I'm loading a HTML partial through ajax. The partial is attached to the DOM by using innerHTML on an existing node.
The partial contains a few script tags at the bottom, something like:
<script src="/Scripts/Griffin.Editor.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
renderer: new marked.Renderer(),
gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: false,
pedantic: false,
sanitize: true,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false
var textParser = {
parse: function (text) {
return marked(text);
var prismHighlighter = {
highlight: function (blockElements, inlineElements) {
blockElements.forEach(function(item) {
var editor = new Griffin.Editor('editor', textParser);
editor.syntaxHighlighter = prismHighlighter;
However, as the script tags are not executed, I traverse the loaded partial to identify all script tags. I then create new script nodes in the DOM and attach them to the HEAD.
Something like:
var scripts = viewElem.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var scriptTag = scripts[0];
let node = document.createElement('script');
if (scriptTag.src && scriptTag.src.length > 0) {
node.src = scriptTag.src;
node.type = scriptTag.type;
} else {
node.text = scriptTag.text;
node.type = scriptTag.type;
//had eval here before (instead of attaching the embedded script to the HEAD).
From what I understand the browser should load the referenced scripts before invoking the embedded script. That is however not the case for me, because the JS console complains about not finding the object defined in the dependency script.
If I use a timer and eval the embedded script in it everything works. But that seems as a ugly workaround and I really want to understand the mechanics behind the load behavior (i.e. why the scripts are not executed when the partial is attached to the DOM and why the referenced scripts are not loaded directly when I add the nodes to the HEAD tag).
From what I've encountered, you can't have immediately executing JavaScript inside an Ajax response. The reason being you are trying to execute JavaScript inside another JavaScript function. So the browser has no idea which executing context to use with this scenario.
I would recommend using deferred execution like you mentioned. Except, you need to let the browser interpret the Ajax response first. For example:
$.get('url', function (html) {
// html = "<script>function myTest () { console.log('here'); }</script>"
// Now that the DOM has had time to parse the response we can do:
Notice it is the Ajax callback invoking the response function not the response immediately executing itself. Hope this helps.
I found a really great article explaining in depth how scripts are loaded into the browser.
In essence you can't be sure of execution order per default when you include scripts dynamically. To be sure of the order you need to do one of the following
a. Use async=false if supported
b. Use readyState (for ie<10)
c. Use defer attribute.
Try to use the mentioned features in that order to be sure.
However, even if you do all that you will still get screwed if you mix embedded scripts (code in in the script tag) with referenced scripts (using src attribute).
The problem is that the embedded scripts will run directly, even if the references script tags are added before. To solve that you need to push the embedded scripts into a queue and hook the load event for all referenced scripts.
Once all referenced scripts have toggled the load even you are free to invoke the embedded scripts (either by added the script tags to an element or by eval their text property).
Source: http://blog.gauffin.org/2015/07/embedded-script-tags-in-content-loaded-through-ajax-and-execute-the-script-tags-dynamically/
This is a completely updated post to explain the problem in a better way with an improved concept an code (based on the answers given here so far)
I try to realize a completely ajaxed website, but I got some problems with multiple bound events.
This is the basic HTML:
<header id="navigation">
<li class="red" data-type="cars">Get Cars</li>
<li class="red" data-type="vegetables">Get Vegetables</li>
<div id="anything">
<section id="dymanic-content"></section>
The navigation is been created dynamically (as the content of #navigation can be replaced with another navigation), so the binding for the nav-elements would look like this:
$('#navigation').off('click', '.red').on('click', '.red', function() {
var type = $(this).attr('data-type');
var data = { 'param': 'content', 'type': type };
The content of the site is also being loaded dynamically. For example there are two different content:
<div id="vegetables">Here are some information about vegetables: <button>Anything</button></div>
<div id="cars"><img src="car.jpg"></div>
While loading the content, I will also load a specific JS-file, which has all the bindings needed, for this type of content. So the loading-script looks like this:
var ajaxSend = function(data) {
$.ajax({ url: "script.php", type: "POST", data: data, dataType: "json" })
.done(function( json ) {
if (json.logged === false) { login(ajaxSend, data); }
else {
$.getScript( 'js/' + json.file + '.js' )
.done(function( script, textStatus ) {
As you pass the parameter for the type of results you need (i.e. vegetables or cars), the result will be shown in #result. Also the files cars.js or vegetables.js would be loaded.
So my problem is to avoid multiple event bindings. This is how I'm doing it:
$('#result').off('mouseover', 'img').on('mouseover', 'img', function () {
// do anything
$('#result').off('click', 'button').on('click', 'button', function () {
// do anything
Is this the proper way? I think it is just a workaround to use off(). So I would appreciate any improvements!
Furthermore I don't know if there is a problem, if the user clicks on the navigation multiple times: In that case the js-files are loaded multiple times, aren't they? So are there multiple bindings with that concept?
When you refer to a a fully ajaxed website, I think a SPA -- Single Page Application.
The distinction may be semantics, but AJAX implies DOM manipulation, while SPA implies Templating and Navigation.
HTML templates are loaded when your page is loaded. Each template maps to particular navigation route. The major changes are NOT with event mapping, but with which Template is shown, and whether new data has been loaded.
See my example AngularJS SPA Plunkr
AngularJS routing looks like this:
scotchApp.config(function($routeProvider) {
// route for the home page
.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'pages/home.html',
controller: 'mainController'
// route for the cars page
.when('/cars', {
templateUrl: 'pages/Cars.html',
controller: 'CarsController'
// route for the vegetables page
.when('/vegetables', {
templateUrl: 'pages/Vegetables.html',
controller: 'VegetablesController'
So each route has a corresponding HTML Template and Controller (where call back functions are defined).
For CDN purposes, templates can be passed back as JSON
// route for the vegetables page
.when('/vegetables', {
template: '<div class="jumbotron text-center"><div class="row"><h3>Cars Page</h3>Available Cars: <a class="btn btn-primary" ng-click='LoadCars()'>LoadCars</a></div><div class="col-sm-4"><a class="btn btn-default" ng-click="sort='name'"> Make/Model</a></div><div class="col-sm-2"><a class="btn btn-default" ng-click="sort='year'"> Year</a></div><div class="col-sm-2"><a class="btn btn-default" ng-click="sort='price'"> Price</a></div><div class="row" ng-repeat="car in cars | orderBy:sort"><div class="row"></div><div class="col-sm-4">{{ car.name }}</div><div class="col-sm-2">{{ car.year }}</div><div class="col-sm-2">${{ car.price }}</div></div></div>',
controller: 'VegetablesController'
In "templated" applications, HTML of each type is loaded once.
Events and controls are bound once.
The incremental changes are JSON being passed back and forth. Your end points are not responsible for rendering HTML. They can be restful and there is a clear Separation of Concerns.
You can create templated SPA applications with AngularJS, Ember, Backbone, JQuery, and more.
$('#result').off('mouseover', 'img').on('mouseover', 'img', function () {
// do anything
$('#result').off('click', 'button').on('click', 'button', function () {
// do anything
I am not sure, but, if user first click cars type on nav, then the ('mouseover', 'img') listeners deregister and then register again, right?
Then when user click vegetables type on nav ('click', 'button') - deregistered (but!!! 'mouseover', 'img' - are kept!!! ), and if then user clicks some type nav which script have no ('mouseover', 'img') listener but content have img - then there illegal listener for content occurs (from pre previous action).
So, you need to clear all registered to #result listeners BEFORE start loading new content and script, maybe:
var ajaxSend = function(data) {
$.ajax({ url: "script.php", type: "POST", data: data, dataType: "json" })
.done(function( json ) {
if (json.logged === false) { login(ajaxSend, data); }
else {
$.getScript( 'js/' + json.file + '.js' )
.done(function( script, textStatus ) {
$('#result').off().on('mouseover', 'img', function () {
// do anything
$('#result').off().on('click', 'button', function () {
// do anything
Edit: About loading scripts multiple times. I didn't find clear answer, and I think it is browser depend and jquery implementation and it is possible that each time new script are created new script will be created even if it was created earlier, so there could be 2 disadvantages:
repeated loads of same script form server, if not browser nor jquery didn't cache it
flooding DOM anp browser's interpreter by scripts
BUT, depending on JQuery documentation.
Caching Responses
By default, $.getScript() sets the cache setting to false. This appends a timestamped query parameter to the request URL to ensure that the browser downloads the script each time it is requested. You can override this feature by setting the cache property globally using $.ajaxSetup()
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: true });
You may rely on JQuery cache (there is an option to cache only scripts), or implement your own, for ex.:
var scriptCache = [];
function loadScript(scriptName, cb){
if (scriptCache[scriptName]) {
} else {
$.getScript( scriptName )
.done(function( script, textStatus ) {
scriptCache[scriptName] = script;
First, I suggest you to pick a framework like AngularJS, as others have proposed.
But, aside of that, you could also consider using namespaces:
$('#result').off('mouseover.cars', 'img').on('mouseover.cars', 'img', function () {
// do anything
$('#result').off('click.vegetables', 'button').on('click.vegetables', 'button', function () {
// do anything
It would be an improvement (and a bit less workaround), because:
(It would do the work) without disturbing other click event handlers
attached to the elements.
-- .on() documentation
You could create a function that takes the name of the page to load and use a single function for loading the pages. Then have the callback function load a javascript file (with a common init function) of the same name. Like:
function loadPage( pageName ) {
$('#dymanic-content').load( pageName +'.php', function() {
$.getScript( pageName +'.js', function() {
Or you can pass the callback function name to the function.
function loadPage( pageName, cb ) {
$('#dymanic-content').load( pageName +'.php', function() {
$.getScript( pageName +'.js', function() {
You could do this with promises instead of call backs as well.
If you going the AJAX way of the web, consider using PJAX. It is a battle tested library for creating AJAX websites, and is in use on github.
Complete example with PJAX below:
data-js attribute will be used to run our function, once the loading of scripts is complete. This needs to be different for each page.
data-url-js attribute contains the list of JS scripts to load.
<div id="content" data-js="vegetablesAndCars" data-urljs="['/js/library1.js','/js/vegetablesAndCars.js']">
<ul class="navigation">
<li>Link 1</li>
<li>Link 2</li>
<div id="vegetables">
<div id="cars">
Template: All your pages must have as container the #content div, with the two attribute mentioned above.
App.js - This file needs to be included with every page.
* PJAX Global Defaults
$.pjax.defaults.timeout = 30000;
$.pjax.defaults.container = "#content";
* Loads JS scripts for each page
function loadScript(scriptName, callback) {
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = scripturl;
// fire the loading
* Execute JS script for current Page
function executePageScript()
//Check if we have a script to execute
if(typeof document.getElementById('content').getAttribute('data-js') !== null)
var functionName = document.getElementById('content').getAttribute('data-js').toString();
if(typeof window[functionName] === "undefined")
var jsUrl = document.getElementById('content').getAttribute('data-url-js').toString();
if(typeof jsUrl !== "undefined")
console.log('Js Url not set');
//If script is already loaded, just execute the script
* PJAX events
$(document).on('pjax:success, pjax:end',function(){
//After Successful loading
//Execute Javascript
//Before HTML replace. You might want to show a little spinning loader to your users here.
console.log('We are loading our stuff through pjax');
vegetableAndCars.js - This is your page specific js file. All your page-specific js scripts will have to follow this template.
* Name: vegetablesAndCars Script
* Description: Self-executing function on document load.
(window.vegetablesAndCars = function() {
console.log('Vegetables and cars dont mix');
$('.navigation a').on('click',function() {
//Loads our page through pjax, i mean, ajax.
More explanation:
A function name has been attached to the window global js namespace, so that the function can be re-executed without reloading the scripts. As you have figured out, this function name has to be unique.
The function is self executable, so that it will execute itself if the user reaches the page without the use of AJAX (i.e goes straight to the page URL).
You might be asking, what about all those bindings that i have on my HTML elements? Well, once the elements are destroyed/replaced, the code bindings to them will be garbage collected by the browser. So your memory usage won't spike off the roofs.
The above pattern for implementing an ajax based website, is currently in production at one of my client's place. So it has been very much tested for all scenarios.
When you are doing $('#navigation').on('some-event', '.red',function(){});
You bind event to the #navigation element (you can see this with $('#navigation').data('events')), but not to the .red-element which is inside that's why when you load new elements with new js-logic you are getting new and old bindings.
If this is possible in your case just use straight binding like $('#navigation .red').some-event(function(){}); for all events which should be removed/reloaded together with elements.
For the most part, everything that you can probably imagine to do in web development, has already been done. You just need to find it and get it to work with your environment. There are a number of issues with your code but there is something else that is bothering me more - why is nobody referring to angularJS or requireJS? There are great benefits to using such frameworks and libraries, which include
Thousands of tutorials all over the place
Thousands and thousands of questions on SO
They (mostly) have amazing plugins which are just ready to go
They probably have wider functionality as compared to your implementations
And also here are the benefits of using your own code
You are the only one who understands it.
My point here is that you should use what others have already built, which in 99% of the cases is completely FREE.
Additionally using frameworks like angular you will eventually end up having much cleaner and maintainable code.
With the .off(...).on(...) approach you guarantee that events will be clear before a new bind in case you have multiple .js files binding to the same event (ie: both cars and vegetables have a button click with different logic).
However, if this is not the case, you can use class filters to detect which element already have the event bounded:
$('#result:not(.click-bound)').addClass('click-bound').on('click', 'button', function() {
// your stuff in here
That way the selector will bind events only to the elements that aren't already decorated with the class click-bound.
I made a little script that makes my JS initialization in Partial Pages a bit easier.
It simply searches for all data-onload attributes, and executes the function defined there on-load.
There is also some other functionality. So is the data-onload called automatically when that specific partial view is loaded through an AJAX call.
Anyway, the syntax looks like this:
<div class="some-partial-html-stuff">
<script data-onload="partialInit">
function partialInit()
// executes onload and on-ajax-load stuff for this Partial Page
$('.some-partial-html-stuff button').doSomething();
function otherFunctions()
// [...]
The only thing that I still would love to tackle is that right now I need to have a unique functionName for every partial page (otherwise the names will clash when they are both loaded).
So I have manageProfileInit(), editImageInit() etc.
Now is the OCD-devil in me wondering if there is some way to clean this up even further (without too many negative consequences). I would love to have the situation where I can have a simple clean functon init() in any scriptblocks, and have the same funcionality described above.
Of course in the current situation all the functions will override each other. But does anyone know a nice trick or workaround how this could work?
To summarize, I want to make a script that makes sure this will work on every Partial Page, without any clashes.
<div class="some-partial-html-stuff">
<script data-autoinit>
function init()
// this method is automatically called if the 'data-autoinit' is defined
// executes onload and on-ajax-load stuff for this Partial Page
$('.some-partial-html-stuff button').doSomething();
When I do stuff like this, I call them features. Tags look like this:
<div data-feature="featureName"></div>
Then we get all of the tags that have the data-feature tag and loop over them, creating an array of features the page is going to use:
var featureObjects = $('[data-feature]');
var features = [];
if ( !featureObjects.length ) return false;
for ( var i = 0, j=featureObjects.length; i<j; i++ ) {
var feature = $(featureObjects[i]).data('features');
if ($.inArray(feature, features) == -1){
if (feature !== ""){
Now you'll want to load the JS file asychronously and call it's init function once it's loaded:
for (var i=0, j=features.length; i<j; i++){
var feature = features[i];
url: "path/to/js/" + feature + ".js",
dataType: "script",
async: false,
success: function () {
error: function () {
throw new Error("Could not load script " + script);
The actual modules look like this and attach themselves to App.features for later use:
App.features.featureName = (function(feature){
feature.init = function(){
return feature;
}(App.features.featureName || {}));
Just remember to make sure App.features is an array before doing all of this, hopefully somewhere towards the top of your main.js file. I keep other functionality such as helpers and utilities in the app, so I usually kick it off with something like:
var App = {
utilities: {},
features: {},
helpers: {},
constants: {}
Now you can just tag DOM objects with a data-feature tag and functionality will be added automatically and as-needed, keeping a nice tie between specific JavaScript and specific DOM, but without the need of having to keep the JS inline next to the actual DOM. It also makes those "blurbs" re-usable should they need to be used elsewhere, which lowers maintenance overhead when working on your application.
I insert the jquery tag
var newScript = document.createElement("script");
newScript.id = "grazit_jq";
newScript.type = "text/javascript"
newScript.src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js";
And after that I want to check if jquery exists.
I do so in a few ways.One way is like this:
var checkJquery=function(){
if(typeof(jQuery) === 'undefined')
console.log('jQuery doesnt exist');
sprk_lib=new sprk();
Now i updated the code. It will call the function as soon as the jQuery object is availeable.
In that function I will execute my jquery code. Do you think that there will be problems? is it okay to do it that way?
I wait there. problem is that in the console log , it returns null and the prints jQuery exists. How can I stop the script till the jquery is loaded,, and then continue executing the script?
Consider using an established JavaScript script loader such as LABjs or LazyLoad which offer reliable callbacks that don't fire until the script has fully loaded.
Check out this summary of 5 JavaScript script loaders.
For example:
LazyLoad.js('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js', function () {
console.log('jQuery exists!');
console.log('Document title: ' + $("title").text());
One point of note - if you want to hold off all further script execution until after jQuery has loaded, you could put the rest of your script inside this callback function. However, that would break a whole load of best practices (separation of concerns, loose coupling etc) so your best bet is to pass an existing function as your callback, which can in turn call out to other functions etc. For example:
function doSomething() {
console.log('I am doing something!')
function doSomethingElse() {
console.log('I am doing something else!');
LazyLoad.js('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js', doSomething);
You could further improve your application architecture (e.g. by introducing PubSub) but that's getting outside the scope of this question so I'll leave it there.
My requirements are the following:
I've got a rich webpage that at a certain moment loads a bunch of HTML in a div, via AJAX.
The HTML I retrieve does have javascript (<script>...</script>)
The retrieved javascript contains $('document').ready( ... ) parts
I can not modify the retrieved javascript; it comes from an external lib
I've got a javascript function that is called when the AJAX is loaded. I'm trying to "trick it" into executing by doing:
function AjaxLoaded() {
That doesn't cut it, I'm afraid.
I've seen several responses on Stack Overflow that "evade" this question by changing the code that is returned on the AJAX (make it a function and call it after loading, or just remove the $(document).ready()). I need to stress out that I can't change the retrieved code on this case.
Afer some research i created a way to get it to work.
here is my test that shows it working: http://www.antiyes.com/test/test2.php
here is the relevant code:
// easy copy of an array
Array.prototype.copy = function() {
return [].concat(this);
// this function is added to jQuery, it allows access to the readylist
// it works for jQuery 1.3.2, it might break on future versions
$.getReadyList = function() {
if(this.readyList != null)
this.myreadylist = this.readyList.copy();
return this.myreadylist;
$(document).ready(function() {
// this should be added last so it gets all the ready event
$(document).ready(function() {
readylist = $.getReadyList();
then in the body I have:
<input type="button" onclick="$(readylist).each(function(){this();});" value="trigger ready" />
basically what i did was add a function to jQuery that copies the readyList before it's cleared out, then it will be available to be used by you.
it looks like the code below doesnt work:
function AjaxLoaded() {
drop the quotes around document.
Since the jQuery readyList is not exposed as of version 1.4 (discussed here) the nice solutions above are broken.
A way around this is by creating your own readyList, through overriding the original jQuery-ready method. This needs to be done before other scripts that use the original ready method are loaded. Otherwise just the same code as John/Kikito:
// Overrides jQuery-ready and makes it triggerable with $.triggerReady
// This script needs to be included before other scripts using the jQuery-ready.
// Tested with jQuery 1.7
var readyList = [];
// Store a reference to the original ready method.
var originalReadyMethod = jQuery.fn.ready;
// Override jQuery.fn.ready
jQuery.fn.ready = function(){
if(arguments.length && arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] === 'function') {
// Execute the original method.
originalReadyMethod.apply( this, arguments );
// Used to trigger all ready events
$.triggerReady = function() {
I'm not sure whether it is advisable to override the ready method. Feel free to advise me on that. I have not yet found any side effects myself though.
Just in case anyone needs it, I refined John's solution a bit so it could be used directly as an included javascript file.
// jquery_trigger_ready.js
// this function is added to jQuery, it allows access to the readylist
// it works for jQuery 1.3.2, it might break on future versions
$.getReadyList = function() {
if(this.readyList != null) { this.myreadylist = [].concat(this.readyList); }
return this.myreadylist;
$(document).ready(function() {
readylist = $.getReadyList();
$.triggerReady = function() {
Including this file after including jquery allows for triggering ready by invoking $.triggerReady(). Example:
<title>trigger ready event</title>
<script src="test2_files/jquery-1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery_trigger_ready.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<input onclick="$.triggerReady();" value="trigger ready" type="button">
<script type="text/javascript">
By the way, I wanted to make it $(document).triggerReady(). If anyone is willing to share some advice on that, ill be appreciated.
We had the same problem and solved it another way.
Instead of
$(document).ready(function () {
We used :
$(document).bind('ready', function(event) {
$('.specialClass', event.target).click(..
jQuery will trigger a "ready" event on the document as usual. When we load the content of a new div via ajax, we can write:
And have all the initialization performed only on the div, obtaining what expected.
Simone Gianni's Answer I think is the most elegant and clean.
and you can even simplify it to become even more easy to use:
jQuery.fn.loadExtended = function(url,completeCallback){
return this.load(url,function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
if (completeCallback !== undefined && completeCallback !== null) {
completeCallback(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest);
So, now instead of using:
$(".container").load(url,function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
you can just use:
alert('callback function')
This has the advantage of only applying the trigger on the div that's being updated.
If your new loaded HTML contain <script> elements and you try insert it into main HTML with pure JS (element.innerHTML = newHTML), then $(document).ready handlers at newHTML and wrapped functions like (function() { /* some functions */ })(); - will not execute because JQuery unbind 'ready' event after first triggering and you can not trigger it repeatly. PS. But you can use $.holdReady(true) and trigger when need.
So, try insert code with jquery method, $(element).html(newHTML). This solved similar problem for me, seems jquery handle js before inserting. Using this method you also will not see the <script> elements among DOM nodes (at browser's Elements Inspector for ex.)