What's the error in following function code of jQuery? - javascript

I've written one jQuery function to get the city and state code based upon the zip code value but facing some issue with some errors. Can someone please help me in correcting the mistakes I'm making here.
Following is my code :
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#zip_code").keyup(function() {
var el = $(this);
var module_url = $('#module_url').val();
if (el.val().length === 5) {
url : module_url,
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
data: {'request_type':'ajax', 'op':'get_test_category_list','zip_code =' + el.val()},
success: function(result, success) {
Thanks in advance.

The issue is in your data object, you have invalid syntax. Change this:
'zip_code =' + el.val()
To this:
'zip_code': el.val()
The full object should look something like this:
data: {
'request_type': 'ajax',
'op': 'get_test_category_list',
'zip_code': el.val()

I think the problem is with data part of the ajax
Change it like this
data: {request_type:"ajax", op:"get_test_category_list",zip_code : el.val()},


How to use pass ajax data that is displaying in html?

I have a question, that I can't seem to find the 'best' solution for my question.. I have an AJAX call that displays data in the DOM, via jQuery.
{ "id":"456"
$(document).ready(function() {
url: 'get/data',
dataType: 'json',
data: '{}',
success: function(data) {
var html = '';
$.each(data, function(i) {
html += '<p>My ID: ' + data[i].id + '</p>';
error: function(err) {
As you can see I am displaying that data here. I would like to pass that ID to another AJAX call by selecting a checkbox and pushing a button or perhaps clicking a link. Whats the best way to accomplish this?
EDIT: I apologize, my actual issue is related to array data. I have updated the code. I am displaying an JSON array in the html now, and I want to pass the id of the user/row that I click?
$(document).ready(function() {
var resid;
url: 'get/data',
dataType: 'json',
data: '{}',
success: function(data) {
resid = data.id;
var html = '';
html += '<p>My ID: ' + data.id + '</p>'; $('#id').append(html);
error: function(err){
$('link').click(function () {
// pass id to second ajax
try jquery-template
hope help you

Jquery ajax issue in php and ajax code

Here in the following code in jquery i get the alert test1 but when i try to get alert test2 i dint got that... there is some issue in code please help me to resolve.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".delete-item-details").click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('ids');
var order_id = $("#order_id").val();
goto_url = "/order/DeleteOrderDetailItems/" + id;
dataString = 'id=' + id + '&order_id=' + order_id;
type: "POST",
url: goto_url,
data: dataString,
cache: false,
success: function(html) {
$("#row-id-" + id).fadeOut();
Please change this three lines in code and you will definitely get alert !!
var id=$(this).attr('id'); // here you have written ids
The default attribute is 'id' not 'ids'
If still now clear let me know i will help you out.
var id = $(this).prop('ids');

How get a variable from HTML in JavaScript/Ajax Call

I'm using Zend Framework 2.
I would like to know how to get data defined in html in my javascript code.
<tr class="MyClass" data-MyData="<?php echo json_encode($array);?>">
$(document).on('click','.MyClass', function () {
var temp =document.getElementsByClassName("data-MyData");
url: path_server + "pathDefinedInMyConfig",
type: 'post',
encode: true,
dataType: 'json',
data: {
'temp ': temp
success: function (data) {
//some code
error: function () {
The problem is I don't have access to row in my Controller method. And i want to have access to My $array defined in html in my Controller.
Problem is that you are trying to find a class by the name data-MyData, but the object you "want" to look for is "MyClass"
Try something like var temp =document.getElementsByClassName("MyClass").attr("data-MyData");
Even better is that since you click on the object with MyClass you can use $(this).attr('data-MyData');
then result will look like: var temp = $(this).attr('data-MyData');
Simply replace temp var assignment line:
var temp =document.getElementsByClassName("data-MyData");
with this one:
var temp = this.getAttribute("data-MyData");
Since you use jQuery use the following:
use like this-
$(document).on('click','.MyClass', function () {
var temp =$(this).attr('data-MyData');
url: path_server + "pathDefinedInMyConfig",
type: 'post',
encode: true,
dataType: 'json',
data: {
'temp ': temp
success: function (data) {
//some code
error: function () {
You have a wrong selector. document.getElementsByClassNames() returns the collections so you have to loop through to get the target element:
var temp =document.getElementsByClassName('MyClass');
[].forEach.call(temp, function(el){
or as you are using jQuery then you can use .data():
var temp =$(this).data("MyData");
and with javascript:
var temp =this.dataset["MyData"];
// var temp =this.dataset.MyData; // <---this way too.

Receive array from ajax request

Good day, Please check my script first.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#findmynip").click(function() {
$("#hasilnip").html('<img src="<?=base_url();?>assets_global/images/loader.gif"> Please wait');
var nipnnya = $("#nipnya").val();
type: "POST",
data: {
nip: nipnnya
datatpe: 'json',
url: "<?=base_url();?>registrasi/cek_ada/",
success: function(hslnip) {
if (hslnip) {
//How do i do this
} else {
return false;
What i want to is receive the ajax request to my html.
When i try to console.log(hslnip); the result is {"FullName":"BUNGA","BirthDate":"1994-10-03 00:00:00.000"}. Any help would be appreciated.
What i want to receive is
<div id='name'></div>
<div id='birthday'></div>
I made typo at this part : datatpe: 'json', and i change it to dataType: 'json'. It's working now, thans for helping guys.
You cannot remove an array in your situation. You can use It do build an HTML content which can be displayed in hasilnama element.
Change this:
To this for example:
$("#hasilnama").html('<span>Fullname: ' + hslnip.FullName + '</span><br><span>Birthdate: ' + hslnip.BirthDate.substring(0, 10) + '</span>');
var hslnip = {"FullName":"BUNGA","BirthDate":"1994-10-03 00:00:00.000"}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id='name'></div>
<div id='birthday'></div>
Use hslnip.FullName and hslnip.BirthDate

.attr selector wont work in a each loop?

Here's the code:
url: 'AEWService.asmx/previewAsset',
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: json,
success: function (json) {
var prevObj = jQuery.parseJSON(json.d);
setInterval(function () {
var pId = $('#previewIframe').contents().find('[preview-id]');
$.each(prevObj, function (i, item) {
pId.each(function () {
var pElem = this.attr("preview-id");
if (pElem == item.Id) {
}, 3000);
this is a DOM node, not a jQuery object. Please read the .each() documentation and have a look at the examples.
Actually you already seem to know that, since you are calling $(this).html()...
Try to change this.attr("preview-id") to $(this).attr("preview-id")
like you use this in $(this).html(item.Value)
Hope this help you.

