Chrome V8/Firefox Spidermonkey JavaScript native sort differences [duplicate] - javascript

I know that the ECMA Script specification does not specify which algorithm to use for sorting arrays, nor does it specify whether the sort should be stable.
I've found this information for Firefox which specifies that firefox uses a stable sort.
Does anyone know about IE 6/7/8, Chrome and Safari?

As of ES2019, sort is required to be stable. In ECMAScript 1st edition through ES2018, it was allowed to be unstable.
Simple test case (ignore the heading, second set of numbers should be sequential if the engine's sort is stable). Note: This test case doesn't work for some versions of Chrome (technically, of V8) that switched sorting algorithms based on the size of the array, using a stable sort for small arrays but an unstable one for larger arrays. (Details.) See the end of the question for a modified version that makes the array large enough to trigger the behavior.
IE's sort has been stable as long as I've ever used it (so IE6). Checking again in IE8 and it appears to still be the case.
And although that Mozilla page you link to says Firefox's sort is stable, I definitely say this was not always the case prior to (and including) Firefox 2.0.
Some cursory results:
IE6+: stable
Firefox < 3: unstable
Firefox >= 3: stable
Chrome < 70: unstable
Chrome >= 70: stable
Opera < 10: unstable
Opera >= 10: stable
Safari 4: stable
Edge: unstable for long arrays (>512 elements)
All tests on Windows.
See also: Fast stable sorting algorithm implementation in javascript
This test case (modified from here) will demonstrate the problem in V8 (for instance, Node v6, Chrome < v70) by ensuring the array has enough entries to pick the "more efficient" sort method; this is written with very old JavaScript engines in mind, so without modern features:
function Pair(_x, _y) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
function pairSort(a, b) {
return a.x - b.x;
var y = 0;
var check = [];
while (check.length < 100) {
check.push(new Pair(Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1, ++y));
var min = {};
var issues = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < check.length; ++i) {
var entry = check[i];
var found = min[entry.x];
if (found) {
if (found.y > entry.y) {
console.log("Unstable at " + found.i + ": " + found.y + " > " + entry.y);
} else {
min[entry.x] = {x: entry.x, y: entry.y, i: i};
if (!issues) {
console.log("Sort appears to be stable");

I'd like to share a trick I routinely use in C/C++ for qsort().
JS' sort() allows to specify a compare function. Create second array of the same length and fill it with increasing numbers from 0.
function stableSorted(array, compareFunction) {
compareFunction = compareFunction || defaultCompare;
var indicies = new Array(array.length);
for (var i = 0; i < indicies.length; i++)
indicies[i] = i;
This are indexes into the original array. We are going to sort the second array. Make a custom compare function.
indicies.sort(function(a, b)) {
It will get the two elements from the second array: use them as indexes into the original arrays and compare the elements.
var aValue = array[a], bValue = array[b];
var order = compareFunction(a, b);
if (order != 0)
return order;
If elements happen to be equal, then compare their indexes to make the order stable.
if (a < b)
return -1;
return 1;
After the sort(), the second array would contain indexes which you can use to access the elements of original array in stable sorted order.
var sorted = new Array(array.length);
for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++)
sorted[i] = array[indicies[i]];
return sorted;
// The default comparison logic used by Array.sort(), if compareFunction is not provided:
function defaultCompare(a, b) {
a = String(a);
b = String(b);
if (a < b) return -1;
else if (a > b) return 1;
else return 0;
In general, stable sort algorithms are only maturing and still require more extra memory compared to the good ol' qsort. I guess that's why very few specs mandate stable sort.

As of V8 v7.0 and Chrome 70, our Array.prototype.sort implementation is now stable. πŸŽ‰
Previously, V8 used an unstable QuickSort for arrays with more than 10 elements. Now, V8 uses the stable TimSort algorithm.
The only major engine JavaScript engine that still has an unstable Array#sort implementation is Chakra, as used in Microsoft Edge. Chakra uses QuickSort for arrays with more than 512 elements. For smaller arrays, it uses a stable insertion sort implementation.

In case anyone finds it useful, I had a polyfill for this that I am now removing:
const stable = (count => {
array = new Array(count),
buckets = {};
let i, k, v;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
array[i] = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1, i + 1]; // [1..3, 1..count]
array.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
[k, v] = array[i];
if (buckets[k] > v) {
return false;
buckets[k] = v;
return true;
// Edge's JS engine has a threshold of 512 before it goes unstable, so use a number beyond that:
if (!stable) {
{ prototype } = Array,
{ sort } = prototype;
Object.defineProperty(prototype, 'sort', {
configurable : true,
value(sortFn) {
array = this,
len = array.length,
temp = new Array(len);
let i;
for (i = len; i-- > 0; /* empty */) {
temp[i] = i;
sortFn = sortFn || defaultSort;, (index1, index2) => sortFn(array[index1], array[index2]) || index1 - index2);
// we cannot do this directly into array since we may overwrite an element before putting it into the
// correct spot:
for (i = len; i-- > 0; /* empty */) {
temp[i] = array[temp[i]];
for (i = len; i-- > 0; /* empty */) {
array[i] = temp[i];
return array;

If you are looking for a list of browsers where you should utilize a non native sorting algorithm, my suggestion is don't.
Instead do a sort sanity check when the script loads and make your decision from that.
As the spec doesn't require a particular behavior in that regard, it is not immune to later change, even within the same browser line.
You could submit a patch to to include such tests in their suite. But again, feature detection is superior to browser detection.


JS HackerRank Jesse and Cookies - Heap problem times out

I am trying to solve the Hackerrank problem Jesse and Cookies:
Jesse loves cookies and wants the sweetness of some cookies to be greater than value π‘˜. To do this, two cookies with the least sweetness are repeatedly mixed. This creates a special combined cookie with:
sweetness = (1 Γ— Least sweet cookie + 2 Γ— 2nd least sweet cookie).
This occurs until all the cookies have a sweetness β‰₯ π‘˜.
Given the sweetness of a number of cookies, determine the minimum number of operations required. If it is not possible, return βˆ’1.
k = 9
A = [2,7,3,6,4,6]
The smallest values are 2, 3.
Remove them then return 2 + 2 Γ— 3 = 8 to the array. Now A = [8,7,6,4,6].
Remove 4, 6 and return 4 + 2 Γ— 6 = 16 to the array. Now A = [16,8,7,6].
Remove 6, 7, return 6 + 2 Γ— 7 = 20 and A = [20,16,8,7].
Finally, remove 8, 7 and return 7 + 2 Γ— 8 = 23 to A. Now A = [23,20,16].
All values are β‰₯ π‘˜ = 9 so the process stops after 4 iterations. Return 4.
I couldn't find a JavaScript solution or a hint for this problem. My code seems to be working, except that it times out for a large array (input size > 1 million).
Is there a way to make my code more efficient? I think the time complexity is between linear and O(n log n).
My Code:
function cookies(k, A) {
let ops = 0;
while (A[0] < k && A.length > 1) {
let calc = (A[0] * 1) + (A[1] * 2);
A.splice(0, 2);
let inserted = false
if (A.length === 0) { // when the array is empty after splice
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < A.length && !inserted; i++) {
if (A[A.length - 1] < calc) {
inserted = true
} else if (A[i] >= calc) {
A.splice(i, 0, calc);
inserted = true
if (A[0] < k) {
ops = -1;
return ops;
It is indeed a problem that can be solved efficiently with a heap. As JavaScript has no native heap, just implement your own.
You should also cope with inputs that are huge, but where most values are greater than k. Those should not have to be part of the heap -- it would just make heap operations unnecessarily slower. Also, when cookies are augmented, they only need to enter back into the heap when they are not yet good enough.
Special care needs to be taken when the heap ends up with just one value (less than k). In that case it needs to be checked whether any good cookies were created (and thus did not end up in the heap). If so, then with one more operation the solution has been found. But if not, it means there is no solution and -1 should be returned.
Here is an implementation in JavaScript:
/* MinHeap implementation without payload. */
const MinHeap = {
/* siftDown:
* The node at the given index of the given heap is sifted down in its subtree
* until it does not have a child with a lesser value.
siftDown(arr, i=0, value=arr[i]) {
if (i >= arr.length) return;
while (true) {
// Choose the child with the least value
let j = i*2+1;
if (j+1 < arr.length && arr[j] > arr[j+1]) j++;
// If no child has lesser value, then we've found the spot!
if (j >= arr.length || value <= arr[j]) break;
// Move the selected child value one level up...
arr[i] = arr[j];
// ...and consider the child slot for putting our sifted value
i = j;
arr[i] = value; // Place the sifted value at the found spot
/* heapify:
* The given array is reordered in-place so that it becomes a valid heap.
* Elements in the given array must have a [0] property (e.g. arrays). That [0] value
* serves as the key to establish the heap order. The rest of such an element is just payload.
* It also returns the heap.
heapify(arr) {
// Establish heap with an incremental, bottom-up process
for (let i = arr.length>>1; i--; ) this.siftDown(arr, i);
return arr;
/* pop:
* Extracts the root of the given heap, and returns it (the subarray).
* Returns undefined if the heap is empty
pop(arr) {
// Pop the last leaf from the given heap, and exchange it with its root
return, arr.pop());
/* exchange:
* Replaces the root node of the given heap with the given node, and returns the previous root.
* Returns the given node if the heap is empty.
* This is similar to a call of pop and push, but is more efficient.
exchange(arr, value) {
if (!arr.length) return value;
// Get the root node, so to return it later
let oldValue = arr[0];
// Inject the replacing node using the sift-down process
this.siftDown(arr, 0, value);
return oldValue;
/* push:
* Inserts the given node into the given heap. It returns the heap.
push(arr, value) {
// First assume the insertion spot is at the very end (as a leaf)
let i = arr.length;
let j;
// Then follow the path to the root, moving values down for as long as they
// are greater than the value to be inserted
while ((j = (i-1)>>1) >= 0 && value < arr[j]) {
arr[i] = arr[j];
i = j;
// Found the insertion spot
arr[i] = value;
return arr;
function cookies(k, arr) {
// Remove values that are already OK so to keep heap size minimal
const heap = arr.filter(val => val < k);
let greaterPresent = heap.length < arr.length; // Mark whether there is a good cookie
let result = 0;
while (heap.length > 1) {
const newValue = MinHeap.pop(heap) + MinHeap.pop(heap) * 2;
// Only push result back to heap if it still is not great enough
if (newValue < k) MinHeap.push(heap, newValue);
else greaterPresent = true; // Otherwise just mark that we have a good cookie
// If not good cookies were created, then return -1
// Otherwise, if there is still 1 element in the heap, add 1
return greaterPresent ? result + heap.length : -1;
// Example run
console.log(cookies(9, [2,7,3,6,4,6])); // 4
I solved it using java. You may adapt to Javascript.
This code does not require using a heap. It just work on the same array passed. Passed all tests for me.
static int cookies(int k, int[] arr) {
* Write your code here.
int i = 0,
c = arr.length,
i0 = 0,
c0 = 0,
op = 0;
while( (arr[i]<k || arr[i0]<k) && (c0-i0 + c-i)>1 ) {
int s1 = i0==c0 || arr[i]<=arr[i0] ? arr[i++] : arr[i0++],
s2 = i0==c0 || (i!=c && arr[i]<=arr[i0]) ? arr[i++] : arr[i0++];
arr[c0++] = s1 + 2*s2;
if( i==c ) {
i = i0;
c = c0;
c0 = i0;
return c-i>1 || arr[i]>=k ? op : -1;
First of all sort array.
For newly calculated values, store them in the array[i0-c0] range, this new array does not require sorting, because it is already sorted.
When array[i-c] reaches(i==c: true) end, forget it, and work on arr[i0-c0].

unexpected behavior, custom .sort() with always return 0 [duplicate]

I know that the ECMA Script specification does not specify which algorithm to use for sorting arrays, nor does it specify whether the sort should be stable.
I've found this information for Firefox which specifies that firefox uses a stable sort.
Does anyone know about IE 6/7/8, Chrome and Safari?
As of ES2019, sort is required to be stable. In ECMAScript 1st edition through ES2018, it was allowed to be unstable.
Simple test case (ignore the heading, second set of numbers should be sequential if the engine's sort is stable). Note: This test case doesn't work for some versions of Chrome (technically, of V8) that switched sorting algorithms based on the size of the array, using a stable sort for small arrays but an unstable one for larger arrays. (Details.) See the end of the question for a modified version that makes the array large enough to trigger the behavior.
IE's sort has been stable as long as I've ever used it (so IE6). Checking again in IE8 and it appears to still be the case.
And although that Mozilla page you link to says Firefox's sort is stable, I definitely say this was not always the case prior to (and including) Firefox 2.0.
Some cursory results:
IE6+: stable
Firefox < 3: unstable
Firefox >= 3: stable
Chrome < 70: unstable
Chrome >= 70: stable
Opera < 10: unstable
Opera >= 10: stable
Safari 4: stable
Edge: unstable for long arrays (>512 elements)
All tests on Windows.
See also: Fast stable sorting algorithm implementation in javascript
This test case (modified from here) will demonstrate the problem in V8 (for instance, Node v6, Chrome < v70) by ensuring the array has enough entries to pick the "more efficient" sort method; this is written with very old JavaScript engines in mind, so without modern features:
function Pair(_x, _y) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
function pairSort(a, b) {
return a.x - b.x;
var y = 0;
var check = [];
while (check.length < 100) {
check.push(new Pair(Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1, ++y));
var min = {};
var issues = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < check.length; ++i) {
var entry = check[i];
var found = min[entry.x];
if (found) {
if (found.y > entry.y) {
console.log("Unstable at " + found.i + ": " + found.y + " > " + entry.y);
} else {
min[entry.x] = {x: entry.x, y: entry.y, i: i};
if (!issues) {
console.log("Sort appears to be stable");
I'd like to share a trick I routinely use in C/C++ for qsort().
JS' sort() allows to specify a compare function. Create second array of the same length and fill it with increasing numbers from 0.
function stableSorted(array, compareFunction) {
compareFunction = compareFunction || defaultCompare;
var indicies = new Array(array.length);
for (var i = 0; i < indicies.length; i++)
indicies[i] = i;
This are indexes into the original array. We are going to sort the second array. Make a custom compare function.
indicies.sort(function(a, b)) {
It will get the two elements from the second array: use them as indexes into the original arrays and compare the elements.
var aValue = array[a], bValue = array[b];
var order = compareFunction(a, b);
if (order != 0)
return order;
If elements happen to be equal, then compare their indexes to make the order stable.
if (a < b)
return -1;
return 1;
After the sort(), the second array would contain indexes which you can use to access the elements of original array in stable sorted order.
var sorted = new Array(array.length);
for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++)
sorted[i] = array[indicies[i]];
return sorted;
// The default comparison logic used by Array.sort(), if compareFunction is not provided:
function defaultCompare(a, b) {
a = String(a);
b = String(b);
if (a < b) return -1;
else if (a > b) return 1;
else return 0;
In general, stable sort algorithms are only maturing and still require more extra memory compared to the good ol' qsort. I guess that's why very few specs mandate stable sort.
As of V8 v7.0 and Chrome 70, our Array.prototype.sort implementation is now stable. πŸŽ‰
Previously, V8 used an unstable QuickSort for arrays with more than 10 elements. Now, V8 uses the stable TimSort algorithm.
The only major engine JavaScript engine that still has an unstable Array#sort implementation is Chakra, as used in Microsoft Edge. Chakra uses QuickSort for arrays with more than 512 elements. For smaller arrays, it uses a stable insertion sort implementation.
In case anyone finds it useful, I had a polyfill for this that I am now removing:
const stable = (count => {
array = new Array(count),
buckets = {};
let i, k, v;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
array[i] = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1, i + 1]; // [1..3, 1..count]
array.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
[k, v] = array[i];
if (buckets[k] > v) {
return false;
buckets[k] = v;
return true;
// Edge's JS engine has a threshold of 512 before it goes unstable, so use a number beyond that:
if (!stable) {
{ prototype } = Array,
{ sort } = prototype;
Object.defineProperty(prototype, 'sort', {
configurable : true,
value(sortFn) {
array = this,
len = array.length,
temp = new Array(len);
let i;
for (i = len; i-- > 0; /* empty */) {
temp[i] = i;
sortFn = sortFn || defaultSort;, (index1, index2) => sortFn(array[index1], array[index2]) || index1 - index2);
// we cannot do this directly into array since we may overwrite an element before putting it into the
// correct spot:
for (i = len; i-- > 0; /* empty */) {
temp[i] = array[temp[i]];
for (i = len; i-- > 0; /* empty */) {
array[i] = temp[i];
return array;
If you are looking for a list of browsers where you should utilize a non native sorting algorithm, my suggestion is don't.
Instead do a sort sanity check when the script loads and make your decision from that.
As the spec doesn't require a particular behavior in that regard, it is not immune to later change, even within the same browser line.
You could submit a patch to to include such tests in their suite. But again, feature detection is superior to browser detection.

javascript sort acts weird when more than 10 divs in Chrome [duplicate]

I know that the ECMA Script specification does not specify which algorithm to use for sorting arrays, nor does it specify whether the sort should be stable.
I've found this information for Firefox which specifies that firefox uses a stable sort.
Does anyone know about IE 6/7/8, Chrome and Safari?
As of ES2019, sort is required to be stable. In ECMAScript 1st edition through ES2018, it was allowed to be unstable.
Simple test case (ignore the heading, second set of numbers should be sequential if the engine's sort is stable). Note: This test case doesn't work for some versions of Chrome (technically, of V8) that switched sorting algorithms based on the size of the array, using a stable sort for small arrays but an unstable one for larger arrays. (Details.) See the end of the question for a modified version that makes the array large enough to trigger the behavior.
IE's sort has been stable as long as I've ever used it (so IE6). Checking again in IE8 and it appears to still be the case.
And although that Mozilla page you link to says Firefox's sort is stable, I definitely say this was not always the case prior to (and including) Firefox 2.0.
Some cursory results:
IE6+: stable
Firefox < 3: unstable
Firefox >= 3: stable
Chrome < 70: unstable
Chrome >= 70: stable
Opera < 10: unstable
Opera >= 10: stable
Safari 4: stable
Edge: unstable for long arrays (>512 elements)
All tests on Windows.
See also: Fast stable sorting algorithm implementation in javascript
This test case (modified from here) will demonstrate the problem in V8 (for instance, Node v6, Chrome < v70) by ensuring the array has enough entries to pick the "more efficient" sort method; this is written with very old JavaScript engines in mind, so without modern features:
function Pair(_x, _y) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
function pairSort(a, b) {
return a.x - b.x;
var y = 0;
var check = [];
while (check.length < 100) {
check.push(new Pair(Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1, ++y));
var min = {};
var issues = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < check.length; ++i) {
var entry = check[i];
var found = min[entry.x];
if (found) {
if (found.y > entry.y) {
console.log("Unstable at " + found.i + ": " + found.y + " > " + entry.y);
} else {
min[entry.x] = {x: entry.x, y: entry.y, i: i};
if (!issues) {
console.log("Sort appears to be stable");
I'd like to share a trick I routinely use in C/C++ for qsort().
JS' sort() allows to specify a compare function. Create second array of the same length and fill it with increasing numbers from 0.
function stableSorted(array, compareFunction) {
compareFunction = compareFunction || defaultCompare;
var indicies = new Array(array.length);
for (var i = 0; i < indicies.length; i++)
indicies[i] = i;
This are indexes into the original array. We are going to sort the second array. Make a custom compare function.
indicies.sort(function(a, b)) {
It will get the two elements from the second array: use them as indexes into the original arrays and compare the elements.
var aValue = array[a], bValue = array[b];
var order = compareFunction(a, b);
if (order != 0)
return order;
If elements happen to be equal, then compare their indexes to make the order stable.
if (a < b)
return -1;
return 1;
After the sort(), the second array would contain indexes which you can use to access the elements of original array in stable sorted order.
var sorted = new Array(array.length);
for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++)
sorted[i] = array[indicies[i]];
return sorted;
// The default comparison logic used by Array.sort(), if compareFunction is not provided:
function defaultCompare(a, b) {
a = String(a);
b = String(b);
if (a < b) return -1;
else if (a > b) return 1;
else return 0;
In general, stable sort algorithms are only maturing and still require more extra memory compared to the good ol' qsort. I guess that's why very few specs mandate stable sort.
As of V8 v7.0 and Chrome 70, our Array.prototype.sort implementation is now stable. πŸŽ‰
Previously, V8 used an unstable QuickSort for arrays with more than 10 elements. Now, V8 uses the stable TimSort algorithm.
The only major engine JavaScript engine that still has an unstable Array#sort implementation is Chakra, as used in Microsoft Edge. Chakra uses QuickSort for arrays with more than 512 elements. For smaller arrays, it uses a stable insertion sort implementation.
In case anyone finds it useful, I had a polyfill for this that I am now removing:
const stable = (count => {
array = new Array(count),
buckets = {};
let i, k, v;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
array[i] = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1, i + 1]; // [1..3, 1..count]
array.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
[k, v] = array[i];
if (buckets[k] > v) {
return false;
buckets[k] = v;
return true;
// Edge's JS engine has a threshold of 512 before it goes unstable, so use a number beyond that:
if (!stable) {
{ prototype } = Array,
{ sort } = prototype;
Object.defineProperty(prototype, 'sort', {
configurable : true,
value(sortFn) {
array = this,
len = array.length,
temp = new Array(len);
let i;
for (i = len; i-- > 0; /* empty */) {
temp[i] = i;
sortFn = sortFn || defaultSort;, (index1, index2) => sortFn(array[index1], array[index2]) || index1 - index2);
// we cannot do this directly into array since we may overwrite an element before putting it into the
// correct spot:
for (i = len; i-- > 0; /* empty */) {
temp[i] = array[temp[i]];
for (i = len; i-- > 0; /* empty */) {
array[i] = temp[i];
return array;
If you are looking for a list of browsers where you should utilize a non native sorting algorithm, my suggestion is don't.
Instead do a sort sanity check when the script loads and make your decision from that.
As the spec doesn't require a particular behavior in that regard, it is not immune to later change, even within the same browser line.
You could submit a patch to to include such tests in their suite. But again, feature detection is superior to browser detection.

Why Javascript implementation of Bubble sort much faster than others sorting algorithms?

I have done some research about Javascript sorting algorithms performance comparison, and found unexpected results. Bubble sort provided much better performance than others such as Shell sort, Quick sort and a native Javascript functionality. Why does this happen? Maybe I'm wrong in my performance testing method?
You can find my research results here.
Here are some algorithm implementation examples:
* Bubble sort(optimized)
Array.prototype.bubbleSort = function ()
var n = this.length;
do {
var swapped = false;
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++ ) {
if (this[i - 1] > this[i]) {
var tmp = this[i-1];
this[i-1] = this[i];
this[i] = tmp;
swapped = true;
} while (swapped);
* Quick sort
Array.prototype.quickSort = function ()
if (this.length <= 1)
return this;
var pivot = this[Math.round(this.length / 2)];
return this.filter(function (x) { return x < pivot }).quickSort().concat(
this.filter(function (x) { return x == pivot })).concat(
this.filter(function (x) { return x > pivot }).quickSort());
That's because bubble sort is faster when you are sorting an array that is already sorted.
As you are sorting the same array over and over, it will be sorted in the first iteration in the first test, after that you are sorting an array that is already sorted.
To test the actual performance of sorting an array that is not already sorted, you have to create a new array for each sort iteration.

Javascript Array.sort implementation?

Which algorithm does the JavaScript Array#sort() function use? I understand that it can take all manner of arguments and functions to perform different kinds of sorts, I'm simply interested in which algorithm the vanilla sort uses.
I've just had a look at the WebKit (Chrome, Safari …) source. Depending on the type of array, different sort methods are used:
Numeric arrays (or arrays of primitive type) are sorted using the C++ standard library function std::qsort which implements some variation of quicksort (usually introsort).
Contiguous arrays of non-numeric type are stringified and sorted using mergesort, if available (to obtain a stable sorting) or qsort if no merge sort is available.
For other types (non-contiguous arrays and presumably for associative arrays) WebKit uses either selection sort (which they call β€œmin” sort) or, in some cases, it sorts via an AVL tree. Unfortunately, the documentation here is rather vague so you’d have to trace the code paths to actually see for which types which sort method is used.
And then there are gems like this comment:
// FIXME: Since we sort by string value, a fast algorithm might be to use a
// radix sort. That would be O(N) rather than O(N log N).
– Let’s just hope that whoever actually β€œfixes” this has a better understanding of asymptotic runtime than the writer of this comment, and realises that radix sort has a slightly more complex runtime description than simply O(N).
(Thanks to phsource for pointing out the error in the original answer.)
If you look at this bug 224128, it appears that MergeSort is being used by Mozilla.
There is no draft requirement for JS to use a specific sorting algorthim. As many have mentioned here, Mozilla uses merge sort.However, In Chrome's v8 source code, as of today, it uses QuickSort and InsertionSort, for smaller arrays.
V8 Engine Source
From Lines 807 - 891
var QuickSort = function QuickSort(a, from, to) {
var third_index = 0;
while (true) {
// Insertion sort is faster for short arrays.
if (to - from <= 10) {
InsertionSort(a, from, to);
if (to - from > 1000) {
third_index = GetThirdIndex(a, from, to);
} else {
third_index = from + ((to - from) >> 1);
// Find a pivot as the median of first, last and middle element.
var v0 = a[from];
var v1 = a[to - 1];
var v2 = a[third_index];
var c01 = comparefn(v0, v1);
if (c01 > 0) {
// v1 < v0, so swap them.
var tmp = v0;
v0 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
} // v0 <= v1.
var c02 = comparefn(v0, v2);
if (c02 >= 0) {
// v2 <= v0 <= v1.
var tmp = v0;
v0 = v2;
v2 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
} else {
// v0 <= v1 && v0 < v2
var c12 = comparefn(v1, v2);
if (c12 > 0) {
// v0 <= v2 < v1
var tmp = v1;
v1 = v2;
v2 = tmp;
// v0 <= v1 <= v2
a[from] = v0;
a[to - 1] = v2;
var pivot = v1;
var low_end = from + 1; // Upper bound of elements lower than pivot.
var high_start = to - 1; // Lower bound of elements greater than pivot.
a[third_index] = a[low_end];
a[low_end] = pivot;
// From low_end to i are elements equal to pivot.
// From i to high_start are elements that haven't been compared yet.
partition: for (var i = low_end + 1; i < high_start; i++) {
var element = a[i];
var order = comparefn(element, pivot);
if (order < 0) {
a[i] = a[low_end];
a[low_end] = element;
} else if (order > 0) {
do {
if (high_start == i) break partition;
var top_elem = a[high_start];
order = comparefn(top_elem, pivot);
} while (order > 0);
a[i] = a[high_start];
a[high_start] = element;
if (order < 0) {
element = a[i];
a[i] = a[low_end];
a[low_end] = element;
if (to - high_start < low_end - from) {
QuickSort(a, high_start, to);
to = low_end;
} else {
QuickSort(a, from, low_end);
from = high_start;
As of 2018 V8 uses TimSort, thanks #celwell. Source
The ECMAScript standard does not specify which sort algorithm is to be used. Indeed, different browsers feature different sort algorithms. For example, Mozilla/Firefox's sort() is not stable (in the sorting sense of the word) when sorting a map. IE's sort() is stable.
I think that would depend on what browser implementation you are refering to.
Every browser type has it's own javascript engine implementation, so it depends.
You could check the sourcecode repos for Mozilla and Webkit/Khtml for different implementations.
IE is closed source however, so you may have to ask somebody at microsoft.
Google Chrome uses TimSort, Python's sorting algorithm, as of version 70 released on September 13, 2018.
See the the post on the V8 dev blog (V8 is Chrome's JavaScript engine) for details about this change. You can read the source code or patch 1186801 specifically.
After some more research, it appears, for Mozilla/Firefox, that Array.sort() uses Merge Sort. See the code here.

