I have the following code that is working in IE 8 but not in Chrome or Safari:
var ischecked = false;
var isOKtoSubmit = true;
var alertMessage = 'No tools have been selected';
var statusvar = '';
var transferstatusvar = '';
var action = $('#uTransaction option:selected').html();
$('.chkaction').each(function() { //loop through each checkbox
statusvar = $(this).closest('tr').children('.recordStatus').html();
transferstatusvar = $(this).closest('tr').children('.transferstat').html()
if($(this).prop('checked')) {
ischecked = true;
// alert(statusvar);
// alert(transferstatusvar);
if (action == 'Recover'){
if (statusvar != 'OOS'){
// alert(statusvar);
isOKtoSubmit = false;
alertMessage = 'One or more records cannot be recoverd due to status not being OOS and Transfer Status not OK';
if(isOKtoSubmit && ischecked !== false && action !== '--Select One--'){
}else {
If a user chooses Recover and chooses a record that has a status that is in 'OOS' they are getting the alert message in Chrome that the record does not have the correct status. In IE if you choose the same record the alert message does not appear and that would be correct.
When I use your code like this:
var action = 'Recover';
var statusvar = 'OOS';
if (action == 'Recover') {
if (statusvar != 'OOS') {
alert('One or more records cannot be recoverd due to status not being OOS and Transfer Status not OK');
in both browsers it runs correctly. I think you have problem with your data.
In your original code try to use
alert(statusvar + ' - length:' + statusvar.length)
And check the character lenght of the variable. This way you can see if there is any funny character in your statusvar variable.
I am trying to use Javascript to validate user input before page redirects.
Users can either Input Student ID, Name, or Gender, and based on their input, they will be redirected to a URL.
However, I don't seem to get the multiple entries correctly in my javascript and nothing happened when the submit button is clicked.
I have tried different solutions which I found here.
see my JavaScript code below;
var attempt = 3; // Variable to count number of attempts.
// Below function Executes on click of login button.
function validate(){
var username = document.getElementById("studentid").value;
if ( studentid == "12345" || studentid == "Daniel" || studentid == "Boy"){
alert ("Correct Input");
window.location = "https://www.google.com";
// Redirecting to other page.
return false;
attempt --;// Decrementing by one.
alert("ATTENTION!\nInvalid student ID!\nNot associated with any student\nYou have left "+attempt+" attempt;");
// Disabling fields after 3 attempts.
if( attempt == 0){
document.getElementById("studentid").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("submit").disabled = true;
return false;
I have tried to use the solutions below;
if ( studentid == "#12345, #Daniel, #Boy"));{
alert ("correct input");
window.location = "https://www.google.com";
// Redirecting to other page.
if ( studentid == '12345', 'Daniel', 'Boy'){
alert ("correct input");
window.location = "https://www.amazon.com";
// Redirecting to other page.
After so many attempts, I finally got it right!
var attempt = 3;
function check(form)
if(form.studentid.value == "12345" || form.studentid.value == "DANIEL" || form.studentid.value == "BOY")
return false;
attempt --;// Decrementing by one.
alert("ATTENTION!\nInvalid student ID!\nNot associated with any student!\nYou have left "+attempt+" attempt;");
// Disabling fields after 3 attempts.
if( attempt == 0){
document.getElementById("studentid").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("submit").disabled = true;
return false;
I have to try to show validation when my signature field is blank. i am use alert message but it's not working like i am click on OK button and also show validation message but it's save form. So any one suggest me how to stop this continue show validation message if my field is blank and i have try to save.
My code is below :
on_save_sign: function(value_) {
var self = this;
this.$el.find('> img').remove();
var signature = self.$el.find(".signature").jSignature("getData",'image');
var is_empty = signature
? self.empty_sign[1] === signature[1]
: false;
if (! is_empty && typeof signature !== "undefined" && signature[1]) {
else {
alert('Signature First');
self.do_warn(_t("Signature First"));
You can try following code.
on_save_sign: function(value_) {
var self = this;
this.$el.find('> img').remove();
var signature = self.$el.find(".signature").jSignature("getData",'image');
var is_empty = signature
? self.empty_sign[1] === signature[1]
: false;
self.do_warn("Please enter valid signature.")
if (! is_empty && typeof signature !== "undefined" && signature[1]) {
Hope It will help you. If still not working try to use debug assets and reload the page. check your updated code is there by adding console in above conditions.
Have a good day !
on_save_sign: function(value_) {
this.$el.find('> img').remove();
var signature = this.$el.find(".signature").jSignature("getData", 'image');
var is_empty = signature
? this.empty_sign[1] === signature[1]
: false;
if (is_empty) {
this.do_warn("Please enter valid signature.")
else {
this.set('value', signature[1]);
I developed a web application and deployed into the server and my security team come up with the below security remidiation issue.
Reflected HTML Parameter Pollution (HPP) is an injection weakness vulnerability that occurs when an attacker can inject a delimiter and change the parameters of a URL generated by an application. The consequences of the attack depend upon the functionality of the application, but may include accessing and potentially exploiting uncontrollable variables, conducting other attacks such as Cross-Site Request Forgery, or altering application behavior in an unintended manner. Recommendations include using strict validation inputs to ensure that the encoded parameter delimiter “%26” is handled properly by the server, and using URL encoding whenever user-supplied content is contained within links or other forms of output generated by the application.
Can any one have the idea about how to prevent HTML parameter pollution in asp.net
here is the script code in the webpage
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
document.onclick = doNavigationCheck ;
var srNumberFinal="";
function OpenDetailsWindow(srNumber)
window.open("xxx.aspx?SRNumber="+srNumber+ "","","minimize=no,maximize=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,width=800,directories=no,resizable=yes,titlebar=no");
function OpenPrintWindow()
var querystrActivityId = "<%=Request.QueryString["activityId"]%>";
if(querystrActivityId != "")
var url = "abc.aspx?id=" + "<%=Request.QueryString["id"]%>" + "&activityId=" + querystrActivityId + "";
var hdrActivityId = document.getElementById('<%=uxHdnHdrActivityId.ClientID%>').value;
var url = "PrintServiceRequestDetail.aspx?id=" + "<%=Request.QueryString["id"]%>" + "&activityId=" + hdrActivityId + "";
childWinReference=window.open(url, "ChildWin","minimize=yes,maximize=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=yes,location=no,directories=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no");
function NavigateSRCopy(srNumber)
srNumberFinal = srNumber;
if (srNumber != "undefined" && srNumber != null && srNumber != "")
new Ajax.Request('<%= (Request.ApplicationPath != "/") ? Request.ApplicationPath : string.Empty %>/xxx/AutoCompleteService.asmx/CheckFormID'
, { method: 'post', postBody: 'srNumber=' + srNumber, onComplete: SearchResponse });
function SearchResponse(xmlResponse)
var xmlDoc;
try //Internet Explorer
xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
try // Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, etc.
parser=new DOMParser();
if(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("string")[0].childNodes[0] != null)
formID = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("string")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
formID = null;
if(formID != null && formID != "")
window.location.href = '/CustomerSupportRequest/CreateServiceRequest.aspx?id=' + formID + '&TemplateSR=' + srNumberFinal + '&Frompage=CopySR';
return true;
alert("This Service Request cannot be copied because it meets at least one of these conditions: \t\t\n\n * It was created prior to 10/15/2008 \n * It was auto generated as part of the Report Requeue Process \n * It was auto generated as part of the ERA Requeue Process \n * It was not created online");
function UpdateChildCases()
var modalPopup = $find('modalParentChildComments');
function HideParentChildPopup()
var modalPopup = $find('modalParentChildComments');
return false;
function HideErrorSRNumsPopup()
var modalPopup = $find('modalParentErrorSRNumDisplay');
return false;
function HideRetrySRNumsPopup()
var modalPopup = $find('modalRetrySRNumDisplay');
return false;
function RemoveParent_ChildFlag(type)
var childCases = document.getElementById("<%=uxHdnChildCases.ClientID %>");
var msg = "";
var btn;
if(type == "Child")
if(childCases.value.indexOf(',') != -1)
msg = "Are you sure you want to remove the Child flag from this Service Request?";
msg = "This is the only child associated to the parent case. Removing the child flag will also remove the parent flag from the associated case. Choose OK to remove the flags, or Cancel to close this dialog";
btn = document.getElementById('<%=uxRemoveChildFlag.ClientID%>');
msg = "Removing the parent flag from this case will also remove the child flag from all associated cases. Are you sure you want to remove the Parent flag from this Service Request?";
btn = document.getElementById('<%=uxRemoveParentFlag.ClientID%>');
return false;
function limitTextForParentChildComments()
var objLblCharCount = document.getElementById('uxLblPCCharCount');
var objTxtComments = document.getElementById('<%=txtParentComment.ClientID%>');
if (objTxtComments.value.length > 1500)
objTxtComments.value = objTxtComments.value.substring(0, 1500);
objLblCharCount.innerHTML = 1500 - objTxtComments.value.length + " ";
function ValidateInputs()
var lblErrorMessage = document.getElementById('<%=lblCommentErrorTxt.ClientID%>');
var objTxtComments = document.getElementById('<%=txtParentComment.ClientID%>');
if(objTxtComments.value.trim() == "")
lblErrorMessage.style.display = "block";
return false;
As per OWASP Testing for HTTP Parameter pollution, ASP.NET is not vulnerable to HPP because ASP.NET will return all occurrences of a query string value concatenated with a comma (e.g. color=red&color=blue gives color=red,blue).
See here for an example explanation.
That said, your code appears to be vulnerable to XSS instead:
var querystrActivityId = "<%=Request.QueryString["activityId"]%>";
If the query string parameter activityId="; alert('xss');" (URL encoded of course), then an alert box will trigger on your application because this code will be generated in your script tag.
var querystrActivityId = ""; alert('xss');"";
I'm trying to validate my interactive PDF. So if i click on a button (for validating) there's following code behind it:
var isBlank = false;
var blank = "Please fill following fields:";
var isNotValid = false;
var notValid = "Please check input data in following fields:";
var message = "";
var t = ['Division', 'Oragnisationseinheit', 'Name', 'KZZ', 'Privataddresse'];
var i;
for(var i=0; i<t.length;i++){
//validation text fields needs to be filled in
if (this.getField(t[i]).value == "") {
blank = blank + "\n" + this.getField(t[i]).name;
isBlank = true;
//validation text field must contain only lower case letters
if (/^[a-z]*$/.test(this.getField(t[i]).value) == false) {
notValid = notValid + "\n" + this.getField(t[i]).name;
isNotValid = true;
//generate message
if (isBlank == true) {
message = blank + "\n" + "\n";
if (isNotValid == true) {
message = message + notValid;
//check all conditions
if ((isBlank == true) || (isNotValid == true)) {
//show message
app.alert({ cMsg: message, cTitle: "Input data error" });
The problem is now, if I press the button there's no reaction. --> the var message wont being displayed. Where is the issue?
Thanks for all ideas.
You might try instead to add a custom validation script that would first check to be sure the field isn't blank and if not, simply change the input to lower case so the user doesn't need to modify the field themselves.
Add the following code to the custom field validate script. This should work for any text field.
if (event.value.length == 0) {
app.alert({ cMsg: event.target.name + " cannot be blank.", cTitle: "Input data error" });
else {
event.value = event.value.toLowerCase();
I have a weird problem. I use JavaScript on a Sharepoint page. I reference following JavaScript code:
var statusId = '';
var notifyId = '';
function AddNotification(message) {
notifyId = SP.UI.Notify.addNotification(message, true);
function RemoveNotification() {
notifyId = '';
function AddStatus(message) {
statusId = SP.UI.Status.addStatus(message);
SP.UI.Status.setStatusPriColor(statusId, 'red');
function RemoveLastStatus() {
statusId = '';
function RemoveAllStatus() {
Then when the user clicks a button, a notification should appear with the message "please wait...". Before the calling C# method exits, it should remove the notification. Like this:
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Notif", "AddNotification('" + Core.Classes.ResourceHelper.LoadResource(Core.Classes.ResourceName.PleaseWaitString) + "');", true);
//Busiess logic...
if (ActivityDate.SelectedDate == null || //Date required
ActivityProjectnumber.SelectedIndex == 0 || //Project number required
ActivityActivity.Text == string.Empty || //Activity description required
EndTime.SelectedDate.Hour < StartTime.SelectedDate.Hour || //
EndTime.SelectedDate.Hour == StartTime.SelectedDate.Hour && //Start time should not be less or equal end time
EndTime.SelectedDate.Minute <= StartTime.SelectedDate.Minute) //
StatusSetter.SetPageStatus(Core.Classes.ResourceHelper.LoadResource(Core.Classes.ResourceName.CheckRequiredFieldsString), Core.Classes.ResourceHelper.LoadResource(Core.Classes.ResourceName.WarningString), this.Controls);
//If business logic passed, save item.
System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Notif", "RemoveNotification();", true); //Problem lies here...
The notification is displayed when the user clicks the button. But it doesn't disappear. I debugged the code and the corresponding line is definitely being executed. I suspect it has something to do with me using ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript two times in one method. But I don't know how to do it otherwise.
You need to give different names to each script (the 3rd parameter of RegisterStartupScript).