Check title of multiple pages in Selenium - javascript

I'm currently using WebDriver.js to run some automated testing on Browserstack. My goal is to take all the hrefs in a given div, open them and check the title of the page where the link is pointing to. To do that I'm doing the following:
for (var i = 0; i < hrefs.length; i++) {
var href = hrefs[i],
site_name = sites_names[i];
driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {
assert.equal(title, site_name);
My problem is that get and getTitle are both asynchronous methods and thus when I'm calling getTitle the page is already changed and thus the assertion is failing. What is the best pattern/solution for this kind of sitations?

If I am reading your question correctly, your assertions are failing because the assert happens before the page is completely loaded in the browser? I think you require a "wait" logic around your getTitle call as mentioned here
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var driver = new webdriver.Builder().withCapabilities(;
driver.wait(function() {
return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {
return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';
}, 1000);

If you want to just check the title of all the links present in you page you can change your driver to
WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver();
This is just a good practice.... not mandatory (to increase the speed of execution). After checking the title you can change your driver back to the original.
Use the below code to iterate valid href one by one and assert it accordingly
List<WebElement> allLinks = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a")); // use tagname according to the need
for (WebElement link : allLinks) {
if (link.getAttribute("href") != null && link.getText().isEmpty()==false) { //again modify the condition here accordingly
driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {
assert.equal(title, site_name);


c# Cefsharp how to make correct sequence of JavaScript actions on the web site

These sequences of actions work with Thread.Sleep, somewhere in 1 second, somewhere in 2 seconds. I think using Thread.Sleep/Task.Delay is not good. Because it can be performed differently on different computers. How do I execute these sequences without using Thread.Sleep?
Or it is OK to using Thread.Sleep/Task.Delay?
private async void ButtonFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string jsScript1 = "document.getElementById('story').value=" + '\'' + textFind.Text + '\'';
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript1);
string jsScript2 = "document.querySelector('body > div.wrapper > div.header > div.header44 > div.search_panel > span > form > button').click();";
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript2);
Thread.Sleep(1000); //it is necessary to set exactly 1 seconds
string jsScript3 = "document.getElementsByTagName('a')[2].click();";
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript3);
Thread.Sleep(2000); //it is necessary to set exactly 2 seconds
string jsScript4 = "document.querySelector('#dle-content > div.section > ul > li:nth-child(3)').click();";
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript4);
I tried to use task expectations, but it didn't help me
var task4 = chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript4);
I also tried to use DOM rendering expectations, which didn't help either
string jsScript4 = #"
if( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) {
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
function myInitCode() {
var a = document.querySelector('#dle-content > div.section > ul > li:nth-child(3)').click();
return a;
My addition (21.04.2022)
In third action instead of using Thread.Sleep, im using "While" loop
Here the algorithm is correct, but for some reason, after pressing the application button, the application is hanging
bool test = false;
while(test == false)
string myScript = #"
var x = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[1].outerText;
return x;
var task = chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(myScript);
task.ContinueWith(x =>
if (!x.IsFaulted)
var response = x.Result;
if (response.Success == true)
var final = response.Result;
if (final.ToString() == textFind.Text)
MessageBox.Show("You found the link");
test = true;
MessageBox.Show("You do not found the link");
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
My addition (23.04.2022)
string jsScript1 = "document.getElementById('story').value=" + '\'' + textFind.Text + '\'' + ";"
+ #"
.then(() => document.querySelector('body > div.wrapper > div.header > div.header44 > div.search_panel > span > form > button').click())
.then(() => { var target = document.body;
const config = {
childList: true,
attributes: true,
characterData: true,
subtree: true,
attributeFilter: ['id'],
attributeOldValue: true,
characterDataOldValue: true
const callback = function(mutations)
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
alert('I got that link');
}, true);
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(target, config)});
var task1 = chrome.EvaluateScriptAsPromiseAsync(jsScript1);
Using a MutationObserver wrapped in a promise, using EvaluateScriptAsPromiseAsync to evaluate promise. Also didnt help.
I came to the conclusion that JavaScript does not save the code when clicking on a search button or after going to another page. How do I save the JavaScript code/request and continue it after clicking on a search button or after going to another page?
As your JavaScript causes a navigation you need to wait for the new page to load.
You can use something like the following to wait for the page load.
// create a static class for the extension method
public static Task<LoadUrlAsyncResponse> WaitForLoadAsync(this IWebBrowser browser)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<LoadUrlAsyncResponse>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
EventHandler<LoadErrorEventArgs> loadErrorHandler = null;
EventHandler<LoadingStateChangedEventArgs> loadingStateChangeHandler = null;
loadErrorHandler = (sender, args) =>
//Actions that trigger a download will raise an aborted error.
//Generally speaking Aborted is safe to ignore
if (args.ErrorCode == CefErrorCode.Aborted)
//If LoadError was called then we'll remove both our handlers
//as we won't need to capture LoadingStateChanged, we know there
//was an error
browser.LoadError -= loadErrorHandler;
browser.LoadingStateChanged -= loadingStateChangeHandler;
tcs.TrySetResult(new LoadUrlAsyncResponse(args.ErrorCode, -1));
loadingStateChangeHandler = (sender, args) =>
//Wait for while page to finish loading not just the first frame
if (!args.IsLoading)
browser.LoadError -= loadErrorHandler;
browser.LoadingStateChanged -= loadingStateChangeHandler;
var host = args.Browser.GetHost();
var navEntry = host?.GetVisibleNavigationEntry();
int statusCode = navEntry?.HttpStatusCode ?? -1;
//By default 0 is some sort of error, we map that to -1
//so that it's clearer that something failed.
if (statusCode == 0)
statusCode = -1;
tcs.TrySetResult(new LoadUrlAsyncResponse(statusCode == -1 ? CefErrorCode.Failed : CefErrorCode.None, statusCode));
browser.LoadingStateChanged += loadingStateChangeHandler;
browser.LoadError += loadErrorHandler;
return tcs.Task;
// usage example
private async void ButtonFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string jsScript1 = "document.getElementById('story').value=" + '\'' + textFind.Text + '\'';
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript1);
string jsScript2 = "document.querySelector('body > div.wrapper > div.header > div.header44 > div.search_panel > span > form > button').click();";
await Task.WhenAll(chrome.WaitForLoadAsync(),
string jsScript3 = "document.getElementsByTagName('a')[2].click();";
await Task.WhenAll(chrome.WaitForLoadAsync(),
string jsScript4 = "document.querySelector('#dle-content > div.section > ul > li:nth-child(3)').click();";
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript4);
You never must work with sleep because time changes between computers and, even in the same computer, a web page may be differ the time required to load.
I work a lot with scraping and IMO the best focus to manage this is working from JavaScript side. You inject/run your JavaScript to fill controls, click buttons...
With this focus, the problem is that navigations make you lose the state. When you navigate to other page, your JavaScript start from scratch. I revolve this sharing data to persist between JavaScript and C# through Bound Object and injecting JavaScript.
For example, you can run action 1, 2 and 3 with a piece of JavaScript code. Before click button, you can use your Bound Object to tell to your C# code that you are going to second page.
When your second page are loaded, you run your JavaScript for your second page (you know the step and can inject the JavaScript code for your 2 page).
In all cases, your JavaScript code must have some mechanism to wait. For example, set a timer to wait until your controls appears. In this way, you can run your JavaScript without wait to the page is fully loaded (sometimes this events are hard to manage).
My scraping library is huge. I'm going to expose pieces that you need to do the work but you need to assemble by yourself.
We create a BoundObject class:
public class BoundObject
public BoundObject(IWebBrowser browser)
this.Browser = browser;
public void OnJavaScriptMessage(string message)
IWebBrowser is an interface of my custom browser, a wrapper to manage all I need. Create a Browser class, like CustomBrowser, for example, implementing this interface.
Create a method to ensure your Bound Object is working:
public void SetBoundObject()
// To get events in C# from JavaScript
var boundObject = new BoundObject();
"bound", boundObject, false, BindingOptions.DefaultBinder);
this.BoundObject = boundObject;
catch (ArgumentException ex)
if (!ex.ParamName.Identical("bound"))
_browserInternal is the CefSharp browser. You must run that method on each page load, when you navigate. Doing that, you have a window.bound object in JavaScript side with an onJavaScriptMessage function. Then, you can define a function in JavaScript like this:
function sendMessage(msg) {
var json = JSON.stringify(msg);
return this;
You can send now any object to your C# application and manage in your CustomBrowser, on OnJavaScriptMessage method. In that method I manage my custom message protocol, like a typical one in sockets environment or the windows message system and generate a OnMessage that I implement in classes inheriting CustomBrowser.
Send information to JavaScript is trivial using ExecuteScriptAsync of CefSharp browser.
Going further
When I work in an intense scraping job. I create some scripts with classes to manage the entire Web to scrap. I create classes, for example, to do login, navigate to different sections, fill forms... like if I was the owner of the WebSite. Then, when page load, I inject my scripts and I can use my own classes in the remote WebSite making scraping... piece of cake.
My scripts are embedded resources so are into my final executable. In debug, I read them from disk to allow edit+reload+test until my scripts works fine. With the DevTools you can try in the console until you get the desired source. Then you add into your JavaScripts classes and reload.
You can add simple JavaScript with ExecuteScriptAsync, but with large files appears problems escaping quotes...
So you need insert an entire script file. To do that, implement ISchemeHandlerFactory to create and return an IResourceHandler. That resource handler must have a ProcessRequestAsync in which you receive a request.Url that you can use to locale your scripts:
this.ResponseLength = stream.Length;
this.MimeType = GetMimeType(fileExtension);
this.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
this.Stream = stream;
return true;
stream maybe a MemoryStream in which you write the content of your script file.

Get HTML content update of an URL

Basically i want to have an update content of the web,
In Dow 30, the last value is updating itself(real-time update from server) and i would like to know is there any method to capture the change of values without requesting the website again, so that i can update on my code asynchronously. Since all i found online about being notified on change is based on their own html, but in my case it is external url, so i am asking here to gain some insight
You can add some code into the chrome console and track this value every second to notify you.
let last_value = -1
let class_selector = 'pid-8873-last'
setInterval(function() {
let v = document.getElementsByClassName(class_selector)[0].innerText
if (v != last_value) {
console.log("Value as been updated to " + v)
last_value = v
}, 1000)
> Value as been updated to 25,799.5
> Value as been updated to 25,798.5
But you must have a browser open, and create an ajax request when value is updated.
If you don't want any Browser, but be run into a server, you can check PhantomJS
They're some update to do to work with PhantomJS.
You need to replace let by var
document isn't accessible, so you need to use evaluate
https may require to add --ssl-protocol=any
var page = require('webpage').create();'', function(status) {
var last_value = -1
setInterval(function() {
var value = page.evaluate(function() {
return document.getElementsByClassName('pid-8873-last')[0].innerText
if (value != last_value) {
console.log("Value as been updated to " + value)
last_value = value
}, 1000)
// phantom.exit()
Then run it from the same directory:
# phantomjs test.js
Value as been updated to 25,799.0
I think you need to check what is websocket. this would be cool start;

Safari extension - How do I set the badge number on specific tab only?

How can I set the badge number on a specific tab only? So far I have a code that sets the badge number on all the tabs.. I've been reading around A LOT, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of information about this, so perhaps I will find a solution for this here.
I would like something like Adblock Plus, which sets the badge number for a specific tab. This is pretty easy in Chrome etc, but doesn't seem to be the case in Safari.
Does anyone know how extensions like Adblock plus shows the badge number on a specific tab?
So far I only have this code, but as mentioned, it sets the badge on all the tabs, which is not the result I want.
safari.extension.toolbarItems[0].badge = 2;
I have been looking at the source code of Adblock plus, and a few other extensions that had this function. And it seems it is using some prototype.
Adblock plus background snippet:
BrowserAction.prototype = {
_set: function(name, value)
var toolbarItem = getToolbarItemForWindow(this._page._tab.browserWindow);
if (!toolbarItem)
var property = toolbarItemProperties[name];
if (!property)
property = toolbarItemProperties[name] = {
pages: new ext.PageMap(),
global: toolbarItem[name]
property.pages.set(this._page, value);
if (isPageActive(this._page))
toolbarItem[name] = value;
setIcon: function(path)
this._set("image", safari.extension.baseURI + path.replace("$size", "16"));
setBadge: function(badge)
if (!badge)
this._set("badge", 0);
else if ("number" in badge)
this._set("badge", badge.number);
Content script (adblockplus.js)
FilterNotifier.on("filter.hitCount", function(filter, newValue, oldValue, page)
if (!(filter instanceof BlockingFilter) || !page)
var blocked = blockedPerPage.get(page) || 0;
blockedPerPage.set(page, ++blocked);
if (Prefs.show_statsinicon)
color: badgeColor,
number: blocked
It seems this is how Adblock plus does it, but so far I haven't been able to replicate it. Still trying though..
Okay, so I finally found a solution for this, and thought I would share what I did, in case somebody else is in the same situation.
This morning I got the idea of storing the data in an array, when the user visits one of the websites I want to display the badge number on (doesn't store all websites the user visits), only if it matched one of the websites I wanted to target. I stored the following data in the array: root domain ( and the badgeNumber.
For this to work, you need to make an array of the root domain of the websites you want to target, and then only execute the following when it matches, otherwise the array would fill up very quickly, and we don't want too much data in it.
In the global page, start by making an empty array to store the data
var badgeUpdateArray = [];
You then need to set up message handling in your global page as well.
safari.application.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, false);
function handleMessage(event) {
if( === "setBadgeText"){
var id = badgeUpdateArray.length + 1;
var isFound = 0;
var found = badgeUpdateArray.some(function (el) {
if(el.identifier === event.message.identifier){
// Was found
isFound = 1;
if (isFound == 0) {
// Not found, add to the array
// Set the badge number
safari.extension.toolbarItems[0].badge = event.message.badgeNumber;
Now we need to send the message from the content script to the global page. You need to get the root domain (, I'm not getting into that here, as it's pretty easy. You will also need the badgeNumber value, this can be gathered from wherever (GET request, or elsewhere..)
Remember, only execute this code if the website matches your target domains.
var message = {
identifier: domain,
badgeNumber: rows.length
}"setBadgeText", message);
This will send the message, and store the data in the array, it will also set the badge number.
Now, for this to be working on different tabs, you will need to make an event handler for "activate" on the global page, this will run whenever a tab is active.
safari.application.addEventListener("activate", updateBadge, true);
function updateBadge(){
var cDomain = safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab.url;
cDomain = cDomain.replace("www3.","");
cDomain = cDomain.replace("www2.","");
cDomain = cDomain.replace("www1.","");
cDomain = cDomain.replace("www.","");
cDomain = new URL(cDomain);
cDomain = cDomain.hostname;
var id = badgeUpdateArray.length + 1;
var isFound = 0;
var badgeNumber = 0;
var found = badgeUpdateArray.some(function (el) {
badgeNumber = el.badgeNumber;
if(el.identifier === cDomain){
// Was found, set the badge number
isFound = 1;
safari.extension.toolbarItems[0].badge = el.badgeNumber;
if (isFound == 0) {
// Was not found
safari.extension.toolbarItems[0].badge = 0;
Hopefully I've got it all in here, and at least something that works, though I have to say that I would prefer an easier way of storing it.. like Chrome etc does it, with the tab API.

How can I wait for a condition?

I'm new on protractor, and I'm trying to implement an e2e test.
I don't know if this is the right way to do this, but...
The page that I want to test is not a full angular page based, so... I'm having some trouble.
On my first spec I have:
describe('should open contact page', function() {
var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
var Login = require('./util/Login');
new Login(ptor);
I have created this Login class, but after login I want to open the contact page, but protractor immediately try to find element before the page is fully loaded.
I've tried to use:
browser.driver.wait(function() {
But it doesn't work... it always try to find the element before the page loads.
I tried this one too:
browser.driver.wait(function() {
I'm able to do that using browser.sleep(); but I don't think that is a good option. Any idea? On my login class I have:
ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true;
How can I wait for this #href='#/contacts before protractor tries to click on it?
Protractor 1.7.0 has also introduced a new feature: Expected Conditions.
There are several predefined conditions to explicitly wait for. In case you want to wait for an element to become present:
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var e = element('xyz'));
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(e), 10000);
See also:
Expected conditions in protractor
I finally find out...
var waitLoading = by.css('#loading.loader-state-hidden');
browser.wait(function() {
return ptor.isElementPresent(waitLoading);
}, 8000);
var openContact = by.xpath("//a[#href='#/contacts']");
With this protractor could wait for that element until it loading page disappears.
Thanks for those who tried to help XD.
I had the same problem you were having for the longest time while using protractor. In my e2e test I start in a non angular app, then get into an angular portion, then get back out to a non angular portion. Made things tricky. The key is to understand promises and how they work. Here's some examples of my real world code in a functioning e2e test. Hoping this gives you an idea of how to structure your tests. Probably some bad practice in this code, please feel free to improve upon this, but I know that it works, maybe not the best way.
To get to angular I use
var ptor;
var events = require('events');
var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
var secondClick = require('./second-click');
beforeEach(function () {
it("should start the test", function () {
describe("starting", function () {
it("should find the link and start the test", function(){
var elementToFind = by.linkText('Start'); //what element we are looking for
expect(isPresent).toBe(true); //the test, kind of redundant but it helps pass or fail
browser.driver.findElement(elementToFind).then(function(start){{ //once we've found the element and its on the page click it!! :)
ptor = protractor.getInstance(); //pass down protractor and the events to other files so we can emit events
secondClick(eventEmitter, ptor); //this is your callback to keep going on to other actions or test in another file
While in angular this code works
describe("type in a message ", function(){
it("should find and type in a random message", function(){
var elementToFind = by.css('form');
console.log("typed in random message");
After exiting angular
console.log("polling for a firstName to appear");
return browser.driver.isElementPresent('firstName')).then(function(el){
return el === true;
Hope that gives some guidance and helps you out!
browser.driver.wait(function() {
return browser.driver.isElementPresent(by.xpath("//a[#href='#/contacts']"));
This works for me too (without the timeout param)..
for more information, see
Thanks to answers above, this was my simplified and updated usage
function waitFor (selector) {
return browser.wait(function () {
return browser.isElementPresent(by.css(selector));
}, 50000);
Have you tried putting the ng-app in the <html> tag (assuming this part of code is under your control)? This solved a lot of initialization timing problems for me.
Best way to use wait conditions in protractor that helps to show proper error message to particular element if test case failed
const EC = ExpectedConditions;
const ele = element(by.xpath(your xpath));
return browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(ele),9000,'element not found').then(() => {;
I'm surprised that nobody has added this solution. Basically, if you are using modal dialogues you often get an element visible and available to click but not being clickable due to the modal dialogue being in front of it. This happens because protractor moves faster than angular and is ready to click the next element while angular is still closing the modal.
I suggest using
public async clickElementBug(elementLocator: Locator) {
const elem = await element(elementLocator);
await browser.wait(
async function() {
try {
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
'Clicking of element failed: ' + elem
browser.wait may sound too ordinary, but it's not!
browser.wait is the way to go. Just pass a function to it that would have a condition which to wait for. For example wait until there is no loading animation on the page
let $animation = $$('.loading');
await browser.wait(
async () => (await animation.count()) === 0, // function; if returns true it stops waiting; can wait for anything in the world if you get creative with it
5000, // timeout
`message on timeout` // comment on error
Make sure to use await
You can also use existing library called ExpectedConditions that has lots of predefined conditions to wait for
You can't imagine what you can do with it...
A few of my favorite ones:
wait until the number of browser's tab's is 2
// wait until the number of browser's tab's is 2
await browser.wait(
async () => {
let tabCount = await browser.getAllWindowHandles();
return tabCount.length === 2;
'the url didnt open in a new window'
wait until the loading animation is gone for at last 750ms
// wait until the loading animation is gone for at last 750ms
await browser.wait(
async () => (await this.$$loadAnimations.count()) === 0 && !(await browser.sleep(750)) && (await this.$$loadAnimations.count()) === 0,
`waiting timeout`
wait for ANY number of elements to be present
// wait for any number of elements to be present
async waitForElements($elem, timeout = 120000, start = +new Date()) {
let conditions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < $elem.length; i++) {
await browser.wait(
remainingTimeout(timeout, start),
`wait for all elements`
// and use
await waitForElements([

Setting a preference at startup in firefox

Thanks to everyone in advance -
I need to load a preference before any windows are loaded at startup. Below is some /component code I have been working with. The SetPreference method seems to fail when it is called (nothing executes afterwords either) - I am assuming because the resources that it needs are not available at the time of execution...or I am doing something wrong. Any suggestions with this code or another approach to setting a preference at startup?
Thanks again,
For some reason the code formatting for SO is not working properly - here is a link to the code as well -
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const ObserverService = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
function MyStartupService() {};
MyStartupService.prototype = {
observe : function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
switch (aTopic) {
case 'xpcom-startup':
this.SetPreference("my.extension.is_running", "false");
case 'app-startup':
this.SetPreference("my.extension.is_running", "false");
ObserverService.addObserver(this, 'final-ui-startup', false);
case 'final-ui-startup':
//make sure is_running is set to false
this.SetPreference("my.extension.is_running", "false");
ObserverService.removeObserver(this, 'final-ui-startup');
const WindowWatcher = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsIWindowWatcher);
case 'domwindowopened':
SetPreference : function(Token, Value) {
var prefs = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
var str = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); = Value;
prefs.setComplexValue(Token, Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str);
//save preferences
var prefService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
initWindow : function(aWindow) {
if (aWindow != '[object ChromeWindow]') return;
aWindow.addEventListener('load', function() {
aWindow.removeEventListener('load', arguments.callee, false);
aWindow.document.title = 'domwindowopened!';
// for browser windows
var root = aWindow.document.documentElement;
root.setAttribute('title', aWindow.document.title);
root.setAttribute('titlemodifier', aWindow.document.title);
}, false);
classDescription : 'My Startup Service',
contractID : ';1',
classID : Components.ID('{770825e7-b39c-4654-94bc-008e5d6d57b7}'),
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]),
_xpcom_categories : [{ category : 'app-startup', service : true }]
function NSGetModule(aCompMgr, aFileSpec) {
return XPCOMUtils.generateModule([MyStartupService]);
To answer your real question, which is
I have code that loads on every window load and I need to make sure that only gets executed once every time firefox starts up. should just use a module, in the load handler that you wish to execute once, check a flag on the object exported from (i.e. "living in") the module, then after running the code you need, set the flag.
Since the module is shared across all windows, the flag will remain set until you close Firefox.
As for your intermediate problem, I'd suggest wrapping the code inside observe() in a try { ... } catch(e) {dump(e)} (you'll need to set a pref and run Firefox in a special way in order to see the output) and check the error returned.
I guess xpcom-startup and app-startup is too early to mess with preferences (I think you need a profile for that), note that you don't register to get xpcom-startup notification anyway. You probably want to register for profile-after-change instead.

