Encrypting in CryptoJS and decrypting in mCrypt not working properly - javascript

For the past 2 days I have been struggling with what I first thought would be a breeze to implemenent.
I am in need of a very simple and non-secure way to send a cipher thru AJAX and decrypt it server-side
I am using AES from CryptoJS:
JS encryption
msg = "message";
var key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f');
var iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse('101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f');
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(msg, key, { iv: iv });
var data_base64 = encrypted.ciphertext.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
var iv_base64 = encrypted.iv.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
var key_base64 = encrypted.key.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
console.log(data_base64,iv_base64,key_base64) //If I use these keys in the PHP decryption it works
return encrypted.toString();
...and PHP decryption using mCrypt
$encrypted = "f82126a59b76d86946a013d9f575d0d4"; //this is what the JS function above returned.
$key = "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"; //same key as in JS function
$iv = "101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f"; //same IV as in JS function
$plaintext = rtrim( mcrypt_decrypt( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $encrypted, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv ), "\t\0 " );
echo "Original string : " . $encrypted . "<br />\n";
echo "Decrypted string : " . $plaintext . "<br />\n";
Since I am using the same IV's and key's to encrypt I would expect that this would work decrypt just fine. However I seem to be missing something since I still see gibberish in the plaintext.
Well it seems that the whole purpose of AES is that the keys and
IV's I must use are output by CryptoJS (see the console.log's in
the JS function). If I use those the function seems to run just fine.
But I don't want that actually since those keys are dynamically
generated thus each time I ran the JS function they change. I just
need a shared private-key between client and server that is used to
encrypt/decrypt and is static. As simple as that.

Your key is 128 bit (the length of $key is 32 hexadecimal characters, which means 16 byte or 128 bit). However, in your mcrypt_decrypt() call you're telling PHP to use MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 with a 256-bit key. Try using MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 instead. Normally ciphers should adapt to the length of the passed key, but it could be that PHP is padding the key with null bytes to use 256-bit encryption.
Secondly, in PHP mcrypt_decrypt is set to use the CBC mode (see MCRYPT_MODE_CBC). You don't specify which mode CryptoJS should use. Luckily for you, according to docs for CryptoJS, the CBC mode is the one used by default; however, since you're writing portable code you should consider making that explicit.
If it tells you that the key is too long, it's because you're not packing them. You're giving PHP an hex-encoded string long 32 bytes (256 bit), which is not your key! To get the binary data you need to do:
$key = pack('H*', "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f");
$iv = pack('H*', "101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f");
the pack('H*', $str); function converts an hex representation to the binary string.

MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 is not the same as AES. The 256 relates to the block size of the cipher, not the key size.
Quick history lesson - AES was a competition that was eventually won by an algorithm called Rijndael. Rinjdael is a cipher defined for several block sizes (128, 160, 192, 224 and 256 bits). However, for AES only the 128-bit block size was selected.
The block size defines the size of the IV, when you use a mode that needs an IV (like CBC-mode). So for AES, you'll always need a 128-bit IV, regardless of key size. The supported key sizes are 128, 192 or 256 bits.
In PHP, one can use AES by using the cipher MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128.


Implement C# encryption in CryptoJS

I have situation where I need to create the same encryption method which is already up and running in C#. The concept behind this is, from where ever this encrypted key is logged, we will use the same C# project to decrypt it.
Below is the logic used in C#:
using var aes = new AesCryptoServiceProvider
Key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key),
Mode = CipherMode.CBC,
Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7
using var encrypter = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
using var cipherStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var tCryptoStream = new CryptoStream(cipherStream, encrypter, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (var tBinaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(tCryptoStream))
return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherStream.ToArray());
Key is the same key used in both C# and JavaScript. But still I am not able to generate the same encryption value as in C#.
I tried to go through other Stack Overflow posts related to this topic, but unable to figure the missing part in JavaScript. Can any one please help?
The key used in the C# code is UTF-8 encoded, so on the CryptoJS side the key must be parsed into a WordArray using the UTF-8 encoder (CryptoJS only interprets the key material as key if it is passed as a WordArray; if it is passed as string, it is interpreted as password and a key derivation function is applied, which would not be compatible with the C# code).
Also, the C# code concatenates IV and ciphertext, which must also happen in the CryptoJS code. This is necessary because the IV is required for decryption.
Fixed code:
var plaintext = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
var key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse('01234567890123456789012345678901'); // Fix 1: parse as WordArray
var iv = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(128 / 8);
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(plaintext, key, {iv: iv}); // CBC, PKCS#7 padding by default
var ivCiphertext = iv.clone().concat(encrypted.ciphertext).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64); // Fix 2: concatenate IV and ciphertext
console.log(ivCiphertext); // e.g. e9iXcQ2sZ6AA2ne1c3490pAPWOrTGf4UttSSX1lOiKUqwP0oWRPFF83VhZQZMMBu9JKNWIfgS+9D5V39bI4rqg==
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/4.1.1/crypto-js.min.js"></script>
For a test, the ciphertexts cannot simply be compared because, due to the random IV, each encryption produces different ciphertexts.
One option for a test is to temporarily use the same IV in the C# code and in the CryptoJS code for the test (and only for the test, since a static IV is insecure!), which would produce the same ciphertexts that could then be compared.
Another option for a test is to decrypt the ciphertext produced with the CryptoJS code with the C# code for decryption.

openssl_decrypt PHP to CryptoJS

In PHP I use openssl_decrypt($encryptData,'AES128',$key, OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING|OPENSSL_RAW_DATA) and I need the exact same thing with same option on JS so I use CryptoJS with this function cryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encryptData, key, {padding: cryptoJS.pad.ZeroPadding}).toString().
With PHP my decoded message start with C7 with others hexa character. But in JS only decimal values.
Here encryptData and key on PHP and JS have the exact same value. But cryptoJS return something different from PHP.
I don't know what can be the problem. I've tried to change the base of my values with UTF8 or Base64. But nothing works.
How can I convert this function to crypto and have it working ?
Thank you !
PHP example :
$encryptData = hex2bin("D5F630E93F36C21293012D78E5A384F1");
$key = hex2bin("A254FE00A791AA74386E8DEF3712B256");
var_dump(bin2hex(openssl_decrypt($encryptData,'AES128', $key, OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING|OPENSSL_RAW_DATA)));
//result : c704469332aa61804601008a92dc10e5
JS example : (and of course hex2bin return the same output than in PHP)
let encData = hex2bin("D5F630E93F36C21293012D78E5A384F1");
let key = hex2bin("A254FE00A791AA74386E8DEF3712B256");
let data = bin2hex(cryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encData, key, {padding: cryptoJS.pad.ZeroPadding}).toString());
//result : 326638346632336661323135353832343236376139343564
Result change every time I reload on JS.
CryptoJS uses the WordArray type and provides encoders for conversion, e.g. the Hex encoder.
In the PHP code, aes128 is applied, which is an alias for aes-128-cbc and requires an IV. If none is specified, PHP implicitly uses a zero vector, which must be explicitly specified in the CryptoJS code. The CBC mode itself does not need to be explicitly specified, since it is the default.
Moreover the PHP code disables padding, which must be explicitly specified in the CryptoJS code, since PKCS7 padding is the default. Note that OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING does not enable Zero padding, but disables padding, i.e. the CryptoJS counterpart is NoPadding.
Your CryptoJS code must be changed as follows to be functionally equivalent to the PHP code:
let encData = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse("D5F630E93F36C21293012D78E5A384F1");
let key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse("A254FE00A791AA74386E8DEF3712B256");
let iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse("00000000000000000000000000000000");
let data = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(
{ciphertext: encData},
{iv: iv, padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding}
console.log(data); // c704469332aa61804601008a92dc10e5
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/4.0.0/crypto-js.min.js"></script>
Please also note that a static IV is insecure. Typically, a random IV is generated for each encryption, which is not secret and passed along with the ciphertext (usually concatenated) to the recipient, who separates both before decryption.

Crypto-js local side to php server side

I have an app that use crypto-Js AES. The simulate working code is:
var ciphertext = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt('My_message', 'My_secret_key');
the answer is:
when I try to reproduce it server side I never get the same answer:
$salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8);
$salt ='';
$salted = '';
$dx = '';
while (strlen($salted) < 48) {
$dx = md5($dx.$passphrase.$salt, true);
$salted .= $dx;
$key = substr($salted, 0, 32);
$iv = substr($salted, 32,16);
$encrypted_data = openssl_encrypt($value, 'aes-256-cbc', $key, true, $iv);
echo base64_encode($encrypted_data);
server side answer:
I must miss something but can't point out what. Local side can't touched.
All help is welcome
If the second parameter in CryptoJS.AES.encrypt is passed as string, it is interpreted as a passphrase from which the actual key and IV are derived, [1]. This is achieved by using the functionality of the OpenSSL-function EVP_BytesToKey with an iteration count of 1 and the MD5-digest, [2] [3] (note that CryptoJS doesn't consider the switch of the default digest from MD5 to SHA256 from OpenSSL version 1.1.0c on, [4]).
CryptoJS.AES.encrypt returns a CipherParams-object that encapsulates ciphertext, key, IV, and salt, [5]. In addition CipherParams#toString() returns the result in OpenSSL-format as Base64-encoded string. The OpenSSL-format consists of a 16-byte header and the subsequent ciphertext. The header starts with the ASCII-encoded string Salted__ followed by an 8-byte salt. The salt is randomly generated each time and used together with the password to derive the key / IV. This creates a different key / IV each time.
The PHP-code is functionally identical: Key and IV are derived with an analog logic from a passphrase using a freshly generated salt each time (for the proof, see below). However, some minor changes are necessary:
The following line must be removed: $salt ='';
In the current code, only the Base64-encoded ciphertext is displayed. For a Base64-encoded output of the result in OpenSSL-format the code must be instead:
echo base64_encode('Salted__'.$salt.$encrypted_data);
The 4th parameter in openssl_encrypt should be changed from true to OPENSSL_RAW_DATA. Both are functionally identical, but the use of OPENSSL_RAW_DATA is more transparent.
The JavaScript- and PHP-code generate a new salt each time and thus a different key and IV, which changes the ciphertext each time. That's the way it should be. Since the salt is stored together with the ciphertext, it is possible to decrypt the ciphertext at any time using the passphrase.
Proof that both codes use the same logic to derive key and IV: The new salt / ciphertext generated each time prevents a direct comparison of the results of both codes. In order to perform this comparison without much effort, it is best to use the salt generated in the JavaScript-code in the PHP-code as well. The salt in the JavaScript-code can be determined as hexadecimal string with:
This salt is to be used in the PHP-code instead of the randomly generated salt (of course only for this one comparison):
$salt = hex2bin('<Salt from JavaScript-Code as hexadecimal string>');
A comparison of both outputs now proves that they are equal, showing that both codes are functionally identical.
I've been in your exact situation before. We had extreme difficulty getting the same results on PHP and Java (for Android). Many developers at 2 companies over many days. No luck.
We eventually ended up calling CryptoJS from PHP. If I remember correctly, there is something non-standard in Crypto JS. I could be wrong it was a while back.
Calling CryptoJS with node through PHP can be a more robust solution. Then you can use the same library which ensures compatibility.
$result = shell_exec('node yourCryptoJSprogram.js');
We did reach a limit to how much data can be passed as arguments this way. I would recommend writing to a file with PHP and reading with NodeJS again.
If performance becomes problematic, consider running an Express server and making REST calls from PHP.
If that answer doesn't satisfy you, consider using or copying this simple OpenSSL based PHP library I wrote to figure it out:

C - Encrypt and decrypt a string with AES

I'm trying to understand how to use this c library (tiny-AES-c). As a web developer, I'm looking to get an equivalent C code for this JS fiddle.
The JS code is straightforward:
// Encrypt
var ciphertext = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt('my message', 'secret key 123');
console.log("Encrypted: " + ciphertext.toString());
// Decrypt
var bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(ciphertext.toString(), 'secret key 123');
var plaintext = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
console.log("Decrypted: " + plaintext);
Given a message to encrypt and a secret, the code generates the encrypted data and transform the results to a string.
My C code:
int main()
uint8_t in[] = "my message";
uint8_t key[] = "secret key 123";
struct AES_ctx ctx;
AES_init_ctx(&ctx, key);
printf("ORIG: %s",(char*) in);
// Encrypt
AES_ECB_encrypt(&ctx, in);
printf("\nENC: %s",(char*) in);
// Decrypt
AES_ECB_decrypt(&ctx, in);
printf("\nDEC: %s",(char*) in);
return 0;
The output:
ORIG: my message
ENC: ̤�+��5<n]EYK�ظ/����
DEC: my message%
I understand that I shouldn't try to print the result as a string, but couldn't figure out how to get similar (to the JS) results, using the tiny-AES-c API, plus when I tried using longer messages I got strange results, leading me to think I'm using this library the wrong way.
Q: What would be the C code equivalent to the above JS?
I am the original author of the AES library you reference.
When using ECB and CBC modes of operation, you need to make sure your key, iv and the input/output blocks are all 16 bytes long. You also need to decide on which padding scheme you want to use.
You can use CTR-mode to avoid padding and stop worrying about block-sizes. This generally makes the AES algorithm much easier to use as there are fewer edge-cases to handle.
BTW this is also stated in the project README:
No padding is provided so for CBC and ECB all buffers should be mutiples of 16 bytes. For padding PKCS7 is recommendable.
ECB mode is considered unsafe for most uses and is not implemented in streaming mode. If you need this mode, call the function for every block of 16 bytes you need encrypted. See wikipedia's article on ECB for more details.
If you extend your arrays so that they are 16 bytes long and zero-pad them (or alternatively, declare them static so they will be zero-initialized automatically), I think it should work for you :)
uint8_t in[16] = "my message";
your buffer needs to be a multiple of 16.
As #Morten Jensen suggested, you can use the CTR-mode IE:AES_CTR_xcrypt_buffer
int main()
uint8_t key[] = "secret key 123";
uint8_t in[] = "my message";
uint8_t iv[16] = { 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff };
printf("Length: %lu",strlen((char*)in));
struct AES_ctx ctx;
AES_init_ctx_iv(&ctx, key, iv);
AES_CTR_xcrypt_buffer(&ctx, in, strlen((char*)in));
printf("\nENC: %s",(char*) in); // don't use this string as an input
AES_init_ctx_iv(&ctx, key, iv);
AES_CTR_xcrypt_buffer(&ctx, in, strlen((char*)in));
printf("\nDEC: %s",(char*) in);
return 0;
Remember, printing the encrypted data is wrong, you should go over the output and convert it to base64 if you want to match your JS example.

Porting AES decryption from CryptoJS to PyCrypto

Here is a JavaScript part which decodes a string with AES encryption
var p = 'some large string'
var s = 'Q05WTmhPSjlXM1BmeFd0UEtiOGg='
var y = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt({
ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(p)
}, CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(s), {
iv CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse("random")
var v = y.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8)
I am trying to code a similar decoding function in python with importing AES.
Could anyone help me with this one. I can't figure out all equivalent code for js to python.
I looked up this page
Python AES Decryption Routine (Code Help)
AES - Encryption with Crypto (node-js) / decryption with Pycrypto (python)
Not sure if they have the code similar to the js I have here
This in python what it means
I have tried something like this from another source
from base64 import b64decode
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
iv = 'random'
key = 'Q05WTmhPSjlXM1BmeFd0UEtiOGg='
encoded = b64decode('some large string')
dec = AES.new(key=key, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=iv)
value = dec.decrypt(encoded)
There are multiple problems with your CryptoJS code and Python code.
Wrong key size
Your key s contains only 20 bytes (160 bit) which doesn't constitute any of the valid key sizes for AES which are 128 (10), 192 (12) and 256 bit (14 rounds). CryptoJS will silently run the key schedule for a 160 bit key with 11 rounds which PyCrypto doesn't support (see AES.c).
You can reduce the key to 128 bit like this in CryptoJS:
var key = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse('Q05WTmhPSjlXM1BmeFd0UEtiOGg=');
key.sigBytes = 16;
or in Python:
key = b64decode('Q05WTmhPSjlXM1BmeFd0UEtiOGg=')[:16]
Wrong character encoding
You forgot to decode the key from a Base64 string in Python and you forgot to decode the IV from hex. The character '0' and the byte 0x00 are entirely different. There's an easier way to define an all zero IV:
iv = "\0"*16
No unpadding
CryptoJS uses PKCS#7 padding by default, but PyCrypto doesn't implement any padding and only handles data as a multiple of the block size. After you decrypt something, you need to remove the padding yourself in Python:
value = value[:value[-1]]
(the last byte determines how many bytes are padding bytes). More on that here.
Other considerations:
You really shouldn't be setting the IV to a static value. The IV should be randomly generated for every encryption using the same key. Otherwise, you will lose semantic security. Since the IV doesn't have to be secret, you can put it in front of the ciphertext and slice it off before decryption.

