Comparing to current date time - javascript

I'm trying to mark up my first page with Ractive. I need to have an if expression that compares a momentjs property from my data object (EndDateTime) to the current date time. Here is what I tried:
{{#if EndDateTime.isAfter(moment()) }}
It doesn't work. If I change it to EndDateTime.isAfter(StartDateTime) (where StartDateTime is another moment object) it works.
Could you please help me understand why comparison to moment() doesn' work and how can I compare to the current date time?

moment needs to be defined in your data if it isn't already:
data: {
moment: moment,
... //other data

martypdx's answer probably explains why your current code doesn't work, but you can also take advantage of the fact that the isAfter function will default to the current time if you pass no arguments.
In other words, the code you gave is equivalent to:
{{#if EndDateTime.isAfter() }}
This is in the documentation here.


Is the IF function removing the date object in javascript?

I've spent an hour looking for answers and trying different things so I appreciate any help here.
The following code works great for finding someone's part B effective date. However, when someone's birthday is really on the 1st of a month the 'if' function get's used, and I'm no longer able to format and write the date. It's almost like 'partB_eff' is no longer a date object. (I'm a newbie, so I might just be making this part up.)
I'm getting the error "TypeError: partB_eff.toLocaleDateString is not a function at AutoFill_6_Step_Checklist(Code:24:27)"
How can I resolve this?
let birthday = new Date(e.values[2]);
//this is a date entered from a google form
let bdayCopy = new Date(birthday);
//I created this since I'll be using .setMonth(), and I don't want to change the original date of the birhtday
let bday65 = new Date(bdayCopy.setMonth(bdayCopy.getMonth()+780));
//finds the 65th birthday
let partB_eff = new Date(bdayCopy.setDate(01));
//find's the Medicare part B effective date (the 1st of the month someone turns 65)
partB_eff = partB_eff.getMonth-1;
//if the person's birthday is really on the 1st of the month, the part b effective date is the 1st of the month prior. partB_eff must be converted
partB_eff = partB_eff.toLocaleDateString('en-us',{year:"numeric",month: "short",day:"numeric"});
//format partB_eff so that it looks nice on paper
partB_eff = partB_eff.getMonth-1;
Doesn't do what you think it does. What it does is get the vound function getDate from your date object, and attempt to subtract one from it. In any other language trying to do subtraction on a function would be a type error, but Javascript is Javascript and allows numeric operations on almost any type. A function minus a number in JS is NaN. NaN doesn't have a method called toLocaleString, hence the error.
What's interesting is that you did the same operation correctly above with bdayCopy.setMonth(bdayCopy.getMonth()+780)
Just do the same thing here
bdayCopy = new Date(bdayCopy.setMonth(bdayCopy.getMonth()-1));
Also some important concepts. if in Javascript is not a function. if is a keyword that starts a conditional statement. You can't do any of the things you can do with a function with if. You can't call it or assign it to a variable or pass ot as a function argument. Clearly understanding what a function is is something you need to do to be able to work in JS, or frankly any other language.
Finally if you are doing date math in JS I strongly recommend you use a date library like DateFns or Moment. Javascript native date APIs are possibly the worst designed date API of any language ever.

GTM - Truncated DataLayer Variable into Custom Javascript Variable

I currently have a dlv variable to store "First Name" (gtm.element.2.value) which is working correctly.
I also a dlv to store "D.O.B." which is also working correctly - gtm.element.5.value (this is formatted MM/DD/YYYY).
However, I'd like to only show the first initial in the First Name dlv and the Year in the DOB dlv. I'm thinking of utilizing a Custom JS variable but am open to ideas if there is an easier route.
Can anyone help provide what that Custom JS variable would look like? I've been searching for some examples but not having luck with this specific example.
Appreciate the help in advance!
To get the first initial (i.e. first character) of the First Name variable, you can indeed use a Custom JavaScript variable with this:
function() {
return {{first_name}}[0]; // Replace with the actual DLV reference
Similarly, to get just the year (YYYY) of the D.O.B., you can use a Custom JS variable:
function() {
return {{date_of_birth}}.split('/').pop(); // Replace with the actual DLV reference
Obviously you might want to add some checks to make sure the input is in a predictable format. For example, you might want to check that {{first_name}} is a string of non-zero length, and you might want to check that {{date_of_birth}} actually contains a date string with slash as the separator.

How to detect changes with Date objects in Angular2?

Date objects that are modified using setDate method arent getting updated in template.
In template:
<p>{{date | date:'mediumDate'}}</p>
In component:
But when I call nextDay function, the template isnt updated with the new value.
The only way I could get the change detection working was doing this:
var tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(; = tomorrow;
Are there a better way to accomplish this same task?
I think that is the right way, to change the reference of the date variable. From the docs here we have:
The default change detection algorithm looks for differences by comparing bound-property values by reference across change detection runs.
So if the date reference remains the same, nothing will happen. You need a new Date reference and that's why the second version of nextDay() works.
If you remove the formatting pipe you will see that still only the second version of nextDay() works.

Save the actual date in a variable (only date, no time)

I want to save the actual date in a variable. only the date, no time
var a = #Date(#Now());
datasource.replaceItemValue("variable", a)`
var a = #Date(#Now());
var b = new Date(a.getYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDay());
datasource.replaceItemValue("variable", b)
Are returning 28.10.14 00:00
var dt:NotesDateTime = #Date(#Now());
datasource.replaceItemValue("variable", dt.getDateOnly());
Is throwing me an error
Isn't there a simple way to get only the actual date without the time?
Use setAnyTime() metohd of NotesDateTime class to remove time component.
If you want to save only the date use a textfield and convert the text to date, if you need it in your code
#Now uses a java.util.Date, which includes time portions. .getDateOnly() is probably throwing an error because that returns a String.
The underlying session.createDateTime() method accepts either text, a java.util.Date or a java.util.Calendar. I think all of them need to include a time element.
If you're only storing the value for reference, I'd agree with brso05 to not worry.
If you're ever likely to use #Adjust (or an equivalent), then not worrying about the time is a recipe for disaster, because every time you try to adjust, you need to remember to take into account Daylight Savings Time.
One option is to set the time to 12:00 midday. That means DST will not be a problem.
java.sql.Date is specifically designed to only include the Date portion, without a time element. Jesse Gallagher talks about java.sql.Date in the context of his framework and he was the one I found out about java.sql.Date from. I'm not sure how he stores those values though.
I'm not sure if the OpenNTF Domino API will allow you to just pass a java.sql.Date to a field and so store just the date portion.

jQuery timeago usage

I have an <abbr> tag with class "timeago" in my HTML. When I set it value on page load, then call jQuery("abbr.timeago").timeago(); on document ready function it works.
My question is, what if I change abbr.timeago title dynamically from some javascript function, how can I make timeago plugin to do its magic on the updated abrr.timeago element?
Which function should I call? Should I remove jQuery("abbr.timeago").timeago(); from document ready function or leave it ? thank you
#squiddy example works, updates the time only once and it just remains like that unchanged. For example if I put timeago to current time .. then it just stands like that it doesn't change?
Please disregard previous question. In my website there is a link upon its click getJSON function is invoked which gets some information from server into a table.
Each row represents feedback from the server. Here is my getJSON pseudo code :
$.getJSON("feedback/" + feedbackId, function(data) {
var column ... declared variable in which column selector
.... some logic that populates table(irrelevant)
//Store last checked time in title
column.attr("title", iso8601(new Date()));
//invoke timeago on this title
column.html(jQuery.timeago(iso8601(new Date())));
....iso8601 is date format function
So this getJSON is invoked for every feedback I get from the server(n times). And when json completes the appropriate column in table is populated with last updated time.
But it seems that timeago is not reading the changed title value, it does not recognize updated DOM. I put a console.log(element.attr("title")) for each feedback from server for debugging purposes just to see if I set the title attribute to current time, and it does indeed but the timeago picks up the initially loaded title value.
What should I do I also tried this version :
$.getJSON("feedback/" + feedbackId, function(data) {
var column ... declared variable in which column selector
.... some logic that populates table(irrelevant)
//Store last checked time in title
column.attr("title", iso8601(new Date()));
//invoke timeago on this title
$(column).livequery(function() {
$(this).timeago(iso8601(new Date()));
I've spent few hours trying several possible solution .. like a function called every n seconds, to call the timeago function but always the same results
UPDATE 2: Same trick works here. The element column was previously converted by timeago once, when that happend, timeago placed a 'timeago' data field on the element. When this data field is present timeago won't bother with it, so you have to clear it. The code would look somethink like this:
$.getJSON("feedback/" + feedbackId, function(data) {
var column
// ... declared variable in which column selector
// ... some logic that populates table(irrelevant)
// Store last checked time in title
column.attr("title", iso8601(new Date()));
// invoke timeago on this title"timeago",null).timeago();
// ... iso8601 is date format function
UPDATE: corrected, tested, the trick was, that timeago plugin marks the elements which were already turned, and dont let them turn again, unless the mark is cleared
When you change the value in abbr.timeago, you should run the timeago() function only on that element again. I would recommend some function for this:
$.fn.changeTimeago = function(isotime) {
return $(this).attr("title",isotime).data("timeago",null).timeago();
// usage:
Hope this is what you needed!
As of v1.1.0, jquery.timeago.js now provides an update action that can be used:
$(column).livequery(function() {
$(this).timeago('update', iso8601(new Date()));
don't add any javascript or jquery code except this;
and then add 'Z' (or including T). for more information go to this link
<abbr class='timeago' title='2011-09-09 10:10:10Z'></abbr>
I couldn't get it to work after changing the value in the title attribute, but timeago supports a direct approch like this:
jQuery.timeago(new Date()); //=> "less than a minute ago"
jQuery.timeago("2008-07-17"); //=> "2 years ago"
jQuery.timeago(jQuery("abbr#some_id")); //=> "2 years ago" [title="2008-07-20"]
So when changing an element, update the html yourself:
If you wish to update the timeago element with a new date. The simplest way to do is as follows -
$('abbr.timeago').timeago('update',(new Date()).toISOString());
It works like a charm. I don't understand why it is not documented anywhere. You can find this function by looking at timeago javascript code.

