php remove single variable value pair from querystring - javascript

I have a page that lists out items according to numerous parameters ie variables with values.
listitems.php?color=green&size=small&cat=pants&pagenum=1 etc.
To enable editing of the list, I have a parameter edit=1 which is appended to the above querystring to give:
So far so good.
When the user is done editing, I have a link that exits edit mode. I want this link to specify the whole querystring--whatever it may be as this is subject to user choices--except remove the edit=1.
When I had only a few variables, I just listed them out manually in the link but now that there are more, I would like to be able programmatically to just remove the edit=1.
Should I do some sort of a search for edit=1 and then just replace it with nothing?
$qs = str_replace("&edit=1, "", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?{$qs}'>return</a>;
Or what would be the cleanest most error-free way to do this.
Note: I have a similar situation when going from page to page where I'd like to take out the pagenum and replace it with a different one. There, since the pagenum varies, I cannot just search for pagenum=1 but would have to search for pagenum =$pagenum if that makes any difference.

You can use parse_str() to parse the query string, remove the unwanted parts and build the new one via http_build_query() like this
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $params);
$new_query_string = http_build_query($params);


Remove last 3 letters of div (hidde also in browser page source)

this is my HTML
<div id="remove">Username</div>
and this is my JS code
function slice() {
var t = document.getElementById("remove");
t.textContent = t.textContent.slice(0, -3);
Username load from foreach
{foreach from=$last_user item=s}
This code working and remove 3 letter but when right click on browser and look at page sources i can see "Username" !
I need remove three letter because of privacy and security .
something like
*** name or usern ***
Thank for help me !
The only secure way to make sure the client can't see a particular piece of information is to never send it to the client in the first place. Otherwise, there will always be a way for the client to examine the raw payloads of the network requests and figure out the information they aren't supposed to know.
You'll need to fix this on your backend - either hard-code in
<div id="remove">Usern</div>
or, for a more dynamic approach, use a template engine (or whatever's generating the HTML) and look up how to change strings with it. For example, in EJS, if user is an object with a username property, you could do
<div id="remove"><%= user.username.slice(0, -3) %></div>
Changing the content only with client-side JavaScript will not be sufficient, if you wish to keep some things truly private.
With Smarty, you can define a modifier that takes a string and returns all but the last three characters of it.
function smarty_modifier_truncate_three($string)
return substr($string, 0, -3);
and then in your template, replace
If you want only the first three characters, it's easier because you can use the built-in truncate.
JS doesn't change the source, it can only change the DOM, so what you can do is to keep the element empty and add a value to it using js, but don't forget that js runs on the client's side so its better here to send the string from the server without the last 3 characters.

Cookie based on page path

Is it possible to set a cookie value, as the url page path?
i.e I have a cookie that is set when someone clicks a button with the ID mybtn but I'd like the value of the cookie to be automatically generated based on the last part of the page path. For example if the user clicked the button whilst on a page the value of the cookie should be set as car1. The code below is where I've got to so far, but it's the "THEPAGEPATH" where I'm stuck as I guess I need to use javascript to pull the url information.
<script>$("#mybtn").bind("click", function() {
Simple solution would be to just split the string, and take the last part of it.
<script>$("#mybtn").bind("click", function() {
const strings = window.location.href.split("/").filter(str => !!str)
document.cookie=`model=${strings[strings.length - 1]};path=/;`
This works for both routes with and without trailing slash. It does not work for routes that have query parameters that contains slashes. If you need to support that, you could split the string on ?, and the use the same logic on the first part of the string.

HTML Append Variable to Query String

I have http://localhost/?val=1
When I click on a link, is there a way this link can append a query variable to the current string, for example:
so when I click it the url would be:
but when I click the link it removes the first query string and looks like
Is such a thing possible with normal HTML?
You can't do that using only html, but you can do it with js or php:
Using JS:
<a onclick="window.location+=((window.location.href.indexOf('?')+1)?'':'?')+'&var2=2'">Link</a>
Using Php:
Notice 1: make sure you don't have the new variable in the current link, or it'll be a loop of the same variable
Notice 2: this is not a professional way, but it could work if you need something fast.
Basically you want to get your current URL via JavaScript with:
var existingUrl = window.location.href; // http://localhost/?val=1
Then append any Query Strings that are applicable using:
window.location.href = existingUrl + '&var2=2';
or some other similar code. Take a look at this post about Query Parameters.
Note: A link would already have to exist with an OnClick event that calls a function with the above code in it for it to work appropriately.
Now obviously this isn't very useful information on it's own, so you are going to want to do some work either in JavaScript or in Server code (through use of NodeJS, PHP, or some other server-side language) to pass those variable names and their values down so that the button can do what you are wanting it to do.
You will have to have some logic to make sure the query parameters are put in the URL correctly though. I.E. if there is only one query param it's going to look like '?var1=1' and if it's any subsequent parameter it's going to look like '&var#=#'.

Remove prefix with unknown characters in JavaScript

I have a web page that the title is changed from 'Pagename' to '(1) Pagename' when there is an update on the page. That number increments to 50 each time there is a new update and then is maxed out showing '(50+) Timeline'.
When logging page views, Google Analytics shows the '(n) Pagename', which I don't want. So I found out how to manually change to logged page title, _gaq.push(["_set", "title", 'new title']);.
So my question is, how do I most efficiently remove the (1-50)/(50+) prefix and just get 'Pagename'? Is regex best for this?
This is what I'm using based on the answer from Ross:
var window_title = window.title.replace(/^\(\d+\+?\)\s/, '');
_gaq.push(["_set", "title", window_title]);
Yes, RegEx can do that.
window.title.replace(/^\(\d+\+?\)\s/, '');
Of course it depends on what software your site is using as perhaps it would be possible to just output the page title without that prefix in the relevant part of the template. So echoing that directly into the Google Analytics tag. But I think the above javascript is probably the easier solution to implement.

What is common AJAX convention for knowing a particular state when a page is loaded?

This has been a question I've had since I started doing serious ajax stuff. Let me just give an example.
Let's say you pull a regular HTML page of a customer from the server. The url can look like this:
After the page is rendered, you want to provide ajax functionality that acts on this customer. In order to do this, you need to send the id "54" back to the server in each request.
Which is the best/most common way to do this? I find myself putting this in hidden form forms. I find it easy to select, but it also feels a bit fragile. What if the document changes and the script doesn't work? What if that id gets duplicated for css purposes 3 months from now, and thus breaks the page since there are 2 ids with the same name?
I could parse the url to get the value "54". Is that approach better? It would work for simple cases repeatedly. It might not work so well for complex cases where you might want to pass multiple ids, or lists of ids.
I'd just like to know a best practice - something robust that is clean, elegant and is given 2-thumbs up.
I think the best way to do this is to think like you don't have Ajax.
Let's say you have a form which is submitted using Ajax. How do you know what URL to send it to?
The src attribute. Simply have your script send the form itself. All the data is in the form already.
Let's say you have a link which loads some new data. How do you know the URL and parameters?
The href attribute. Simply have the script read the URL.
So basically you would always read the URL/data from the element being acted upon, similar to what the browser does.
Since your server-side code knows the ID's etc. when the page is being loaded, you can easily generate these URLs there. The client-side code will only need to read the attributes.
This approach has more than just one benefit:
It makes it simpler where the URLs and data is stored, because they are put exactly in the attributes that you'd normally find then in HTML.
It makes it easier to make your code work without JavaScript if you want to, because the URLs and all are already in places where the browser can understand them without JS.
If you're doing something more complex than links/forms
In a case where you need to allow more complex interactions, you can store the IDs or other relevant data in attributes. HTML5 provides the data-* attributes for this purpose - I would suggest you use these even if you're not doing HTML5:
<div data-article-id="5">...</div>
If you have a more full-featured application on the page, you could also consider simply storing your ID in JS code. When you generate the markup in the PHP end, simply include a snippet in the markup which assigns the ID to a variable or calls a function or whatever you decide is best.
Ideally your form should work without javascript, so you probably have a hidden form input or something that contains the id value already. If not, you probably should.
It's all "fragile" in the sense that a small change will affect everything, not much you can do about that, but you don't always want to put it in the user's hands by reading the url or query string, which can be easily manipulated by the user. (this is fine for urls of course, but not for everything. Same rules that apply to trusting $_GET and query strings apply here).
Personally, I like to build all AJAX on top of existing, functional code and I've never had a problem "hooking" into what is already there.
Not everything is a form though. For
example, let's say you click a "title"
and it becomes editable. You edit it,
press enter, and then it becomes
uneditable and part of the page again.
You needed to send an ID as part of
this. Also, what about moving things
around and you want those positions
updated? Here's another case where
using the form doesn't work because it
doesn't exist.
All of that is still possible, and not entirely difficult to do without javascript, so a form could work in either case, but I do indeed see what you're saying. In almost every case, there is some sort of unique id, whether it's a database id or file name, that can be used as the "id" attribute of the html that represents it. * Or the data- attribute as Jani Hartikainen has mentioned.
For instance, I have a template system that allows drag/drop of blocks of content. Every block has an id and every area that it can get dropped has one as well. I will use prefixes on the containing div id like "template-area_35" or "content-block_264". In this case, I don't bother to fallback w/o javascript, but it could be done (dropdown-> move this to area for example). In any case, it's a good use of the id attribute.
What if that id gets duplicated for
css purposes 3 months from now, and
thus breaks the page since there are 2
ids with the same name?
If that happens (which it really shouldn't), someone is doing something wrong. It would be their fault if the code failed to work, and they would be responsible. Ids are by definition supposed to be unique.
IMHO putting is at a request parameter (i. e. ?customerId=54) would be good 'cos even if you can't handle AJAX (like in some old mobile browsers, command-line browsers and so) you can still have a reference to the link.
Apparently you have an application that is aware of the entity "Customer", you should reflect this in your Javascript (or PHP, but since you're doing ajax I would put it in Javascript).
Instead of handmaking each ajax call you could wrap it into more domain aware functions:
Old scenario:
var customer_id = fetch_from_url(); // or whatever
ajax("dosomething", { "customer": customer_id }, function () {
alert("did something!");
ajax("dosomethingelse", { "customer": customer_id }, function () {
alert("did something else!");
New scenario:
var create_customer = function (customer_id) {
return {
"dosomething" : function () {
ajax("dosomething", { "customer": customer_id }, function () {
alert("did something!");
"dosomethingelse": function () {
ajax("dosomethingelse", { "customer": customer_id }, function () {
alert("did something else!");
var customer_id = fetch_from_url(); // or whatever
var customer = create_customer(customer_id);
// now you have a reference to the customer, you are no longer working with ids
// but with actual entities (or classes or objects or whathaveyou)
To round it up. Yes, you need to send the customer id for each request but I would wrap it in Javascript in proper objects.

