LocalStorage in Contact Manager (knockoutjs) - javascript

This app is a Contact Manager. And I want when user is filling the form and click save the contacts which appears to be stored in local storage so I could remove some of them etc. Adding and removing are working but it's not storing.
Here is the app:
The problem in this lines:
self.load = function(){
self.contacts = localStorage.getItem("stored_contacts");
self.save = function(){
localStorage.setItem("stored_contacts", self.contacts);
If you delete this lines and "data-bind="click: save" in html file. It willbe adding and removing but not saving and loading

I've found a number of things to change in your code.
This is a fixed version:
(function ContactManager(){
// ...
self.contacts = ko.observableArray();
self.addItem = function(){
self.contacts.push(new Contact(self.conName(), self.phone(), self.email(), self.address()));
// ...
self.load = function(){
// haven't tested, but probably won't work. I think you'd have to convert your JSON to observables
self.contacts = localStorage.getItem("stored_contacts");
self.save = function(){
self.addItem(); // calling it from here, not from your HTML form submit
// you have to convert to JSON to save in localStorage
localStorage.setItem("stored_contacts", ko.toJSON(self.contacts()));
<form class="addContact" autocomplete="on">
<!-- ... -->
A couple of observations:
self.contacts = ko.observableArray(self.save); - this doesn't make any sense. You are initializing an observableArray with a function object. You are not even calling the function, you are passing the function. Either way, doesn't make sense here.
<form data-bind="submit: addItem" > and <button data-bind="click: save" type="submit"> - you are binding an event to your click on the button, and another event to the submit of the form, that happens when... well, when you click on the button. This maybe would work with some setup, but wasn't working, so I called the addItem from the save.
localStorage.setItem("stored_contacts", self.contacts); - you are trying to store an array of very complex objects (the contacts), each one full of several other complex objects (the observables) inside localStorage. localStorage, though, only stores strings. So you have to convert your objects to JSON. ko.toJSON is the way to go. More at the docs.
This is a working JSFiddle with the saving part. I don't know how does JSFiddle handles the localStorage, but as I told you in the comments on my code in the original answer, your load function is wrong and will have to read the string from the localStorage, parse it to JSON (with JSON.parse(string)) and construct the appropriate objects using your constructor function (Contact). This is pretty easy and you can do by yourself.
Edit 2:
The load function should be something like this (haven't tested):
self.load = function(){
var contactsJSON = localStorage.getItem("stored_contacts"); // a string
var loadedContacts = JSON.parse(contactsJSON); // an array
self.contacts = ko.observableArray(); // an observableArray
for (var i in loadedContacts) {
var loadedContact = loadedContacts[i]; // an object
var newContact = new Contact(/* pass the parameters from loadedContact*/); // a Contact object


Changing data returned from service changes data in service too

When I store data returned from a service in my controller and then edit it, it also changes the data in the service.
JSFiddle Demo
/* The backend connection part and the actual markdown editor JS have been removed because it would just make the code huge and is irrelevant to the problem */
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
// In my app, this service caches blog post data from my server on the client side and returns single posts from it
myApp.factory('PostService', function ($log, $filter, $http) {
var data;
// Just an example for data pulled from server
data = [{
id: 99999,
text: "Hello"
// Function for returning a post out of the data array loaded from the server
var getData = function (id) {
if (id !== undefined) {
var arr = $filter('filter')(data, {
id: id
if (arr.length === 0) {
$log.error('PostService:: getData(' + id + '):: Post Not Found');
return 'not_found';
} else {
$log.debug('PostService:: getData(' + id + '):: Post returned');
return arr[0];
} else {
return data;
return {
getData: getData
function ctrl($log, $scope, PostService) {
var edit = this;
// Sample post id
edit.editingId = 99999;
// "Copy" (apparrently more "bind") the blog post data to edit.data
edit.data = PostService.getData(edit.editingId);
This is used for a markdown editor. I wanted to load the data from the service into the controller, then edit it, and give the service the new version on pressing a "Save" button.
If the aforementioned behaviour is correct in the sense of Angular's databinding, what is a better solution to achieve what I want?
Based on PSL's comment and Thibaud Sowa's answer I changed the getData() function to return a copy using angular.copy(). However, it seems not to be possible to copy one object out of an array (like angular.copy(arr[0])), as it will still return the whole array. See the updated JSFiddle.
Update 2
Well, I was dumb. I corrected it in the fiddle. Thank you for your answers.
This is because you are returning an object. In javascript when you do that it's like if you are passing a pointer.
You should use angular.copy to copy the object field by field, like this:
return angular.copy(data);
See the doc here https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.copy
Response to your update
Well, I edited your fiddle, to show you that you can copy an item of an array. Actually it's seems that every thing works like you want... (Or I didn't understand your need!)
The updated fiddle:
There is a very simple solution to your problem:
If you dont want to change the data you get from the service make a copy
There are plenty of threads on SO discussing the fastes or most elegant way to deep copy a Javascript object. A simple and rather fast solution is using json parse and stringify like this:
var copyOfA = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a));
Apply this to the data you get from your service and you are good to go :)

Backbone collection fetch imported incorrectly

I have a collection which is fetched from a REST endpoint, where it receives a JSON.
So to be completely clear:
var Products = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Product,
url : 'restendpoint',
customFilter: function(f){
var results = this.where(f);
return new TestCollection(results);
var products = new Products();
If I log this, then I have the data. However, the length of the object (initial) is 0, but it has 6 models. I think this difference has something to do with what is wrong, without me knowing what is actually wrong.
Now, if I try to filter this:
products.customFilter({title: "MyTitle"});
That returns 0, even though I know there is one of that specific title.
Now the funky part. If I take the ENTIRE JSON and copy it, as in literally copy/paste it into the code like this:
var TestCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
customFilter: function(f){
var results = this.where(f);
return new TestCollection(results);
var testCollectionInstance = new TestCollection(COPY PASTED HUGE JSON DATA);
testCollectionInstance.customFilter({title: "MyTitle"});
Now that returns the 1 model which I was expecting. The difference when I log the two collections can be seen below. Is there some funky behaviour in the .fetch() I am unaware of?
Edit 2: It may also be of value that using the .fetch() I have no problems actually using the models in a view. It's only the filtering part which is funky.
Edit 3: Added the view. It may very well be that I just don't get the flow yet. Basically I had it all working when I only had to fetch() the data and send it to the view, however, the fetch was hardcoded into the render function, so this.fetch({success: send to template}); This may be wrong.
What I want to do is be able to filter the collection and send ANY collection to the render method and then render the template with that collection.
var ProductList = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#page',
render: function(){
var that = this; /* save the reference to this for use in anonymous functions */
var template = _.template($('#product-list-template').html());
that.$el.html(template({ products: products.models }));
//before the fetch() call was here and then I rendered the template, however, I needed to get it out so I can update my collection and re-render with a new one (so it's not hard-coded to fetch so to speak)
events: {
'keyup #search' : 'search'
search : function (ev){
var letters = $("#search").val();
Edit: New image added to clearify the problem
It's a bit tricky, you need to understand how the console works.
Logging objects or arrays is not like logging primitive values like strings or numbers.
When you log an object to the console, you are logging the reference to that object in memory.
In the first log that object has no models but once the models are fetched the object gets updated (not what you have previously logged!) and now that same object has 6 models. It's the same object but the console prints the current value/properties.
To answer your question, IO is asynchronous. You need to wait for that objects to be fetched from the server. That's what events are for. fetch triggers a sync event. Model emits the sync when the fetch is completed.
var Products = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Product,
url : 'restendpoint',
customFilter: function(f){
var results = this.where(f);
return new TestCollection(results);
var products = new Products();
console.log(products.length); // 0
console.log(products.length); // 6 or whatever
products.customFilter({title: 'MyTitle'});
It seems like a response to your ajax request hasn't been received yet by the time you run customFilter. You should be able to use the following to ensure that the request has finished.
var that = this;
success: function () {
newCollection = that.customFilter({ title: 'foo' });

Reading SharePoint Taxonomy Term Store and getDefaultLabel(lcid)

My App reads the SharePoint Term Store and need to get the label associated with the user's language. I get the user's language and lcid, and then I read all the terms under a certain node in the taxonomy using this code:
... some code to get the Term Store, then Term Group, then Term Set, and finally startTerm
var tsTerms = startTerm.get_terms();
function () {
var termsEnum = tsTerms.getEnumerator();
while (termsEnum.moveNext()) {
var currentTerm = termsEnum.get_current();
var termName = currentTerm.get_name();
var userLabel = currentTerm.getDefaultLabel(lcid);
var userLabelValue = userLabel.get_value();
console.log ("Label=", userLabel, userLabelValue)
... more code ...
In the while loop, I can get all the attributes of the term I need, except for the label. In other samples I found on the web, to get the default label, my userLabel object would be loaded in the context, then another context.executeQueryAsync is called. All that makes sense, but this would induce a lot of calls to the SharePoint server.
But, when I write to the console the userLabel object, is shows as type SP.Result, and when I open it, I see the label I want under the m_value. So there should be no need to go to the server again. However, the userLabelValue is returned as a 0 - obviously, the get_value() does not work. In MSDN documentation, a SP.Result object type is for internal use only. Is there any way to extract the data that it stores?
I have attached a picture of the console with the object expanded, where we clearly see the m_value = "Contrat", which is the label I need to get to.
Use SP.Taxonomy.Term.getDefaultLabel Method to get the default Label for this Term based on the LCID:
function getTermDefaultValue(termId,lcid,success,failure)
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var taxSession = SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession.getTaxonomySession(context);
var termDefaultValue = taxSession.getTerm(termId).getDefaultLabel(lcid);
context.executeQueryAsync(function() {
Note: SP.Taxonomy.Term.getDefaultLabel method expects locale identifier
(LCID) for the label.
var layoutsRoot = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + '/_layouts/15/';
$.getScript(layoutsRoot + 'sp.taxonomy.js',
function () {
var termId = 'dff82ab5-6b7a-4406-9d20-40a8973967dd';
function printLabelInfo(label)
console.log(String.format('Default Label: {0}',label.get_value()));
function printError(sender,args){
I was facing the same problem and found a solution. Instead of using getDefaultLabel(lcid), use this:
This, in my opinion, does the same as 'getDefaultLabel' but it works. It may cause a little bit more load than the other function but this one works for me

Right way to fetch and retrieve data in Backbone.js

I’m trying to understand how and where to use data after a fetch using Backbone.js but I’m a little confused.
I’ll explain the situation.
I have an app that, on the startup, get some data from a server. Three different kind of data.
Let’s suppose Airplanes, Bikes, Cars.
To do that, I’ve inserted inside the three collections (Airplanes, Cars, Bikes) the url where to get these data.
I’ve overwrited the parse method, so I can modify the string that I get, order it, and put it in an object and inside localstorage. I need it to be persistent because I need to use those 3 data structure.
So with a fetch i get all those data and put them inside localstorage. Is it correct doing it that way?
Now i need to make other calls to the server, like “get the nearest car”.
In the view i need to see the color, name and model of the car, all that informations are inside the object “Cars” in localstorage.
In my view “showcars.view” I just call a non-backbone js, (not a collection, model or view) where i get all the informations i need. In this js i do:
var carmodel = new Car(); //car is the backbone model of the cars
carmodel.url = '/get/nearest/car'; //that give id of the nearest car
carmodel.fetch ({
success: function () {}
//here i search the Cars object for a car with the same id
//and get name, color, model and put them in sessionstorage
So after that call, in the view I can get the data I need from the sessionstorage.
Is that a bad way of doing things? If so, how i should fetch and analyze those informations? I should do all the calls and operations inside the models?
This would be the way that you might implement what you want.
var Car = Backbone.Model.extend();
var Cars = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Car,
url: '.../cars'
var NearestCar = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: '...nearest/car'
var cars = new Cars();
var nearestCar = new NeaerestCar();
success: function() {
success: function(model) {
var oneYouWant = cars.get(model.get('id'));
// do something with your car
// e.g.:
// var carView = new CarView({model: oneYouWant});
// $('body').append(carView.render().el);
In general, Backbone keeps everything in memory (that is, the browser memory) so there is no need to save everything to local storage, as long as your Collection object is somehow reachable from the scope you are sitting in (to keep things simple let's say this is the global window scope).
So in your case I will have something like three collections:
Now you want the nearest. Assuming you are in a Backbone View and are responding to an event, in your place I would do something like this (just shows the meaningful code):
var GeneralView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: { "click .getNearestCar": "_getNearestCar" },
_getNearestCar: function () {
$.getJson('/get/nearest/car', function (data) {
// suppose the data.id is the id of the nearest car
var nearestCar = window.Cars.get(data.id)
// do what you plase with nearestCar...

Backbone, correct way of saving data into a model?

I have two ways of saving data (into a rest API), it works Ok in both ways but I was wondering which one is the way to go.
1st way:
// here serializeObject just converts form inputs into a serialized object
var inputs_data = this.ui.form.serializeObject();
// here in 3rd param from extend is the same as this.model.unset('logged');
var data = _.extend(this.model.toJSON(), inputs_data ,{logged: undefined});
// here I save and the data goes Ok!
2nd way:
// here i serialize the object the same as above
var inputs_data = this.ui.form.serializeObject();
// here i exclude 3rd parameter
var data = _.extend(this.model.toJSON(), inputs_data);
// set data with model.set instead of model.save
// remove unwanted attributes
// finnaly just save
So far I am using the 1st way, so I do not know if the app goes bigger it will bring any problems because of this.
I would go this way. You don't have to pass all attributes to model's save method, only the attributes that need to be changed (http://backbonejs.org/#Model-save)
var inputs_data = this.ui.form.serializeObject();
// remove unwanted attributes
delete inputs_data.logged;
// finally just save
If I were you I would use either Backbone.StickIt to synchronise an existing model with the form or use Backbone.Syphon to do something similar to what you are doing above.

