Duplicating a div in html on a button click using javascript - javascript

I am trying to duplicate a whole div on a button click. I've used javascript clone() in order to duplicate the div. I've found the code to do the same here.
I tried the same way. But I didn't get the result. Can anyone help me with this?
Here is my code
<div id="duplicater">
<td>Service Type:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="servicetype" id="servicetype"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="amount" id="amount"></td>
<tr><td><button id="button" onlick="duplicate()">Add More</button></td></tr>
function duplicate()
var i = 0;
var original = document.getElementById('duplicater'); //alert("hi");
var clone = original.cloneNode(true); // "deep" clone
clone.id = "duplic" + ++i; // there can only be one element with an ID

Your markup is invalid. tr element can't have div child. div element can't have tr child. The markup should be something like:
<tr id="service">
<span>Service Type:</span>
<input type="text" name="servicetype" id="servicetype">
<input type="text" name="amount" id="amount">
Also the attribute name is onclick not onlick. In the jsFiddle you choose one of the no wrap ... options otherwise JS interpreter can't find your function.
The i variable should be defined outside of the duplicate function otherwise the result is always duplic1, you could also use the length of the rows instead of a counter. Here is an example using insertBefore for inserting the cloned element before the last row:
function duplicate() {
var original = document.getElementById('service');
var rows = original.parentNode.rows;
var i = rows.length - 1;
var clone = original.cloneNode(true); // "deep" clone
clone.id = "duplic" + (i); // there can only be one element with an ID
original.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, rows[i]);
Note that the descendant elements of the cloned element have IDs and your current code/logic doesn't consider this.

Your markup should be like the following. i.e table rows should only contain table cells (<th>,<td>).
<table> should not have <div>'s as direct child, For grouping <td> elements you can use <tbody>
<button id="addmore" onclick="duplicate()">Add More</button>
<tbody id="service">
<td>Service Type:
<input type="text" name="servicetype" id="servicetype" />
<input type="text" name="amount" id="amount" />
Corresponding script will be:
var i = 0;
function duplicate() {
var table = document.querySelector("table"),
original = document.getElementById('service'),
clone = original.cloneNode(true); // "deep" clone
clone.id = "duplic" + ++i; // there can only be one element with an ID
You have a typo in the onclick as pointed out in comments.
The counter should be outside the function
JSFiddle wraps the script in an onload function if it is set to run onload, so inline handlers will not work. You should either set the fiddle script to no-wrap or explicitly declare the function to be global like window.duplicate = function(){}.
Updated Fiddle


Fetched value is undefined jquery (traversal)

Actually am using Jqgrid but in browser console html look like this
<input type="text" id="priority_1per" value='10'>hello <input>
<input type="text" id="priority_2per" value='20'>hellob <input>
there is a column: "priority1" "priority2" which has textbox
$('body').on('change', '#priority_1per', function () {
var priority1 = $(this).val();
var priority2 = $(this).closest("tr").children("td").find("input[type=text]").find("#priority_2per")
=>var priority1 am getting value (this).val()
=> but am not getting value of priority2 column data (i dono am doing crrt traversing or not)
jQuery.fn.init [prevObject: jQuery.fn.init(10)]
length: 0
prevObject: jQuery.fn.init(10) [input#productpriority.form-control.productpriority, input#divisionname.form-control._division.ui-autocomplete-input, input#categoryname.form-control.category.ui-autocomplete-input, input#subcategoryname.form-control.subcategory.ui-autocomplete-input, input#priority_1.form-control.plantname.plantCode1, input#priority_1per.form-control.priority_1per.number, input#priority_2.form-control.plantname.plantCode2, input#priority_2per.form-control.priority_2per.number, input#priority_3.form-control.plantname.plantCode3, input#priority_3per.form-control.priority_3per.number, prevObject: jQuery.fn.init(12)]
[[Prototype]]: Object(0)
this is the error am finding (not an error but mistake in travesal)
PLEASE help me out
html look like
The problem is due to your find() logic. You use the first find() to get both the input type="text" elements, then the second is trying to find a child #priority_2per element inside the first input. This clearly cannot be found as it's not valid HTML.
To fix the problem remove the first find() and add val():
var priority2 = $(this).closest("tr").children("td").find("#priority_2per").val()
However as the elements have id attributes on them, and id have to be unique in the DOM, then the traversal logic is entirely redundant. You can just select by the id directly.
In addition, your HTML is invalid. <input /> elements have no closing tag. Here's a full working example:
$('body').on('change', '#priority_1per', function() {
var priority1 = $(this).val();
var priority2 = $("#priority_2per").val();
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="text" id="priority_1per" value="10" />hello
<input type="text" id="priority_2per" value="20" />hellob

Find hidden input when inside a td tag that is near it in same row

I need to find a value of a hidden input in same table row but it seems that i cannot access it with how i am trying to.
function setDateTimeOn(elm) {
var formattedDate = GetCurrentDateTime(); //get formatted date
$(elm) //clicked button
.parent("td") // container td
.next() // next td
var hdn = $(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="hidden"]').val();
What I am searching for is this
<input type="hidden" name="GridView1:_ctl2:hndTxtId" id="GridView1__ctl2_hndTxtId" value="3601">
I want the value 3601 , it is in the same tr
<td style="width:5px;">
<input type="hidden" name="GridView1:_ctl2:hndTxtId" id="GridView1__ctl2_hndTxtId" value="3601">
<td style="width:50px;"> <span id="GridView1__ctl2_lblVehicle0">413</span>
<td style="width:5px;">
<input type="button" id="GridView1__ctl2_AddButton0" name="GridView1:_ctl2:AddButton0" value="On" class="btn-blue" onclick="setDateTimeOn(this)">
<td style="width:150px;">
<span id="GridView1__ctl2_lblStormTimeOn"></span>
I see it spit out the complete input element tag but the var hdn , I try to do a console.log(hdn) and it is undefined.
The problem is that you're using:
var hdn = $(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="hidden"]').val();
And this here is the global Window object. You want to use the element:
var hdn = $(elm).closest('tr').find('input[type="hidden"]').val();
Updated fiddle

How to clone textareas with cloneNode?

I have 2 tables, and with a button I want to clone the content from tb_new to tb_made:
var tab = document.getElementById('tb_new');
var clone=tab.getElementsByTagName('tr')[1].cloneNode(true);
var table = document.getElementById("tb_made");
Everything is cloned fine, except one cell with a textarea.
How can I fix that?
Fiddle is here.
Writing in a <textarea> will only update its value, not its content.
To solve the issue you can do something like this:
function add() {
var tab = document.getElementById('tb_new');
var textAreas = tab.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
for (var i = 0; i < textAreas.length; ++i) {
textAreas[i].innerHTML = textAreas[i].value;
var clone = tab.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0].cloneNode(true);
var table = document.getElementById('tb_made');
<table id="tb_new">
<input type="button" value="add" onClick="add()">
<table id="tb_made">

JQuery clone and Onchange Events

I have a table with rows and input/select form elements. At the bottom row i have a button to add a new row to the Table. Initially the table is empty with just one row with a button
Like this:
<form name="test" id="test" action="#" >
<table id="matrix">
<tr id="1">
<td><select class="parent" name="parent">
<option value="C" label="C">C</option>
<option selected="selected" value="P" label="P">P</option>
<option value="B" label="B">B</option>
<td><div id="my_data_1">
<span title="parent_val"></span>
<td> </td>
<tr >
<td colspan="3"><input type="button" class="add_new" /></td>
Now when i click on the button with the add_new class i clone the first row, increment its id and then insert it above the last row.
The issue is that i have an onchange event attached to the select with class parent as
$('#matrix').on('change', 'select.parent_type', function() {
var RowID = $(this).closest('tr').attr('id');
var attributes_div = $('#matrix tr#'+RowID).find('div#my_data'+RowID );
new_id = GetParentIDFormat(attributes_div, 3);
$(attributes_div +"span[title='parent_val']").html(new_id);
When i added two or more rows, the change function changes the Value for SPAN "parent_val" for ALL the rows rather than the specific row whose SELECT parent was changed.
There were a few errors, without the GetParentIDFormat function, I cannot provide a 100% solution, but here goes:
'select.parent_type' should be 'select.parent'
$('#matrix tr#'+RowID).find('div#my_data'); should be
$('#' + RowID).find('.my_data');.
Note that you require classes, as you cannot have multiple equivalent IDs.
$(attributes_div +"span[title='parent_val']")
Should be
$("span[title='parent_val']", attributes_div)
Resulting in:
$('#matrix').on('change', 'select.parent', function() {
var RowID = $(this).closest('tr').attr('id');
var attributes_div = $('#' + RowID).find('.my_data');
var new_id = GetParentIDFormat(attributes_div, 3);
$("span[title='parent_val']", attributes_div).html(new_id);
The attributes_div variable points to a jQuery object, so you can't concatenate that with a string to get a selector to select the element you want. Instead just do this:
That will look for the <span title="parent_val"> element inside of the specific <div> referenced by attributes_div, and therefore should be the single element you want.
However, note that if you're cloning that row, you can't use an ID of my_data on all of the <div> elements as they're supposed to be unique; consider changing to a class instead.

Select closest control element regardless of type (Input, Select etc.) for Validation

Let me explain:
I have a table form and some fields are required and I am trying to create custom validation.
<td class="required">Description</td>
<input id="input1" />
<input id="input2" />
<td class="required">Location</td>
<select id="select1"/>
<input id="input3"/>
What I wanna do is find all elements with class required
which is pretty easy using:
var requiredElements = document.querySelectorAll(".required");
And then I want to find their closest control element and check if it's value is empty. The problem is I don't know if it's gonna be input or select. I was thinking of using the .closest() function but it could lead to unwanted results if two different inputs are equally close to a required (like in the example above).
Any help would be much appreciated.
You can select a control regardless of type with jQuery by using any one of a number of selectors and combining it with one or more additional selectors.
In the code snippet you provide, the controls you want to select (input1 and select1) are child elements of a table cell element that is a sibling of the cell with the class "required", so we can build a selection thus:
$(".required + td").child
which breaks down as:
Find the elements with the "required" class applied to them.
This will give us the 2 table cells:
<td class="required">Description</td>
<td class="required">Location</td>
For each element returned by 1. use the "next adjacent" selector + with td to get the next table cell:
<td><input id="input1" /></td>
<td><select id="select1" /></td>
For each element returned by 2. get the child element:
<input id="input1" />
<select id="select1" />
There is also a jsFiddle to illustrate actions on the targets (change border to dark red).
This works because the layout in your snippet consistently places the elements you want to target in the same position relative to the element with your selection criteria. You must have some consistent way of finding elements that are not marked with a class/id otherwise you can't achieve your objective.
Although I like Raad's answer I'd like to post this answer to say what I did to solve my problem.
First of all I added a custom attribute labelFor to every label td with value equal to the id of it's corresponding input as follows:
<td class="required" labelFor="input1">Description</td>
<input id="input1" />
<td labelFor="input2">Phone</td>
<input id="input2" />
<td class="required" labelFor="select1">Location</td>
<select id="select1"/>
<td labelFor="input3">Email</td>
<input id="input3"/>
Then I used the following Validation function:
function validateForm () {
var self = this;
var validationPassed = true;
//First I will gather every .required element in an Array
var requiredTags = document.querySelectorAll(".required");
//Then I will loop through the array
for (var i = 0; i < requiredTags.length; i++) {
//Get value of attribute "labelFor" which would be the controlId that this label refers to
var controlId = $(requiredTags[i]).attr("labelFor");
//Then I use this to check if that control's value is empty.
if ($("#" + controlId).val() == ('' || null)) {
validationPassed = false;
if (!validationPassed) {
alert("Please fill all the required fields");
return validationPassed;
This way I check if all required fields are not empty and return true, or return false and an alert to warn user.
I find that the problem Raad described in his Edit is the main reason why this approach could be more useful. You don't have to worry if your input element is always in the same position relatively to your label td element.

