What is this javascript documentation style called? - javascript

In the socket.io documentation, they use a nomenclature that doesn't look like javascript (though it's a javascript library) that seems a bit out of place.
Examples here: http://socket.io/docs/client-api/ (the page has changed since, here's a web archive snapshot as of 2014)
This one is clear enough (just specifying types of arguments and return value):
IO(url:String, opts:Object):Socket
But this style I don't recognize at all:
I can pretty much figure it out through deduction (though I find it hard to read because it looks so foreign), but where does this style come from and why? Is this from another language (it certainly isn't javascript syntax that I've ever seen)? Is there a name for it? Is there a description of this style of documenting objects, methods, properties?
FYI, the idea to ask this question came because I referred a user here on SO to the socket.io documentation and they came back and said that wasn't javascript, did I have a link to the javascript documentation. I had to explain that it was the javascript documentation, it was just a funky (non-javascript-like) documentation style.

The page in question has been rewritten since to use object.property instead, but I remember that Object#property style, though I don't think it's ever had a name.
The problem it's trying to solve is that properties/methods can be available on constructors like Array.isArray(), as well as on instances, like ['foo','bar'].join(' '). The question is how to denote the latter. There were some competing denotations, such as
array.join(), which is what the socket.io docs are using now
Array.prototype.join (technically correct, but arguably even more confusing than Array#join to anyone who doesn't know how prototypes work in JS)
Array#join(), invented to be clearly different from Array.join syntax, and to avoid confusion with any existing JavaScript syntax.
The Object#prototype syntax was somewhat popular ten years ago, but didn't win in the end, so now it's just confusing when you encounter it.


Leaking arguments when using Function.apply

I was reading on GitHub in petkaantonov/bluebird on Optimization killers. And when reaching chapter 3.3 what-is-safe-arguments-usage specifically the part What is safe arguments usage? I realized that I might be going wrong using bind and apply in my project.
The post states:
Be aware that adding properties to functions (e.g. fn.$inject =...) and bound functions (i.e. the result of Function#bind) generate hidden classes and, therefore, are not safe when using #apply.
I used this answer on the question Use of .apply() with 'new' operator. Is this possible? to be able to pass an array of arguments to my constructor function like this:
new (Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments))();
This looks suspiciously much like what is described as not safe in the post.
Is this true? Am I going wrong here?
I would simply like to understand if the issue in the post applies to this example case, especially because it might be useful to comment on the answer so others don't make the same error (the post is heavily upvoted so it seems people are using this solution a lot).
Note: I recently found out about the spread operator (awesome) which is a nice alternative, to my previous solution:
new Cls(...arguments);

Difference between "foo.bar" and "foo['bar']" in js

I have to make sense of a codebase I was given on my new job. I can see many anti-patterns here, one of them is a "god object", which contains a lot of things and different object access it all the time. That's a different problem, my question here is about the fact, that some objects access its members using '.', others do it via [], for example
in one source file and
in another.
I know javascript deeply enough to realize that there is no difference whatsoever. Or is there? git blame shows me that both sources were written by the same person, so it has nothing to do with style. On the one hand, what can you expect from a person, who don't hesitate to create god objects, on the other hand maybe he was in a hustle and eventually didn't have time to repay this technical debt, we'll never know.
Is it possible that using the latter method of access is safer in any way? Your opinions are welcome, fellows, before I launch my inner refactoring ninja.
A frequent reason: there's a minifier which needs the second form to know it must preserve the "meow" and "woof" names. That's especially convenient with Google Closure.
Other than that, there's no reason, as you already saw in the documentations (using special characters and dynamic strings don't apply in your case).

Prototype to jQuery: Mindset migration?

This isn't about a side-by-side technical comparison, rather about how to "think in jQuery" versus "thinking in Prototype".
I've used Prototype heavily for several years, and jQuery somewhat less heavily until about a year ago when I started doing a lot with it.
With Prototype, I can write some fairly elegant code; my boss once reviewed a large amount of my code and remarked that it was the first Javascript he'd ever found a pleasure to read. I understand - and understood pretty much from the beginning - almost instinctively what Prototype's trying to do, and know how to work with it.
My jQuery code is a lot more, how can I put this, "workmanlike". I feel as if I'm fighting jQuery every step of the way. I have to (try to) force myself to stick with it and not drop down into "native" JS, where I know I could bash out clean cross-browser code more quickly. Working with it more makes it more, not less, frustrating.
It's not (or at least not entirely) a lack of familiarity with the functions available. I'll often know I need to use a given function, but the way in which it's used seems truly bizarre. That's usually a sign that I'm coming at something entirely the wrong way.
The more I think about this, the more I think I'm trying to use jQuery in a Prototype way.
There has to be some blinding flash of light that hasn't happened to me yet. Especially if you've worked a lot with both, what do you find are the most fundamental differences in approach? How do you need to adjust your mindset when switching from one to the other?
Don't be afraid to state the blindingly obvious, because it may just be that blinding flash...
I went through that transformation. The main thing to tell yourself over and over again is that jQuery is, first and foremost, about making DOM manipulation easier and more cross-platform safe. There's no "reduce" (Prototype used to call it "inject", I think) in jQuery. Why? Because the maintainers don't consider it important for the primary task of jQuery.
Thus, the way that Prototype's base object extensions creep into your coding style as you write your code to get your own work done, well, that pretty much doesn't happen in plain ol' jQuery. (See, however, the lovely Underscore.js library for a way to get some of that functionality in a jQuery-friendly way.)
For me, that's made it easier to figure out how to build on jQuery. It's just a different sort of thing. Now, jQuery is very solid and it really does make DOM manipulation and HTML wrangling a lot nicer than what you get from plain Javascript. (I think Prototype does an OK job too, but jQuery is super-focused on the problem.)
The best advice i can give is "Embrace this". In jQ, you're nearly always talking about iterating over a set that is wrapped in the jQuery object. Invoking one of the set's methods performs the method on all the elements of the set, whether its 1 or 100. That method is always going to return the same instance of the set (aside from accessors that get a property). In the context of the interation this is the value of the item in that set youre manipulating - usually the raw DOM Element, but it could be the value of an object property or array item.
Why do you need to think differently? Instead of adapting your style to every framework or language that comes along, why not adapt the framework or language itself to your liking. Then all you'll have to do is be open to the idea that there might be better ways of writing or structuring code than you already know, and when those ways present themselves, objectively analyze and then include them in your repository.
The choice is almost never all or nothing. Both frameworks have great offerings, and you can use techniques from both in harmony for building a great application.

Why am I finding Javascript/jQuery so difficult to get right?

My background is in C and I've picked up PHP, mySQL, HTML, CSS without too much issue.
But I'm finding Javascript/jQuery surprisingly difficult to get right.
Very frustrating.
It seems to violate a number of traditional programming principles (e.g. variable scope)
Undefined variables seem to appear out of nowhere and already have values associated with them. For example (from the jQuery docs):
$("a").click(function(event) {
.append('default ' + event.type + ' prevented')
What exactly is "event"? Do I have to use this variable name? Should I just assume that this object is magically instantiated with the right stuff and I can use any of the methods list at the JQuery API?
There seems to be bunch of random rules (e.g. return false to stop a default action, but sometimes this doesn't work?)
Non-deterministic behavior when debugging. (e.g. I refresh the browser, try something and get result X for JS variables I'm watching in Firebug. I refresh again and I get result Y?)
Very messy looking code that is hard to follow. What happens when? I'm using Firebug and Chrome Developer Tools, but I'm not getting enough visibility.
It seems like everyday there's some random JS "rule" that comes up that I've never seen before in any of my JS books or tutorials.
What do I need to do to make Javascript/jQuery more deterministic, controlled, and logical to me?
Are there any resources that explain Javascript's quirks/gotchas?
1) It seems to violate a number of traditional programming principles (e.g. variable scope)
You need to declare variables using var, else it will go into the global scope.
2) Undefined variables seem to appear out of nowhere and already have values associated with them (how did this happen?)
This is possibly related to 1) and/or 4).
3) There seems to be bunch of random rules (e.g. return false to stop a default action, but sometimes this doesn't work?)
You need to let the handler return false as well. E.g. form onsubmit="return functionname()". You also need to return from the "main" function, not only from a closure (a function inside a function), referring to your previous question. It would only return into the "main" function and continue on.
4) Non-deterministic behavior when debugging. (e.g. I refresh the browser, try something and get result X for JS variables I'm watching in Firebug. I refresh again and I get result Y?)
Probably the code was executed before the HTML DOM was finished populating. You need to hook on window.onload or $(document).ready() whenever you want to execute stuff during page load.
5) Very messy looking code that is hard to follow. What happens when? I'm using Firebug and Chrome Developer Tools, but I'm not getting enough visibility.
I bet that you're talking about jQuery source? It's just a large library. You should after all not worry about this when debugging. Rather worry about your own code. However, make sure that you're looking at the unminified version of jQuery's source code.
See also:
JavaScript: the bad parts
What should every JavaScript programmer know
Douglas Crockford's "Javascript: The Good Parts" was an invaluable resource. Javascript plays a lot more like Lua, Lisp, or Python than C, it just happens to LOOK like C.
Link provided to Amazon; I snagged mine from O'Reilly.
To be honest, I think you have a good understanding. Some of my hangups were similar. The way that I have been moving on is "well, if that's the way it is, then that's the way it is". Just accept the idiosyncrasies and plow forward. PHP does some of the same things (variables can show up out of nowhere, etc...). Just code the way you want to code and if it works, then great!
Then after you get to that point start breaking out the profiler and see if there's anything that you can optimize.
Here are a couple of things:
If you understand CSS, then jQuery selectors should be easy. As far as the code goes, that's straightforward too if you can deal with chaining and JSON. EDIT: also, the jQuery documentation on everything is EXCELLENT! And There is no shortage of jQuery experts here on SO to help us noobs (and hopefully we can return the favor for newer noobs).
There is a scope to work with. (Basically) anything written outside of a function or object is in global scope. If you are inside of an object or function and use var then that sets the variable's scope
Javascript isn't like a C-based language (C++ or PHP even). It uses prototypes to deal with class/object relationships rather than a subclassing scheme.
The #1 thing that threw me for a loop is that any JS that appears anywhere on the page or that was included in <script> tags is fair game. If you have a global variable in one script, you can use that same variable in a completely different script and it will work. That may be what you mean about variables showing up out of nowhere. Also, there are some DOM based variables that can just "show up" too.
Anyways, I think that if you just plow ahead, you'll get some "AHA" moments. I'm a relative noob to programming, but I continually grow as long as I don't hang up on something that doesn't have too much of an impact on actually making the code run.
It's a language based on prototypal inheritance and is influenced by functional programming languages and the paradigm so it isn't completely just OO/Procedural like other languages. Variables are implied globals unless declared with var.
Please include an example?
return false exits out of the function as with any language's return statement. preventDefault() would be the DOM method to cancel the default behaviour of a link
Javascript is used primarily on the client side. Since there are many user agents, each of them have a different implementation of the DOM, which is very inconsistent, moreso than JS itself. Again, please include a real example to get a definitive answer.
You'll find messy looking code in any language, and maybe your lack of understanding perceives the code as messy, when in fact it isn't so bad. Or maybe you're looking at some minified/obfuscated code.
I recommend http://eloquentjavascript.net/ for learning aspects of Javascript.
Things you'll learn from the link above
Prototypal inheritance
Event based programming
"JavaScript: The Good Parts" by Douglas Crockford is a good start
In your case, the appendices ("the bad parts" and "the awful parts") might be the most interesting :)
Crockford's "Javascript: The Good Parts" gives some common JS patterns that help with variable privatization and scoping. This is for javascript in general. For jQuery I just use the API. Also the Yui Theatre videos on javascript are quite good
Javascript can be a little tricky and some of it's functional aspects confuses people. If you actually learn and understand the language you'll find it really useful, most people just randomly start using it and then just hate.
Read javascript the good parts by crockford, it's really helpful: http://javascript.crockford.com/
Also make sure you understand closure. It's a fundamental that people don't get but often use.
In terms of variable scope, there are local and global variables. One of the gotchyas of variable scope can be seen in this example:
var thisIsAGlobalVariable
function anon () {
var thisIsALocalVariable
thisIsAGlobalVariable = 5; //if you don't use the var prefix inside a fn, it becomes global
You are finding it difficult because:
javascript has another kind of syntax.
javascript is dificult to debug
javascript has no autocompletion like c# etc) ?or does it
javascript has illogical rules (they become logical once you are known with them)
everything can be done in 1000 ways, and when you search for a solution, you will find 2000 answers :) where c#, php mostly have a good practice function u "should/could" use
However, I started using js/jquery a half year ago, with the same reasoning as you do, and I stuck to it, and now I use it daily to enhance my webapps.
I just love it (especcially jquery). It is a life saver, I know what and where to look, I can do about anything with it.
Everything seems logical.
If I can give you one advice: javascript/jquery is a sour apple, but just hang in there, bit trough and you won't regret it.
also, a loooot of people use it and are always willing to lend a hand if needed (I know I do)
Javascript is tricky. You don't have a compiler watching your back. To compensate, unit testing becomes more important. I've been doing my unit testing with jQuery/QUnit, but I recently started using Jasmine (http://github.com/pivotal/jasmine) and I recommend it 200%. Its a great testing framework.
If you're not familiar with testing, or testing with javascript, I'd highly recommend finding unit tests for other OSS javascript projects (hopefully for code you could use) and seeing how they test it.
With unit tests, you'll make the same mistakes, but catch them much sooner and with less grief. And if your tests are good, the mistakes won't come back after you fix tham.
I don't know how much UI design you have done in C, but the event variable only shows up when it is sent by the caller and the handler needs to, well, handle the object. If you do reading on event object, the confusion in q #2 should go away.
There is no event handling in PHP, so I think you have not came across this issue in the past. JavaScript is a programming language with its own purpose, so it was designed to work for that specific purpose.
Maybe you have to link your code to an HTML onclick="event()" button to fire off as the event.

Referring to javascript instance methods with a pound/hash sign

This question is similar to Why are methods in Ruby documentation preceded by a hash sign?
I understand why in Ruby instance methods are proceeded with a pound sign, helping to differentiate talking about SomeClass#someMethod from SomeObject.someMethod and allowing rdoc to work. And I understand that the authors of PrototypeJS admire Ruby (with good reason) and so they use the hash mark convention in their documentation.
My question is: is this a standard practice amongst JavaScript developers or is it just Prototype developers who do this?
Asked another way, is it proper for me to refer to instance methods in comments/documentation as SomeClass#someMethod? Or should my documentation refer to ``SomeClass.someMethod`?
No, I have not yet met another JavaScript project that uses this notation.
Something like this is useful in JavaScript, though, because unlike in many languages Class.methodName would refer to classmethods like String.fromCharCode, not instance methods which is what you are more often talking about. The method invoked by myinstance.methodName would be not MyClass.methodName but MyClass.prototype.methodName, and MyClass.prototype is an annoyance to keep typing.
(The standard JS library confuses this by making many instance methods also have a corresponding classmethod. But they're different functions.)
is it proepr for me to refer to instance methods in comments/documentation as SomeClass#someMethod?
Do what you like/find most readable. There's no standard here.
I think it comes from javadoc.

