Giving a single reference to multiple Backbone.Models - javascript

I have a Backbone.Model which looks something like:
var FooModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
details: '',
operatingSystem: ''
There are many instances of FooModel which are stored in a collection:
var FooCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: FooModel
FooModel's OperatingSystem is a property which only needs to be calculated once and is derived asynchronously. For example:
console.log("Operating System: ", platformInfo.os);
If I perform this logic at the FooModel level then I will need to perform the logic every time I instantiate a FooModel. So, I think that this operation should be performed at a higher level. However, it is bad practice to give properties to a Backbone.Collection.
As such, this leaves me thinking that I need a parent model:
var FooParentModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
platformInfo: '',
fooCollection: new FooCollection()
initialize: function() {
this.set('platformInfo', platformInfo);
// TODO: This will work incorrectly if ran before getPlatformInfo's callback
createFoo: function(){
details: 'hello, world',
operatingSystem: this.get('platformDetails').os
This works and is semantically correct, but feels over-engineered. The extra layer of abstraction feels unwarranted.
Is this the appropriate way to go about giving a property to a model?

Although Backbone Collections may not have attributes, they may have properties (as well as any object) which you can use to store shared data.
var FooCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: FooModel
initialize: function() {
this.platformInfo = null; // shared data
this.platformInfo = platformInfo;
// wrapper to create a new model within the collection
createFoo: function(details) {
details: details,
operatingSystem: this.platformInfo? this.platformInfo.os : ''


Backbone change event not firing when certain attributes are changed

In my backbone application, I have a model that looks a little like this,
"id" : 145,
"name" : "Group Number 1",
"information" : "Some kind of blurb about group number 1",
"members" : {[
"id" : 1,
"first_name" : "John",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"email" : "johndoe#goog.ecom"
Now if I run this.model.get('members').add(newUser) a new user gets added to the members collection within my model - however it does not fire a change event, why is this? Buy yet if I change the name of the model, then a change event is fired?
All this is done with a view that looks like this,
Individual model view
Views.OrganisationView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className:'group group--panel col-sm-3',
template : _.template( $('#tpl-single-group').html() ),
events: {
"click a[data-type=organisation], button[data-type=organisation]" : "edit",
"click .js-delete-group" : "removeOrganisation",
initialize: function() {
this.model.on("error", function(model, xhr, options){
console.log(model, xhr, options);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.removeView);
render: function() {
this.$el.html( this.template({
group: this.model.toJSON()
return this;
removeView: function() {
removeOrganisation: function(e) {
edit: function(e) {
Routes.Application.navigate('/organisation/edit/' + this.model.get('id'), { trigger: false } );
var editClient = new Views.OrganisastionEditView({
model: this.model
The second confusing thing that a request event gets thrown, (makes sense seen as though I am saving the model, but an error event gets thrown as well, but there are no errors the xhr and I am not currently validating the model?
Here is how I am saving the user to members collection in my model,
var member = new Pops.Models.User({ id:'id') });
success:function() {
var model = self.model;
var projectMember = new Pops.Views.UserInitialsWithAdmin({
model: member
self.$('.search').parent().append( projectMember.render().el );
(I'm assuming the first bit of code you've given is just a guideline of what a plain JSON representation of your model would look like, and that members is a real Collection with an add method available.)
In answer to the first question: change events are only fired when changing a model attribute using set. In your case, you're adding to the collection stored in the members attribute, but the members attribute still contains a reference to the same collection it did before, which means from Backbone's perspective this attribute has not changed. I would suggest attaching listeners directly to the members collection. Also see How can I "bubble up" events on nested Backbone collections?.
In general nesting models in Backbone is not straightforward, as Jeremy Ashkenas has pointed out. It's often better to keep models flat and store references to related models as arrays of ids, which can then be fetched as necessary.

general backbone/marionette program structure

I need some general guidelines on how to structure a backbone/marionette application. Im very new to these frameworks and also to js in general.
Basically I have two pages and each page has a list. I have set up an application and a router for the application:
var app = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();
app.module('Router', function(module, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _){
module.AppLayoutView = Marionette.Layout.extend({
tagName: 'div',
id: 'AppLayoutView',
template: 'layout.html',
regions: {
'contentRegion' : '.main'
initialize: function() {
module.addInitializer(function() {
var layout = new module.AppLayoutView();;
In the initRouter I have two functions, one for each page that gets called by router depending on the url.
The function for the content management page looks like this:
onCMNavigated: function(id) {
var cMModule = App.module("com");
var cM = new cMModule.ContentManagement({id: id, region: this.contentRegion});;
So if this is called, I create a new instance of ContentManagement model. In this model, when show() is called, I fetch the data from a rest api, and I parse out an array of banners that need to be shown in a list view. Is that ok? The model looks like the following:
cm.ContentManagement = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function (options) { =;
this.region = options.region;
show: function() {
var dSPage = new DSPage({id:});
dSPage.bind('change', function (model, response) {
var view = new cm.ContentManagementLayoutView();;
}, this);
success: function(model, response) {
// Parse list of banners and for each create a banner model
cm.ContentManagementLayoutView = Marionette.Layout.extend({
tagName: 'div',
id: 'CMLayoutView',
className: 'contentLayout',
template: 'contentmanagement.html',
regions: {
'contentRegion' : '#banner-list'
Now my biggest doubt is how do I go on from here to show the banner list? I have created a collectionview and item view for the banner list, but is this program structure correct?
do You really need marionnete to manage your application ? especially You are beginner as me too :)
try pure backbone first. You can still use marionette as a library.
backbone MVC architecture is described perfectly on many sites.

Backbone not making a put request with save() after save

I am experiencing a really interesting problem with backbone, I have a function like this in one of my views:
addpeople :function(){
var authArray = _.clone(this.model.get("authorizedUsers"));
var values = $(".add-input").val().split(",");
values.forEach(function(value) {
this.model.set("authorizedUsers" , authArray);;
this function gets called when a button is clicked. This version of the function triggers a change event because I am cloning my array, but for some reason gets called, aka the server never receives a PUT request. When I refresh the page I go back to the old state of the model..
However if I dont clone the array and change the function to, this:
addpeople :function(){
var authArray = this.model.get("authorizedUsers");
var values = $(".add-input").val().split(",");
values.forEach(function(value) {
this.model.set("authorizedUsers" , authArray);;
This time the PUT request is sent successfully, but the page is not re-rendered because a change event is not triggered. When I refresh the page I can see the updated model..
I know that I can manually trigger a change event in the second example but I am more curious about why my is not called in the first example..
To help you understand the problem more my model looks something like:
var PostModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot : '/tweet',
idAttribute: '_id',
name: '',
comments: [],
tags: [],
authorizedUsers: [],
postedBy : '',
dateCreated: ''
and my node.js update function looks like:
exports.updateTweet = function(req,res){
console.log("Getting called ! ")
var update = req.body;
var id = req.url.split("/")[2];
Post.update({ _id: id }, { $set: { authorizedUsers: req.body.authorizedUsers }}, function (err, post) {
if (err) return handleError(err);
The reason why change didn't trigger for your second example is because it is the same object and Backbone ignore it. Hence no change event triggered.
As for why the first one failed; do you have validator for your model? May be something that validating for empty string perhaps? val() can return an empty string and split() on empty string will return [""]
Also, your defaults should be a function otherwise all your model would have the same instance of comments, tags and authorizedUsers
From Backbone doc.
Remember that in JavaScript, objects are passed by reference, so if you include an object as a default value, it will be shared among all instances. Instead, define defaults as a function.
Arrays are object too.
var PostModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot : '/tweet',
idAttribute: '_id',
defaults: function(){
return {
name: '',
comments: [],
tags: [],
authorizedUsers: [],
postedBy : '',
dateCreated: ''
Lastly, array.forEach() is not available on IE8 and older.

Dynamically changing url in Backbone

I was trying to dynamically change the url inside the router but couldn't manage to do it, it keeps returning to the base Collection URL. Here i posted the code with the 3 different collections which apart from pointing to three different urls they do exactly the same.
I have only one model and three collections that depend on that model and they even render the same view. How can i dynamically change the url so i can create only one Collection and one Model? Is it best pracitce for a case like this?
window.Post = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: function() {
return 'http://localhost:5000/json/guides/:id'
App.Collections.RecentPosts = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Post,
App.Collections.PopularPosts = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Post,
App.Collections.FeaturedPosts = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Post,
App.Controllers.Documents = Backbone.Router.extend({
"recent" : "recent",
"popular" : "popular",
"featured" : "featured",
recent: function(){
//.... same as featured ?
popular: function(){
//.... same as featured ?
featured: function(){
var collection = new App.Collections.Posts();
success: function(col,posts){
new App.Views.GuideView({collection: posts});
error: function(error){
There are numerous different ways of doing this. Here's what's probably going to be 'best practice'.
App.Controllers.Documents = Backbone.Router.extend({
"recent" : "recent",
"popular" : "popular",
"featured" : "featured",
initialize: function () {
this.collection = new App.Collections.Posts();
_showPage: function (config) {
url: config.url,
success: function(col,posts){
new App.Views.GuideView({collection: posts});
error: function(error){
recent: function(){
popular: function(){
featured: function(){
Since I really don't know how complicated your page is going to get, this is probably the best I can do without more information. But, the idea is that "this.collection" is set on the routers initialization.. so you can keep reusing it. The _showPage method does whatever basic tasks you need done to show the page, and the methods called by the routes use it to do whatever basic stuff needs done before going into detail. The url passed into the config would simply tell the collection where to get its information from - I'm assuming that all of your data has the same format and 'is the same thing'.. just different filters.
You can probably do a similar thing with App.Views.GuideView:
App.Controllers.Documents = Backbone.Router.extend({
"recent" : "recent",
"popular" : "popular",
"featured" : "featured",
initialize: function () {
this.collection = new App.Collections.Posts();
this.view = new App.Views.GuideView({collection: this.collection});
_showPage: function (config) {
url: config.url,
success: _.bind(function(col,posts){
}, this),
error: function(error){
recent: function(){
popular: function(){
featured: function(){
The 'render' would just rebuild the view, and since you've already got the collection referenced in the view as "this.options.collection" (or you could add an 'initialize' to the view and set this.collection to be this.options.collection). When the collection gets updated, all of that information is by reference in the view.. so no need to reset it.
I think the best pratice would be to have 3 collections, each with it's on URL and properties.
This makes the code easier to maintain as you can assign different events and listeners to them in a separate file instead of having a "God Collection" that have all the logic inside it.
Of course you can still be DRY and keep a helper object or a parent collection with code that is commmon to all those collections.

Backbone JS complex model fetch

I have two backbone models, loaded from server:
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var SubModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var SubCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: SubModel
var m = new Model();
m.fetch({success: function(model)
model.submodels = new SubCollection();
model.submodels.url = "/sub/" + model.get("id");
So, the server has to send two separate responses. For example:
{ name: "Model1", id: 1 } // For Model fetch
[{ name: "Submodel1", id: 1 }, { name: "Submodel2", id: 2 }] // For Submodel collection fetch
Is there a way to fetch a Model instance with Submodel collection at once, like:
name: "Model1",
id: 1,
submodels: [{ name: "Submodel1", id: 2 }, { name: "Submodel1", id: 2 }]
To be able to do that is up to your back-end - it doesn't really have anything to do with Backbone.
Can you configure your back-end technology to return related models as nested resources?
If your back-end is Rails, for instance, and your models are related in ActiveRecord, one way of doing this is something like
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #model.to_json(:include => [:submodels])}
What back-end technology are you using?
Sorry, misunderstood the gist of your question, once you've got your back-end returning the JSON in the proper format, yeah, there are things you need to do in Backbone to be able to handle it.
One way to deal with it is to use Backbone-Relational, a plugin for handling related models.
You define related models through a 'relations' property:
SubModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({});
SubCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: SubModel
Model = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations: [
type: 'HasMany',
key: 'submodels',
relatedModel: 'SubModel',
collectionType: 'SubCollection'
When your Model fetches the JSON, it will automatically create a SubCollection under the 'submodels' property and populate it with SubModels - one for each JSON object in the array.
jsfiddle for backbone-relational:
By Hand
You can do this by hand if you want as well. In involves overriding the parse function for your Model class (forgive me if my JS is not 100% correct - been doing CoffeeScript so much lately its hardwired in my brain)
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
parse: function(response) {
this.submodels = new SubCollection();
// Populate your submodels with the data from the response.
// Could also use .add() if you wanted events for each one.
// now that we've handled that data, delete it
delete response.submodels;
// return the rest of the data to be handled by Backbone normally.
return response;
parse() runs before initialize() and before the attributes hash is set up, so you can't access model.attributes, and model.set() fails, so we have to set the collection as a direct property of the model, and not as a "property" that you would access with get/set.
Depending on what you want to happen on "save()" you may have to override `toJSON' to get your serialized version of the model to look like what your API expects.

