Metafizzy isotope - entering animation - javascript

All the information I can find about animating in isotope is for version 1:
There doesn't seem to be any documentation for isotope 2.
Does anyone know how I could change the appended entering animation? At the moment it's a scale transition from 0 to the appropriate size: see example here:

Use thevisibleStyle, hiddenStyle and transitionDuration options:
For example, to slowly fade in/out without scale:
var isotope = new Isotope(someElement, {
hiddenStyle: { opacity: 0 },
visibleStyle: { opacity: 1 },
transitionDuration: '2s'
Source: Isotope Options documentation.


Cross-dissolve transition for scrolled elements

I am creating a long single page website and using ScrollMagicJS v1.3.0 to trigger events and to make some elements sticky. I would like to create a variety of other transition effects as one scrolls down the page.
Here's a jsfiddle that replicates the horizontal scrolling of my site.
scrollControl = new ScrollMagic({
vertical: false,
var myScrollScene = new ScrollScene({
triggerHook: 0,
offset: 0,
triggerElement: '#shot-0-1',
duration: '100vw',
pushFollowers: true
For instance, I want to create fade-to-black, flare-to-white, and cross-dissolve transitions between pages.
I understand some of the basic principles of HTML5 transitions, how to make one image dissolve into another, but I haven't been able to figure out a clever way to do it using the ScrollMagic scrolling.
Things I've considered: The next page slides under the current page and then transitions from 1.0 to 0 opacity using ScrollMagic triggers?
But how to do it in a way non-hacky and consistent with ScrollMagic's framework?
This has been asked and answered in the ScrollMagic's issues section:
here's a copy:
A common misconception is that you need to do everything with the ScrollMagic pin functionality.
If the content isn't moving within the scroll flow anyway (it stays in position and is faded out or moved to side or sth. like that) you can have it as "fixed" right from the beginning.
That saves a lot of work and confusion.
The only reason to use ScrollMagic's pinning functionality is when an element should sometimes scroll naturally with the DOM and sometimes it shouldn't.
So if you have elements that are in place and should just be replaced by others, have them fixed the whole time.
Like this:
If it is indeed a case were you should use ScrollMagic's pinning method, then do the animation inside of a wrapper, that you pin.
Like this:
Here's the solution I settled on.
scrollControl = new ScrollMagic({
vertical: false,
vw = $(window).width();
console.log("width:" + vw + "px");
// pin frame 2
var myScrollScene = new ScrollScene({
triggerHook: 0,
triggerElement: '#shot-2',
// This pin is considerably longer than average
offset: 0,
// duration = stickyLength + disolve_duration
duration: 1.5 * vw + 'px'
.setPin('#content-2', {
pushFollowers: false
zindex: 100,
suffix: 'pin2'
// move frame 3 up early and pin it
var myScrollScene = new ScrollScene({
triggerHook: 0,
triggerElement: '#shot-2',
offset: 0,
// duartion = 1.5, but why?
duration: 1.5 * vw + 'px'
// the faux pin doesn't actually expand the container the way SM does
// so the results are a little strange
.on("start end", function (e) {
$('#content-3').css({left: 0, position:'fixed'});
.on("enter leave", function (e) {
$('#content-3').css({left: 0, position:'relative'});
zindex: 100,
suffix: 'pin3faux'
var dissolve ='#content-2', 1, {
autoAlpha: 0
// dissolve frame 2 to frame 3
var myScrollScene = new ScrollScene({
triggerHook: 0,
// Note that though we are fading frame 2, we are
// using the arrival of frame 3 the trigger
triggerElement: '#shot-2',
// The sets the rapidity of the dissolve
// offset = stickyLength
offset: 0.33 * vw + 'px',
// The sets the rapidity of the dissolve
duration: 1 * vw + 'px'
zindex: 100,
suffix: 'dissolve'
I used a pushFollowers: false on a pin and z-index to slide the next frame (also pinned) behind the first. Then a Tween to dissolve into the second frame. The result is a nice cinematic dissolve feature with adjustable duration.
Hope it is useful to others.

Passing easing behaviors between elements, jQueryUI

I have an object accordionOptions which mediates the behavior of an accordion object
on my page. It looks like:
var accordionOptions = {
icons: {
header: 'ui-icon-circle-arrows-e',
activeHeader: 'ui-icon-notice'
animate: {
easing: 'easeOutBounce',
duration: 1000
I'm using that object to determine the behavior of my accordion like so:
icons: accordionOptions.icons,
animate: accordionOptions.animate
I have an anchor tag on my page that when clicked I intend for it to have the same animation as the accordion when a new panel is clicked:
$('#btnChange').click(function () {
easing: accordionOptions.animate.easing
You can see in the fiddle here this doesn't work. I've tried several things, all were non-successes. How can I attach my desired behavior to the test div using my accordionOptions argument?
Using easing for .animate is slightly different than for .accordion -- you need to pass the duration and easing separately from what should be animated. You should set a height or whatever property it should animate.
$('#test').animate({ height: 100 }, accordionOptions.animate.duration, accordionOptions.animate.easing);
Or shorter syntax similar to how you were originally doing it:
$('#test').animate({ height: 100 }, accordionOptions.animate);
Updated fiddle:

how can i slideDown A Hidden element from 0 opacity to 1 with jquery

i have a coke like below that using jquery prototype Library:
new Effect.SlideDown(this.imageDataContainer, { sync: true, duration: this.resizeDuration, from: 0.0, to: 1.0 }),
new Effect.Appear(this.imageDataContainer, { sync: true, duration: this.resizeDuration })
this code force the imageDataContainer element to sliding Down From 0 Opacity To 1 Opacity.
how can i implement upper codes with new downloaded jquery library from web site?
the syntax of slideDown is like this :
i know how slideDown And fadeTo Functions Work in jquery / but how can i combine them like the upper codes?
i test the below code - but u can not changing the opacity --DURING-- toggle :
opacity: 0,
height: 'toggle',
opacity: 1
}, 400, function() {
// Animation complete.
thanks 4 attention
Use animate() for that. With animate you can animate any arbitrary number of properties on an element.
Check a demo of the code below here:
opacity: 'toggle',
height: 'toggle'

AnythingSlider with fade effect

I'm using the anythingSlider by Chris Coyier.
Can anyone tell how to change from slide effect to fade effect?
Well, as the core is at this time (v1.5.6.1), it isn't possible to transition between the two slides in a fade transition, but you can use the FX extension to fade in the next image. Try something like this:
animationTime : 0
inFx: {
'img' : { opacity: 1, duration: 500 }
outFx: {
'img' : { opacity: 0, duration: 0 }
Setting "animationTIme" and the outFx time to zero will ensure the previous image isn't seen (no sliding), but the inFx (fadeIn) will be on a transparent background. I don't know if that will fullfill your needs.

Slide out and fade effect using jQuery and localScroll

I'm using localScroll to create a content slider. The problem is that I want to give a fade effect to the div that I'm sliding out, to make it fade before it disappears.
Does anyone have any idea how can I make this? I tried something with onBefore and onAfter but I didn't get what I expected.
LE: here is the code that I'm using:
$(document).ready(function() {
var localScroll = $('#slider .slideshow-wrapper')
var localSections = $('#slider .slideshow-wrapper ul.slideshow li');
var local = $('#slider ul.slideshow');
local.css('width', localSections[0].offsetWidth * localSections.length);
var localScrollOptions = {
target: localScroll,
items: localSections,
navigation: 'ul.tabs li a',
hash: 'false',
axis: 'xy',
duration: 500,
easing: 'swing'
//onAfter: fadeAway
$('ul.tabs').find('a span').click(selectNav);
You can't use fadeOut because it sets the div style to display:none and thus the div has a zero height and width making the scrollTo plugin mess up pretty bad. I would suggest using opacity. In the code below I set the minimum opacity to 0.2 because when I set it to zero, it was hard to tell the content was scrolling.
I took the LocalScroll Demo and made these modifications - it seems to work pretty well. I didn't try to match your code because I know the code below works with the demo and your question title says localScroll but your code uses serialScroll. Anyway, I'm guessing the ul.slideshow li in your code should be equivalent to the .sub in the code below.
target: '#content', // could be a selector or a jQuery object too.
queue: false,
duration: 500,
hash: false,
easing: 'swing',
onBefore:function( e, anchor, $target ){
// The 'this' is the settings object, can be modified
$('.sub').animate({ opacity: 0.2 }, 250);
onAfter:function( anchor, settings ){
// The 'this' contains the scrolled element (#content)
$(anchor).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250);
Edit: I posted a demo at this pastebin

