Nodejs - SolrClient, how to wait for response - javascript

I got a question regarding the solr-client module of nodejs. I'm using this module for querying against a solr-index.
The module itself works fine as long as I don't have to wait for finishing of the query and as long I need the result only as a async result.
But currently I cannot find out, how I will be able to await the finishing of a search request and use the result in a sequential way.
I have the follwing method in my manager
SolrManager.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(;
var docs = null;
var finished = false;
var deferred = Q.defer();
var request =, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
var records = null;
var promise = deferred.promise;
promise.then(function(result) {
records = result;
records = error;
return records;
The problem here is, that I try to wait for the result of the query and use it as return value of "promisedQuery".
I try since days to use this method in a sequential call, also with different additional modules like "wait.for", "q", etc. but nothing seems to work.
The callback function of the solr-client will always be executed after the manager-method has already returned. Also the promise-methods will be even called after the return from the manager-method.
Can someone help me out on that topic or have some tips, how I can await the response of the solr-client-search operation and then give it back in a sequential way?
Thanks for any help.
Udo Gerhards

over one week, it seems now that I have found a solution:
SolrManager.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(;
var docs = null;
var deferred = Q.defer();
var request =, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
in all other managers, which are calling the above function:
var dbPromise = this.solrManager.promisedQuery(query);
var _self = this;
return Q.async(function*(){
var result = yield dbPromise;
return result;
After first tests, it seems that synchronized methods will wait until the promise is settled.
The only thing is, that it runs only with NodeJs version 0.11.10, which supports generator functions, with activated --harmony-flag and "q"-module.
Best regards

You are just using the promises a bit incorrectly. Instead of returning records, you need to return 'deferred.promise'. It should look something like this (note that you don't need the callback you passed into promisedQuery).
SolrManager.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(,
deferred = Q.defer();, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
To use it you would do something like:
.then(function (data) {
// data is whatever your 'resolved' in promisedQuery
}, function (err) {
// err is whatever you rejected in promisedQuery

based on rquinns answer I've changed the code like follows:
SolrManager.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(;
var docs = null;
var finished = false;
var deferred = Q.defer();
var request =, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
DemoObject.prototype.toString = function() {
return SolrManager.promisedQuery(this.query).then(function(result){
return result['title'];
return error;
DemoObject.prototype.typeOf = function() {
return SolrManager.promisedQuery(this.query).then(function(result){
return result['title'];
return error;
I think, this is the right way to use the "promise"-object. But what happens when i do the follwing:
var demoObject = new DemoObject();
demoObject.query = "id:1";
or if I use "demoObject" by concatenating it to a string
var string = "Some string "+demoObject;
In case of the string concatenation, I'm currently not sure that the string will contain also the title field from the database. Same for console output.
Will nodejs be so intelligent that it resolves for e.g. the string concatenation "after" the results from the database will be available?


Problems with an angular foreach waiting for http calls

I'm building an ionic project where users can play a tour (which the data is from an API)
Every tour has an amount of parts that users can play at a certain point on the map. This app must be able to be a 100% offline app, so when the user enters the code of a tour, the data must be retrieved from the API before the user can proceed (so the app will put all the data of the tour offline). Every part has an image, video, audio which is getting downloaded at start of the app.
The problem is that the function call, who is downloading all the data, is not synchronous. The console.log's are saying that the function already ends before all data is downloaded. Pieces of code below:
function getAndFillFullTour() {
vm.showLoader = true;
// load data
TourFactory.getFullTour(vm.tourData.number, function(data){
if(data.state == 'success'){
vm.tourData = data;
var test = downloadData(function(){
// hide loader and continue tour
} else {
This function calls the factory who is getting the full tour including paths of images of each part which is needed to get downloaded on the users device. The downloadData function is the following function:
function downloadData(callback) {
angular.forEach(, function(value, key){
var part = value;
var i = key;
if(part.image !== "") {
TourFactory.getPartImage(part, tourId, function(data){[i].partImage = data;
console.log('executed with picture ' + i);
Unfortunately, the forloop itself is performing synchronous but it is not waiting for the factory call to complete. I tried a lot of alternatives with promises, but without luck. Could anyone help? I need to wait for the http call to be finished in order to get a response from the downloadData call.
the getPartImage() is just an example, there are five functions like this each for loop which need to be completed first before I get a response in the downloadData call.
Take a look at $q.all or here- it is a promise helper function that can wait for multiple promises to complete. It's result is a promise as well, so you can chain it with other promises.
// Promise function that knows how to download a single part
function downloadPart(myurl) {
// return http promise
return $http({
method: 'GET',
url: myurl
// Aggregat epromise that downloads all parts
function downloadAllParts(parts) {
var defer = $q.defer(); // Setup return promise
var partsPromises = []; // Setup array for indivudual part promises
angular.forEach(parts, function(part) { // Iterate through each part
// Schedule download of a single
// Wait for all parts to resolve
.then(function(data) {
// Returned data will be an array of results from each individual http promise
resData = [];
angular.forEach(data, function(partData) {
//handle each return part
defer.resolve(resData); // Notify client we downloaded all parts
}, function error(response) { // Handle possible errors
console.log('Error while downloading parts'
defer.reject('Error while downloading parts');
return defer.promise;
Then, in your client you can simply wait for the downloadAllParts to complete:
.then(function(data) {
}, function(error) {
Since $q.all is a promise as well, you can get rid of defers all together:
// Aggregat epromise that downloads all parts
function downloadAllParts(parts) {
var partsPromises = []; // Setup array for indivudual part promises
angular.forEach(parts, function(part) { // Iterate through each part
// Schedule download of a single
// Wait for all parts to resolve
return $q.all(partsPromises)
.then(function(data) {
// Returned data will be an array of results from each individual http promise
var resData = [];
angular.forEach(data, function(partData) {
//handle each return part
return resData;
Here is a working jsfiddle: link
Thanks all! The following code worked for me. I merged the solutions from the comments with some own stuff, and this solution made it to work for me.
// Aggregat epromise that downloads all parts
function downloadAllParts(parts) {
vm.showLoader = true;
var defer = $q.defer(); // Setup return promise
var partsPromises = []; // Setup array for indivudual part promises
angular.forEach(parts, function(part, key) { // Iterate through each part
// Schedule download of a single
if(typeof part.image !== 'undefined' && part.image !== "") {
if(typeof !== 'undefined' && !== "") {
if(typeof !== 'undefined' && !== "") {
if(key > 0){[key].available = false;
} else {[key].available = true;
// Wait for all parts to resolve
.then(function(data) {
// Returned data will be an array of results from each individual http promise
resData = [];
angular.forEach(data, function(partData) {
//handle each return part
defer.resolve(resData); // Notify client we downloaded all parts
}, function error(response) { // Handle possible errors
console.log('Error while downloading parts' + response);
defer.reject('Error while downloading parts');
return defer.promise;
function downloadPartImage(part) {
var data = {
oid: tourId,
plid: part.image,
func: 'image'
return TourFactory.getSynchronousPartImage(part, tourId).then(function(data){
part.partImage =;
return data;
function downloadPartAudio(part) {
var targetPath = cordova.file.externalDataDirectory + tourId + '/audio/' + part._id.$id + '.mp3';
var url = "" +;
var trustHosts = true;
var options = {};
return $, targetPath, {}, true).then(function (result) {
console.log('Save file on '+targetPath+' success!');
part.audioSrc = targetPath;
return result;
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error Download file');
return error;
}, function (progress) {
console.log((progress.loaded / * 100);
function downloadPartVideo(part) {
var targetPath = cordova.file.externalDataDirectory + tourId + '/video/' + part._id.$id + '.mp4';
var url = "" +;
var trustHosts = true;
var options = {};
return $, targetPath, {}, true).then(function (result) {
console.log('Save file on '+targetPath+' success!');
part.videoSrc = targetPath;
return result;
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error Download file');
return error;
}, function (progress) {
console.log((progress.loaded / * 100);
function getAndFillFullTour() {
vm.showLoader = true;
// load data
TourFactory.getFullTour(vm.tourData.number, function(data){
if(data.state == 'success'){
vm.tourData = data;
.then(function(data) {
vm.showLoader = false;
vm.showStartButton = true;
alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({
title: 'Gelukt!',
template: 'De tour is opgehaald. Druk op start om de tour te starten.'
localStorage.setItem('tourdata', JSON.stringify(vm.tourData));
}, function(error) {
} else {

Return ajax response via JS Module pattern

I decided that using the JS Module Pattern was not "keeping it simple", so I scrapped it and used jQuery's deferred object to return the data I was looking for. What I really needed was to simply load a JSON file and populate an object. I was just trying to be too fancy by incorporating the JS Module Pattern.
Many thanks to #kiramishima for the correct answer.
Below is the finished code:
function getData(){
var url = CONTEXT + "/json/myJsonFile.json";
return $.getJSON(url);
myGlobalObj = data;
console.log("fetching JSON file failed");
I think I'm getting a little too fancy for my own good here. I'm loading a JSON file and trying to return the API via JS module pattern. Problem is that I believe I'm not implementing the promise correctly and I don't know how to fix it.
Here's my JSON:
"result": {
"one": {
"two": {
And here's my JS Module implementation:
var data = (function() {
var url = "/json/dummy.json";
var getAllData = function() {
return $.getJSON(url, function(result){});
var promise = getAllData(); // the promise
return {
getFirstObjSecondKey:function() {
return promise.success(function(data) {
getSecondObjThirdKey:function() {
return promise.success(function(data) {
return data.result.two.third_key;
The problem is that "getAllData()" is coming back as undefined and I'm not sure why; that method returns a Promise that I should be able to handle in the "done" function. How far off am I?
Thanks for any helpful input. This is the first time I'm messing with the JS Module Pattern.
I dont know what is your problem, but I test with:
var getAllData = function() {
return $.getJSON('/json/dummy.json', function(result){})
getAllData().done(function(data){ console.log( }) // prints beeb
works fine in that case, but if try this:
var data = (function() {
var url = '/json/dummy.json';
var getAllData = function() {
return $.getJSON(url, function(result){});
return {
getFirstObjSecondKey:function() {
getAllData().done(function(data) {
return data.login;
getSecondObjThirdKey:function() {
getAllData().done(function(data) {
data.getFirstObjSecondKey returns undefined, then can u pass anonymous function:
var data = (function() {
var url = '/json/dummy.json';
var getAllData = function() {
return $.getJSON(url, function(result){});
return {
getFirstObjSecondKey:function(callback) {
getAllData().done(function(data) {
getSecondObjThirdKey:function(callback) {
getAllData().done(function(data) {
var t;
//data should contain the object fetched by getJSON
console.log(data); // prints beeb
t = data; // assign t
console.log(t) // prints beeb
Other solution, return always the deferred object
kiramishima's answer works, but it mixes callbacks with Promises. If you're using promises, you should try not to mix both styles.
You have to return a Promise from your functions. Remember that promises can be chained, that is, if you return a Promise from the done function, that becomes the new Promise
var data = (function() {
var url = "/json/dummy.json";
var getAllData = function() {
return $.getJSON(url, function(result){});
return {
getFirstObjSecondKey:function() {
return getAllData().done(function(data) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
getSecondObjThirdKey:function() {
return getAllData().done(function(data) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
data.getFirstObjSecondKey().done(function(secondKey) {
console.log('Second key', secondKey);

Angular - For Loop HTTP Callback/Promise

I am trying to write a loop which performs a number of http requests and adds each response to a list.
However, I don't think I am going about it quite the right way.
I think I am not implementing the required promises correctly. The console log after the for loop shows myList array as empty.
var _myList = []
function getStuff() {
var deferred = $q.defer()
var url = someUrl
$http.get(url).success(function(response) {
if ( response.array.length > 0 ) {
// loop starts here
for ( var i=0; i < response.array.length; i++ ) {
// check the varibale here
} else {
deferred.resolve('No stuff exists');
}).error(function(error) {
return deferred.promise;
function getThing(thindId) {
var deferred = $q.defer()
var url = someUrl + thingId;
$http.get(url).success(function(response) {
}).error(function(error) {
return deferred.promise;
You can simplify your code as follows:
var allThings ={
var singleThingPromise = getThing(id);
//return a single request promise
return singleThingPromise.then(function(){
//a getThing just ended inspect list
//only resolve when all things where resolved
}, function(e){
deferred.reject('Something went wrong ' + e);
You indeed won't be able to populate _myList array with for-loop like you set up. Instead create an array of promises - one per data item in response.array and return it as inner promise.
function getStuff() {
var url = someUrl;
return $http.get(url).then(function(response) {
if ( > 0) {
return $q.all( {
return getThing(;
} else {
return 'No stuff exists';
function getThing(thindId) {
var url = someUrl + thingId;
return $http.get(url).then(function(response) {
After that you would use getStuff like this:
getStuff().then(function(myList) {

How to reuse promises?

I am trying to reuse the the data returned from promise here. But, the problem is, after the first call to checkPromise function, it immediately calls the second function, and the promise for the first function is not fulfilled, so it never returns any data, and hence it never enters the if clause. How do I reuse a promise?
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var url = '';
var obj = new Object;
function apiCall(url) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
request(url).spread(function(response, body) {
return resolve(body);
}).catch(function(err) {
return reject(err);
function checkPromise(url) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
var rp = obj[url];
//do something
else {
apiCall(url).then(function(result) {
obj[url] = result;
//do something
You likely have a timing issue. Your apiCall() function is asynchronous. That means it finishes sometime later. As such, each time you call checkPromise(), all you're doing is starting a request and it finishes sometime later. So, you call it the first time and it starts a request (that has not finished yet). Then, your next call to checkPromise() gets called and it does it's if check before the first call has completed. Thus, it finds nothing in the cache yet.
Your code is running two requests in parallel, not one after the other.
If you actually want to wait until the first request is done before executing the second one, then you will have to actually structure your code to do that. You would need to make checkPromise() return a promise itself so code using it could known when it was actually done in order to execute something after it was done.
FYI, I don't see anything in your code that is actually related to reusing promises (which is something you cannot do because they are one-shot objects).
Here's one possible implementation:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var url = '';
var obj = {};
function apiCall(url) {
return request(url).spread(function(response, body) {
return body;
function checkPromise(url) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
var rp = obj[url];
//do something
return Promise.resolve(rp);
else {
return apiCall(url).then(function(result) {
obj[url] = result;
//do something
return result;
checkPromise(url).then(function() {
Significant changes:
Return the promise returned by request() rather than create yet another one.
Change checkPromise() so it always returns a promise whether the value is found in the cache or not so calling code can always work consistently.
Sequence the two checkPromise() calls so the first can finish before the second is executed.
A very different approach would be to actually wait on the cache if a result you are interested in is already being loaded. That could be done like this:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var url = '';
var obj = {};
function apiCall(url) {
return request(url).spread(function(response, body) {
return body;
function checkPromise(url) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
// If it's a promise object in the cache, then loading
// If it's a value, then the value is already available
// Either way, we wrap it in a promise and return that
return Promise.resolve(obj[url]);
} else {
var p = apiCall(url).then(function(result) {
obj[url] = result;
//do something
return result;
obj[url] = p;
return p;
checkPromise(url).then(function(result) {
// use result
checkPromise(url).then(function(result) {
// use result
few problems with your code, first in apiCall, you are doing a promise ant-pattern( no need for that new promise), second your checkPromise is doing a sync operation, so it must either return a promise or have a callback argument, so you code can be changed into:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var url = '';
var obj = new Object;
function apiCall(url) {
return request(url).spread(function(response, body) {
return body;
}).catch(function(err) {
throw err;
function checkPromise(url) {
var promise = Promise.resolve();
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
var rp = obj[url];
//do something
else {
return apiCall(url).then(function(result) {
obj[url] = result;
//do something
return promise;
return checkPromise(url);
Given the way you are globally storing the result in 'obj[url]', it'd probably be easiest to do
function checkPromise(url) {
if (!obj[url]) obj[url] = apiCall(url);
obj[url].then(function(result) {
//do something
to basically make the request, if it hasn't already started, then attach a listener to the promise for when the result has loaded.
Here is the simplest example of how to prevent multiple API calls if there are multiple similar request for something (cache check for example)
var _cache = {
state: 0,
result: undefined,
getData: function(){
log('state: ' + this.state);
if(this.state === 0 ){ // not started
this.state = 1; // pending
this.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return (apiCall().then(data => { _cache.result = data; _cache.state = 2; resolve(_cache.result) }));
return this.promise;
else if(this.state === 1){ // pending
return this.promise;
else if(this.state === 2){// resolved
return Promise.resolve(this.result);
Simulating api call
function apiCall(){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
log('in promise')
setTimeout(() => {
log('promise resolving')
}, 1000);
Making simultaneous requests.
_cache.getData().then(result => { log('first call outer: ' + result);
_cache.getData().then(result => { log('first call inner: ' + result); });
_cache.getData().then(result => { log('second call outer: ' + result);
_cache.getData().then(result => { log('second call inner: ' + result); });
Only one API call is maden. All others will wait for completion or use the resolved result if it already completed.

Multiple Q.all inside function?

I want to send a list of new books to a user. So far the below code works fine. The problem is that I don't want to send a book multiple times, so I want to filter them.
Current code works fine:
function checkActiveBooks(books) {
var queue = _(books).map(function(book) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
// Get all alerts on given keywords
request('http://localhost:5000/books?l=0&q=' +, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
var books = JSON.parse(body);
if (!_.isEmpty(books)) {
// Loop through users of current book.
var userBooks = _(book.users).map(function(user) {
// Save object for this user with name and deals.
return {
user: user,
books: books
if (_.isEmpty(userBooks)) {
} else {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
return Q.all(queue);
But now I want to filter already sent books:
function checkActiveBooks(books) {
var queue = _(books).map(function(book) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
// Get all alerts on given keywords
request('http://localhost:5000/books?l=0&q=' +, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
var books = JSON.parse(body);
if (!_.isEmpty(books)) {
// Loop through users of current book.
var userBooks = _(book.users).map(function(user) {
var defer = Q.defer();
var userBook = user.userBook.dataValues;
// Check per given UserBook which books are already sent to the user by mail
checkSentBooks(userBook).then(function(sentBooks) {
// Filter books which are already sent.
var leftBooks = _.reject(books, function(obj) {
return sentBooks.indexOf( > -1;
// Save object for this user with name and deals.
var result = {
user: user,
books: leftBooks
return deferred.resolve(result);
return Q.all(userBooks);
} else {
return deferred.promise;
return Q.all(queue);
But above code doesn't work. It doesn't stop looping. I thought it made sense to use q.all twice, because it contains two loops. But I guess I'm doing it wrong...
First of all you should always promisify at the lowest level. You're complicating things here and have multiple deferreds. Generally you should only have deferreds when converting an API to promises. Promises chain and compose so let's do that :)
var request = Q.nfbind(require("request")); // a promised version.
This can make your code in the top section become:
function checkActiveBooks(books) {
return Q.all({
return request('http://.../books?l=0&q=' +
.get(1) // body
.then(JSON.parse) // parse body as json
if(_.isEmpty(book.users)) return null;
return {user: user, book:, books: books };
Which is a lot more elegant in my opinion.
Now, if we want to filter them by a predicate we can do:
function checkActiveBooksThatWereNotSent(books) {
return checkActiveBooks(books).then(function(books){
return books.filter(function(book){
return checkSentBooks(;
It's worth mentioning that the Bluebird library has utility methods for all this like Promise#filter and Promise#map that'd make this code shorter.
Note that if checkSentBook is asynchronous you'd need to modify the code slightly:
function checkActiveBooksThatWereNotSent(books) {
return checkActiveBooks(books).then(function(books){
return Q.all({ // note the Q.all
return Q.all([book, checkSentBooks(]);
return results.filter(function(x){ return x[1]; })
.map(function(x){ return x[0]; });
Like I said, with different libraries this would look a lot nicer. Here is how the code would look like in Bluebird which is also two orders of magnitude faster and has good stack traces and detection of unhandled rejections. For fun and glory I threw in ES6 arrows and shorthand properties:
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var checkActiveBooks = (books) =>
map(books, book => request("...&q=" +
map(book => book.users.length ? => {user, books, book: : null))
var checkActiveBooksThatWereNotSent = (books) =>
Which I find a lot nicer.
Acting on #Benjamins's suggestion, here is what the code would look like when checkSentBooks returns a promise:
var request = Q.nfbind(require("request")); // a promised version.
function checkActiveBooks(books) {
return Q.all(_(books).map(function(book) {
// a callback with multiple arguments will resolve the promise with
// an array, so we use `spread` here
return request('http://localhost:5000/books?l=0&q=' +, body) {
var books = JSON.parse(body);
if (_.isEmpty(books)) return null;
return Q.all(_(book.users).map(function(user) {
return checkSentBooks(user.userBook.dataValues).then(function(sentBooks) {
// ^^^^^^ return a promise to the array for `Q.all`
return {
user: user,
books: _.reject(books, function(obj) {
return sentBooks.indexOf( > -1;

