Copy object with results of getters - javascript

I have an object that contains a getter.
myObject {
id: "MyId",
get title () { return myRepository.title; }
myRepository.title = "MyTitle";
I want to obtain an object like:
myResult = {
id: "MyId",
title: "MyTitle"
I don't want to copy the getter, so:
myResult.title; // Returns "MyTitle"
myRepository.title = "Another title";
myResult.title; // Should still return "MyTitle"
I've try:
$.extend(): But it doesn't iterate over getters.
Iterating properties as suggested here, but it doesn't iterate over getters.
As I'm using angular, using Angular.forEach, as suggested here. But I only get properties and not getters.
Any idea? Thx!
I was setting the getter using Object.defineProperty as:
"title": { get: function () { return myRepository.title; }},
As can be read in the doc:
enumerable true if and only if this property shows up during
enumeration of the properties on the corresponding object. Defaults to
Setting enumerable: true fix the problem.
"title": { get: function () { return myRepository.title; }, enumerable: true },

$.extend does exactly what you want. (Update: You've since said you want non-enumerable properties as well, so it doesn't do what you want; see the second part of this answer below, but I'll leave the first bit for others.) The bug isn't saying that the resulting object won't have a title property, it's saying that the resulting object's title property won't be a getter, which is perfect for what you said you wanted.
Example with correct getter syntax:
// The myRepository object
const myRepository = { title: "MyTitle" };
// The object with a getter
const myObject = {
id: "MyId",
get title() { return myRepository.title; }
// The copy with a plain property
const copy = $.extend({}, myObject);
// View the copy (although actually, the result would look
// the same either way)
// Prove that the copy's `title` really is just a plain property:
console.log("Before: copy.title = " + copy.title);
copy.title = "foo";
console.log("After: copy.title = " + copy.title);
<script src=""></script>
Syntax fixes:
Added missing variable declarations, =, and ;
Removed duplicate property title
Corrected the getter declaration syntax
If you want to include non-enumerable properties, you'll need to use Object.getOwnPropertyNames because they won't show up in a for-in loop, Object.keys, or $.extend (whether or not they're "getter" or normal properties):
// The myRepository object
const myRepository = { title: "MyTitle" };
// The object with a getter
const myObject = {
id: "MyId",
Object.defineProperty(myObject, "title", {
enumerable: false, // it's the default, this is just for emphasis,
get: function () {
return myRepository.title;
console.log("$.extend won't visit non-enumerable properties, so we only get id here:");
console.log(JSON.stringify($.extend({}, myObject)));
// Copy it
const copy = {};
for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(myObject)) {
copy[name] = myObject[name];
// View the copy (although actually, the result would look
// the same either way)
console.log("Our copy operation with Object.getOwnPropertyNames does, though:");
// Prove that the copy's `title` really is just a plain property:
console.log("Before: copy.title = " + copy.title);
copy.title = "foo";
console.log("After: copy.title = " + copy.title);
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;
<script src=""></script>

First of all, fix your syntax, though it probably is good in your actual code:
myObject = {
id: "MyId",
get title () { return myRepository.title; }
Now, to the answer. :)
You can just use a loop to get all the properties, then save them as-is:
var newObj = {};
for (var i in myObject) {
newObj[i] = myObject[i];
No jQuery, Angular, any other plugins needed!

I had the same issue but in TypeScript and the method mentioned by T.J. Crowder didnt work.
What did work was the following:
function copyObjectIncludingGettersResult(originalObj: any) {
//get the properties
let copyObj = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(originalObj).reduce(function (result: any, name: any) {
result[name] = (originalObj as any)[name];
return result;
}, {});
//get the getters values
let prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(originalObj);
copyObj = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype).reduce(function (result: any, name: any) {
//ignore functions which are not getters
let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name);
if (descriptor?.writable == null) {
result[name] = (originalObj as any)[name];
return result;
}, copyObj);
return copyObj;
Javascript version:
function copyObjectIncludingGettersResult(originalObj) {
//get the properties
let copyObj = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(originalObj).reduce(function (result, name) {
result[name] = originalObj[name];
return result;
}, {});
//get the getters values
let prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(originalObj);
copyObj = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype).reduce(function (result,name) {
let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name);
if (descriptor?.writable == null) {
result[name] = originalObj[name];
return result;
}, copyObj);
return copyObj;


I have a size property I want to keep read-only to clients in JavaScript [duplicate]

Given an object obj, I would like to define a read-only property 'prop' and set its value to val. Is this the proper way to do that?
Object.defineProperty( obj, 'prop', {
get: function () {
return val;
The result should be (for val = 'test'):
obj.prop; // 'test'
obj.prop = 'changed';
obj.prop; // still 'test' since it's read-only
This method works btw:
I'm just unsure if this is the easiest / smoothest / most proper way to do it...
You could instead use the writable property of the property descriptor, which prevents the need for a get accessor:
var obj = {};
Object.defineProperty(obj, "prop", {
value: "test",
writable: false
As mentioned in the comments, the writable option defaults to false so you can omit it in this case:
Object.defineProperty(obj, "prop", {
value: "test"
This is ECMAScript 5 so won't work in older browsers.
In new browsers or node.js it is possible to use Proxy to create read-only object.
var obj = {
prop: 'test'
obj = new Proxy(obj ,{
setProperty: function(target, key, value){
return target[key];
return target[key] = value;
get: function(target, key){
return target[key];
set: function(target, key, value){
return this.setProperty(target, key, value);
defineProperty: function (target, key, desc) {
return this.setProperty(target, key, desc.value);
deleteProperty: function(target, key) {
return false;
You can still assign new properties to that object, and they would be read-only as well.
// > 'test'
obj.prop = 'changed';
// > 'test'
// New value
obj.myValue = 'foo';
obj.myValue = 'bar';
// > 'foo'
In my case I needed an object where we can set its properties only once.
So I made it throw an error when somebody tries to change already set value.
class SetOnlyOnce {
#innerObj = {}; // private field, not accessible from outside
const stack = new Error().stack; // probably not really performant method
const name = stack.match(/\[as (\w+)\]/)[1];
return name;
const key = this.getCurrentPropertyName();
if(this.#innerObj[key] === undefined){
throw new Error('No global param value set for property: ' + key);
return this.#innerObj[key];
const key = this.getCurrentPropertyName();
if(this.#innerObj[key] !== undefined){
throw new Error('Changing global parameters is prohibited, as it easily leads to errors: ' + key)
this.#innerObj[key] = value;
class GlobalParams extends SetOnlyOnce {
get couchbaseBucket() { return this.getValue()}
set couchbaseBucket(value){ this.setValue(value)}
get elasticIndex() { return this.getValue()}
set elasticIndex(value){ this.setValue(value)}
const _globalParams = new GlobalParams();
_globalParams.couchbaseBucket = 'some-bucket';
_globalParams.elasticIndex = 'some-index';
_globalParams.elasticIndex = 'another-index'; // ERROR is thrown here
Because of the old browsers (backwards compatibility) I had to come up with accessor functions for properties. I made it part of bob.js:
var obj = { };
//declare read-only property.
bob.prop.namedProp(obj, 'name', 'Bob', true);
//declare read-write property.
bob.prop.namedProp(obj, 'age', 1);
//get values of properties.
console.log(bob.string.formatString('{0} is {1} years old.', obj.get_name(), obj.get_age()));
//set value of read-write property.
console.log(bob.string.formatString('Now {0} is {1} years old.', obj.get_name(), obj.get_age()));
//cannot set read-only property of obj. Next line would throw an error.
// obj.set_name('Rob');
// Bob is 1 years old.
// Now Bob is 2 years old.
I hope it helps.
I tried and it Works ...
element.readOnly = "readOnly" (then .readonly-> true)
element.readOnly = "" (then .readonly-> false)

JavaScript use original getter/setter in defineProperty

I would like to create a TypeScript decorator that can extend the logic of a property's getter/setter. I have tried to copy the original property under a symbol and call that when I redefine the property. The problem is it turns into an infinite loop.
//Find the latest version of 'attribute' getter setter in the prototype chain
let obj = _object;
while(obj && !(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'attribute'))){
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
//Copy original 'attribute' logic under a symbol
const attributeDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'attribute');
let id=Symbol('__attribute');
Object.defineProperty(obj, id, attributeDesc);
//Redefine 'attribute' logic
Object.defineProperty(_object, 'attribute', {
get: () => {
//call original
const attribute = obj[id]; //It crashes the page (probably infinite loop)
//extend original logic
attribute['extend'] = 'property';
return attribute;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
If you could explain me why it ends up this way that would help me out. I thought the new getter function reference nothing to do with the original. Please suggest me a solution to achive this in JavaScript.
Thank you for your time and answers!
I don't quite see the error. In the repro you provided, it's logical that there is one: the getter for attribute property is calling itself on the line var attributes = obj[id], so there is an infinite loop. However if you edit your code to be like the snippet you provided in the question:
class A {
get attribute() {
return { a: 1 }
var _object = new A()
let obj = _object
while (obj && !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'attribute')) {
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)
const attributeDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'attribute')
let id = Symbol('__attribute')
Object.defineProperty(obj, id, attributeDesc)
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'attribute', {
get: function () {
var attributes = obj[id]
attributes['extend'] = 'property'
return attributes
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
console.log('result:', obj.attribute)
There is no error and it works as expected.
You don't really need the symbol though, you could do something like
function extendAttributes(_object) {
let obj = _object
while (obj && !Object.hasOwnProperty(obj, 'attributes')) {
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)
if(!obj) return;
const oldContainer = {}
const attributesDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'attributes')
Object.defineProperty(oldContainer, 'attributes', attributesDescriptor)
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'attributes', {
get() {
const attribute = oldContainer.attributes;
//extend original logic
attribute['extend'] = 'property';
return attribute;
class A {
get attributes() { return {a: 1} }
const obj = new A()
Which also works like expected

create object function that generate properties to its caller object

I want to create a function inside an object. I need this function to generate setters and getters
for the properties of the caller object without generating getters or setters for the property of the function value.
I reached for something like this. But It gives me RangeError Maximum call stack size exceeded.
function Emp() {
return {
name: "Mohamed",
id: "5",
getSetGen: function() {
for (var i in this) {
if (typeof this[i] !== 'function') {
(function(j) {
Object.defineProperty(this, j, {
get: function() {
return this[j];
set: function(val) {
this[j] = val
I want to apply getSetGen() to var user = { name:”Ali”,age:10} for example.
Is there any possible solution? Thanks in advance.
This is the text that describes what I need ...
Create your own custom object that has getSetGen as
function value, this function should generate setters and getters
for the properties of the caller object
This object may have description property of string value if
Let any other created object can use this function property to
generate getters and setters for his own properties
Avoid generating getters or setters for property of function
In trying to solve this I reworked some of your code, but I think this does basically what you're looking for, and you can tweak it to your preferences.
(I think the issue was that the new accessor property had the same name as the existing data property. See comments in the code for further explanation.)
baseObj = getBaseObj(),
user = { name: "Ali", age: 10 };;
console.log("\nsetting age to 11...");
user.age = 11;
console.log("\nretrieving user age...");
function getBaseObj(){
return {
name: "Mohamed",
id: 5,
for(let originalPropName in this){
// Renames the data property with an underscore
const dataPropName = `_${originalPropName}`
// Binds existing value to renamed data property
this[dataPropName] = this[originalPropName];
// Passes originalPropName to be used as accessorPropName
addAccessors(this, originalPropName, dataPropName);
// Accessor prop can't have same name as data prop
// (I think your stack overflow happened b/c getter got called infinitely)
function addAccessors(obj, accessorPropName, dataPropName){
Object.defineProperty(obj, accessorPropName, {
get: function(){
console.log("(getter invoked)"); // Just proving accessors get called
return obj[dataPropName];
set: function(val){
console.log("(setter invoked)");
obj[dataPropName] = val;
function isFunction(val) {
return val && {} === '[object Function]';

JS-prototype functionextension with own Collection Name

I want to expand all SVGElement with some new functions.
For example:
SVGElement.prototype.logType= function () {
console.log('I am a SVGelement from type: ' + this.nodeName);
If svgText is a svgText-Objekt and i call svgText.logType()
This works fine... -> log is "I am a SVGelement form type: svgText"
But i like to have all my function with a prefix my.
I tryed: {}; function () {
console.log('I am a SVGelement from type: ' + this.nodeName);
The Problem is, when i call, "this" points to "my"-Objekt, and not the svgText-Object.
Is there a way? Thx for help and sorry for my english ;)
If you want a "my" prefix on all the additions you make, by far the simplest way is to make it part of the method name instead:
SVGElement.prototype.myLogType = function() { /*...*/ };
// ------------------^^
But in general, don't use direct assignment to create new methods on objects used as prototypes, it creates an enumerable property, which tends to be problematic. Instead, use Object.defineProperty and don't make the new property enumerable (it will be non-enumerable by default).
Object.defineProperty(SVGElement.prototype, "myLogType", {
value: function() { /*...*/ },
writable: true,
configurable: true
However, it's possible to do what you want, it's just (slightly) inefficient and cumbersome: Make my a property with an accessor function and custom-generate the object you return the first time it's used on an instance.
See comments:
// Stand-in for SVGElement for the example
function FakeElement(id) { = id;
// An object with the methods we want to add
var ourMethods = {
logText: function() {
// Add our "my" property
Object.defineProperty(FakeElement.prototype, "my", {
get() {
// If we're being called on the prototype object itself, don't
// do anything and just return null
if (this === FakeElement.prototype) {
return null;
// Define 'my' on this specific object with bound functions
console.log("Creating 'my' for element id = " +;
var obj = this;
var my = {};
Object.keys(ourMethods).forEach(function(key) {
my[key] = ourMethods[key].bind(obj);
Object.defineProperty(this, "my", {value: my});
return my;
// Test it
var f1 = new FakeElement(1);
var f2 = new FakeElement(2);
That's written for clarity, not brevity, and if we were taking advantage of ES2015+ improvements to JavaScript could be more concise, but hopefully it gets you started...

Javascript property as reference to other object's property

Is there a way to assign properties of one object as references to the properties of another, and do so dynamically? Note that in the for loop, I've skipped any property that has the same name as the second object. I'm working on a framework that will cache JSON as objects with behaviors and allow ORM kind of behavior, where I can grab cached objects and collections as properties of other cached objects. I need to skip certain properties to avoid circular reference.
var obj1 = {
prop1: "hey",
prop2: "come over here"
var obj2 = {}
for(var prop in obj1){
if(prop != 'obj2'){
obj2[prop] = obj1[prop];
obj1.prop2 = "come on, man";
//obj1 is unchanged in output. I would like to be able to update it by mutating obj2's properties
If this is not possible, is it possible to remove or mutate a property of a reference without mutating the original object? I know, probably not. Just a shot in the dark.
I guess the closest you can get to it, is to make sure the property you are changing it the same property you are getting on both objects, so you would need to do some work to make sure they "know" each other when they are instantiated (eg, clone from the original object)
As an example, you could use a simplified model like this, any properties marked in its creation would also update the original object, though new properties defined on the object should be fine). Note that enumrating and just referencing the properties wouldn't work, at least not with strings (objects would change when copied from 1 object to another)
(function(namespace) {
function addProperty(obj, property, valueholder) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, property, {
get: function() {
return valueholder[property];
set: function(val) {
valueholder[property] = val;
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
var model = namespace.model || function(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
var propHolder = options.container || {},
if (typeof options.props != null) {
for (prop in options.props) {
if (options.props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
addProperty(this, prop, propHolder);
propHolder[prop] = options.props[prop];
namespace.model.prototype.clone = function() {
var options = {
props: {},
container: propHolder
for (prop in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
options.props[prop] = this[prop];
return new namespace.model(options);
namespace.model.prototype.toString = function() {
var prop, msg, props = [];
for (prop in propHolder) {
if (propHolder.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
props.push(prop + ': "' + this[prop].toString() + '"');
return '[Model] {' + props.join(', ') + '}';
return this;
namespace.model = model;
var obj1 = new model({
props: {
prop2: "come over here"
obj1.prop1 = 'Hey';
obj1.obj2 = 'You';
obj1.test = {
a: 10
var obj2 = obj1.clone();
console.log('-- before changes --');
obj2.prop2 = "come on, man";
obj2.prop1 = "won't change";
obj2.obj2 = "also not";
obj2.test.b = "both have this now";
console.log('-- after changes --');

