : $('#title').val(),
description : $('#description').val(),
keyword : $('#keyword').val(),
placement : $('#placement').val(),
location : $('#location').val(),
status : $('#switch-size').val(),//#default
actioncall : 'add'
url : "<?=site_url()?>itadmin/ajaxBanners",
type : 'POST',
data : form_data,
success : function(data)
/*setTimeout(function ()
}, 1000);*/
<div class="banner-row1">
<div class="banner-row-pic">
<img src="http://localhost/cms-basic/assets/_admin/images/pic.png" alt="pic1" />
<div class="banner-row-text">
<h2>Latest News</h2>
<p>Every news is important</p>
<p class="text-muted">
Keyword: news<br />
Placement: others<br />
Location: Homepage<br />
Link: http://pakhotline.com
<div class="banner-row-edit">
<a class="edit" id="2" href="javascript:void(0);">
<img src="http://localhost/cms-basic/assets/_admin/images/edit.png" />
<a class="delete" id="2" href="javascript:void(0);">
<img src="http://localhost/cms-basic/assets/_admin/images/delet.png" />
<div class="clr"></div>
<div class="banner-row1">
<div class="banner-row-pic">
<img src="http://localhost/cms-basic/assets/_admin/images/pic.png" alt="pic1" />
<div class="banner-row-text">
<p class="text-muted">
Keyword: keyword<br />
Placement: Bottom<br />
Location: static_page<br />
Link: link
<div class="banner-row-edit">
<a class="edit" id="1" href="javascript:void(0);">
<img src="http://localhost/cms-basic/assets/_admin/images/edit.png" />
<a class="delete" id="1" href="javascript:void(0);">
<img src="http://localhost/cms-basic/assets/_admin/images/delet.png" />
<div class="clr"></div>
Note: - I'm using jQuery 1.11.3
You can only use an ID once, since it has to be unique.
The issue is happening because of same ids.
$(document).on('click', '.edit', function()

