Calling between viewmodels (KnockOutJS) - javascript

I'm using KnockoutJS to develop a plugin based on viewmodels. Is there any way to access the functions and properties of another viewmodel running in the same application? Something like this:
My view model:
function myViewModel()
this.prop1 = ko.observable(123);
this.prop2 = ko.observable("Hello");
myViewModel.prototype.func1 = function() {
//do something...
myViewModel.prototype.func2 = function() {
//do something...
And the other view model:
function otherViewModel()
this.propA = ko.observable(456);
this.propB = ko.observable("Goodbye");
otherViewModel.prototype.funcA = function() {
//do something...
otherViewModel.prototype.funcB = function() {
//do something...
The observables of the otherViewModel control certain common functions like pop-ups and masks. Is there any way to instantiate otherViewModel in myViewModel and set those properties?
Or is there any way to globally get and set them?
Please tread lightly as I'm very new to this paradigm. Thank you.

I agree with the comment to use scopes - but there are a couple of quick and dirty ways...
when you instantiate myViewModel - you could instantiate it on the window - and then reference it directly
window.myViewInstance = new myViewModel()
function myOtherViewModel () {
this.propA =
I use this method when I have something that provides global functionality that I want to use elsewhere. Its what jQuery and ko do... bind $ and ko to the window.
if = ko.observable() then passing it without parens passes it as an observable - which will change as its value changes. With the parens will pass the result at the time it is evaluated.
Alternatively - you can reference it using ko.dataFor like this.
myViewModel () {...}
instance = new myViewModel
ko.applyBindings(instance, $('div')[0])
// this applies bindings of myViewModel to the first div on the page only
myOtherViewModel () {
this.propA = ko.dataFor($('div')[0])
// passes the entire object
this.propB = ko.dataFor($('div')[0]).xyz
// gives you just one property
Which would scope your object to just a part of the page


Javascript: Referencing object keys in nested prototype [duplicate]

I have built a large application using JavaScript prototype and inheritance.
But I am having a hard time organizing my code.
For example I have a class carousel which has many functions like this: = function () {...}
Carousel.prototype.prev = function () {..}
Carousel.prototype.bindControls = function () {..}
I would like to organize my code like this :
Carousel.prototype.controls = {
next: function () { ... } ,
prev: function() { ... },
bindControls: function () { .. }
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. I can keep track of it using a global instance but this will cause problems when the class is inherited for example In another file I have something like this to override parent class = function () {...}
My inheritance is done like this:
Function.prototype.inheritsFrom = function (parentClass) {
if (parentClass.constructor === Function) {
//Normal Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass.prototype;
else {
//Pure Virtual Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype, parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass;
return this;
So I can do:
Does anyone know how can I work around the "this" value ?
You could make Controls a class of it's own:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controls = new Controls(this);
// ..
This doesn't allow you to override the implementation of Controls though. With more dependency injection you'd get something like:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controllers = [];
Carousel.prototype.addController = function (controller) {
// ..
var carousel = new Carousel();
carousel.addController(new Controls(carousel));
My inheritance is done like this:
$.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
Ouch. This is not inheritance (with new BigCarousel instanceof Carousel), but just copying properties. Maybe this is enough for you, but then you should call it mixin. Also, you should avoid using new for inheritance.
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. How can I work around that?
It's impossible to have this point to the parent object with nested properties (as long as you don't want to explicitly set it every time). You have only two choices:
Forget it, and organize your methods by prefixing them (controlNext, controlBind, …)
Give each of your carousels its own controls object. For inheritance, make them CarouselControls instances for example. This especially fits well if those controls are quite independent from the carousel, and don't need to access the carousel they're attached to everywhere. If they are not, you still can pass a reference to the parent carousel into their constructor for example:
this.controls = new CarouselControls(this);
Also, for customizing the controls in different carousels, you might have to subclass the CarouselControls as well - or you prepare your Controls object to serve for different carousels in general, so that from BigCarousel you can; // make this a carousel
this.controls.activate({big: true, fast: false}); // or something
You can use the .bind method of Function.
In Javascript Functions inherit from Object, so they have their own methods. One of those methods is .bind:
Also you are doing inheritance wrong, the right way with raw Javascript is:
ChildClass= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor
ChildClass.prototype= new ParentClass();
Then you can simply do this on your constructor:
Courossel= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor;
But I have to say that Frits suggestion is better, make the controls their own class and instantiate it on Carousel constructor passing a reference to your Carousel instance (the this keyword). Just don't call it ".ref", it's confusing.

Reference instance of parent class in prototype extension [duplicate]

I have built a large application using JavaScript prototype and inheritance.
But I am having a hard time organizing my code.
For example I have a class carousel which has many functions like this: = function () {...}
Carousel.prototype.prev = function () {..}
Carousel.prototype.bindControls = function () {..}
I would like to organize my code like this :
Carousel.prototype.controls = {
next: function () { ... } ,
prev: function() { ... },
bindControls: function () { .. }
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. I can keep track of it using a global instance but this will cause problems when the class is inherited for example In another file I have something like this to override parent class = function () {...}
My inheritance is done like this:
Function.prototype.inheritsFrom = function (parentClass) {
if (parentClass.constructor === Function) {
//Normal Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass.prototype;
else {
//Pure Virtual Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype, parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass;
return this;
So I can do:
Does anyone know how can I work around the "this" value ?
You could make Controls a class of it's own:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controls = new Controls(this);
// ..
This doesn't allow you to override the implementation of Controls though. With more dependency injection you'd get something like:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controllers = [];
Carousel.prototype.addController = function (controller) {
// ..
var carousel = new Carousel();
carousel.addController(new Controls(carousel));
My inheritance is done like this:
$.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
Ouch. This is not inheritance (with new BigCarousel instanceof Carousel), but just copying properties. Maybe this is enough for you, but then you should call it mixin. Also, you should avoid using new for inheritance.
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. How can I work around that?
It's impossible to have this point to the parent object with nested properties (as long as you don't want to explicitly set it every time). You have only two choices:
Forget it, and organize your methods by prefixing them (controlNext, controlBind, …)
Give each of your carousels its own controls object. For inheritance, make them CarouselControls instances for example. This especially fits well if those controls are quite independent from the carousel, and don't need to access the carousel they're attached to everywhere. If they are not, you still can pass a reference to the parent carousel into their constructor for example:
this.controls = new CarouselControls(this);
Also, for customizing the controls in different carousels, you might have to subclass the CarouselControls as well - or you prepare your Controls object to serve for different carousels in general, so that from BigCarousel you can; // make this a carousel
this.controls.activate({big: true, fast: false}); // or something
You can use the .bind method of Function.
In Javascript Functions inherit from Object, so they have their own methods. One of those methods is .bind:
Also you are doing inheritance wrong, the right way with raw Javascript is:
ChildClass= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor
ChildClass.prototype= new ParentClass();
Then you can simply do this on your constructor:
Courossel= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor;
But I have to say that Frits suggestion is better, make the controls their own class and instantiate it on Carousel constructor passing a reference to your Carousel instance (the this keyword). Just don't call it ".ref", it's confusing.

knockout.js accessing container model property in a contained viewModel

I have nested view models like below. I am trying to access value in container view model from the contained view model (child). I got undefined error when the modelA.prop1 trying to get mainVM.prop1 value. Thanks for your help.
function mainVM() {
var self = this;
//chain associated view models
self.modelA = new modelA();
self.modelB = new modelB();
self.prop1 = ko.observable("some value from mainVM.prop1");
function modelA(){
var self = this;
self.prop1 = ko.observable(mainVM.prop1); //I'd like to get value in containing view model above
function modelB(){....}
$(function () {
var viewModel = new mainVM();
If you want to make sub-ViewModels dependent/aware of their parent you'll have to pass it to them. E.g.:
function mainVM() {
var self = this;
//chain associated view models
self.modelA = new modelA(self);
self.modelB = new modelB(self);
self.prop1 = ko.observable("some value from mainVM.prop1");
function modelA(parent){
var self = this;
self.prop1 = ko.observable(parent.prop1); //I'd like to get value in containing view model above
function modelB(parent){....}
$(function () {
var viewModel = new mainVM();
Think carefully though if this dependency is something you want in your design.
An alternative (though arguably worse from a design standpoint) solution would be to give them access through the scope, e.g.:
$(function () {
function mainVM() {
var self = this;
//chain associated view models
self.modelA = new modelA();
self.modelB = new modelB();
self.prop1 = ko.observable("some value from mainVM.prop1");
function modelA(){
var self = this;
self.prop1 = ko.observable(viewModel.prop1); //I'd like to get value in containing view model above
function modelB(){....}
var viewModel = new mainVM();
Some additional thoughts to #Jeroen answer
Having dependencies to parent from children is not only bad design it can create hard to find memory leaks
If you use the parent from a computed in the child KO will hook up a dependency, if you remove the child it's computed will still fire when the parent change state.
My general way of solving dependencies between models is to use a EventAggregator pattern, I have made one for this library
Its a signalR library, if you do not need singalR you can extract the event aggregation part
ViewModel = function() { = ko.observableArray();
this.subModel = new SubViewModel();
signalR.eventAggregator.subscribe(Event, this.onEvent, this);
ViewModel.prototype = {
onEvent: function(e) {;
I think you've got an "XY problem" here: you want to accomplish task X (which you haven't named here) and you think that implementation Y (in this case, a child VM having a dependency on its parent) is the way to do it, even though Y might not be the best (or even a good) way to do it.
What's the actual problem you're trying to solve? If you need to access the parent property from within a child binding, Knockout's binding context ($root, $parent, $parents[], etc.) will let you do it, e.g.
<div data-bind="with:modelA">
<p>prop2 is <span data-bind="text:prop2"></span>
and prop1 from the main model is
<span data-bind="text:$root.prop1"></span>
In this case you could use $parent in place of $root since there's only one level of nesting.

How to avoid repeating the namespace in Javascript

I'm working on a backbone application.
I've structured my models + collections + views in different files.
which means a solution like
function() { // all my code }() doesn't apply here
I added a namespace e.g
App.ModelName App.Views.ViewName etc.
when I'm within the same namespace. How can I avoid repeating it.
i.e how can I call ModelName when I'm in a function defined in App.Views.ViewName
at the moment I keep repeating the full string i.e App.XXXX
You have several choices:
1) Create a local variable in each function:
App.ModelName.myFunction = function() {
var model = App.ModelName;
// then you can reference just model
2) Create a local variable in each file scope:
(function() {
var model = App.ModelName;
model.myFunction = function() {
// then you can reference just model
// other functions here
3) Use the value of this:
App.ModelName.myFunction = function() {
// call App.ModelName.myFunction2() if myFunction() was called normally
A namespace is just an object inside the global scope.
So one alternative is to use with although it has some downsides.
But anyway, check out this sample:
window.test = {
a: function(){ console.log(this); return 'x'; },
b: function(){ with (this){ alert(a()); }} // <- specifying (this)
How about passing them as arguments? Something like this:
(function(aM,aV) {
// use aM and aV internally

CoffeeScript + KnockoutJS Function Binding

I'm using CoffeeScript and KnockoutJS and have a problem getting the values of my view model from within a function.
I have a view model:
window.Application || = {}
class Application.ViewModel
thisRef = this
searchTerm: ko.observable("")
search: ->
alert #searchTerm
Which compiles to:
window.Application || (window.Application = {});
Application.ViewModel = (function() {
var thisRef;
function ViewModel() {}
thisRef = ViewModel;
ViewModel.prototype.searchTerm = ko.observable(""); = function() {
return alert(this.searchTerm);
return ViewModel;
This view model is part of a parent view model which exposes it as field. The problem is that I can't get a reference to the child view model. In the search function 'this' is a instance of the parent, which I don't want.
In the search function 'this' is a instance of the parent...
That depends on how you call it. If you do
m = new Application.ViewModel
then this will be m; if you write
obj = {search:}
then this will be obj.
Anyway, just use CoffeeScript's => operator:
search: =>
alert #searchTerm
That way, this/# within search will point to the ViewModel instance.
thisRef will, as Travis says, just point to the class, not the instance.
You already have a thisRef object hanging around, use thisRef.searchTerm instead of #searchTerm. I often have that happen when using jQuery...
doSomething = ->
target = $(#)
$("#blah").click ->
Since #doSomethingElse() would be bound to the DOM element the click was executed for. Not what I want.

